Why aren't you playing VRchat and making friends Yea Forums?
Why aren't you playing VRchat and making friends Yea Forums?
I'd rather chat anonymously than virtually
Really shitty male avatars
Crippling social anxiety.
Voice changers are outdated. But once they get updated, I'll be on VRchat getting free Steam games from beta males.
This game is fucking trash and it's too late to enjoy it.
Everyone is stuck in their Discord/Private friend circles and only scum plays on publics.
VR is fucking dead.
Halfway through 2019 and Pavlov is STILL the only multiplayer game. And it still fucking blows.
VRchat ain't got shit on Second Life.
Apart from the VR gimmick that is.
>Majority of the users don't even use VR
>Majority of the users that don't use VR use avatars that tank performance, clearly visible and annoying in VR.
Essentially VRCucked.
VRchat it's real shit. It's filled of kids spouting memes entire fucking time.
But SOMETIMES you actually find someone interesting to have an actual coversation.
But until you find it, you need to deal with all those ridiculous retarded people around.
should have made it coming out of a blue pink and white pokeball
you mean erp?
Also this because male to female voice changers suck ass, until then, VR is a gimmick.
Last couple of weeks I went pub hopping, majority of the playerbase were desktoppers. What's the point. Might as well jump on random discords if I wanted to talk with scum that doesn't even have a headset.
Youtubers like Jameskii encouraged retards with obnoxious avatars and no mic into the game
this game made my life so much worse i wish i had never touched it
It really sucks. I'd love to play a shooter in VR that doesn't suck. Imagine quake 3, imagine fucking Tribes, hell, I would be content with just VR exclusive servers in CS:GO. Give us a basic bitch red dot attachment system and you've already blown Pavlov out of the water, just because now we can actually play the other 99% of maps that are locked out because nobody can be bothered porting them.
There's no reason why VR players can't play with flat screen users, either.
I'm thinking about getting a headset and have been playing a little bit of vrchat to see what the community is like.
It's fun messing around with friends, but I feel like it might be too late to really get into it. Most places I've been people already have their established groups and it feels awkward trying to break into them. Also any girl on mic gets a dozen dudes flocking to them
I'm too socially awkward to turn my mic on. I like listening to other people though. Makes me feel less lonely.
because it always goes like this
>turn on mic
>say something
>no one responds
>can't tell if they can't hear me or if they're choosing to ignore me
i'm not a tranny
Tried to
I suffer from too much social anxiety to approach people .
im not a tranny and i also have dignity plus anime is degenerate dogshit also i've had sex
fucking hell
You will never be a woman also.
Because no VR and can't figure out which to get because new ones are on the horizon. The eye tracker things are cool though and it'd be neat to get them
I dont want to be a woman
g-gross haha
>STILL no good fantasy games, the ones that do look like dogshit
I fucking know man. It lakes at least 10~ worlds before you meet anyone even tried to talk, and it will probably be a new player. At least when that /mlp/ voice synthesizer comes out I have someone I can bully into pretending to be a girl.
What is it?
The thing is, even if someone tries talking to me I just get too anxious to say anything back.
two faggots ERPing fucking as anime characters
I can relate
There's a new voice changer being made for 2019?
>pwease pwease pwease
Reminder that we need to celebrate the diversity of these beautiful individuals and if you scorn them you should be ridiculed and shamed for being so intolerant
Imagine recording people having fake sex online and calling THEM degenerate
How degenerate am I if I'm currently jerking off to that?
Kind of. There is now technology to recreate how someone talks, so as long as you have 10 hours of voice, you can make any character say anything youtu.be
Only a certain board is obsessed enough to get enough lines for the program though.
Top kek, alright that's it. I'm becoming an anime girl voice to get free games on Steam!
I don't want to play it without proper vr gear,
I'm also too insecure about my ugly finnish accent
You have a Finnish accent? That's so fucking cute.
This. I dislike most accents but Finns have the best in my opinion. One of my best friends in vrchat is a finn and I love hearing his voice.
>people in background just swiggity-swootying around
I don't believe you but thanks
Finnish accents are top tier. I'd say the only European accents I like more are Spanish ones.
VRChat user gathering the GAY
Played R6 Siege yesterday.
>MFW got on Mike and got a friend request for the first time in 7 years.
>finnish accent
I don't know what that sounds like
>He doesn't play VRchat
I got into it right before the knuckles meme took off in late 2017 (got a vive right before then) and loved every second of it. Funny ass maps and people with actual sense of humor, plenty of other VR people though desktop people were always there too. Enjoyed how people were pretty much forced to talk, but the people who muted themselves and still had a VR did often create magical forms of communication, much like trying to figure out what a mime is saying, it was great.
