Are their promises simply too good to be true?

Are their promises simply too good to be true?

Attached: cyberpunk2077.jpg (800x450, 46K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Probably but I'll still hope for the best.

>The one change the demo did have is you could now play as male V as well. I was interested to see that regardless of the gender you always seem to wake up in the morning with a male companion.

>Weber: In this demo at least you will always wake up to another man, so we can show different kinds of relationships will be part of the game, and players will be able to choose what kind of character they want to play.

>developer shows something in the trailer
>online mental midgets imagine something else that isn't in the game
>woah wtf why aren't the developers keeping their promises???/

>voiced protagonist
No thanks

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they should've shown straight male v not gay shit

I don't really care about the demo you're talking about, besides, if you're too stupid to understand that you can make your own character choices when you're playing the game, you really oughta be doing something else instead of playing video games.

This place is so predictable might as well get some entertainment out of rolling for dubs

they haven't fucking showed it or confirmed it tho how the fuck can i know there's straight male v and they're prioritizing female v and gay shit how do i know straight male v has enough content

>In this demo at least

Daily reminder that responding to this retard is helping him disrupt every Cyberpunk thread, fucking control yourselves and stop responding. Create a goddamn filter with the words "straight male v" and be amazed you dumb faggots.

they fucking prioritized development for that shit tho they didn't even bother with straight male v content that means straight male v is lowest development priority it should be highest fuck cdpr

Like clockwork.
Find help.

I hope theres Cybernuns to fuck.

show straight male v sick of nu cdpr fucking woke sjw bullshit how are those thronebreaker sales lmao start prioritizing straight male again fucking cunts

look here man cdpr is prioritizing gay shit

This might actually be the stupidest fucking thing i've read on Yea Forums this year.

"We promise not to make a grimy sci-fi action shooter with vehicles, a cyberpunk veneer, and an aesthetic that doesn’t actually translate into anything especially interesting in-game besides the odd augment. We're not going to fall back on the term Cyberpunk and create something completely different, this is the original Cyberpunk." -CDPR IGN 2013

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I don't care, I just want lesbian female V

>Are their promises simply too good to be true?
We'll see once they show the new gameplay from this E3. Oh, wait!

Dragging this derailed train back on the tracks for a minute, do you think we will see more of the Trauma Team doing their job during the course of the game?

prove me wrong bitch cdpr still hasn't fucking shown straight male v but they fucking showed gay shit

hey man i get it but they're fucking prioritizing female v and fag v we still haven't fucking seen straight male v or lesbian it's so fucking important to them to show fag shit lmao

Remember when this game was supposed to come out 4 years ago?

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lmao should've been a journo or influencer haha cdpr is so fucking shit fuck those cunts

holy shit that promotional artwork from couple years back looks so shit and cringy now that we got an actual art direction now.

fuck jewtubers and fuck game jurno faggots

this and fuck cdpr for shitting on their fans they're fucking woke sjw journo cock slurping faggots

Lol? The new stuff looks like LA. Shit looks like mild cyber-gta 5

Huh? What are you talking about? Watch the gameplay reveal. The style is the same and can be seen in all the ads that were plastered around the city.
>All night, every night!
>dude sniffing an ass
>the heel pulling the bikini down ad
>the ad with the ass and the letter ontop of the vagoo
It's like some of you people are blind.

CDPR are not doing this, it is their marketing executives. CDPR the developers are making me extremely happy with everything i'm seeing so far just the ads in the game give me extreme levels of hope.

>Are their promises simply too good to be true?
If you ever expect anything from a modern AAA game you are the problem with your own pessimism. Simply ignore it and then play it when it comes out or after. If you don't like it, refund it. If you like it, then you have nothing but happiness before you. Stop following game development like a serial killer stalking their next victim. Stop judging everything and sapping the fun out of yourself by being so negative about everything. Ignore it. Play it when you want. Have fun with low expectations or don't.

Pull the stick out of your ass and be your own person.

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they're fucking on board with it it's their fucking responsibility and they're shitting on their fans and they better fucking show straight male v enough with the woke sjw fag shit

>Hey do you like ANIME?!
>Do you like SEX?!
>Do you like VIOLENCE?!
>Well this is the game for you!
I wholly believe that this was the game we were going to get in 2015 before they killed it.

