What's your excuse for not playing Overwatch right now, user?
What's your excuse for not playing Overwatch right now, user?
Other urls found in this thread:
i play good games.
I'm playing Paladins
No excuses it's just a shit game I dont want to play anymore of
I do not play shit games.
I don't like objectively bad gameplay
I have better/good games to play
i jack off to it
never owned it
never played a match
I'm not gay
I don't play games from mobile developers
I don't like online team hero shooters or whatever is the right description for those
post more
TF2 is better in every way.
Imagine the smell in there.
Game with like 5 maps and 10000 heroes who Blizzard couldn't be arsed to properly balanced and instead has to fuck up the meta every goddamn time instead of fixing it
Seriously, every Blizzard product past Starcraft II is a major shitbag (except for HOTS, maybe, but even then its a mediocre MOBA)
Do not start an OW thread if you don't have at least 6 porn pictures to post.
This should be a common sense rule.
>define "good"
I'm sick of trying to get a lopsided comp to function when 3-5 teammates absolutely refuse to try working as a group.
i want Brigitte to shit on my chest!
it's not my idea of a good time.
Its a garbage dead game and all you faggots can do is post Fanart or porn to even keep a conversation related to it going on Yea Forums.
its literally the worst popular FPS currently available, and it's infested with e-sports garbage.
Didnt get it on release cos i didnt have a good pc and that was a bummer. Now got a good pc but i look at what the game has become and it just looks bad to me. Graphics look good and gameplay seems fine now but the community looks abhorrent, the meta stale and boring as fuck.
>carry team
>teammates stop trying even harder because muh kills muh medals
>lose anyway
why are people so gay?
Just fap
Because I'd rather spend my free time doing things I like and Overwatch is not one of those things. It was at one point but Blizzard is incapable of balancing the game and the final straw was Lucio's movement being butchered because they can't admit they fucked up with brig.
source please
i wish it was 3rd person
Since the beginning it looked like a terrible game carried by character design and big company name.
I'm only playing to get Honeydew Mei
I play only good games.
I even only rarely fap to OW porn.
it's only good for porn
not a fun game
a bad game in fact
>What's your excuse for not playing Overwatch right now, user?
Because im replying to your thread on the video games board of Yea Forums(nel) while listening to some music
Cute anal dragon
user don't do this, I cannot be teased.
For me its Sombra
I asked your for the source you motherfucker
Have u no phone?
But dude, I literally have a gold damage medal.
>no one has made an sfm nude/semi-nude version of this complete with jiggle physics
I bought that skin, played two games for lootboxes and closed it again. See ya next update.
I was playing some Lucioball the other day. That was pretty fun.
The FFA modes they have right now are fucking retarded, though. I haven't played a normal match in ages. Just regular FFA.
>my edited iteration is posted as the OP
PS: That still has a pixel of height transparent at the top.
not overwatch
Okay fine here's your damn doggo
ok now sauce for the animated image
I have never played Overwatch and have no intention of doing so. What I did, however, was masturbate to its waifus. I busted countless nuts do D.Va, Mercy and Widowmaker. Also, does anyone have a costume swap between D.Va and Widowmaker? I really wanna see that.
I literally smelled shit
>using a wiimote as a vibe
simply put i dont like it
Based sombraposter
I.... user I'm.... not quite sure what to tell you.
I spent literally all day playing Terraria instead.
I might play some best hero later though.
I have no idea what you meant by that. Luckily I literally can't smell anyways.
I'm stuck in silver/gold and bad teammates are keeping me from advancing. I used to be plat.
>Jeff: Schoolgirl DVA will break the internet
Jeff underestimated the power of Thicc Mei.
Pajamei is a miracle of the universe!
I've grown tired of even the porn. These are not interesting or well-written characters.
I play Paladins instead.
So much wasted potential.
Anyone here on bronze? I want a bronze account to stomp people.
They are cute and sexy though
It's fucking shit. People have listed reasons why it's shit many times. It was good but it turned into shit.
>3.6 roetgen
I don't play game for porn, there's better sources for that. Overwatch would be dead if it wasn't for the waifufags.
Why would I play an online game on it's way to the grave?
I want to BE D.Va!
I don't like playing games in which I get killed because of a rock, paper, scissors mentality with zero adaptation by me or the opponent in engagement because the balance demands it. It probably falls on positioning but I will not pretend the other team stacking their ults and running a train whenever a push happens is "fun".
haha imagine having to lick all that sweat out of her haha
I appreciate it
Somehow managed to have less staying power than Black Ops I and II.
