press F to spit on their mahjong souls
Press F to spit on their mahjong souls
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If you were having an almost flawless game and got cucked last minute by something like this would you be impressed or rage filled?
Are those the purple quality items or the blue ones? Or green?
>Mahjong Soul
More like "Mahjong Soulless". Imagine ignoring Mahjong and only getting into it once a uguu kawaii moe lolicon cunny version gets made. I could put moe eyes on my anus and you retards would lick my asshole clean
Looks like cat players are objectively the weakest.
I hope this melee room thing is something they're trialling for popularity and will make permanent, I'd love a casual queue for when I can't be bothered setting up a Yea Forums game, plus the more house-rulesy kind of yaku being added will be fun
Extra gold coppers are nice.
Ever since I got into the gold room, coppers come and go like lightning
Majsoul Friends Room 48764(4-Player South):
But I was playing on Tenhou before? Majsoul is more approachable for my normie friends so I've been using it to teach them the game and have friendly matches.
Wait, isn't that an actual cheat move? Is this basically anime mahjong now?
Tsubame-gaeshi is calling ron off someone's riichi tile (see
I'm looking forward to shiiaruraotai personally: winning with all open tiles and waiting for the final pair. It's gonna be fucking cat hell.
>tenhou kokushi
I wouldn't even be mad. That motherfucker is blessed by the RNG.
Majsoul Friends Room 81867(4-Player East):
I have barely a grasp of how to play, any other rookies want to flail about and end up with a complete hand that has no yaku in pure confusion and rage?
Does adept count as rookie?
Fuck if I know, I don't really care either way, I'm just trying to learn how to play
3/4, one novice, two adepts
>Get 4th
>Get 1st
>Get 4th
>Get 1st
>Get 1st
Rollercoaster of emotions from my games recently.
Where was all that fucking luck during my tournament game
More M League in 20min.
gg. Fuck me, that whole game was just bullshit.
>riichi on first turn
>1 han chun hand to go from 3rd to 1st
this means i deserve to be in Master too right
Hey, I kinda deserve some luck after getting rekt by turn 6 tsumo mangan on my first dealership and then chase riichi tsumo haneman on my second in my earlier game today, the game that mattered.
>the game that mattered.
289k viewers.
what the fuck?
why is mahjong not more popular outside of japan and chinese speaking areas?
Why is baka gaijin so afraid of trying new stuffs?
The yaku list, man tile, wind tile and shitton of nip term are pretty intimidating. Its a good thing that we have mjs now.
>tfw no yaku in that last round
>damaten on the new guy
he's gonna learn today
>need to beat the best player in the tournament to pass
Sky isn't far from Dasuke in terms of skill level. Meido is royally fucked, but I believe in him. I, on the other hand, got a '''relatively easy''' group again, but if I get both my dealerships destroyed by huge bullshit tsumos again, it wouldn't really matter in the end.
I wish you the best of luck. You played the best as possible. There's another guy I am also rooting for, but that's mostly because I play mahjong in their league.
Thanks. I am having fun regardless of how it goes, and will just play the same way I play usually in friendly games, since this format isn't really about 4th place avoidance but rather about going absolute meme-tier apeshit.
>Big Wheels
my new favorite yaku
>4/5 winners are paypigs
>11/15 losers are non paypigs
They aren't even trying to hide it anymore.
>Got Ron'd every fucking round while holding out for my big dick hand.
Kill me
Go chill for awhile they will reset your luck counter user!
tsumos can't be helped but you're finals material so don't worry, it's going to be fine
I was supposed to be the one bullying you, why did I get bullied?!
Lie, I dropped down from 10 points away from master 2 to rank down back in the course of a slow, painful week.
Holy shit that bullying.
>somehow end up with a mangan through pure luck
>player already almost dead deals my ron
>ends up at -7900
Holy shit I feel so bad for you
Good game.
I either got big dick hands that never quite happened so I scaled down to chanta/tanyao or even failed open tanyaos.
Today is not a lucky day.
They dont even bother showing the bakagaijins their commercials.
What the fuck did I do?
This is why I feel bad because I only half understand what you're talking about.
Saveed yourself from trying to fix a garbage hand.
Aki Nikaido and ASAPIN
You missed out on a potential yakuman.
5 tiles away from kokushi.
You just wasted your chance to win yakuman.
Hand made of honors (winds, dragons) and triplets containing at least one terminal (1 or 9).
Basically the opposite. An hand that contain no honors nor terminals. The easiest Yaku.
Don't even try for kokushi unless you're 2-shanten
>Tsumos can't be helped.
Why is it suddenly this that's being spouted instead of, "Just learn tile efficiency bro! Just tsumo first!"
