At what age do your video game skills start to degenerate?

At what age do your video game skills start to degenerate?

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Idk at 26 I'd say I've gotten better

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Considering Diago is still top dog, it doesn’t matter, because knowledge and muscle memory trumps reflexes.

33 here, and still top of rankings on a lot of games, FPS at the moment. It gets easier as you get older, because you get wiser and you're still playing against kids the majority of the time.

Considering people still draw way into their 70s, I imagine if you take care of yourself the only thing that deteriorates is how long you can go at a time.

>Imagine being at a point in your life where you unironically beat up on children in call of duty and then brag about it to your internet friends

not even close

Well sure but video games have a lot to do with reflexes and shit. Drawing you just need to be able to hold your supplies.

Starcraft pros say it's in your late 20s, but they obviously play at such a high level that scrubs like us wouldn't notice.

When I was a little kid I could no continue clear Risky Woods, once in a while one life clear it even.
Now I can't even get past the first stage without getting my ass handed to me.
But in fairness I went like twenty years without touching the game.

On the other hand its easier to soak up knowledge on games now and I'd say I'm fairly decent at ffxiv.
No pro or hardcore raider or anything, but I can clear savage content if I really want to.
In my ADHD addled kid mind I'd probably struggle to clear ifrit normal aka the tutorial to primal fights.

at the age when you stop having time to play 10 hours a day

there is literally nothing wrong with beating children
the point of competition is to show you're better, why is age less of a valid advantage than anything else

>should of

>brag about it to Internet strangers

Anyone elses reflexes, and hand-eye coordination go up when tipsy/drunk, especially in pvp?

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I'm 28 now and accepted my fate.

>Me a full grown adult Male just slapping the shit out of a bunch of children
>WhAtS wRoNg WiTh Me BeAtInG tHe ShIt OuT oF kIdS I'm jUsT aSsErTiNg DoMiNaNcE iN bOxInG

I don't think I got really worse, except that when I was a kid I could think out of the box more easily

I don't know but at 25 I haven't felt it yet, if anything I'm better now than I ever was.

As a teen I cleared all of F-Zero GX's modes single-minded like a machine. Now at 29 my reflexes are definitely worse, but it is offset by a much better understanding of game mechanics. Good recent examples are DMC5 and Sekiro.

34 and hasn't happened yet, what has happened is I'm more aware of my limitations instead of just thinking I'm fucking amazing when I'm actually kinda shit because I don't try. Now when I try I'm actually pretty good.

I don't know yet, I'm 49 and just as good as ever.

user has clearly struck a nerve. I'm guessing you're either underage, or get beat by the elderly on a regular basis.

It's a meme, if you keep playing and maintaining skill + muscle memory you'll be fine

Guaranteed he’s a zoomer who “got bullied by the older kids” on Xbox live.

Crushing them teaches them their place.

at 23 I basically stopped having fun altogether so my skills deteriorated because it's hard to perform good when you're hardwired to self-destruct and only play high risk low reward deathwish scenarios.

for me, it's 17.

Haven't felt it yet

t. 30 year old boomer

A little bit of alcohol can reduce the effects of stress without impeding you. It was considered a performance enhancing drug in olympic shooting.


32 and the only deterioration I've seen is with two genres - JRPGs and puzzle games. As I've gotten older I've lost a lot of the patience to deal with random battles in JRPGs, and the appeal of solving puzzles just for the sake of solving puzzles seems to have evaporated as well.

I think a lot of top athletes are in their 30s, so probably around 40 is when a decline might begin. Anyone who says it's in their 20s has some other issue going on. If you get enough sleep, don't abuse drugs to the point where they start having negative effects, and are generally healthy, you should be good for longer than that.

late 20s, early 30s
your overall skill doesn't exactly decrease though, your reaction is slightly slower but if you've been playing for some time you start to get mechanics and whatnot considerably faster without external help

>oh for cryin' out loud... Dad, I told you to lay off him for a bit. I know you ain't gonna let him win, but allow him to score just once. It wouldn't hurt, right?
>Hell no, girl. If he ain't a fag, he'll score a frag.

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>["F" word (variation 2.3) detected]
>[Dispatching thought-correction drone]

If it helps, in all modern JRPGs I've seen they switched over to a semi-stealth minigame on the overworld with creatures on the overworld and touching that creature activates the battle. DESU I'm a fan of the system, better then having to walk through tall grass and cross your fingers.
t. Gen wonner/Tales fag

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Unironically though. Kids have to learn to lose and games are a safe easy way to do it

Your brain finishes developing in your late 20s, plateaus for about 10 years, then starts to deteriorate.

At 33 I'm a lot worse than I was 10 years ago, but I haven't really given a shit about competing in games for most of that time. I figure if I would've maintained interest, I'd still be good though.