But of course new games came out and and along with playing those I kept having to move shit around and often got too lazy to reset up my cameras, only logging in every now and then despite wishing to go on more.
But then I get bummed because I hear shit like in this thread where people locked themselves into circlejerk private rooms, and while I constantly keep seeing the games newsfeed of cool features they're adding, thread responses on steam keep inferring that the devs are fucking things up more and more making it harder for people to create content.
I desperate want to start getting back on again but fuck sakes, Im afraid to see what it’s become.
I always did prefer the fact that it was anime girl after anime girl avatars over the worse alternative of it being furry after furry like second life.
Not even a weeb, just so fucking tired of disgusting furries.
I just wanna mess around in fun video game maps.
>add all these friends
>you can’t see the last time they logged on
>there’s no steam profile connection even for those who made their account via steam
>no way to contact them otherwise
You still can mess around in maps and stuff.
It's not as busy or fun as it was in 2018 that's for sure but you can stillpiss about and make new friends. Issue is the game is at the point now where the 'coloured rankings' often make people separate with new and trusted users. I'm a trusted user but i often go to public worlds and meet new users in the game and end up having just as much fun as i did when i first started. It's just people have some wierd sense of superiority at higher ranks and establish themselves with people just for that reason or won't even bother looking twice at a visitor user, who are generally the most interesting people.
>implying I dont play vrchat regularly
>implying I dont swoop down on cute girls getting swamped by neets
>implying I don't show the girls a good time
>implying i dont drop truth bombs during the experience, planting the seeds to make them the ideal women
>implying they dont all add me as friends
>make new friends.
Does that happen?
>colored ranks
Oh good grief, how and why was that implemented? How do you even become “trusted”?
What you said sounds believable though, as I could see new users being much more fun to talk to/mess around with that some “know it alls” who just stand around in one stop all day talking about boring shit.
Though Regarding desktop users
While I was never bothered by them, the more I read, it appears that most of them have “banded together” as they were evidently getting “bullied” by VR users and thus tried to form their own form of superiority by becoming “as cancerous as possible”. Is that true?
>Never Have I Ever
only normalfags enter this world.
>tfw fun community got literally and uronically invaded by streamer trannies and bald beta orbitters that post photos of their painted nails on a public channel.
Fuck you Shaheena Evelga you disgusting monster
I wish I had friends
I bought Vive in May '18 and only Knucklefags I met were kids that got a memo late and were awkwardly doing it on their own.
It was still possible to meet some of what you're talking about.
Nowadays it's mostly SEAmonkeys, russians, desktoppers, and walking crashers with those disgusting, unoptimized OC-tier character recolours with glowing tattoos and other "cool" shit. The only conversations I ever see are faggots talking about how they made their models in front of the mirror or Discordkiddies doing the same old "dats gayyy xD" routine they did for the last 2 years.
Oh, and thots and streamers.
>literal NPCs
I can't tell is this ironic or not.
The ones in the back are, obviously, ironic, the one in the front probably not so much.
>tfw I meant these two chill people, guy and a girl
And I swear I’m not making this up, despite having no proof otherwise
>they start hitting it off with each other within the groups of friends we all made in vrchat
>somehow they somehow didn’t make this awkward for everyone else around them
>they apparently add eachothers cells despite them living states apart
>few months go by and I get message from the guy on steam
>they’re legit getting married, having already moved in with each other
>a year later they’re now 7 months strong post marriage
Me and this other guy were nothing but supportive since they were chill as all fuck kind of people, but it still baffled me as actually having witnessed/practically was of part of seeing all of that come together in a video game.
And yea it’s more of a “chat room” but as someone who has played decades of MMOs and other heavy “social” features games, despite hearing stories of people meeting their significant other on an online game for years, I never thought I would’ve seen it happen first hand
You've got pic rel thinking they're basically Pixar by doing a headswap in Blender from prefabs (Thanks CATS plugin, you are my greatest ally). The one in the front is probably someone's Magnum Opus.
Damn I wish I logged on more last year.
Surely there could be an resurgence to bring back “good life” into the game, yea?
Or is it too far gone?
I honestly had fun learning unity and porting video game models (wasn’t a fan of making OC shit, but edits could be funny if done well) but I think I’ve mostly forgot everything v I’ve learned.
Places like that usually have a dedicated group that seems like they're stuck in the past, but they're hidden. You're more likely to meet normalfag streamers in popular worlds, or ones that don't appeal to desktoppers.