Sets, either sequences or triplets.
It's both. If you are faster, you can prevent tsumos. Funny enough, calling is actually one of the best defenses against tsumos since you stop ippatsu and them drawing depending on position.
what the fuck?
How can they know the exact tile that guy is waiting for?
The rest immediately start discarding their hands as soon as they draw 1man/4man.
and both are not even live tile.
Dangerous suji most likely.
Check the pond, it's possible that there is something telling in there.
Fanpai is easier than Tanyao.
Watch this fellow anons if you want to know how REAL FUCKING BETAORI mindset looks like in JP tournament play.
It's called betaori because only betas do it.
t. constant 4th and proud
anyone who knows the favourite to win?
t. first or second and never gonna make it
And then potentially changing their next draw from something useless to a winning tile. Not that I'm discrediting the merits of calling.
Holy shit, that old man sure knows his NAGARE. Kanchan riichi ippatsu tsumo ura mangan, what a luck.
Maehara just pull a chase riichi only with a 13m wait btw.
Bros I keep trying to keep my hand closed but when there's like 16-12 tiles left in the wall I can't help but call if it gets me closer to tenpai, even if it's no yaku.
Is this a bad habit I should get rid of, or is it fine? Or are there any guidelines for when this is good or bad?
>Got blown out 4 games in a row
>Absolute dead last every time.
If you dont sense any danger go for it. Just feel the flow of the table bro.
Well that is the luck aspect. By that same virtue, you can also stop them from drawing it. You don't know what will happen, but calling to stop ippatsu isn't unreasonable. In the end, not much you can do about tsumo, but you can try.
>chase riichi in high level tournament play
Isn't this actually kind of disrespectful? You're basically saying the first guy probably has a shit wait.
Those automated tables are fancy as fuck
Well, that was fast riichi that failed to win, so he was sorta on point there.
Depends on the state of the board, and what discards you can make off the calls.
If someone is in riichii, you're better off folding. If there are lots of live dangerous tiles in your hand, it's better off folding.
If you don't feel like there's any danger, then yes, getting into Tenpai would be beneficial, even with no yaku.
What's a Jyanshi?
>chink cat gets double riichi ippatsu tsumo for 16000
>then hag gets 4 Dora rinshan while I'm dealer
I feel like I just got hit by a car
imagine having to care about respect in a fucking tile matching game
Can you guys actually tell what hand these guys are going for?
God, Japanese people are fucking pathetic.
Is ~16 tiles left too early for something like this? I know there's probably no hard number since you can't predict your next draws, but just wondering roughly when I should start worrying about this if I'm in noten.
old guy is currently waiting for 7-man, it's easy when you can just identify their pair and then whatever set is incomplete
For me personally, around 20 tiles is when I start to look to get into tenpai by calling if I have no real chance of keeping my hand closed. It's about 5ish draws.
actually i'm retarded, he's waiting on 6 and 9m
i always get 7 and 6 confused
One guy is going for all triples right?
>Doble riichi on a single wait Suu ankou
Why though?
>Discarding 5P instead of 6M
Why though?
sometimes you take too big a sip out of the magical sand flask and you choke on it
Old man was waiting on 7-man and 9-man. I'm more interested in the other guy continuously holding onto the 9-man like he knows it's the winning tile. Those instincts are uncanny.
Japanese for “mahjong player”
>tanki pei wait chiitoi dora 2
That old man knows his shit, honors and terminals tend to be held into late game as "free riichi" tiles.
Who here is trying to fuck?
Standard rules, hanchan.
Let's go, losers.
With 5-5-5-6 you only get a yakuman on the 6m draw but you still have San an kou with a 4 or a 7. So you call double riichi for the extra han. I don't see why that's strange
>Can't play South because no one plays South in Bronze
>Can't escape Bronze because nyaggers tsumo with fast cheap open hands before I can do anything, 3rd place without even dealing in
>Can't win if I try to rush out cheap hands because some guy wins the dora lottery with a tsumo while I'm dealer
Send help. I'm actually hitting iishanten/tenpai pretty fast but these fucking cats are just faster. East only is hell.
Also fuckers, look at learn, how tsumo wins are more frequent than ron wins in high level play.
And Tsumos are luck, what's your point.
It doesn't matter what their wait is, double riichi immediately shuts everybody down at gold rooms and above. Waiting on the dora is a ballsy move, maybe waiting a couple turns for a slightly better single wait wouldve been better. But the player reasoned that it was more likely for his hand to get cucked by open tanyaos and speedy hands if he kept damaten
>So you call double riichi for the extra han. I don't see why that's strange
Because suu ankou tanki is a double yakuman, and han stops mattering at that point
No calling riichi so you can change your wait.
