Yea Forums racism backfired once again!

Yea Forums racism backfired once again!

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Other urls found in this thread:

>hating mainlander pigdogs makes you racist

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>lets compare recent release and the army of normalfags who constantly buy new games without stopping to think, vs old releases where the normalfags have abandoned and only the real fans remain


>all time-peaks for other TW all lower than current in-game number for Three Kingdoms

Well, yes? I don't even dislike China, but yes.

chinese people are terrible

>barely one in ten thousand chinks playing it
What went wrong?

>Dude game selling 2x better then any previous TW game ever means shit!

I'm not even playing it yet since I'm waiting for more factions but you are fucking retarded. Game is obviously the biggest success CA ever had.

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Chinese people are insects in disguise.

>WH 1 & 2
>Old releases

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It's expansive as fuck and strategy games are not popular in smartphone era. And it's one of the most played games on Steam anyways.

Is Three Chinkdoms any good? Looks like Total Warhammer: China edition

China was the greatest power on Earth for most of human history. Obviously it had it's ups and downs and their recent history is pretty fucked up but claiming it's somehow magically the den of insect people is idiotic.

By fat the best rated TW game since Shogun 2. Who knows what that means.

>I know nothing about China so I'm sure this guy who has lived with them for years know nothing too
There's a reason they fucking purged that goddamn place and managed to do it so easily too.

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Yeah, I'm sure a racist dude from the 30's had a perfectly unbiased opinion. I wonder what he would write if you threw him into modern Detroit.

If you took away the inflated numbers because of chink pandering you'd realise it's actually done poorly.

t. zhing ping

No matter how you spin this it's by far the most successful CA game. They will be milking this for a decade.

>racism is bad

An excerp from the book:

>This last consideration calls for a new note of realism in our survey of China. For our own welfare and the best permanent interests of all concerened, the situation calls for a sterner realism than that to which we have been accustomed, in order to view and to accept the facts as they are. The facts are replellent. But they exist, and we dwell in the same small world with them. Nothing useful can be accomplished by attempting to cover them up.

God rest his heroic soul.

it's like saying the warcraft movie was a success because chinese ticket sales were strong.

it was still seen as a failure and there's almost no hope of a decent sequel.

>degenerate black people are good because they hate asians
both suck

Yea Forums on suicide watch

>TWW boring as all hell
>3K rolls around and actually has great campaign gameplay
>Sells a gorillion copies

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Patrice is such a fat faggot

You can stop posting anytime, insect.




I'm not some china apologist but this shit is plain /pol/ tier propaganda

just watch ADVChina if you want to get a good insight of what is actually happening there. They also mostly shittalk china, but they give a much more rational and hands on insight of what is actually happening there and why, not this übermensch/subhuman faggotry for brainlets who desperately need simplification to have an opinion on something.

this is also very old
keep in mind that from the 30's europe went from slav tier to now tier
meanwhile the 3rd world went from caveman tier to caveman living in skyscraper tier

>hating a game because you currently hate the chinese

the most shallow. you're gonna feel dumb when /pol/ starts telling you to be pro-china in the next few years.

>before 2016
Why do anglos keep getting dumber and more easily controlled every year?

*gets head cut off by a street sign propelled by the nearest factory explosion*

>there is only one poster on Yea Forums

>ability to kill chinks en-masse.
All this tells you is that people are more willing to kill gooks than they are any other race.

>now its about one Yea Forums poster vs bazzilions of /pol/ poster

i'm /pol/ though, i don't care about china

Wish they would go back to real history based games. Not this chink mythology garbage or warhammer. Guess i'll just keep waiting.

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Nice try chink.

i'm white

No, but there is only one type of anglo.

the instant Trump comes to a friendly agreement with China this vocal /pol/fag community will instantly start fellating the country

this whole sudden chink posting started exactly with the recent anti-china fagging of Trump. Fucking noone cared here if a video game or a company had anything to do with China previously, but now everything is filled with /pol/fag shitposting.

>this whole sudden chink posting started exactly with the recent anti-china fagging of Trump
lol people were shitting on china way before trump even announced his run

Yes everyone loved the Communist hellhole that is China until drumpf came along and ruined it!