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>Promise a 10/10
>Release a 9.8/10

Shit game plebbit tier garbage!

Where are the mods/jannies? This is Yea Forums levels of shitposting. Every time i check a Cyberpunk thread this autist is there shitposting and replying to his own copy pasta.

Not really

Apparently you weren't here yesterday, cunny threads were making it to 200 replies and /pol/ threads were making it to bump limit

every time i check a cyberpunk thread you're being a fucking crybaby i'm posting about the fucking game what you think posts can only be positive fuck off butthurt shill

Its scheduled release was 2015, but they probably pushed it back so it didn't compete with witcher 3

This, but unironically


It's gonna be a solid 7.

So a 5?

>said it'll be partially linear
>said you won't be able to go in more than a few buildings
>said you won't be able to climb buildings or freely go in or out of windows
>said it'll be super limited and story based and have almost no freedom whatsoever

If it's an even remotely decent game then it'll exceed what they've promised a million times over. They've basically TOLD us that it's going to be a linear piece of shit. YOU faggots are the ones that imagined all the "you'll be able to do anything" nonsense. They literally never said any of that.

>YOU faggots are the ones that imagined all the "you'll be able to do anything" nonsense
Actually that was them, the game we were going to get in 2015 is not the game that they're working on now. But they haven't bothered to tell anybody.

Sub 8 = 0. 9 = 5. 10 = 8.2.

when are they fucking showing straight male v ffs

That is absolutely retarded horse shit. The entire team was working on Witcher 3 until it released in 2015. And Witcher was only delayed from 2014 to 2015. They never planned on pushing out CP2077 in only a year.

witcher 3 was fucking based geralt straight male protagonist

>It almost certainly won't be out before 2015 on PC - nothing's confirmed, but it seems likely given The Witcher 3's simultaneous release that it will appear on the next-gen consoles too
Witcher 3 took 3 1/2 years to make, it wasn't too farfetched to expect Cyberpunk by the end of 2016

>Witcher 3 took 3.5 years to make
>So CP2077 should take 1.5 years to make
How fucking stupid are you?

Who gives a shit? The only people interested in the romance in these games are women and faggots anyway. It's an FPS RPG not a dating sim.

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>they weren't working on the game before they released the trailer
Do you have an argument, or?

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Has a game ever been good after being stuck in development hell?


>Towards the middle of development on The Witcher 3, we decided to move the majority of devs from Cyberpunk 2077 back into Wild Hunt. This really injected a lot of talent and energy into the W3 team and provided the necessary energy to push it to the end

So yes they were "working" on the game when the trailer released, but not substantially. Serious development did not begin until the Witcher 3 released, and even then a significant portion of the team remained on Witcher 3 in order to release patches and the expansion packs. Actual, full steam ahead development didn't begin until Blood and Wine released.

>unironically defending gay shit
>arguing against showing straight male v

Yennifer was the best part of Wither 3
Don't bother responding, you know I'm right

I hope they remove that option from the game just to spite you. Geralt was straight, V is gay, live with it.

>Seriosu development
You do know most devs fuck off until the last year or so of development, right? That's probably why they had to pull people off of other projects to finish witcher 3.
Fact of the matter is I guarantee you they weren't trying to make another Witcher 3, so 3 years really should be the outer limits for Cyberpunk, unless of course it was in development hell.

why are you anons so rude towards each other

I hope the game turns out good

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>unironically argues against straight male content
fuck you bitch lmao

>Witcher 3 took 3.5 years to make
>Ok 1.5 years for CP2077 is too much to expect. How about 3?

what promises?
it is revealed to be an on the rail shooter with some driving between missions.

Just watch their dev videos about The Witcher 3 and the E3/VGX trailers. Of course it is. The game was still good though, but they lied out of their ass.

cdpr promised gay shit

Yeah, I will argue against straight male content all day long. Who gives a shit, honestly? It's fucking pride month, too. Let them be gay.

this. Just filter out the trash.

I hope male V has an unavoidable scene where he gets assfucked just to spite the schizo user

braindead zoomer

>this period of staying silent was longer than we planned. Sorry for that
>we made a decision to resume talking about the game only when we have something to show
So they admit they had absolutely nothing done when they released all the hype videos. What amateurs

lmao nu cdpr target audience

not my cup of tea

go back, plebit

>can't do math
Fuck off nigger, I'm surprised you ca even read what's posted.

