>Runs in 1080p/60fps on mid-tier hardware
>Extremely moddable
>New dungeons are already implemented
Why aren’t you emulating BOTW right now?
Runs in 1080p/60fps on mid-tier hardware
>New dungeons are already implemented
I am.
It’s early alpha, but modders have figured out a way to make world edits
Someone replaced the first shrine with a custom dungeon
I tried everything but can't get it to play at more than 30fps.
I have a GTX 1080.
Use the fps pack
>I have a GTX 1080.
it's CPU that really matters for emulation
but i have a killer cpu (ryzen 1600) which is better than anything intel makes
I hope you have an X370/X470 motherboard. Because if you don't you fucked up.
I run it on 90 fps with a gtx 1070, kek
>emulating anything on AMD
uh oh
Yea Forums told me that i wont need an expensive motherboard because AMD makes them backwards compatible for at least 10 years
I'm a dumbass who hasn't figured out CEMU yet. I tried too but turns out the game I wanted to emulate had the files specifically made for running on CFW on the Wii U rather than an emulator for some reason.
>first gen Ryzen
I'm so sorry
Because the combat is fucking trash and the enemies just get more health as the game progresses. The game is pretty shit with no real progression except armor.
t. Switchlet
>Yea Forums told me that i wont need an expensive motherboard because AMD makes them backwards compatible for at least 10 years
that's correct, b350/450 is fine too don't listen to this idiot Yea Forumsedditor
because those new dungeons suck massive balls and the modders have no idea how zelda dungeons should actually work
even i can bitch smack emulation with an amd, its not hard
>I have a killer cpu
Top kek
make sure you the game's latest version and graphics packs.
>Why aren't you emulating BOTW right now?
Because I already did, and it was fucking boring and not worth the time it took setting it up.
how's the lewd modding?
cuz it's another boring open world game
>Skyrim is good if you mod it
A fleeting experience.
You can't fix a broken game, and BotW was barely put together to begin with.
you can convert the files. figure it out.
can i make link nude and locked in chastity+buttplug yet?
>being this delusional
toppest kek
I'll have to find out how then. I just wanna play Battride War Genesis.
>that aspect ratio that stretches the game
Because it's a shit game that wouldn't be worth playing even if it got a PC version. I fell for the hype and bought a Switch just for this game. I was gravely disappointed, and not just by the performance
Follow the video by bsod gaming on YouTube WORD FOR WORD. Every single step and option is extremely important. Even after a very minor change could make a big difference. I had the same problem as you until I buckled down and followed literally every step
>follow a video for step by step instructions
into the trash
Too bad switch has better display than most pc gaming monitors.
Because the game is still trash overhyped by Nintendofags who want to justify their $400 down the drain.
I wish you could just load an ISO into Cemu. I feel dirty having to download the game from that official Nintendo service
>AMD shill literally comes to Yea Forums video games to call others Yea Forumsedditor
Go back to /g/ and shill for free, subhuman mudslime
I mean my friend is a pc gamer, he always upgrades his stuff and shit but he plays on a crappy tn monitor. I would guess this is the case with most pc gamers considering how clueless people in general about picture quality and display technology and pc gamers are definitely no better.
Switch display is a really nice ips panel with full srgb coverage and decently accurate colors.
???. It’s a good format for step by step when they are going through all the options.
Because I already got my fill from this game and I also have a toaster laptop with no desire to build a proper PC
You have to enable multicore support in cemu. Try changing the options before complaining shit doesn't work. Come on this shit isn't that complicated.
literally proving me right
NEVER listen to Yea Forumsedditors they have low IQ, not tech knowledge whatsoever and are only able to shitpost using buzzwords
What kind of mods?