Criticize objectively flawed game design

>criticize objectively flawed game design
>"have sex"

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Other urls found in this thread:



have sex with me please I'm so lonely


Just filter it ir ignore it retard

>say something on Yea Forums
>"Yea Forums catchphrase"

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>have sex
>get a venereal disease

>critiquing the industry I care about.
>caring about some dumb skank and her opinions.
Gee Golly

>he actually gets mad about what is just the newest variant of "umadbro?" instead of just ignoring it
Newfag spotted

>arguing with random retards in a vietnamese throat singing forum
discod tranny

Mind if I save that pic? I like it.

You dont know what objective means, do you?

>say literally anything at all

it's gotten pretty bad lately

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Go ahead, it's all yours.

>have sex
>"have sex"
what the fuck did they mean by this?

This one is worse. People who post "have sex" are trolling, people who post "discord tranny" are actually seriously mad.

samefagging your own dumb post

yikes, oof and dilate

You need to have sex to understand, that's why they keep telling you to have sex.

Playstation 5? More like AIDStation 5, amirite fellas?

>had sex
>world view didn't change

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If you dress up as her I will

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I actually can't tell.

We say "people" but it's so astonishingly similar each time I encounter it that it's either a group of people organizing to say the same shit, a bunch of losers with hivemind, or the same fucking dude just sitting around posting the shit.

As soon, I mean as soon as they post "dilate" you have to completely disengage from them because any subsequent posting will be met with some variation of tranny, dilate, leftist, liberal, reddit, or the classic "umad" variants.

>onions gets filtered
>incel and have sex don't

Insulting one’s sex life is the lowest of the low of insults, any old retard can insult like that with ease so I don’t see why it bothers you so much. Ignore them and they’ll go away.

>cropping out the apple logo

Sounds like you still havent

>before that it was YIKES and OFF
>before that it was ONIONS
>before that it was ZOOMER and BOOMER shit
>before that it was AUTISM
>before that it was U MAD ?

No, this place has been shit for years and kids always take the ez meme way out of conversations they don't understand

You don't know what opinions are, do you?

If you started having sex, most things in life stops bothering you

Like this one, this is a post you completely disregard as they will (almost guaranteed) have nothing else to offer you.

Any response I do receive will follow the guide I've created.

>Had sex
>Couldn't fit it all in
>Still a virgin because one inch of my penis wasn't in a girl
It's not fair...

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"Uh my opinion about this video game is that you should go dilate, seething discord tranny, also the ratio of non-whites to whites is concerning and affects my ability to play the game."

But you did put it in it still counts

You know what to do right? Post a video of you having sex while giving hot take on Yea Forums. That would show them.

How long until shit like 'tranny', 'pedo' and 'cuck' get filtered. They aren't even used as context-appropriate insults anymore, its just like calling someone "faggot" but without the versatility and infinitely cringier.

See, this is a classic "umad" variant and you are encouraged to completely disregard this person and stop feeding him (you)s, although he will probably lurk the thread looking or other ways to get them.

Remember when Yea Forums started and we all loved the ideal of it and how we thought it will turn into a place where great discussions could occur? Yeah it goes to show that idealism means nothing because practicality is what matters in the end, and this site is practically shit from the waves of constant newfags trying to fit in but posting dumb shit over and over.