Discarding 5P instead of 6M, makes your hand be in tenpai for 4, 6 and 7M, if you're in Riichi you're forced to forget about that delicious double Yakuman if someone discards those tiles.
I didn't guess your pair wait
guess I'm in fourth place again
mahjong sucks dick
you can make it out of bronze by not dealing in usually. let the retards deal in and you'll never be 4th
Why did Mahjong need anime to become popular on Yea Forums
just fold.
It has always been popular , fucktard.
This is the first full English client with an actually good UI and a decent tutorial. Fuck off.
>that beautiful chiinitsu killed by yakuhai dora 2 and kanchan riichi
H-hold me anons ;_;
tenhou is not very approachable for foreigners. this iteration is straighforward.
He's not "forgetting" about the double yakuman he's just prioritizing completing his hand and maximizing the value for doing so. With double riichi his hand is already a baiman, if he gets ura it could reach a yakuman anyway, doubly so if he draws some kans.
Having an English client clearly had nothing to do with it. Not at all.
These orange tiles look like Cheddar
I was explaining why someone thought it was strange to double riichi a suu ankou tanki. I know the player did not forget about it.
>With double riichi his hand is already a baiman, if he gets ura it could reach a yakuman anyway
Again, wtf are you talking about. Suu ankou tanki is always a double yakuman. The reason to hold back the double riichi is to change the tanki wait to a better one.
Majsoul Friends Room 52476(4-Player South):
standard hanchan, no red dora
room 52476
If you draw a 4 or a 7 it's not a suu ankou dude.
Are you not getting that the player was also in tenpai for 4 and 7, in which case it would be a sanankou, and thus benefit from a double riichi? He was accounting for the fact that he might not actually get to finish his yakuman and kept a strong backup with multiple waits.
He's talking about the possibility of winning this hand with ways other than double yakuman. Having a low chance to score double yakuman is worse than having several times more winning tiles at the cost of most of them giving you baiman instead of double yakuman. Only a bronze retard would forfeit a baiman+ with a ton of winning tiles for a slim chance of getting double yakuman.
Thank you for apparently also having a brain.
What's the difference between East and South anyway?
>It's an "everyone gets their hand fucked by holding on to the honor dora" episode
Play chink games, win chink prizes.
south does an extra 4 rounds until All Last, changing the meta from super fast tanyao spam to actual opportunities to build valuable hands
and obviously while it's South the prevalent wind for yakuhai changes to the South tile - the dealer is still always East however
numerous neighbors is that chiitoitsu 2-8 same suit?
east is four games, south is eight
both can be extended if dealer wins, not enough points won or shortened if somebody goes into minus
yeah for manzu, bamboo forest and big wheels is the same hand but for souzu and pinzu respectively
i can find definitions for all the others but what are these? i can't into nihongo
this waifu is about to get shadowrealmed by based ojii san
I fucking hate this game so god damn much.
Whenever I see a shining button, I must press it
Only in anime does puting yourself in furiten pay off. This trope triggers me so much.
>literally every neuron in a nyagger's peabrain
i think iipinmoyue is when you tsumo on haitei iipin.
>two other players riichi'd already
>get to tenpai
>closed wait
>need to throw a live tile
>delicious free sex into ippatsu
>comp mahjong
Is this good or bad?
Could you rephrase the question in a non-retarded way?
How come Japanese mahjong's green tiles aren't actually green?
>he play Kaiji instead of Akagi
I almost never deal in but I just get fucked by dora lottery tsumo on my dealer turn.
>check missions
>notice my mission is LITERALLY uncompletable
what the fuck bros, do I just change?
8 games = "wind games" meaning you have at least 8 games in a south room.
What do these numbers mean?
ignore this user, you also have to not deal in for eight STRAIGHT entire hanchans aka 64+ rounds, hope you read your riichi book
>guy deals into 13 orphans in East 2
>room closes
Ummm mahjongtards???
25 + that number times 1000 I think
that's their paypig value, meaning how much they've donated to the tournament organizers to increase their dora chances and get 4th place protection if they've spent the most
mahjong fight club
>East 1
>south double kans into fucking tsumo
>East 2 same player goes into double fucking Riichi and Ipatsus into a fucking haneman off of dora luck
How does one obtain this level a majong mastery? Do I need to sacrifice a fucking goat or something?
>East 2
Just read the flow of the game, bro
This is one of the easiest ones smoothbrain, you can get it in one match or two at most.
That's just instant game over, right?
Seriously I don't know what those numbers mean
>Riichi, immediately 2 others riichi
So this really happens huh
Team's point.