Treat "Active" tab and worlds that obviously favour desktoppers as a containment zone.
It's not coming back unless someone makes a new game that's less broken/janky than VRChat, and doesn't appeal to streamers/Questlets and desktoppers, so it's not coming back.
Fuck off. Don't you fags already have a thread on /vg/?
>You're more likely to meet normalfag streamers in popular worlds, or ones that don't appeal to desktoppers.
Messed this up, but you get my point.
"Never Have I Ever" is basically a Ground Zero. You don't need VR to "play it", it caters to microphone fags (something which every discord tranny has) and you can normalfag it up with your EPIC questions.
>Never have I ever had sex in public!!! xD
>Whaaat! Nobody moved?? You guys are the worst xDD!
Why not?
I recall a whole lot of Japanese people played, even remember going to a space modeled off the “infamous indoor pool” that was used for a bunch of pornos, and had a decent conversation with a guy trying to learn English who kept typing on his keyboard to translate what I was saying, was pretty fun.
They still around or did they bail as well?
>so it’s not coming back
Fuck sakes.
What’s the chances of the devs reverting/fixing on making shit “less broken and janky”?
If the community won’t come back, at the very least it could continue to exists as a fun VR game/simulator just to fuck around in or explore either by yourself or with one other friend, yea?
ugly af avatars
I assume that's the joke though
>a general for vrchat
Seriously? As if generals weren’t circlejerks already, can’t blame a thread showing up on Yea Forums, let alone about a game filled with circlejerks.
It would have to be someone's passion project, like H3VR.
The way it's going, omitting Quest will be omitting a huge part of the userbase, and omitting desktoppers/streamers will be like you purposefully want your game to be unpopular.
There are a couple (deserted) alternatives to VRChat like Neos, Sansar or High Fidelity. There simply isn't enough people into PCVR if you're a dev.
I mean for fuck's sake half of the EU regulars in /vrg/ Pavlov games are from North America. They're moving the EU server from Germany to UK in hopes US gets better pings. Never mind NA has their own fucking servers and players. The only people I've met from my country that I could confirm were using VR were from those VR arcades. I wouldn't be surprised if there's only a dozen of faggots like me with FBT and other VR accessories like HOTAS and a Logitech wheel.
Yeah, I meet asians constantly, they usually have VR too. They stick to their own worlds usually, though.
Is vrchat the only vr thing that focuses on social interaction?
Dude who recorded that is a degen, he's friends with the people there lmao
Okay I keep hearing about this quest shit and “how it bright some people back”, what the fuck is it? Is is literally just “checkmark tier” quest you get by visited certain areas or something? Are there rewards?
>What’s the chances of the devs reverting/fixing on making shit “less broken and janky”?
Not very likely, they completely rely on the community. The updates are usually shit like
>You can now have 128 favourite world instead of 96 :))))
>Also we broke a couple other things :))))
Every once in a while they make some temporary (permanent) solution like the safety settings or setting a bar so low you've got to go out of your way to optimize your shit for Quest users, but it just makes things worse.
You're not sure if you're not muted or blocked just because you've got a lower rank, or maybe you happen to be in a world full of quest users. Or maybe someone blocks anyone with one material too many.
It's been years since they told they'll implement a scripting system. They struck gold and just pray to HTC nobody beats them, same with Pavlov guy. The funny thing is - nobody does! And nobody will!
The only “appealing one” really, given its ability to port shit in like its Garry’s Mod.
There was another game called “Rec Room” that was actually VR only which sounds incredibly more entertaining, but the style itself was sort of dry and apparently with some recent update they allowed desktop people to play as well, removing the one thing it had over VRchat.
Rec Room was a neat idea, but the designs and shit pretty much solely appealed to kids, to the point that you actually feel kind of weird playing it as an adult given 99% of the other players are literal children using PSVR.
I meant Occulus Quest.
I heard there are some quests to get a better rank, but if you're not publishing avatars/worlds, you'll be stuck forever as a User - and Users usually have most shit disabled by safety settings, some people probably just outright block everything below Trusted User, so you'll always be second-guessing yourself
>Do they even see me? Am I muted or does my mic not work?
And unless you're into playing with literal children or are a manlet and can blend in, prepare to feel fucking old.
I'm on right now. I'm having a good time.
VRChat feels literally more ostracizing than real life.
Maybe I'll set up my Vive one day.
How do you make friends?
>What’s the chances of the devs reverting/fixing on making shit “less broken and janky”?
Just hope for the Garry's Mod VR mod to suddenly become as good as native support. VRChat will forever be trash. But it's still the only trash with FBT.