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china pretty much went from third world to slav tier. The problem is that their whole infrastructure is still fucking scrappy and didn't keep up with the quick development of the industry. There is just way too much sweeping problems under the rug there. Still, overall they did a pretty good job compared to other third world countries, who pretty much just stayed third world tier.

Pff I wish they'd actually went for real hardcore mythological wuxia stuff not this boring ass RotTK shit.

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This. Every single one of us fans have pestered them to make an actual history title set during the civil war or the independence war. Literally the two biggest most influential wars in the history of the world and not a single tw game about it. Really, they have some messed up priorities. Literal goldmine in front of them and instead they focus on shitty fantasies for zoomers or boring irrelevant shit in asia and europe. What's next? A game set in africa?


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>you either always loved it or always hated it
Classic tribal nigger mentality. As expected of anglo electionfags.

Worst part about this post is that isn't not even satire. This is just a poor chineseman trying to communicate his love for the Romance of the Three Kingdoms with us and his undying respect for the Shu Han leader Liu Bei.

This might be the first total war game I buy. Something about Chinese history combined with lots of units on screen just calls to me.

No one likes your shithole chink.


Seething mutts. Keep your insecurity in check, fellas.

It's not racism considering bugmen are the majority, it's actually punching up :)

Wei was here, Shu are chumps

True, no human likes China. So at least the anglosphere is in good company for once instead of being the sole universally reviled bugs all by themselves.

you are fucking retarded

my point is that noone gave a fucking shit about China here previously.
Everyone knew why China is a crappy place, it's still a poor country that just dragged itself out of the third world but is still obviously fucking half baked. There is no point in circlejerk shittalking about how crappy that place still is compared to ours, especially on a fucking video game board. Everyone fucking understood this before your glorious overlord also started shittalking them because they finally started to compete with the american market, and racism is the best weapon to stop people from supporting them.

>the civil war or the independence war
>Literally the two biggest most influential wars in the history of the world

I don't want to kill your buzz while you're here but I can think of two pretty big wars that are more influential than those two. I'm not going to say they are WW1 and 2 but it was World War I and II.

>Fun when you start
>After you stop struggling, it stops being fun
Every Total War game I ever played is like that

Fuck off, Weifag. You saw what I did to my kid, think of what I'd do to you.

i generally don't like the chinese, but the game sounds pretty interesting, and i like the total war series in general. so i expected slightly better threads than these.
/pol/ turned this board into a worthless shithole.

you could make an argument for the Revolutionary War, but I have no idea why he thinks the Civil War was important on a global scale.

New hot /pol/ meme is to hate chinks now because fat white guys that are balding still can't be laid and need to blame more people other than jews and blacks.

Tune in next week when it turns out Latino's are behind white people balding worldwide, Indians are behind white obesity and aliens are behind whites not getting laid.

Nah, they were only huge because America got involved. Without USA it would just have been another one of your regional spats you have like every 50 years. The birth of USA, and the war over ideology in USA butterflied into pretty much every single event forever changing the world (including USA stopping euros from murdering each other to extintion)

Filtered filtered.

I doubt you could fight anything bigger than a baby


>Literally the two biggest most influential wars in the history of the world
holy shit these mutts

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False flagging as a mutt. No mutt is this demented.

>"it's just for chinks!"
>"it looks like a mobile game!"
>"nobody will be able to relate to the characters!"
>"it doesn't have magic and dragons so the gameplay won't be fun!"
>"women in an historical title? get woke go broke!!!"
>"muh rat man DLC just came out, more hype than three kingdoms!"
>"there is no hype at all, it's just CA and chinese shills!"
>"nobody cares about chink history!"
>Three Kingdoms shatters all previous Total War records, reaches 170k concurrent players on day 1
warhammer manchildren BTFO by based ChinaChads

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>tfw you spike you first-born son into the ground

You could make an argument for it but I wouldn't place my money on that person.

Your priorities are wrong, user. I understand your train of thought being "If America didn't exist, they wouldn't have been such massive wars" but you've got to look at things as they are.
The World Wars are the biggest, most influential wars by their very definition. The importance of America to those wars and the history that shaped America doesn't detract from that.