We did it catbro, we showed those hags
ron on last discard and it's a 9pin.
Yes. Player goes to -11,000.
That's a free second place for West player.
thanks guys
i'm still trying to get my head around the regular yaku so melee mode should be interesting
>You will only play one of the greatest games ever made when it gets shitted on with anime girls with high pitched sex moaning whenever someone wins
Is it possible to execute a player completely point-wise in the first game?
>get blessed by RNG by having triple dora haku several rounds in a row
>in one of the rounds, get 2 more dora thanks to someone kanning
>shadow realm someone and finish first in the 70000s
I finally understand how Washizu feels.
have sex
You can execute all 3 players as dealer on E1 with a tsumo double yakuman
You can turn most of the non-mahjong elements off if they annoy you
Today is clearly not a day for Mahjong
They don't have to be consecutive.
the quests are all piss easy, they might as well just read 'play the game'
Have you ever witnessed this kind of cold-blooded murder or is that just a possibility?
I haven't, but I did get hit by a single yakuman tsumo while being dealer on E1, losing 16000 instantly, so I was relatively close.
imagine getting tilted because of emotes
>that nyagger who emotes 10 seconds before ron
If it ever happens it will be some retarded cat
Majsoul Friends Room 53892(4-Player South):
south standard
Except for the part where you can turn off literally everything and anything involving the girls, except for their win screens and square portraits.
Kill yourself.
Yep I get it now. I am really being drawn into the presentation of this show. Still hard to follow whats going.
I'm able to watch it on FF because I have several privacy addon's that probably get around a region block. I'm not using a VPN or anything.
You say this like Nip businessmen haven't been playing strip mahjong on their PC98s since the 90s.
Imagine even being in a room with a sextuple yakuman. It would actually be an honor to be shadowrealmed by such monster hand.
Region blocks work by IP address lookup, if you aren't behind seven proxies it's not region blocked.
>If you get ron'd by this the game demotes you by a whole rank
please come play mahjong
I'm not even sure you could deal into a sextuple yakuman, because I'm pretty sure tenhou or renhou would have to be one of them
>if you get ron'd by it, the game deletes your account & ip bans you
send help
Suukantsu is also an option
>I'm not even sure you could deal into a sextuple yakuman,
correct, since blessing of man isn't valid in mahjong soul it'd have to be
>tenhou, 1 yakuman
>single-wait four concealed triplets, 3 yakuman
>four big winds, 5 yakuman
>dragon pair for all honors, 6 yakuman
>no IRL mahjong tiger mommy to bully you in games and reward you with South/South when you place well
Replace tenhou with suukantsu and it still works, so ron is possible
Might as well buy real estate in the shadow realm
Meido, FurudoErika, what on good God's green earth happened to you?
They challenged Jap whales to a game of mahjong.
How easy is it to actually flip the dora indicator with one finger like that without sending tiles flying in all directions, they make it look so easy in anime
You can check their games to see yourself user.
Meido is overrated, Erika had an unlucky game.
I mean furudo did better than 9 other nigs and about the same as 2 others, he's right smack dab in the center of the pack
Whoop I get chiihou and renhou mixed up
When it comes to Akagi
anime or manga?
my mate brags to me about how he's spent so much time doing it he does it effortlessly now
>3 riichi
>the way she says all the yakus
What about stuff like lifting the walls or opening your entire hand in one go when you ron/tsumo? I don't have my own set to practice with (YET) and it just looks terrifying to attempt.
gome asobase
the anime is really good, but you need to read the manga to actually finish the washizu match - anime basically just ends with TO BE CONTINUED
I sent your previous post to him and he replied
its pretty simple, really
and you can't really send any other tiles flying
its not like they are glued together
but you can make that one tile fall off the wall
What's that womans name Ari something. God damn she killin it. That slick hair dude looks really cool though.
press 5 for another credit
Fuck that. Be a fucking man and go for thirteen orphans.
Post the loli.
you're a fucking pussy ass bitch nigger cocksucking faggot homo go kill yourself
get you a girl that (laughter)[3700]s at all your jokes
I finally realized the type of player I hate the most.
The one who calls a trash hand riichi when he is in 4th place and who would not reach 3d even if he ron'd the current 3d place with 3 ura dora. Like, what the ufck are you even doing?
Just disconnect if you are not trying.
It seems like the cat expended her nine lives
Thanks god, that made my day.
I really love her hair though.
cockblocking you, faggot
I can't win and neither will you
ho ho ho, what we have here?
post room nyan bros
Based off the scores FurudoErika was probably playing well and 4th was just being bad and fed a lot of points.
Laughing at a joke is 3 han?
