Reminder that it will be very short and extremely boring

reminder that it will be very short and extremely boring.

also kojima's nonsensical and nonexistent writing skills will be even worse than ever.
>Die Hardman
literally naming a character after a movie, even worse than Hot Coldman.

"""""gameplay"""""" will be mostly a walking simulator with the occasional climbing to get you from cutscene to cutscene. The game will be short but without any replayability like GZ had.

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I'm expecting similar to HZD, GOW etc, about 30-40 hours total. It depends on the replayability.

ayayyaya why there isn't constant shooting and explosioons? where are all the jokes aaaa noet even anime girls baka game


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>OP just retrieves Chico and Paz
>never plays GZ again
Absolutely fucking plebeian

what? I'm saying it will not have replayability like GZ had replayability. I played the SHIT out of GZ.

People keep whining about Die Hardman and Hot Coldman as if somehow these are any worse than one of the most iconic characters being called Big Boss and his mentor being The Boss. You legit sound fucking stupid for thinking you've made some kind of point.

Gamers are graphics whores in denial. Name ONE modern game with bad graphics and good gameplay that sold more than 2 million without a gimmick (sexiness as an angle, novelty, etc), nostalgia (incl decades of branding), or top-tier graphics. Name fucking one.

>there is only one level of bad
is this how brainlets like you COPE?

>SEKIRO will be 8 hours game!
turns out to be 20-40h
>now i'm certainly right, death stranding will be 8 hours game!
whoa, guess what gonna happen this time

That's Kojimas style
Your bitching is equivallent to complaining how Quentin Tarantinos movies are too cheesy

mount & blade games


Fortnite? Minecraft?

I'm excited

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op trying to cope cause death stranding will be the game that will bring forth the rapture and he will miss it

Doesn't matter if the game is good or bad it will sell immensely based on name and hype and there's nothing you can do to stop it.

This. Calling the two heroes of MGS1 Dave and Hal is pretty embarrassing as well.
>Look, I referenced 2001, I'm a film buff!

>Hot Coldman
Heat Flamesman

People don't realise that Kojima is trying to basically make old James Bond tier fun adventures.

Are the names Goldfinger, Dr No, Jaws, Oddjob, Mr Big, etc supposed to be intimidating? cool?

It's a flick, all of Metal Gear Solid was a flick


hot coldman is an actual character in MGS

I'm reading every word of this like an individual joke and was still unprepared for the last one, I'm slain.

>mgs3 was LITERALLY 100% UNMISTAKABLY a james bond intro scene
It's surprising how zoomers have never seen a bond film

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I've enjoyed the MGS series but every single game Kojima blames someone else for mistakes, such as rushing the game out before it was truly his vision or having to take over the reigns because the dev team weren't delivering etc.

I want to see if this game either rules completely or if it's garbage and then who he will try to blame when he's been given complete unlimited authority.

Please forgive me. I really am sorry, it's just that I liked Skyrim so much I thought it was the future of all games
Clearly not. Now come back!

I never doubted linear games, fuck you

he will blame time and budget. I bet he wanted to suck even more celeb dicks that he used development budget on

RimWorld and Dwarf Fortress.

Cataclysm: DDA. Caves of Qud.

"Die-hard" is an expression in English that refers to a zealot or a tenacious person. It wasn't invented by the movie Die Hard you stupid ESL twat.

Attached: The sheer ridiculousness of your post has prompted me to respond with a portable network graphic fil (992x728, 693K)


it's Die Hardman you mong. even using an expression as a legit name is retarded, but when you know kojima literally faps to the movie industry, it's not hard to see the connection.

Got an example of him blaming someone else for his own mistakes or are you just attributing the dumb shit his fans say to him?

he named some, did you even read? have you ever followed kojima?

โˆ† โˆ†

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This, but unironically. You can seethe all you want sonyfag but BotW will forever be remembered as the best open world game ever.

>reminder that it will be very short and extremely boring.
Don't forget about Strand the Weapon Master #23 side-mission!!!

He named excuses his fans come up with to defend him. I'm asking for examples of the man himself actually blaming someone.

>his fans
nope, he named things kojima said himself. google the story about him taking over the project because he blamed his team

i'd never noticed that. Who's Dave in metal gear solid tho? David Hayter is a voice actor dude.

Don't forget that half of the characters share the same name.
Dead Heartman

Kojima is notorious for taking a long time to make his games. Unless it is padded out by having to walk far distances, there's no way a Kojima game made in 3 years has that kind of playtime

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Fuck you, Hot Coldman was an amazing name

Solid Snake


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I really enjoyed it too; it reminds me of the Deus Ex one; but it's new.
Absolutely superb.
Very cool user, thanks for sharing.

Mgs 3 is very James bond, but when they go in about the boss and her legacy, and how now he is naked snake, then big boss, with all that lame overacting and drama, thats not James bond at all. And MGS5 really focused in that drama. So you cant justify campy and fun because the intro was so out there with it while the game had huge tonal shifts

Reminder that a few months ago this game didn't exist and was stuck in development hell. Reminder that we still remember and you still haven't apologized.

Sorry linear games, I was wrong about you.
Please fix GTA. i want it to be as fun as GTA III was to me when I was in the children's hospital.
>I want that feeling of 'wanting to live' back

kojima truly is /ourguy/


If you want that, you need to fix yourself. Nothing to do with GTA.