So I'll have no issue fighting the best Wei has to offer then.

I'm too much of a brainlet for strategy games, but the show was based

Nah, it's just Anglos being Anglos. They've grown arrogant from having been more or less empires. Brits turned into a nasty vile culture of extreme arrogance and bitterness ever since USA usurped their position, and now USA is doubling down on it since it's not even their cousins who might usurp them. They're literally afraid of losing their status as world's sole superpower due their culture of fearmongering and warmongering might be returned to them. Desperate empires paint with a big brush after all, in vain hopes of not falling like everyone else before them did

That's okay, TW is for brainlets.

>people are playing new games instead of old games
So by your logic racism wins as soon as they release the next Total War game?

America was barely involved in WW1 and WW2 was basically Germans vs Russians vs French/Polish resistance. US contributed mostly to the Pacific front and UK just basically pulled their dicks and took credit for everyone else

I'll get it when it gets a better era for the Chinese setting. Late-Yuan and Late-Ming is where you get all the crazy fire arrow carts and other weird experimental gunpowder units.

>dynasty warriors was been milking the 3K historical period for 20 fucking years
>people really thought it wouldn't do well in other genres

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I like it. Not because of the setting, but because the campaign feels like the best one yet.

It’s great how /pol/ always whines about historical revisionism and then spews utter bullshit about China. I’ve seen /pol/tards unironically claim that the Han Chinese were caucasian; literally WE WUZ EMPERORS N SHEEIT. I don’t know how these hypocritical dickheads survive with zero self-awareness.

>Yuan Shao makes everyone his vessel, attacking him is suicide
Every fucking game

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Today's the Tank Man day.

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>I’ve seen /pol/tards unironically claim that the Han Chinese were caucasian
That's not /pol/tards, user. That's chinks trying to make themselves feel like they're Aryan.

Fuck that. Gunpowder age is the worst.

Fantasy is better medieval is better.

>t. wewuzer

M8, they've been doing that for years with the pharaos (but of course greeks today aren't white). Hell, they pull the WE WUZ ANIME for what, 2 decades?

Wasn't Yea Forumss issue that it would be a typical CA game and be buggy as shit at launch? How buggy is the game?

>being tsundere for /pol/

Cope more retarded cumskin

For you 146k people is a sizeable city.
For chinks it's one gaming club.
You've already lost, white man.

t. seething mainlander.

Lol who are you kidding mutt? This isn’t even the most demented you retards get. Your country is full of embarrassment like this.

China needs to be glassed with nukes

>dude if you don’t agree with my retarded /pol/shit you’re chinese (and a tranny)!

Get the fuck off Yea Forums already. You’ve turned this site to shit since 2016

> wake up in the barracks
> "comrade soldier user, we have explicit orders to disperse the crowd at Tiananmen, using force if necessary"
> go there with my unit
> find lots of racists shouting slogand against African black students
> find CIA infiltrators trying to drive my nation into a civil war
> follow orders: disperse the crowd as humanely as possible (not running over people even if they stand in front of tanks etc), respect rules of engagement (only fire when fired upon) and so on, something I can do thanks to my training
> basically do my duty as a soldier of the PLA, protect the workers and farmers against foreign conspirators
> mission accomplished
> go back to the barracks
Just another day in the glorious PLA.

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>nuke china
>all our cellphones are now irradiated when they get sent back to us

That just plays into their hands, user. China doesn't give a fuck about losing a few people, they have more slaves than where that came from.

it's liberals who hate asians, not nazis

germany was allied with japan
the us nuked japan

who are the racists here again?

>all our cellphones
More like all our everything out of plastic

I mean I wasn't going to presume you were a tranny but now that you bring it up I figure now is a good a time as any.

but it's literally true, chinks operate based on social anxiety, not empathy, as they evolved in an environment with higher population density, which necessitates a greater sense of shame, since you have to be more considerant of your behaviour as it's easier to 'stand out.' Social anxiety doesn't prevent you from skinning animals alive, empathy does.

Anglos and Germans

>kill chinese
>kill phoneposters at the same time
and this is a problem why?