have sex

/adv/ told me if I couldn't get it all in I'm still a virgin

They are baiting you

>Have Sex
>soul vs. soulless
>AHEM! ding ding ding! Fuck jannies, trannies and niggers
>It's almost as if
>Redpill me on X
>Hello, we are the X games in X franchise
>The absolute state of X
>Imagine X
>Janny are you okay? Are you okay janny?
>CRUNCH CRUNCH Insert pretentious opinion burp
>What does Yea Forums think of X?
>Did you buy her game, X?
>Shitty thing about game What's her name Yea Forums?
>Xfags seething
>Xfags on suicide watch
>What went wrong?
>What went so right?
>Now that the dust has settled, what does Yea Forums think of X?
>poo poo pee pee doo doo
>X gets on the server
>Here's your X, bro
>He's in
>Roll a 7
>What is the video game version of insert band or album
>Smacks lips
>Cunny thread
>cute and funny
>I love X!
>Let's write a letter to X, one word for each post
>Is he right Yea Forums?
>What did he mean by this?
>Gachashit thread
>Apologize to him Yea Forums
>Explain yourselves
>Well? Who was in the wrong here?
>Defend this
>What's his name again?
>What the fuck was his problem?
>Coworkers start talking about video games
>Refute this
>Prove him wrong
>Perfect X doesn't exi-
>Protip: you can't
>Why does this trigger Yea Forums so much?
>Yea Forums BTFO
>Would you?
>Is he "our" guy?
>He did nothing wrong!
>He/She killed millions
>Will you buy his game?
>Buy his game
>Convince me to NOT buy this game
>Find a flaw
>For me, it's X
>It's up
>Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that it was shit?
>I'm glad we can all agree on this
>How did we go from THIS?
>Hold me, Yea Forumsros
>How do we fix this?
>me on the X
>best ass/tits/feet in vidya thread
>20XX...I am...forgotten...
>Video game quote game thread
>brb smoke/last online 569 days ago
>Why did you stop playing Overwatch?
>What are some games that X
>Cute feet
>Buy my game
>E-celeb thread
>Eastern design vs. western design
>woah... deep...

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Us 4channelers amirite friends? God I just want to fit in!

Shit was fine until 2015. We literally got flooded with faggots from reddit, unironically. Fuck /pol/

I think that's what makes it so hard to let it go. I'm a loser, I know that, that's why I'm here. I've had some fantastic conversations on this board and I've met and understood people in a way that I could never achieve on my own IRL.

Now the board is plagued by people who ironically act like they have good lives and try to shit on people who browse this board for being sexless losers without realizing that's exactly how I know you're a newfag.

Normies didn't make this board popular, no-sex virgin losers made this board cool and all of you electionfags are just riding it's corpse like surfboard trying to get brownie points and using the memes for your Facebook meme groups.

This place is dead and I just can't let it go.

Honestly just filter all this zoomer shit
>Have sex
Pools closed

you forgot something

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You don't get this game, do you? It's about getting the big reactions for little to no effort. You're spending more energy than me on this. I win.

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>talk about anything modern

Congrats OP, you finally realize what it's like to listen to morons spout the same inane idiocy every day.

>Guy regurgitates arguments from popular youtube channel being shilled because it's shitting on a game and as we all know, Youtubers suck dick until they try to shit on a company with more money than them because "MAN WITH MONEY BAD MAN WITH LESS MONEY GOOD"
>Tell him to use his own words
>"Uh, Myvirtualbestfriend69 made really good arguments so I'll just use his"
>Call him an NPC
Every time

Kids should be sent to gulags until the age of 25 and parents should be paid by the government for having kids and sending them there for labour.

user, I know that you think we're having one of your internet fights but we're not.

Unless you're demonstrating my point by playing a characterization of everything I just explained, in that case you're doing a very good job and thank you.

SOnionsY was bad because it was literally everywhere. Have Sex is currently a little bit behind that benchmark.
but, say it does get filtered. what would it change to so that the change does not impact normal conversation?

Not harsh enough, it needs to be something that turns zoomers off completely. Onions wasnt strong enough for example.

It should be something like
"I gargle on cum"

Anonymity is a double edged sword. On one hand, there’s no hivemind and people will post what they truly think because there aren’t any gay forum points and no obsessed whiners willing to dig through someone’s post history to find dirt on them. On the other hand, people can spam “have sex” and “seething” mindlessly without any repercussions since they won’t look like the children they are in the long run. Unless they’re a trip of course, but those are exceptions

Learn to read.

Aspie was before autism

>criticize game in 2019
>have sex/cope
>criticize game in 2016-2018
>u mad bra?
>criticize game in 2011
>not liking what I like
>criticize game in 2006-2008
>implying you don't have shit taste
>implying you are not a faggot

Things never really changed.

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Funny you say that, I was shitting on some guy because a video of his got linked and he was justifying not having a smart phone in 2019, and some literal 39 year old (Self admitted) went on a tirade about how smart phones aren't needed, only weak people like QoL stuff, and being able to manage your money on the fly or find places via google maps without directions from strangers was just zoomer shit

I think I've become the very thing I hate, user.

Have sex is almost always out of context
The only people outside shitposters impacted are porn boards but they’re too busy jerking off to notice

Don't worry, I still love you.