>It's not 24/7 midnight and raining so it's shit.

>have something to show
>won't show if you're not a journo or cocksucking influencer
those fucking cunts lmao fuck cdpr they're fucking morons

Never stop making these posts. The seething it causes is delicious.

I too, can not wait for the new GTAV Cyberpunk DLC!

Yes, they released the trailer when they basically didn't have any significant work done on the game. Thanks for catching up to the rest of us who paid attention to cdpr interviews 3 fucking years ago

>Hype people up for something that doesn't exist
>Don't deliver on their promises because
>"lul we forgot after working on witcher 3"

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i dunno man i will stop if cdpr shows straight male v but they haven't fucking shown it can you believe it they fucking showed female v and fag shit before they showed straight male v straight male is the fucking default it's so fucking simple man fuck cdpr but i will stop if they fucking finally show straight male v

Honestly if Rockstar did a proper cyberpunk GTA Yea Forums would be all over that shit, don't lie

Are you seriously arguing in favor of vaporware?

>ebin sun

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>t. Guy who calls people npcs but will also call someone a contrarian in defense of a shovelware JRPG

It's not official art you moron, it's just unrelated cyberpunk pic where somebody slapped the logo on. Pic related is official concept art from 2013.

Attached: concept.jpg (1919x1080, 919K)

>putting words in my mouth
Not an argument

>early 2020
>cyberpunk 2077 is released
>most people enjoy it
>those with unrealistic expectations are disappointed at what it could have been
>Yea Forums spergs-out and screams about how it's "TORtanic 2", "nothing but a GTA 5 clone", "not cyberpunk at all"
>5 years later, when the spergs have finally forgotten about their crusade to see something they don't like fail, the ones who played it will come to the surface here on Yea Forums, and will have many happy nostalgia threads about it

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key word, but Yea Forums would defend it anyways because this board suck R* cock like a vaccum


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>game takes 4.5 years to develop
>is successful

Absolutely not. I'm arguing that people who expected 2077 any time before now are fucking dumb retards.

lmao fucking shills were saying the same shit about anthem lol

very cool blogpost, may I subscribe to it?

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>I'm arguing that people who expected 2077 any time before now
Yes, how dare people expect some news of a game that was teased six and a half years ago.?

You're just the opposite side of the coin to the shitposters. Judge a game on release by its own merits, faggot

Yes, manage expectations.

The only promise I believe from them is that it wouldn't be an EGS exclusive, won't have lootboxes, microtransactions and be singleplayer focused. Aside from that, everything seems to be up in the air. I hope it's decent.

And that it won't have Denuvo cancer.

"We promise not to make a grimy sci-fi action shooter with vehicles, a cyberpunk veneer, and an aesthetic that doesn’t actually translate into anything especially interesting in-game besides the odd augment. We're not going to fall back on the term Cyberpunk and create something completely different, this is the original Cyberpunk." -CDPR IGN 2013
>CDPR "please forget, please forget, please forget."

absolutely based

I'll wait for CDPR's next real game

No. What I'm saying is, how dare you expect a game to be released soon when, logically, it's only been in major development for 4 years at the most? Hell, getting a one hour demo with only 3 years of full time dev is generous.

remember thronebreaker man lmao

>giving two shits about developers or anything corporate

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Must be your PC. On mine it definitely doesn't look as blurry as the second frame of your gif.

So why are people excited for grand theft auto: 77?

based lol fucking cdpr deserves it for shitting on their straight male fans

So what you're saying is, Cyberpunk is going to be as big or bigger than Witcher 3. How optimistic.

Yes? What possible facts do you have to think otherwise? Every interview they've given shows us that that's the case.

Which part of that statement doesn't hold true anymore?

That's going to be a yikes from me desu senpai

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>How optimistic.
Literally the building you wake up in the gameplay reveal was bigger than a village in The Witcher 3 and had more characters populating it. So it has nothing to do with optimism. If they add as many buildings like that as there are villages in The Witcher 3 they will have a game of roughly the same size.

look at this interview question lmao fuck cdpr

>cdpr doesn't downgrade
>taking "bigger" literally
Good post

Man i hate all the zoomer trends. Can't you use ''faggot'' like any normal Yea Forums poster does? This ''yikes'' leddit/discord shit should be kept there.