Stop talking about shit you don’t know. How many more of these “muh insects with no souls” armchair psych posts from hicks who’ve never left the US do we have to read on this site?

>it's the joint /int/-/his/ shitshow thread

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RTS enthusiasts finally get another RTS they like to play, good for those bros. I myself sort of get totally confounded trying to control gorillions of these units scattered all over the place on the battlefield and gave up trying to play 'em myself (that was back when the Shogun one launched)

I have no rebuttal to this. This is correct. We should unironically start bombing China.

By their actions let them be judged.
In short, open your eyes.

You can't be racist against chinese because they're not even human

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I'm not even American you stupid fuck, what is it with you and your projection about judging people you don't know shit about?

Oh they are open my disgusting mutt friend

>fucking chinks and their work to death culture
>ah, my 5 daily 5 minute combined toilet lunch relaxation break is over, better hurry to the wagie cage so I can earn enough pennies far below poverty lines to afford the gas I need to my second job and third tonight! Maybe I'll even go wild and buy two McDonald's burgers when I get my 3 hour sleep!

>just watch ADVChina if you want to get a good insight of what is actually happening there
you realize they have to toe the line or else be deported, right? they and their families already get regular harassment from the government for what they currently say about china. china is absolutely an abomination.

He's not insulting you personally, user. He doesn't care that you're personally Chinese.

>yellow turban he man run
>obligatory start of game dog pile by literally everyone
>barely hang on until i can start trading rice out
>use mountains of rice to buy peace
>everyone decides to fuck up yuan shao instead
>easy taoist victory because no one else is competent

first time i didnt see yuan shao snowball, made late game kind of a snore honestly

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Whatever you say, Turner

No one cares mutt

They look pretty squinty to me chang.

This game is really fun but honestly fuck that fuck Yuan Shao. He vassaled 4 fucking factions in 2-3 turns.

>going full hyperbole on western culture to downplay just how bad Chinese Sweatshop culture actually is.
You just emphasize how bad China actually is by having to artificially inflate how bad the West is to make China look good in comparison.

You can still eat him afterwards, I know you're into that sort of thing

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... I mean I don't even live in the Western hemisphere. If you don't care, why name me specifically one?

Are you on the beta update? Heard that they were fixing the ridiculous vassal train.

>market game to china about the coolest story in chinese history
>the chinese buy it en masse
I came here to (you) at you

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Shut the fuck up, chink. Chinese are literal subhumans.


You sound more mad than them

Because the bugman is indoctrinated to hate americans from birth

Hurr durr we should forcefully make a mutt version for this title cause they participate in every famous war ever. COPE

>he's a NEET


This. There is not a race as evil as germans and anglos. No matter what, no matter which century it is, they must kill, bomb and rape. And if they can't kill others, they start killing each other.

Seething anglo. That guy is absolutely right. Anglos are pathetic and whiny little fagboys with big mouths and nothing to offer. They are more embarrassing then Pakis at this point.

Does it have flying monks and shit?

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Projecting? How can one hear emotion through text on a screen.

Rice trading is ridiculous.

Cow Pee, stop posting. Don't you have much more talented and wise brothers to kill?

>chinks with no standards swarm the game
>propel sales and playercounts way above any other game
>CA smells the money
>future titles will be further dumbed down with less effort put into them
>the swarm will buy it anyway
>slowly CA will phase out the "toxic critical western market" (aka the consumerbase with at least some standards)
This is the end, then again you should have dropped TW by now considering it has just been a downwards spiral for the last decade.

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>literal rapebaby calling anyone a mutt
your life is a joke to everyone, you know

>to hate chinks now
pretty sure everyone has hated them since they started swarming f2p games and other shit and recently started influencing steam of all things
>get laid lol
look where you are nigga

>China was the greatest power on Earth for most of human history.
China's history consists out of being raped by nomadic tribes around them throughout all of it which is why their ruling families always came from the outside after the last one was conquered from the outside.

user, it's western (meaning USA alone since Europe is sensible and humane) that actually patented a fucking wagie cage.

I'm a nigger though.

i don't want to read three kingdoms was there ever any pleb adaptation for people like me?

Stay mad mutt. What happened to your foreign trading? Why is everyone going to China and Russia now? Lmao u scared

Yeah, because the chinks have a wagie culture.