That's all I have to do? Nice.

>When you’re actually missing “Implying” posts
At least who used coherent sentences

That makes negative amount of sense. Wapanese got filtered to weeaboo because it sounded similar, nigger to candy-ass and roody-poo were still similar word type (adjective) and so is onions (noun, maybe a proper one) and onionsboy (not sure, adjective or noun. sorry my english bad)
Why not change Have Sex to something that would still make some sense in a different context, like "i wanna have sex with [anime girl #38103]" or something similar?

Hold hands.

Some implication threads were actually witty as fuck.

The worst criticism these days seems to be “buggy”. It’s arbitrary as shit.

Games like STALKER and Kingdom Come always get labeled as buggy and threads seem to get hijacked by talk of those every time, meanwhile games like Uncharted, Last of Us, Bloodborne, and other highly praised shit is full of bugs and glitches that are consistent and numerous, and yet you never hear their threads being inundated with talks of bugs.

I think the buggy whiners are actually shills trying to put down competitors.

Play videogames.

>Onions wasnt strong enough for example.
It wasn't?

More like dilatestation

Thanks faggot, you made me feel like a old fuck just now and made me feel the weight of the years crashing in on me.

Filter "have sex" to "notice me senpai" and uncle to "Baka gaijinn"
>why don't you incels just have sex
>why don't you baka gaijin just notice me senpai

Incel should be filtered to "king".
There's some prime twitter irony right there.

Your hand doesn't count, user. Good, ACTUAL sex changes things

stfu you seething copenigger

I don't know so much.

Good sex definitely changes how you interact with other people, that's something I've noticed since I started dating my current girlfriend. Before that it was a two-year woman-hating dry spell brought on by the stupid bitch harpy of a woman I dated before.

This time I ended up with a woman 14 years older than me and the maturity, honestly, is astonishing and refreshing. I hate to say it at risk of becoming a meme but I had finally met my mental match, all my kvetching about being some misunderstood big-brain went away now that I'm dating an older woman.

Truly, the best pill to take is the MILF pill.


Have sex

Please insert your peepee into my ass then.

>a woman 14 years older than me
wew lad

how did you met her

does she have big tits

tell us more

t. met a woman 10 years younger

I met her at a staff meeting at work, she's the head and curator of a historic site where I was head of maintenance at and I'd run into her all the time at her site.

My friend dragged me along to a bar one night to pound slugs into an old Virtua Fighter machine they'd bought and I ran into her there. We started talking about the history of her site and after a few beers she finally asked me to kiss her.

It'd been two years since I'd even glanced at a woman so when she did I basically dumped by spaghetti on the ground and got a hard-on right there. I don't know why but this seemed to egg her on and she asked me if she could kiss me. I had to stoop in because she's about 5'6".

She does have big tits, she's your quintessential shortstack with green eyes and red hair. She goes to Scotland annually to meet with her clan. She's a big drinker, loves listening to my music, and puts up with all my shortcomings.

For Christmas she gave me a manilla envelope with all the paperwork for me to go back to college (she had forged my signature for everything and I only had to enroll in the actual classes).

Lads I've never been happier. Sex with the right woman will, literally, change your life.

here is one more
>user posts giant list of shit tier Yea Forums in jokes for the hundredth time in a attempt to appear above it all.



>Notice me senpai
Man that would stop the spam in its tracks
Or at least make the board more weeb friendly like how F(a)m turned to Senpai which oddly evolved to Fampai

Nice blog faggot

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have sex
at this point are we the NPC's?

>someone asks a question
>guys answers
Are you retarded?

How old is she?

filter these and you can count the amount of posts left on the whole site with one finger

>She goes to Scotland annually to meet with her clan
Hoooooly fuck

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seething, cope, have sex are all these just evolved forms of u mad bro?

welcome to hole logic.

not him but you outed yourself as a faggot you lose


You forgot

There's nothing wrong with being a faggot, user.