>using a voice changer
>not being a cute female avatar with a deep masculine voice
post voice
Yeah it does.
I'm playing right now and some friends joined that i had made over the past couple of days, we sat down upstairs in the Great PuG and still are sharing stories and drinking beer or whatever together having a laugh. New people have come and joined in sharing their stories and stuff. It's a good laugh.
The ranking is based upon how long you've been playing, how many models you've made, friends you've made and the such. Essentially it's a progressive tracking system that changes the more you play.
Trusted > Known > User > New User > Visitor
>trust levels via ranking up
>getting blocked either because you either haven’t logged in in ages or aren’t jnterested with fucking with unity again
What said, what the fuck happened.
If people want to be triggered faggots, is that not the whole point of circlejerking in a private world? Why even go in the public one if your gonna be like that?
Also when was all this quest/trust rank shit added in? I think the last time I logged in was last Halloween to see whatever contest shit the devs kept hyping up.
I'm not a clever man, but I admit there are 2 /vrg/ fags that got me fooled.
>progressive tracking system
Is it retroactive? Or only going forward from when it was implemented?
Trust was introduced last september. Occulus shit is pretty fresh (last month I think).
>join room
>everyone already knows each other
>everyone in small group conversations
>can't join in
>stick out like a sore thumb with my avatar because it isn't some k-pop faggot or anime faggot.
>leave feeling alienated and embarrassed.
It's also retroactive, but you have to be a dick to lose rank.
I've been playing for ages but haven't published worlds, constantly add friends and explore and shit, still only an User.
Retroactive i believe.
t. Mrs.The Monarch
Yeah, I de-ranked from known to user after learning how to crash streamers, but farming gametime hours for a single day ranked me back up.
I try my best to avoid people feeling this way. I'm always talkative and welcoming to new peopel and try and include them where possible, but you're not wrong when it comes to alot of people being ignorant.
I don't believe you
If you're playing now you're welcome to join us.
We moved to the 'rain room' due to Great Pug being laggy and kind of broken since the latest update.
I can't even use voicechat. I get so anxious that not a single word leaves my mouth.
Because I'm busy chasing REAL 3D in VR.
It's all possible if he's an extrovert/social/uses a mic.
I've seen people flock to those who are plain loud. They didn't need to be funny, they didn't need to make impressions/or talk, they just needed to be loud.
>nothing but faggots ERPing as anime girls unironically
hard pass
Bah, having done the same Im probably still a user too.
Is it possible to just shit out a world in order to increase your rank? (Since people would shit out worlds anyway) or does it actually have to be a quality map in order for the system to “trust you”?
Unless you’re a tranny, you have nothing to worry about. Plenty of spergs running their mouth off left and right, you won’t look any worse than them.
Not sure as I didn't get to this part yet, but I'm sure your world either has to be admin aproved when you publish it through normal means, or accepted by the userbase when you use the labs.
Rate my friend's and I's nude operation.
>scout for egirls who seem emotionally vulnerable
>friends and I join world
>friends basically act as a decoy and throw the girl tons of attention, to the point where it gets obnoxious
>I play it off as the chill one, not really giving her much attention at all, this mind fucks her into wanting my attention
>after things quiet down, we typically have a little chat together away from the group
>the real nigga social engineering starts here, I know it's basically over once she sends me a friend request
>the key here is to lower my voice about half an octave, make it real raspy, and key her into placing me into the non orbiter category, almost making her orbit me
>time goes on, eventually things start getting sexual
>fish for her nudes
>get her nudes
>post em in our discord
>whole crew black mails her to do other stuff
It's the internet version of pumping and dumping some thot. Fastest pull was 2 hours, about an 85% success rate.
We really like to target attention farmers, and girls who just manipulate orbiters and lead lonely guys on.
Because I'm such a fucking autist that I don't even know how to make friends through a computer screen.
I know.
I don't even know what I'm worried about. I open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out.
i dont have a mic
or a decent pc
or any social skills
or even a decent voice
Same here , I tried seeing s therapis6 about it
ugly brown girl
Who's the youngest girl or girls you tried this on and how fast did it work compared to girls older than them?
Online "friends" are not actually true human relationships. Please stop spreading this misconception.
I would, but I need to be a special snowflake using my own custom avatar rather than using premade stuff. Maybe if they ever have an anime avatar creator I'll try it out.
Does it attract trannies?
Use blender then.
>you have nothing to worry abou
I have plenty to worry about
Does this problem extend to actual irl conversations for you? Because for me it's just when using voicechat.
