Is using performance enhancing snacks for vidya considered cheating?

Is using performance enhancing snacks for vidya considered cheating?

Attached: grub.jpg (355x606, 50K)

I snort cocaine when i need to stay focused on ranked. Work for me.

Gamer food thread? I had this today

Attached: 040221ED-4394-4897-A2E4-199849BC7FBA.jpg (907x703, 119K)

Literally every competitive gamer uses adderall as a ped, so I assume not

According to braindead fgclets yes, its right up there with using one of these in a tournament.

Attached: DDRMetalPad.jpg (640x480, 22K)

Wow you fat fuck.
Also I saw that receipt posted earlier today. Real proud of it huh

Gamer Food > Gamer Grub
Thats what a real gamer eats.

Attached: gamer food.png (930x528, 493K)

I just wanna show off that I’m in Japan

there are better ways to do that than by posting anonymously on a vietnamese basket weaving forum

This board is the only form of communication I have. I don’t have any friends

It's obviously of fairness.

Proper nutriments are really great.


Attached: and choline.png (616x262, 25K)


Attached: after a 5-clicked session of warming up.webm (964x1080, 2.41M)

It's not that great unless you are a tourist.
t.2 years

You came here and ate chicken and pizza.

You’re American aren’t you?

>200 ms

>> 194ms

Attached: ReactionTimes - Averages.png (716x176, 16K)

Not a seppo I’ve never even been to America the first time I met an American was in Japan

Nigga I'm a 32 year old boomer and even i still hit 130 ms without fail.

only if it's laced with aderall

Gamerfood thread?

Attached: IMG-20190526-WA0001.jpg (1600x900, 118K)

where can i get these boomer nuts?

Attached: hesin.png (631x518, 810K)

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