The faggots in Meido's game kept tsumo'ing.
Majsoul Friends Room 49677(4-Player South):
she's making fun of your tiny point hand user
he's trying to minimize losses dumbo
nigger I hate the most is the nigger that goes dama two games in a row & rons you both times
This is why I have a house rule that disallows tsumo wins.
But people don't play with me very often anymore. Fucking luckshitters.
How do you minimize losses when your only Yaku is riichi?
>disallows tsumo wins
based lucklet
Her name is Nikaido Aki
Save me, magical hell sands.
>Hag kans during another players Riichi
>Gets ronned
>Eats a 6 ura dora for a Baiman
Get fucked Hag, learn to resist the Kan.
Thank you. What's this guys name?
He looks like he knows he's better than me.
Nobody can beat the kan.
He's incresing his score, even if by 1000
>mfw I have seven safe tiles
>mfw I'm gonna fucking kan and shadow realm some dumb cat
Matsumoto Yoshihiro?
if you get tsumod, you lose points
if you get ron'd, you get a lot of points
if someone else gets ron'd, you don't lose but neither do you gain points
if you get a hand, no matter how shitty, you gain points
obviously the best play is to play your hand
Yup, thats him. God damn his NAGARE is strong right now.
>if you get ron'd, you get a lot of points
you lose*
So they're going to allow all those optional yaku but not the American Civil War yakuman? Come on, at least allow it on EN servers!
What is that?
Any good mahjong anime to teach me this chinese checkers?
Besides Akagi because i already saw it. Had no idea what was going on tho i liked it
Surprised I managed to comeback to second place.
That's a copyrighted hand though, you'd have to buy the 9 bucks official card.
Meld of pei and meld of nan, plus the numbers 1861 and 1865 of one suit.
>Any good mahjong anime
>to teach me this chinese checkers
None, you might even develop bad habits if emulate any mahjong anime without already knowing stuff.
Perfect feature for the cash shop. One of the possible rewards you can roll, optional yakuman, and the proceeds go to whoever the jew owner is.
So mahjong league games don't end if you go negative? That's fucked up.
Team points.
gotta go fast
>meido 4th
>Last place Ron's second place for a measly 3000 points knocking him down to third place
I could feel the anger through the ether.
True, i noticed Kaijis part 3 manga used very specific to that game rules i asume akagi did too
Any rooms up or what, you fucking fags.
make one bitch
>learning mahjong through Saki
GG all love the small hands
Majsoul Friends Room 49677(4-Player South):
Fine. I'm salty after my last hanchan with Yea Forums
standard rules, hanchan.
Sometimes the tilt is so strong you can feel it over the internet.
this really is yugioh but with mahjong and female protag
Contrary to a lot of people in this thread, I fucking mahjong animes.
any steam group?
or general?
yeah try reddit faggot
Imagine being forced to play with negative points.
>I fucking mahjong animes.
>playing from within the shadow realm
How do I learn this power
1 more
Well, that's embarrassing. I meant to say I fucking hate mahjong animes.
Saki's voodoo levels are actually beyond the basic absurdity of calling multiple rinshan kaihou in the same hanchan. She was able to pull off her +/-0 in both the individuals qualifiers and in one of the captain matches.
Shit taste, Saki is kino.
no open tan
no red dora
Stuff like this is just retarded.
She doesn't even fucking look at her draw. It's like she fucking knew she would win.
>He can't feel the flow and know when he just drew a winning tile
Sorry buddy, not all of us are monster class.
That's just a normal ability among top level lesbians. Koromo can also control the flow however she wants. Saki's +/-0 is just one application of her bullshit manipulation.
Look, I know you're trying to be funny, but that shit is boring as fuck.
Okay? You hate mahjong anime. Now what?
Thats never stopped Yugi
No red fives.
Get a load of this fucking loser
Being able to win
No need to look if you can feel the tile with your thumb because they're pretty easy to distinguish.
>Hating over-the-top flashy anime about lesbians playing mahjong and using cheat powers
You must be fun at parties.
Once you learn the trick and the amount of force necessary, it's pretty easy to do. You should probably practice in private a few times first though.
How on earth is that entertaining?
>haha, EPIC dude look at this totally sick and cool thing that happened!
But it IS cool as fuck to watch.
>the match in this room has already started
Majsoul Friends Room 75391(4-Player South):
room 75391
standard hanchan
I empathize with the normals that have to work around the bullshit. There's also matches with a high amount of normals, lieutenant matches in particular are pretty good since there are very few voodoo players there (Pretty much only Tamaki with her gimmich last hand)
Maybe posting 3/4 is counter productive since it makes people think the last slot has probably been taken. But there's still one more slot just for you, user
>FurudoErika has joined
i am crying
At least he can riichi.
user you're in Jade
Of course everyone knows not to fucking deal unsafe tiles at that point
why tho
Possible idiot question: How wasn't the red dragon unsafe?