>Can't you use ''faggot'' like any normal Yea Forums poster does?
weirdly wholesome post

>first action rpg was Witcher 3

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Not him but where are your arguments? Why do you think it wont be as large as TW3?

>Are their promises simply too good to be true?

No, because they already did basically the same thing with Witcher 3, just in a different genre. CD Projekt has proven it's capable of pulling off huge RPGs with high production values that play well.

My first action RPG was Dark Stone. So go and fuck yourself with a rusty piece of rebar.

Also i'd call you a summerfag but this cancer has been here all winter so summer doesn't fit you anymore.

You people are fucking retards:

>CD Projekt responded to the concerns with a tweet meant to reassure fans that they'll still be getting a Witcher 3-style singleplayer story. "Worry not," it said. "When thinking CP2077, think nothing less than TW3—huge single player, open world, story-driven RPG

Literally just autism.

Archive that shit. I'm not giving clicks to game jurnos.

explain the gay shit and lack of straight male v

Take your meds you subhuman

>gets btfo
kek just concede my man

>links directly to
>calls me a subhuman

See, it wasn't that hard. Now no clicks were given to game jurno cancer.

no clicks just the exclusive behind closed doors gameplay footage 2nd year in a row lmao

I'm sorry your autism led you to believe that CP2077 would be a smaller game than TW3. I'm sorry that your autist led you to believe you could guess production schedules without reading developer interviews. I'm sorry your autism led you to believe that the 2013 trailer meant that significant work had been done on the game because that would be the right thing to do, even though logically the release schedule of TW2 and TW3 made that not make any sense. You have my pity, not my disdain. You don't see the world accurately because you have autism, and facts confuse you. Life must be suffering.

It's ok. I'll spam CDPR with SHOW US THE GAMEPLAY on discord and leddit until they release the gameplay two months later like they did last time. I still really hate their marketing executives that are still acting like we are in the stone ages and need the game jurno cancer or the jewtubers.

Inb4 you launch it, check the map and it's full of question marks aka points of """""""interest"""""""

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>I'm sorry your autism led you to believe that CP2077 would be a smaller game than TW3.
You are replying to the wrong person you faggoet. This is me

Everything you said and linked is nothing but corporate PR sweet-talking. Nothing is a fact until I get my hands on it, personally.

lmao good job man they fucking deserve it you're gonna get shills and cocksuckers attacking you for that tho

Who the fuck cares about witcher 3, are they going to deliver the game they promised in 2013 or not? We all know the answer but for some reason you faggots can't get cdpr's cock out of your ass to give a straight answer.

That is why i hate behind closed door showings.There is no way to see the game in action and judge for yourself. Even the vertical slice we saw told me more than all the jewtuber and game jurno faggot interviews put together.

Sorry user
This post was meant for you

Oh i've had jewtube beta faggots attacking me for shitting jewtubers and other retards defending game jurnos and being ok with getting regurgitated retelling of the demo.

That's not me, idiot. Is it that hard to check IPs? And you call others autists.

I don't understand what you mean by this post. Have I said anything regarding the quality of CP2077? am i defending design decisions or corporate management?

No. Quite literally the only argument I've made this entire thread is this
>CP2077 is going to be a game just as big if not bigger than TW3, therefore expect a similar development time if not a longer one. They did not begin serious development until after TW3 and all DLC completed, so it's only been in full time active development for 3-4 years. If you expected the game earlier than now it's because you don't pay attention and that makes you stupid.

Someone should already make a bingo on what CDPR haters would shit on Cyberpunk next. Its already getting predictable on what minute shit they'll shit on really.

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>reassure fans that they'll still be getting a Witcher 3-style singleplayer story. "Worry not," it said. "When thinking CP2077, think nothing less than TW3—huge single player, open world, story-driven RPG
Who. The. Fuck. Cares. About. W3. Are they going to deliver on their promises?

I wanted do melee only but it looks like the game has horrible skyrim tier melee combat and I doubt they'll let you exclusively use melee or be balanced around using it.

What do you think they promised?

are they going to deliver on straight male v

Yes. Now fuck off, retard.