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have pedo sex

based user

Hard to make a point like this on a board as turned as Yea Forums, man. I get you, though, because as much as I'd hate to admit it the hot-spots of this site still spread to the other boards and in come all these well-sets riding on the coattails of a zombie with the original body of no condition whatsoever. I'd be okay with it had this site's reputation not gone overtly politically mainstream, at least the people getting involved with it would understand where the fuck it came from, but whatever. At least it still exists for 1/100 people.


there are indeed discord groups making threads,falseflagging etc .the board thus turned paranoid when they found out.I know that the smash threads are done by discord groups to some extend and that the tranny threads are created as bait but Im not sure whom .there
is a rumour that these threads are made by the same people spamming tranny threads on the incelboard.
this paranoia leads to spamming these phrases
and it ruins threads en masse.

Interact children

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>no "RECOMMEND ME SOME GOOD (X platform) VIDEO GAMES, FUCK" with an overly happy anime girl gif.
Im old.

>criticize game publisher for doing dumb shit

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Have sex incel and dilate because you seethe.

- any major Yea Forums board, June 2019

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>having sex 3x a week on average

>remark that I don't like how politics are being hamfisted into western vidya these days

>some militant gay antifa hormone mutant tells me to have sex and tries to get me banned for "discussing politics"

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- any dogshit Yea Forums board, June 2019***

Fixed that for you, do not presume the rest of the site is as trash as your board is

What are some non-dogshit boards?

Don't come to place where you do not belong then. Our message is clear.

>literally just put my gf to bed after having the good sex, shitposting before i go to bed
>say that black people aren't inherently bad characters, only when they're made into caricatures of their race for diversity points
>some redneck, bible thumping, basement dwelling cousin fucker who's never even seen a non-white person tells me to have sex

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All the ones that dont do regurgitate zoomer shit "have sex" and "cope" every 5 seconds

seconding this
sometimes, I mean, sometimes we see some remnants of bro culture in Yea Forums

See, here's one.

Is it a false-flagging tranny or a delusional /pol/cel?

Yeah, Yea Forums is honestly pretty good. Probably my favorite board out of all the ones I regularly visit.

>babby was 10 years ago
Holy fuck my early 20's were a blur

lmao this guy got a svastika tattoo what a fucking nazi

hard to tell these days .just throw a coin

>What are some non-dogshit boards
Among the popular/semi-popular ones?
/tg/, Yea Forums, /k/ for a start.

>tfw frailist bug men have become the majority and the only way to reverse this hyper conformist, mass hall monitoring of ideas is to convince enough strong minded people to separate themselves from it and stand a safe distance as the globohomogenous society devours itself.

3rd world countries don't make video games. If the whole world devolves into Brazil, what do you think will happen to your favorite hobbies?

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Is this one of those self-reflecting threads in Yea Forums?

Remember when everyone freaked out about the domain split and how it was the end of Yea Forums forever and then literally nothing happened.

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Nobody is complaining about black characters in vidya you insincere mongrel. 99% of people are ambivalent they really don't care as long as it's not blatantly political.

It's the tactless tokenism, where a black "character" has no significance to the plot and yet is standing in an ancient visigoth castle, and his only line of dialogue is "women can be kangz too, white boy"

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>party at workplace
>sexy girl co-worker wanted me to fuck her
>I refused

Its over for you.

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>Nobody is complaining about black characters
>on 4channel
imagine being this pure hearted and naive.

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Have you not been noticing the crackdown in moderation across the boards? How theyre randomly deleting some threads but leaving others up? Or how they moved the projared shit but leave up all the other e-celeb shit?

Oh I remember alright.

This is from /pol/ btw.

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>this thread

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>wanted to fuck a stranger
absolute whore

It's ok. Jamal will take care of her as usual.

>criticize objectively flawed woman
>"have sex (with me)"

>getting mad over shitposting
Have sex.

It's like Yea Forums is it's own composite personality of a really confident jokester from Highschool.

Attached: 300px-Chad.png (300x350, 177K)

>Have you not been noticing the crackdown in moderation across the boards?

Does chad's shirt say duck or ouch?

We knew each other for long.

Sorry I don't live in a shithole, also I'm a sociopath so...

Saved for future generations of anons to watch and learn.

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that's just not true

Have sex

Moderation can only do so much. As long as you support what you're saying with facts and a bit of humor mods will never ban or delete your posts. No matter how spicy the underlying message is.

Just gotta be tactful and sincere. Win the hearts of the mods.

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Oh man this makes me feel like I am wasting my life.