I don't know how to 3D model, looks more complicated than drawing
They won't.
typically we dont find out their age cause it's sort of a weird thing to ask outright, but this one 14 year old was the one who sent in 2 hours. She was crazy hypersexual and fucked her step brother a lot, at least that's what she told us.
But often times the younger ones are the ones that are the most insecure about themselves, but that can be abused.
I'd honestly say age doesnt really factor into it, but it does change the approach
No way. I would be up for joining after I take a shower. How would I find you?
No, trannies will just look bad regardless of what they do, no winning for them, but at this point I’ve just assumed that’s part their kink.
I wish that the faggot "big" streamers like waifudeliveryservice would lose all their fans and kill themselves.
Isn't she a confirmed faggot?
You fucking tell me.
Sort of
You're not worried about ass pounding prison?
>using a CM3D2 avatar with big titties and large ass with jiggle physics
That sucks then. Hope it gets better for you.
Add me. Name is Ragun
If VRChat had actual things to do other than stand around and be highschool girls, I'd play it.
RecRoom is fun, just filled with children and spics
why boner
How would I even get caught lol, im super paranoid about that kind of stuff. I'm probably one of the most secure person I know security wise, but morally I dont care, I think I was 17 at the time that happened, and im still relatively young now, so no im not worried in the slightest
Yup. This is the future.
Were they even "hot"?
Speaking of "nudes" though, do people still try to make nude avatars? I remember when they added the handheld camera, some guy who thought he was being sneaky kept flashing people and running off into the crowd, but I was using some short kirby avatar (sleep hat) at the time and managed to snap of pic right under his "loose dress' getting a perfect shot showing the models vag and nips.
He then started freaking out and giving me "please no" hand signals as if he thought I was going to report him or something, but I just stood there silently as a dumb fucking kirby would, acting as if I didn't know what he was talking about. (I didn't report him obviously, was funny)
famous last posts
But what about a VR headset?
>How would I even get caught lol
Maybey piss someone off who is persistent enough.
nigger you're posting in a discord, all it takes is for one motherfucker to get pissed and that shit leaks and then your ass will be sold for a pack of cigs in prison
>large ass with jiggle physics
FUCK. The jiggle tits were overrated, these were the true beauties.
Have they made it so at least friends can interact with other players jiggle physics on their models?
Did they ever learn the way?
because I have a crappy voice and sound like some gay kid and everyone always gives me shit for it so I avoid talking. the only other voice i can do is meatwad.
>I think I was 17 at the time that happened
Yea, uh, how long ago was this?
Don't be ashamed of your cute voice.
not that either
hopefully you're still around
Last time I tried every area I tried to go into got me stuck in a recursive loading screen Hell.
Yeah we are!
You should talk more. I like sending friend requests to faggy femboys with lisps, I always get rock hard listening to them speak especially when they start begging me for shit.
Jesus fuck no
Why not?
i tried to but i was afraid to speak
Why are you afraid?
I can't afford a headset.
I dont lisp, I clutter.
Id just feel ashamed and awful if someone bought me something.
Whenever anyone asks me if I want help or anything like that I refuse.
Shits gay yo
>Slut gets embarrassed and starts rambling as fast as she can
I don't want to make friends with a bunch of boring ass lonely people, they remind me of myself too much.
Please pleaseplease please please please please please please please please please cum in my ass
Well what's the deal then? Just watch twitch streamers if you want to fill some VR void.
As far as I know the only way to do that is to have a hacked client sadly.
>mfw we can't grope bitches in void club
game crashed then updated to a new version. fug dont think I can see you peeps like this
>mfw that's been my sole dream for this game
Anyway, just logged back on after awhile and now I'm seeing all these "quest" stuff. The green and blue icons. What the hell is it? Occulus exclusive stuff?
I'm an HTC Vive fag, so am I shit outta luck?
It's reading as if it's some compatibility thing.
The quest content is for the new Oculus Quest which is a more basic headset. The avatars and worlds that are compatible are heavily chopped down for it to work.
You should be able to go on a Quest world as a Vivefag but it could also be janky as fuck like the rest of VRChat too, I haven't tried it yet.
too poor to buy a Vr headset specially since it cost almost twice in my country
Well this sucks. Right after spin the bottle was getting good. Guess I'll catch you dudes another time then.
Was bout to join in too when it crashed, guess I'll try again later.
Did everyone get restarted then?
It'd be one thing if it was just gay sex, or an actual woman was involved but
Either way it's still fucking gross
>2 fat nerds larping as furry women having sex
God has left us a long time ago and we killed him
Alright, was worried there for second, thanks.