>user you're in Jade
am i?
Never mind the walls, they don't even try to pretend that the hands are randomly generated. And the walls... well it turns out they are not so random. Rigged REEEEEEEEEEEEE
Man, I literally couldn't finish a single hand.
Is this over? I clicked on it and a match started playing but now I'm getting a dog saying something in moon (tadaima CMchun-desu)
1. They use an MD5 hash over the wall text. You can pre-generate all possible combinations. The hash will not collide for any valid input.
2. There's still plenty of room to cheat *ahead* of time by giving paypigs better haitai on average, which cannot be detected.
Dabbing on nyaggers
That's not difficult. I can even achieve that with my eyes closed.
>Get into riichii multiple times.
>Fuckers keep winning with open tanyao bullshit stuffed with doras.
>A fucking little dragons tsumo.
Majsoul Friends Room 60746(4-Player South):
Just stop dealing in desu.
Got some bullshit luck draws in South 2 & 3. Honestly I just dealt whatever and had to shit really badly and somehow it came together.
Thanks for not shadow realming me, guys. gg
W-what happens in the shadow realm..?
GG anons, I almost had a Kokushi on the first South-4
>2. There's still plenty of room to cheat *ahead* of time by giving paypigs better haitai on average, which cannot be detected.
I've dunked almost 1200 dollars into the gacha and I'm on a 16 game losing streak.
>2. There's still plenty of room to cheat *ahead* of time by giving paypigs better haitai on average, which cannot be detected.
But you forgot the most important part. that guy's paypig, he owns chiori.
They have to play American mahjong.
Uhh... You did activate the special code you got send right?
>I've dunked almost 1200 dollars into the gacha and I'm on a 16 game losing streak.
The game knows you have a lot more cash to buy upgrade your luck efficiency.
Default rule set.
Did you mean Mah-Jongg!?
You mean solitaire?
>"Uh bro yeah just always fold and die from tenpai instead bro"
Nani the fuck?
Sadly I do but I'm storing it away for an auto table for playing with irl friends. I'm an Europoor so import fees are going to be murder.
post one of your games, kouhai
>can waste 900 Euros
Fuck you with a rusty spoon.
>Tsumo... Gomenasai~
What now, you fucker?
gome asobase
Get better connection that's not Dial-up.
No. I got it from my 3rd free-to-play roll.
But I have been playing 3 weeks straight?
Deny tsumos by calling aggressively
Then we can call it justice.
Hagbros, how do we deal with the overwhelming ammount of lolis and high-school girls
>If I call, I change the FLOW, and if I change the flow, then he can never tsumo!
Stop watching mahjong anime.
I love teenage girls, no need to do anything about it.
Are you literally retarded? Depending on your seating, your calls could and should be used to deny the one with the dangerous hand any draws.
Flow is real though.
Tbf it's still kinda valid that early. It's way more likely that you don't have the third pair by then. Worst case you fold and hope you have enough safe tiles.
>me and another guy riichi
>the other guy tsumos first
>it's my winning tile too
Does Kaavi count as a hag?
I'm getting tied of achieving spears in Silver Room. Just give me items so I can turn them int stardust for a free roll!
>if that shitty cat didn't change the draw order by poning, it would have been yours
how much time until maintence, please tell me
Like 11 hours?
That's what I'm gonna do from now on and when I end up dealing in cause I have no tiles left I'll post here again so you guys can call me an idiot for calling so much and destroying my own defense.
>doesn't believe in the flow
Majsoul Friends Room 83275(4-Player South):
N-no, I don't want you to laugh.
Who are we spitting on? Did all the Yea Forums and /jp/ players lose already?
>Deal into 2nd turn riichi baiman east 1
>Have to play catch up all match and still get 4th
when you get luck fucked in this game there isn't much you can do about it
But bro, you could have easily done -retarded shit advice- that could have stopped you from doing that!
There is absolutely zero luck in mahjong, dude. Just learn tile efficiency.
>have gotten 3 yakumans so far but no double riichi
Is this normal?
Good game, lads. Felt good to bully the hag
>already got Xenia
>but still want to try 20 rolls for Kaavi
Someone tell me to stop before I end up disappointed.
That's like a 40% chance dude go for it what else would you spend your money on.
lol nigger congrats on reading wikipedia article
Now come up with a way to use MD5 collision to rig the game.