No difference between a nigger and a snow nigger. It's about your character more than skin color.

Yes you are anglo

90% of the sales and players are from China.
Honestly I don't understand how warm of a reception it got.
Everything is so streamlined and cut down and the battles are so boring along with every faction playing the same.
Hoping mods add a lot to do since it theory it should be a more open platform since it is not tied to another IP.
Not sure if they will be able to bring things back like minor settlement buildings and such though.

>user, it's western (meaning USA alone since Europe is sensible and humane) that actually patented a fucking wagie cage.
And China patented a fucking wagie safety net to counter all the jumping from the top of buildings suicides. Your point is?


take your pills Chang, no one likes the Chinese.

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Mate, lizards from the moon has always been to blame for making women loose whores (that still won't sleep with me) thanks to their mind control

>wagie cage is somehow worse than your work installing Suicide Nets in your building so that the workers stop jumping out of the building to kill themselves.

>Racism stopping neo/v/ from enjoying games
Insane how you kids step down from platform warring excuses of my generation

>Why is everyone going to China
cheap slave labor

Good thing Chinese bugs have the worst character of them all. Worse than my Ugandan brethren.

>identifying with large corporations
and you wonder why we called you subhuman

No unfortunately. But seeing how popular it is I'm hoping we eventually get a Xianxia game from CA.

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Take your pills stormnigger, no one likes you.

I’m European and prefer China over Muttlandia any day

>Plebbit spacing
Go back

why are you obsessing over jews? nobody mentioned jews except you.

To the contrary, Yea Forums loved 3K (2010). Only reason I found out about that show.

He’s mimicking the post he’s replying to. Cope more stormfag.

>hard workers, strong family vaules and traditions
>some neet faggot on Yea Forums who's racist because other retards told him to be
Whatever helps you sleep at night fatso.

Whoa, please control your anti-semitism. Typical of subhumans to be unreasonably racist.

Same desu

>China trying to falseflag the chosen ones.
Shameful display, user. What did the Jews ever do to you?

I'll take the COG over the ZOG any day of the week tbhonestly lads

Yeah, I'm thinking asians are going to get put below black people on the hierarchy ranking from here on out guys.

>Typical of subhumans to be unreasonably racist.
Lmao. The irony of retarded storm cucks.

Seething redditard

you don't have to be a stormnigger or a /pol/tard to realize that your country is an absolute shithole.

>hard workers
lmao they sure are

Attached: chinese human torch.webm (400x230, 1.49M)

>like less than 1% is actual transsexuals
>somehow a certain group think they all pile on Yea Forums, drowning out the millions who browse the site
>chinks can't even post on Yea Forums
>somehow all the Chinese is waging a war on Yea Forums according to the same group
Why do these people always blame the least likely faggots to be their big bad enemy every time someone don't agree with them on the most trivial of shit?
According to them, 4chans demographic is like 40% trannies, 40% Chinese, 19% Jews and 1% "normal, straight white men" these days. Also all three groups are unusually well mingled together and there's lots of jewish chink trannies

We know it's you, chang.

Damn. That sucks.

Now you're just baiting. We both know Chinese have no real work ethic.

>can't stop seething about /pol/
I think John is among us

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This post makes you seem more mad at white people then anything else you crybaby faggot lol

Stay mad wannabe Roman


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You don't understand. That is how stupid you are. People are literally joining this thread to laugh at you.
how's the penis size?

Germans?never heard an European say ''I'm European'' except for brainwashed Krauts.

you have to go back to whatever chink social media you crawled out of

That's hilarious, as Americans lobbies to remove the suicide nets off your bridges like golden gate because human lives are less worth than a bridge that looks slightly less aesthetic.

Xianxia goes too far

How is liking literature linked to not liking commie filth?

Go back.

>this projecting
You already tried this, keep crying


Attached: China spin to win.webm (300x200, 1.89M)

China suck yo. China is literally one big plain and historically been invaded by fucking everyone and their mother. You have to imagine what kind of people that creates


>no one helps him because you get buttfucked by medical bills if you do
Imagine being proud of this country as you eat your food fried in poop oil

>Also all three groups are unusually well mingled together and there's lots of jewish chink trannies
user, stop spoiling the fucking plan, idiot. Stop revealing needless information about our truce.