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"We promise not to make a grimy sci-fi action shooter with vehicles, a cyberpunk veneer, and an aesthetic that doesn’t actually translate into anything especially interesting in-game besides the odd augment. We're not going to fall back on the term Cyberpunk and create something completely different, this is the original Cyberpunk." -CDPR IGN 2013
I sure hope so, for your sakes.

blame cdpr for their gay shit they're ignoring straight male v

How many first person RPGs do you know that have good mele combat? I know of only one and it was more action and less RPG(i'm talking about Dark Messiah of Might&Magic.

Yeah and they already broke all of them.

This. What a fucking waste.

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There's only one thing i can't stand about the game so far
You and I are on the same team faggot. I want a true cyberpunk game too. I don't know why you started replying to me when my entire goal was to shut down the autist who believed that CP2077 would be a smaller game than TW3 and that it should have released by now.

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Dark Messiah is probably the best. Arkane does pretty good melee combat, Dishonored was great with the shit you could pull off with it. Like manually dodging swings by ducking, using skills to get behind them or do drop down kills, and some other shit. This guy has a lot of videos on it and they're pretty cool.

Every fucking thread I wait for this guy to say it was an elaborate prank never comes

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The amount of butthurt he stirs up just goes to show how many zoomers are Witcher 3 fanboys.

it's not a fucking prank man cdpr hasn't fucking shown straight male v that's a quote from real fucking interview check for yourself ffs

Oh what the fuck is that image

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It's doctored, it's actually a muslim from new york frying up horse pussy, the joke is that it's illegal to eat horse meat.

>i want a true cyberpunk game too
>that image
>true cyberpunk
>taking Pondsmith words out of context when he helped the work on the wastes and the nomads
>when he approved Home of the Brave and Eurosource
Shitposting to the bitter end i see.

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Of all the AAA companies out there, CDPR is the most likely to fulfill promises going by their track record. However what they promised is extremely ambitious. It's anyone's guess as to how it'll turn out, despite the doomsayers and hypebeasts flinging shit at each other in here.

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you're talking bout old cdpr nu cdpr is fucking woke sjw bullshit man they won't even fucking show straight male v they already showed fucking female v and fag v

>A nigger talks a lot of shit and has shit opinions
Maybe they should have chosen a better spokesperson

You talk of true cyberpunk, yet I see none.
>tfw Snow Crash/Diamond Age would be a perfect setting for a cyberpunk vidya, but it will never be

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This thread has been blessed by the based defender of straight males

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>i am the only one who knows what true cyberpunk is
Go and make your ''true'' cyberpunk Snow Crash /Diamond Age game and stop shitposting here.

>you can't post about video games unless you make your own video game

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looks like it's just missing some smoke and some birds

Whatever "true" cyberpunk is it's not linear fps sections with scripted interactive cutscenes.

>Yea Forums reaction image
Yea Forums is that way

Are there actually mechs like that in the cyberpunk lore?

William Gibson is not a good writer.


you mean the promise to make a good complete game?

Linear? Define linear since we clearly saw multiple ways to get out of situations but the player's character didn't have the abilities/items to utilize them.
>we saw rerouting with the engineering skill
>there was a prompt for hacking a door that was leading some other way
>also i'm not 100% sure but there was the option to use explosives too

That's robocop through and through

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>crawling through vents makes a game not linear
So half life was open world?

Why lie on the internet?
There will be but they won't be available to the player.

man there's fucking linear shit they won't even show straight male v

>So half life was open world?
Not really since there was no option for you to choose your next objective or the path you took to that objective. In the gameplay reveal we clearly see that there are many paths leading to the objective(the abandoned factory) so no, it is not linear.

But the whole world was interconnected and you could crawl through vents, so it wasn't linear.

Depends which way you look at it:

>from point of narrative
You move from point A to B in a Quest, which will always be the same -> linear
>from point of gameplay
Multiple pathways can be taken from A to B -> non-linear
Both are technically right in this case, and you need to agree on which one you are debating

If you're going from room to room knocking pins over and then there's confetti and a scripted cutscene it's linear.