You still need to grind them to level 5 affection to get all their lines. And then you need items to get their alternate cg.
desu the alternate cg isn't as good of a reward as the voiced yaku/han.
Where's the fucking vod of the tournament? It's been 14 hours.
>Now come up with a way to use MD5 collision to rig the game.
Nigga, please. It's enough if the admins can rig it.
Tanyao > Tsumo > Big Dick Hand
What is the material benefit for them to rig games? There are no real money involved in gambling in this game.
>sleep in
>miss tourney
From what I know Kaavi doesn't even have one yet. She just hit my spot though and I like her theme a lot.
Also as said voiced yaku on winning hands are the real best thing out there.
Oh boy I cant wait to lose more rank points today
So, how would admins use MD5 collision to rig the game? Mind explaining?
Considering how fucking anime Curvy's normal outfit looks I'm legit curious what her eventual(?) uncap art could possibly look like. Will she dress like a normal person? Will she keep the bunny ears? Will she look even more out of place next to the other girls?
there are 144 tiles, generate all sequences of tiles and you can now go from hash to sequence
Majsoul Friends Room 41665(4-Player South):
>Expert 3 paypig in Silver room
>Gets bullied by cats into 4th
Feels good
Ah yes, you only need to generate 4.9701382236025508358322810017993999511869388563011E+479 strings. Brb hacking mahjongsoul
Whoos, had a typo in the formula, but anyway it's 144^144
gg, thought I could have fun and rinshan / sankantsu at the end there
Without replacement. Once a tile's in the sequence it won't repeat again. 144^144 is selection with replacement.
144!, not 144^144
That's still 5.55E249 strings.
So close yet so far away.
I can't wait to get bullied and embarrass myself infront of Yea Forums players the next time a room goes up.
Yeah, but it's half the number
Has the Mahjong gods and Lord Tanyo blessed you guys today?
Oh shit, we got actual math nerds.
Anyway that wasn't the type of rigging I wanted the guy to suggest. The most sensible thing the devs could do is switching the wall with the wall that has the same MD5 hash to favor a certain player, but I'm pretty sure it's impossible to generate valid walls (4 of each tile) with the matching hash, or rather too expensive.
Lord Chinitsu stopped by and gave me his blessing
>the wall that has the same MD5 hash
Honestly don't think there are any
No, this game has been absolute shit to me today so I'm playing FE 4 instead.
The spirits of Chiitoitsu are haunting me currently
I had to bully a cat to earn this
congrats!, welcome to tanyao hell
Great, just another hag who will kan when there's an active riichi.
n! and n^n are about the same complexity anyway
You're gonnaa get bullied back.
Don't hate me cuz you aint me loser
Are the threads more active during the day or night in NA?
day and midday. it gets slower at night.
Majsoul Friends Room 91834(4-Player South):
no open tanyao
15000 starting points 25000 points to win
Don't worry I'm in the phase where I barely call but also never know when to call
I just set my alarm so I won't miss /ouranons/ get btfo on stream.
And you?
Good games
ggs friends, sorry to leave after one match. Work related shit came up.
nothing like getting ron'd for 13 orphans. that's enough majaan for today
GGs, the nagashi mangan in E4 was just dumb luck btw. If I didn't get the hatsu on my last draw it wouldn't have happened.
rigged btw
When is that?
but user said it's 0.000000000000000000001% and you shouldn't defend against 13 nyaggers
7 hours.
13 Retards is literally the most obvious closed Yakuman.
"Haha, wow, this guy sure has been droppping everything but honor tiles. I wonder what he's going for. "
>accidentily got myself ronned for 12000 by not paying attention to the timer
>down to 1200 points in south 3
>had to win 4 games in a row just to force a west 1
>2nd place
stop watching youtube videos while playing mahjong
Yea, it's like the ONLY hand that uses terminals and honors, who cares about chanta and stuff, 13 orphans is what i'd bet on if I see someone not discarding terminals.
>Haha, wow, this guy sure has been droppping everything but honor tiles. I wonder what he's going for.
There are 136 tiles in Japanese set, mr Mathematician.
How did a Mahjong gacha game of all things grow a cult following on Yea Forums?
Riichi Mahjong always had a cult following. The point is the new client is a great recruitment tool since it's in English from the get go and has a lot of training wheel functions.
It's a way for all of us Mahjongfags to collect together that isn't on /jp/.
Heart of the tiles!
I am back
time to get fucked again
it's a much more accessible game for western weebs
>training wheel functions
What exactly? The tutorial is a joke
I hate it.
poor cat
If you think this game tutorial and helpers is a joke you've clearly never played on any other mahjong client before.
The others most popular client are literally all in japanese.