Statistics are invalid unless they’re racist, user. Just listen and believe.

Seriously, it’s the best TW in forever, and now it’s impossible to talk about here. What a shame.

Why're you projecting so much? Like I'm actually worried about you user the way you're typing makes it seem like someone told you these things before and you're just regurgitating them. Take a deep breath and a fiver my friend.


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>he's not replying to any of the webms
imagine being such a joke that a few shitposts is enough to make your entire argument collapse

What the fuck happened here? Shouldn't it fall in the direction it's leaning towards?

Fucking LMAO
seething chinklets mad that their women dump them for average white guys

Is he okay?

It's common when we europeans make fun of NA boons because you are garbage in every video game worth a damn.

>only arguments throughout the thread are personal attacks that have no basis
typical china bugman defense force

I really hate that they are going more and more to the hate china side now...I understand that they probably get a lot of clicks by catering to fearmongers instead of their traditional "bro" content, but I loved the bro content


Attached: china man.webm (640x368, 888K)

based webm spammer
don't stop

>literally seething
It's ok. I forgive you. It must be hard to have a dick that is scientifically proven to the be the smallest in the world.

Rape baby

I don't play video games

Once the new intercontinental silk road belt is complete, the civilized world will let USA drown in its own shit.
And in return USA will declare war on a bunch of sandnigs in a sad attempt to stay relevant, ultimately nuking someone on false ground and get the entire world against them. Iran's up next and the election draws closer after all. Bolton has the answer for 4 more years.

Dude, you lost to that guy so fucking hard it hurts.

Not him but
>cherry picked images of worker incompetence
You can literally find tons of these for Europe and America too. The difference is China doesn't have the work safe conditions required in America and Europe. This is more the fault of Chinese business owners than the working man.
>inb4 shut up Chang
Not an argument.

I’m European, delusional retard. Keep fighting with imaginary foes.



Attached: China hole in one.webm (640x360, 2.87M)

Wrong side, bro. I'm pointing out the chink has no argument.

looks like it was attached at two points, and the forklift lifting it upwards managed to detach the other one but leaving the other one intact, which caused the forklift to jerk upwards and swing the tower right into that dude's head in like a slingshot effect

If they are so wise, why are they dead?

>I really hate that they are going more and more to the hate china side now.

It's unironically 100% deserved. China is a fucking walking nightmare, how can anyone defend that shithole?

Fuck chinks but also 3k is great

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>s-small dick
>h-haha owned I'll samefag to make it look more epic
Where's the argument friend? Or will you project more about your tiny dick you like to talk so much about

>The difference is China doesn't have the work safe conditions required in America and Europe.
Ouch. Fucking shitting on China something fierce. Holy shit, user. You didn't need to go that hard on them.

I hope that USA will be dead in the next 10 years
fuck amerimutts
fuck jews
fuck niggers
fuck trannies
t. polack

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Why do people from other countries thing we say European instead of our country?

Man anglos have gone off the deep end since 2016. They are literally watching their world crumble and the best they can do is screech at people trying to help them. Good riddance.

>it’s the best TW in forever,
Hello Cheng

>not him
>it is him
what did he mean by this?

You're not European, you're still a tiny dicked asian.
post them, bro.

This. It's almost as bad as getting shot by cops after you're on the floor with your hands behind your back told to crawl to them, and have the entire nation support the cops afterwards.

Can't use your brain when you're asleep, user.

European is enough for this convo, that’s why. Also if you’re an anglo you’re not European FYI


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Don't need to samefag to laugh at your inadequacy. How does it feel to be cucked at birth?

Is asking for an argument on Yea Forums the biggest sign of being a massive fucking retard, Yea Forums?

Whether you are a European or Chinese, the audacity that someone from either area would call ANYONE arrogant is laughable.

Because they're lying, they give a vague response to deflect
If they were to say they're from a specific country and actual european could easily puncture holes through their larping

I'm only speaking the truth. I'm not for China or against it. The truth is is still being a hypocrite. Being a brainwashed chink and a brainwashed /pol/tard are equally as bad.