Sony found out about how Kojima spent mgsv's budget on american food and how he got fired, so they tightened the leash. When Kojima is on strings, he gets games done. All that delay on V, and we got an unfinished game. DS is shaping up judging by November 8's release this year.

hub worlds best worlds

Kojimbo's been shit since MGS4. Prove me wrong.

He pretty much always gets things done. 5 is literally the only game in his entire career that had a clusterfucked development and he also released PT while working on it, opened an LA studio and created a new engine, and even that was relatively smooth compared to other clusterfucks.

>Hot Coldman.
Don't you mean Flames Burnsman?

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Which game is "the project"? He did take over MGS3&4 but I don't recall him blaming someone else for any mistakes in that situation, he just felt like directing again. The claim was that after every single game he ends up blaming someone else for mistakes and I want some sources that prove that. "Google it" isn't an argument.

You're probably right but I hope not.

GZ is the best MGS game and you can't prove me wrong

>He pretty much always gets things done.

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The devs are the ones who made his games great. Now he's been sacked from Konami he has a new team. This new team will be shit tier compared to the team of old.

Thanks for sharing, lads. Got a few more games to add to the list now.

>created a new engine
Kojima can't code you dumbo he has no technical background

and p.t.? how the fuck do you explain a 20 minute demo that revolutionized the horror genre, for better or worse... ?

actually, don't bother, fuck you

PT was made by his Konami team you brainlet. Death Stranding is going to be SHIT. Just accept the truth.

>revolutionized the horror genre
In what way? It's like a poor version of Echo Night.


>The devs are the ones who made his games great
Yeah that's why Portable Ops is widely considered a great game. Shut the fuck up

There is no doubt in my mind Kojima has fun naming his characters these. And its 10x more memorable for him to do this than to give them some down to earth name. Its such a stupid complaint. Despite Hot Coldman actually being a badly written character, people STILL remember him because of his name.

Please continue not having any arguments, seems to work well for you

Yes and also he didn't actually create a studio in LA, he's not a builder. How silly of me

I'll give you your (you) and tell you its not bad. Cope.

Solid Snake actually has a name but his alias is more iconic. Big Boss is John, sometimes called Jack (mainly by his mentor.) Surprisingly I don't think I know The Boss' real name.

Keep moving the flag retard. When you have no idea about programing you can't claim you had any input in creating a engine.

I can't think of a single time Kojima ever did this. The one time he could have had a chance to do so, Konami had him legally quiet to stop him from telling people about what happened. You're full of shit.

post your game
post a function / method you wrote
post anything

Attached: gg.jpg (896x916, 136K)

>Portable Ops
>87% ยท Metacritic
>94% liked this video game
I don't get what you're trying to say user. The coach doesn't do shit for a football team, it's the players. Same goes for making games.


Imagine being a manchild booklet and thinking Hideo Kojima is a good writer

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yeah but is his name Dave?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!! Bruh Skyrim shits allover BOTW and is like 10 years older than it.


There's a scene in MGS1 where Hal says his name is Hal and Snake says his name is Dave and they start laughing "hhuehueheuhe it's like that movie the game director is a fan of"

What if I want to wear a rainbow and not be seen as just wearing it for gay support? What if I just like rainbows?

>a ninceldo and a Yea Forumsfag
makes you think

oh thats gay.

I mean, given what we know now, I don't know who named him. I really wanted to see how the El Enfants Terribles was carried out but I guess Kojima really did not want to tell that story.

Here's a program I wrote who's function is to determine when Kojima will stop being a hack

20 GOTO 10;

see the difference is there would be at least some interesting locale within a few feet of walking distance in botw

Haven't owned a nintendo since SNES. I am too bigbrained for video game writing though because I'm not a literal child

mgs4 was kino

>a ninceldo, a Yea Forumsfag and a liar
makes you think

Kojima has quite an ego.
>Kojima is God, Kojima is God, Kojima is God
>makes an entire mission about him being saved by big boss from omega camp

basic and redpilled

Lol based Kojima rustling jimmies

>the user who loves video game writing is also a console war fag
Imagine my shock

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Baba is you

t.never played a team sport in his life

>he's now pretending to be an idort

>source: my gaping ass

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But dude, this is videogames not Yea Forums.
Fuck Kojima.


ayayaya wheres the gameplay, all i see is running from things

Flame Wingman

>the only impact Kojimbo has made on the industry is make it filled with movie games
He is genuinely the worst thing to happen to gaming

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sounds like gameplay to me

whats that based on exactly, dickhead?

Her name's Joy.



Kojima is one of the few devs who still features boss fights in his games and who makes the characters literally tell you "press Square to stand up".

The hacks inspired by this semi-hack don't do that though

This, all rainbow things have been ruined. Sometimes I see something with a rainbow design or colour scheme and want it but I don't want to deal with the connotations of such a thing. Fuck gays and all LGBTQABCDEFG people.

Of course not, because those feel ashamed of making videogames.
Kojima knows his strengths, he knows he would never be able to put together a movie by himself.
Meanwhile, the hacks that follow him are only in videogames because they are desperate to be movie directors.
That's the difference between Kojima and, say, Naughty Dog.
Kojima isn't ashamed of making videogames.

Couldn't have said it better myself.

>Became such a big name in gaming he got actual actors in his games
Get fucked Hollywood

I think that Kojima honestly wanted to make a GI Joe game but either everyone told him that was nuts or he couldn't get the rights.
I also guarantee that he has seen Escape From New York more than 20 times.