There were periodic cut off sections that prevented you from going back. This is not open world. I will give you an example. The Witcher 3 has a linear section where you pass trough portals that take you to other dimensions, you can't go back. This is a linear segment in an open world game. The whole of Half Life is like that linear segment but instead of portals cutting your movement backwards you have environmental hazards cutting you away from visiting previous areas.

>Whatever "true" cyberpunk is it's not linear fps sections with scripted interactive cutscenes.
Why not, actually? Not that that describes this game, but why couldn't it describe a hypothetical cyberpunk game?

I'm being purposefully obtuse because it's well known and accepted that half life is a linear game.

Go and play Rogue/nethack/dwarf fortress if you don't like linear games since by your retarded definition those games and their clones are the only open world games there are.

They've already cut half of them.

shit nigga, just finished Diamond Age.
Lacks the "punk" that most cyberpunk has but it would be interesting nonetheless.

Shit m8, just finished the Diamond Age.
Lacks the punk most cyberpunk includes but that would be an interesting setting nonetheless.

What's interesting is cdpr said they're doubling down on the "punk" in this game. Apparently that means making an 18+ borderlands game

when the fuck is cdpr showing straight male v they better fucking show it e3 or i'm fucking angry

>or i'm fucking angry
You seem to be seething already

cdpr is fucking shit now they haven't fucking shown straight male v but they showed gay shit they have fucking closed door exclusive dicklicker demo fucking assholes fuck cdpr

>anger induced stroke

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>I'm 6 1/2 years old

>straight males
>in the future
lol that's almost like asking for a white person in the future

i ain't having a stroke dumbass this shit game isn't even worth jerking off to ffs

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>defending gayshit
>arguing against straight male v
stfu limpdick cumrag bet you never made a girl orgasm you fucking mennonite

>>defending gayshit
>>arguing against straight male v
I have never said a single word about any of that, user. Are you sure you are not having a stroke?

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it's not a fucking stroke gdi

You are you absolutely, positively, 100% sure?

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bitch what did i say i know what a stroke is i've got a fucking cock

I can't wait until fucking CHUD hetero oppressive go extinct, fucking oppressors

Understandable, have a nicee day

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Whoa are you gay?

Rased and bedpilled

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i'm not fucking gay cdpr should show straight male v ffs

They showed gay stuff to get the journalists from magazines that cater to shut up about "muh gay relationships in vidyagames'. I guarantee that they will have a straight male V in the game. Stay in your board /pol/. You don't need to always think there is a conspiracy about every game. You all just want the fucking TORtanic again so you can shit all over the walls and say "SEE, WE TOLD YOU GUYZ, THE GAME IS SHIIIIIT" What do you get out of that? Really, what do you get out of that? The game isn't even out yet, they're still working on it, and half of you already think its a failure from day one!
>But muh night time/rainy cyberpunk
>But muh dystopian future is always raining
Boy, you guys sure are innovators. If you can make a game like them, do it. Until then, why not just shut up and wait for the fucker to come out, then say shit. I swear, half this god damn board is filled with boomers who want things the way they were, and zoomers who are still jerking it to le Fortnite cringe.

>Yea Forums spergs-out and screams about how it's "TORtanic 2", "nothing but a GTA 5 clone", "not cyberpunk at all"
This seems to be the norm here. Everyone here just wants every game that comes out to be as big of a piece of shit as TOR so they can have some sort of talking point to sperg out. Yea Forums spergs can just jerk off about how bad the game is while I play it and enjoy it.
How about no, you massive faggot.

then when the fuck are they showing straight male v it's a simple fucking question they're sucking journo cock showing gay shit showing female v ignoring straight male v behind closed doors exclusive shit 2 years in a fucking row cdpr are bunch of turkeyfucking homos

You are all eating the b8, and I am ashamed to share this board with you.

Ok stroke boy, you need to calm your shit and have some punctuation.
>muh gay characters
>Not thinking gay people would exist in the future
Its almost like you're trying to tell us something.
Fuck of /pol/

Is seriously everyone arguing about the gay male V shit instead on focusing on how terrible the FFP is implemented on this game, how bad the HUD is, the voiced protagonist, the uninteresting colour pallete, and the construction of the city as a whole? You never dissapoint, /pol/

shut the fuck up san francisco straight male is the default in life you cuck bastard

No, one person is shitposting and countless others are eating the bait hook line and sinker