Nah, don't want to get banned for off topic or Yea Forums positng. Look them up yourself they're all over liveleak.

Time to mcfucking learn mandarin folks, you'll regret it you don't in the next 20 years. Just my two cents

>shooting black people
>expecting people to be upset by this.
People still support cops because they're doing God's work, user.

Stay seething mutt. Remember: we laugh at you and will support the Chinese and Russians over you.

insectoids are accessing steam more and more - thats all this represents

If you pick a country you'll get called out immediately for not knowing shit about it.

Had the Germanic folk not existed, this world would've been better of.

Damn, the butthurt anglo guy from /int/ has arrived.

Do you honestly think a huge country of lead poisoned psychopathic bugmen who eat oil made from sewage is any better?

why do Americans get so triggered when China is mentioned?

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>Stay seething mutt. Remember: we laugh at you and will support the Chinese and Russians over you.
>proud of being commie

ahaha. ahaha. ahaha.

This game is a total hit so rustle your jimmies, kid.

>pulling out the phone again
>I don't need argument ad hominem lol!
So this is the power of the /pol/ fag...

He's a suicidal polack

Yeah but you already have lite Wuxia elements in 3K with stuff like Romance mode. CA making a fantasy/Warhammer equivalent with a Xianxia setting would make it more distinct desu.

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And the fact that their country has more people than USA and Europe put together.
But hush, one fuck up equals all of them unless it's one of us

someone post the tiananmen square copypasta to get him arrested LOL

He doesn't look like he's being a hypocrite, you said by your own words that China has lax laws regarding safety compared to Americlaps and Euros.
So you not being for or against China is now an issue of being for or against lax safety laws because that is the key difference being argued in this particular situation.

>he calls others commies while screaming for the government to take away the people he doesn’t like

small brain, small dick.

>just watch ADVChina if you want to get a good insight of what is actually happening there
nigger when you watch that shit you literally just arrive at the conclusion that they're bug people

Why europeans get so triggered when America is mentioned?

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Attached: china sunday drive.webm (640x360, 2.07M)

Do me a favor and check the language options during reviews, and select 'other languages' instead of English. Check the number of reviews and compare English-Other Languages.


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They're programmed.


i assume technology will relieve us from learning any language in 20 years

Nice projecting bro, tell me more about yourself.

They are trained from birth to foam at the mouth over Russia and China because their entire Military Industrial Complex is funded by the oil trade.

Agreed. Anglo insects should be exterminated.

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>got a bit of blood on my windshield, let's turn those wipers on

>>he calls others commies while screaming for the government to take away the people he doesn’t like

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What do people actually like about three kingdoms?
The removal of almost all province building? The boring battles? The copy pasted rosters? The removal of all agents? The lack of anything happening after the first couple turns until Realm Divide?
I'm hoping it will be a better modding platform since it is not tied to another IP that restricts it, but after one playthrough as the normal faction and one as a Turban on Legendary you've basically seen all there is at the moment.

You can smell the fear of the anglos lately. They simply cannot comprehend that their empire, like all before them is crumbling due their decadence and warped hedonistic culture. So they lash out at everyone, friends and foes alike in a pitiful state, attempting to find anything resembling their days of glory in the sun.

It's the opposite though. Chinese are taught at a young age that Americans are the scum of the world, but in reality most Americans are too selfish and uninformed to even care about chinks.


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America wasn’t mentioned, your stank is just obvious. Also not just Europeans ;)

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>still replying
be honest, how small is it?

you don't have to mention america they just talk shit every morning like clockwork

China number 1

Jesus Christ mutts calm down

Which makes you a commie. You should learn the meaning of the words you use, brainlet hypocrite mutt. This is why the world doesn’t support the ideals you spout. Not only do you not even understand them, we fully know you are hypocritical rats.


>still replying
>AND trying to high road to save face

I know this is shitposting but you're right for the wrong reasons.
This happens to all empires bar none. At this point we just need to hope for a collapse which doesn't fuck us all but with how far America's memes have spread, I don't think anyone with even an inkling of Western memes in their culture is going to do too well.