Wait guidance, shiny dora, even some automove toggles.
Shows you your waits, including a warning if you have no yaku or if you would go into furiten.
Highlights other visible copies of a tile if you mouse over one in your hand.
Just as an example.
Well of course.
gas all nyaggers
The tutorial in Ms is no different than in any other client.
Sore PON
post yaku list ples
>have 3 double riichi and 0 chanta
Why are the colors inverted
blacklight poster for your skeevy mahjong basement
Because it looks better and easier on the eyes.
My first message.
>+/- 0
Saki, is that you?
How much until the tournament guys?
How can I play in the tourney realm?
Reply with this
>symmetrically numbered tiles
I've never seen this before
>have perfect game so far
>suddenly this
What now?
>Dropped to 12k, 4th in East 3
>Manage to claw my way back into stealing first with 2 repeats South 4 as dealer
Is there a greater feeling?
How do you get +/- 0?
I thought you would need to have the same amount as you start, which would be 25k.
Those list of Yaku makes my head hurt.
I hope you didn't discard that Wind tile thinking you're attempting Betaori.
Best NotKoromo
wouldn't even be mad if I dealt into Kokushi.
Why, isn't the wind tile completely safe?
nevermind, 4 1s out. windmill slam that fucker.
I'm guessing he meant the first west tile he discarded when he had a pair.
That guy is a retard. The only Yaku that you could deal into would be Kokushi, so that tile is as safe as it gets.
Drop 8p
If no safe tiles next turn, drop 7p, then 6p
Oh nevermind, the retard above confused me. Drop the wind first, of course
yeah it's agony
they also aren't like "yaku" that you can combine, they're all just individual full hands that can't be stacked in any way
someone post the american set with star of david hakus
And it couldn't be a kokushi anyways since all four 1pins are in the ponds.
But that doesn’t change the fact that you would’ve never picked up the game if it weren’t for tits and child porn.
this doranyagger got his dick sucked by the RNG the entire game, ended up 60k+, with me second at 17k after never dealing into anyone
Penalty for third place, if I'm not mistaken.
jesus rounds seem to go by really quick in gold
everybody chimps out as hard as possible
don't fall for it
I was only paying attention to the W tiles the player on the left had and thought the others were revealed because they usually are in VODs but didn't notice he Pon'd it. That's why I said that. Usually, if there aren't any tiles in the pile and it's 30 or less in the game, they're most likely considered dangerous.
One stone away from disaster. Two ura dora would give him kazoe with tsumo. I fucking hate kans.
Fortunately I was able to get easy 5200 on him next hand and then kamicha send him into the shadow real - well deserved when you drop dora into ippatsu, even if it's terminal and you're oya.
Still wanted to share because it's rare to see 8 dora out of nowhere.
Not easy to see it from this picture but I was into mawashi uchi at the moment when kamicha dropped that 7m kan. Xia was obviously 100% safe but as you can see I had defensive tools till the rounds end. Still, tsumo in situation like this sounds like a bigger problem than ron and I wouldn't mind dealing into someones else hand, even for mangan, if it would stop him.
You have to offset the buy-in and the uma, remember. Though soul uses a weird +15/+5/+-0/-20 Uma I think.
It's +15/+5/-5/-15 counted from starting value.
If that was the case, if he ended at 30k points, he should have -5. He shouldn't be at +-0 unless he had 35k.
What's so weird about it? It's internet mahjong.
There's no oka, the target score is 25. 30 is +5, -5 uma = 0
>Though soul uses a weird +15/+5/+-0/-20 Uma I think.
Is that why I barely lose any points in 3rd on majsoul but I lose a lot more in 3rd on Tenhou?
Base values here are 25k, not 30k.
>What's so weird about it?
Most of the time, uma is symmetrical, and thus recorded as something like 15/5, indicating a +15/+5/-5/-15 spread. It's unusual to see them adjust middle values.
But the games don't end on Soul unless 1st is over 30k. That doesn't make sense without Oka.
Actually, going over some of the scores, and here, the math is really screwy looking in general. Cause if you look at, say, this guy and the scores, 1st has a +20.7 score, which doesn't make sense unless Oka is involved. But it could also make sense with 25k target + 15 uma.
It's kind of weird. I wonder if they're just doing math shortcuts to get the same values, or if they're playing Chinese telephone with how money is distributed.
>playing really focused
>start keeping trash safe tiles in my hand after the first 20 tiles are gone from the wall and my hand is 3+ from tenpai
>safely avoid the heat when someone riichis
>go all in probably 1 out of the 4 rounds
>secure second place most of the times
seems like solid strat on silver, at least in my experience, since the round usually ends before noten penalty can fuck you up