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sure thing mutt

Read the fate of empires. This happens, and has happened throughout history. The nice thing is that whites, as the only competent race, are able to absolutely murder the living fuck out of everyone when things meltdown.
Enjoy your future.


>What do people actually like about three kingdoms?
A-n-n-n-n-non, didn't you played Dynasty Warriorz?! Da ancient chinesse history is so interesting, it's so believable to read about PingPong and CongDang fighting against 500k armies (despite 3K have only 6 units per general)

>mods letting this shitshow happen because the chinks payed for Yea Forums passes

>China was the greatest power on Earth for most of human history.
according to the chinese historians, not anybody else

can you at least fit two hands on it?

china is shit but ancient china is pretty cool, and it's also a good game

Oh, I forgot you can't even trade units between armies anymore with the odd general based unlocking system.

>bugmen are soulless beasts devoid of empathy! Won't even help others
>hahaha fuck that nigger hope he gets shot again
The anglo mind is one of contradictions and delusions

>Read the fate of empires
I see you too are a man of culture. Fate of Empire was fucking great.

>you chinks are so mad
>*spends an hour of his life reposting gifs he's cherry picked from /pol/*

>Which makes you a commie.
>you are hypocritical rats.
Nice projecting, comrade

Attached: index.jpg (225x225, 13K)

It’s fucking great, against all odds.

/gif/ actually
the same board where your kind spams BLACKED porn

There's something funny that instead of countering anti angloism with reason and debate, they just chimp out and confirm the very reasoning why people no longer like them.

>this thread
So this will be one of those games we simply won't be talking about here on Yea Forums eh?

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I like the character-focus and the way spies work is way cooler than agents ever were. Also the battles are good since the counters are clear so it’s less gimmicky and more about fundamental tactics. It’s like Shogun 2 but with more complexity. I also thought the Warhammer games were trash.

Speaking from experience?

>and it's also a good game
Lol no.

Chinese>americans and i say that from experience. Maybe usa was great before but not today you lost your country to degenerates.

>The difference is China doesn't have the work safe conditions required in America and Europe.
you realize the alternative you are presenting makes china sound much worse, right?

you first

to be honest you are showing the worst of traffic in a country of over 1 billion, of course there are going to be horrible outliners, and it's a poverty ridden post-commie shit hole where people have been brainwashed into being careless assholes for half a century, same with Russia, no wonder they produce a lot of stuff like this

yikes, that's rough bro.

But the one shitposting and spamming gore webms is a triggered mutt.

I hate to tell you this but the only people posting, supporting and watching BLACKED porn are white cuckolds.
>also, replying
Thanks for proving my point

>This is more the fault of Chinese business owners than the working man.
More like it's fault of government and inspectors in socialists paradise

Falseflagging is against the rules.

Which is why they started chimping out at chinks once the bossman told them about how chinks are out to kill them, just because

Are you implying chinks don't cheer when black people get shot, user? Basketball americans getting shot is the one thing that unifies America.


>female generals
>female leaders
No thanks, cuck.

I wouldn't know. By the way I'm gonna go play vidya so I'm afraid our time together is done. Feel free to reply to yourself though and pretend you're me to fake win the argument. And uhh... good luck with that tiny problem of yours.

This. Nobody kills whites as effective as whites does. It's an art only whites have mastered.

For better or worse they fixed that recently.

>that writing style
holy shit, I'd kill myself out of shame. and, the tiny dick problem that you've inexpertly being attempting to sidestep

Really? I hated that they stripped the general development back down from the large trees
Also I mostly just charged everything to death since shock cav is back to Med2 days of broken with archers support, don't even see the point of infantry.
It doesn't seem anywhere near Shoguns 2 levels of balance.
Also it is funny that you cripple the AI back down to shit tier units just by killing their high level generals.

The mighty yuro-chink coallition

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I'm just sick of seeing anglos sperg out on /biz/. Every thread that isn't an /r9k/ thread is just Anglos screaming about how anything not "white" is a scam coin. Then promptly ignore mt gox and plenty of exit scams being done by anglos.

White superiority wins again. Filthy minorities can't even kill white people as well as the whites can.
Minorities BTFO