Why do people get bored? Killing, for one, isn't satisfying like it is in a Cawwaduty game. the characters don't feel like they're taking damage, and the hitboxes are all over the place in terms of criticals.
The gameplay itself is less about the player enjoying the game and more about the player cooperating as a team which can lead to extreme frustration when you consider the average age of the player base.
Because it's less about enjoyment the game feels more like a CS:GO in that your only fun can be derived from the incremental progress you make in your ability to get better at the same game modes over and over on the same maps over and over with usually the same composition (or else).
The characters, while unique, are uninspired and only serve as waifu bait, and because the game walks the fine line of being a waifu simulator and a competitive shooter all of the soul is forsaken and none of the characters are all that memorable.
Unpopular opinion:
There's no individual progression that augments gameplay meaning all leveling is essentially just for show as it only provides cosmetics. TF2 has the advantage in that the progression and collection of items actually augments the experience in a way that is not only interesting and refreshing but also (mostly) balanced.
Shit boring game
Left after Moira update because it was pretty clear there was never going to be any substantial content added to the game and it would remain an unbalanced mess designed to entice you into lootboxes more than anything.
Actually more specifically it would have been whatever event was closest to Moira, where if I wanted insight for updates it was Chaplan(?) going on about how he knows we're all excited about skins so there's going to be a bunch of new skins.
Like, no, motherfucker. We want a reason to stay invested in this game. We don't want lootboxes, NOBODY WANTS LOOTBOXES. You just want as much money as fucking possible and once this game finally dies it's going to be slow and agonizing as it rots away for years with only the whales left, themselves only having literally thousands of dollars worth of meaningless cosmetics to show for it.
Get neutered and hit by a car, furfags
Fuck Dvas new skin, they finally gave us schoolgirl Dva, but they had to pander to coswhores with those dumb hipster glasses
That unpopular opinion is a good opinion that breaks down why this game is so insultingly hollow.
Even in TF2 as you occasionally get new gear your playstyle developes as you like it as you settle into kits. Your own devoloping gameplay is your reward for investing time to improve.
Most overwatch players only have a couple of heroes they enjoy and once you play them once there's nothing left for you to learn or evolve with. Blizzard couldn't even do the bare fucking minimum of having ability variants
It's not furry if she's a dragon
Because I’m playing better games
Like insurgency sandstorm
That's fair
Is there a term that encompasses all forms of degeneracy that anthropomorph any creature into something human-ish as some kind of diet-dog-humper?
With pleasure, fuck off, Randy
it IS furry if it's a dragon
just use the proper catch-all term and don't get mired down in splitting hairs when it comes to anthro degeneracy
faggot scalies
Fuck off randynator
It's not gay if he's from another universe
I'm not a sexually frustrated teenager.
>What's your excuse
the girls don't look nearly as hot ingame as in the oversexualized fanarts you use for shilling the game, or in the porn models where animators just pasted their faces on generic naked hot bodies
Thanks, user, I thought so too.
"Faggot" in a literal non-homo sense, but in a "human garbage" sense. Also, there's a universe where you get literally eaten alive by your deplorable fetishes. Try not to get too excited by that news
Frig off, Randy!
New season of Destiny 2 just dropped
Wow user, are you kink-shaming vorephiles? That's pretty bigoted and disgusting of you. I bet you wouldn't even eat your SO's poop.
Sexually frustrated adult?
why would I need to play overwatch when VG erotica makes the only thing I want out of it already?
it's been fucking shit since forever, havent played since orisa dropped. dont care how cute the waifus are
Fucking kek.
Sane people don't do that, unless there's like, that ONE obscure disease/ disorder where your digestive bacteria is all f***ed up and the only way to reset it is by such a method to copy a similar bacteria set to yours. That's THE ONLY context where such a thing shouldn't get you locked away.
>Lootbox game
Fuck Off
I'd tell you what to do but faggot mods should be banning these threads.
im not a faggot
>Bought it
>Played with a friend from high school occasionally
>Got sick of the same 6 maps
>Feels like a watered down TF2
>Stop playing for a little while
>Decide to give it another go
>1000000X changes have been made as well as new heroes added I cannot be bothered spending the time learning how they play
>Stop again
>Can't even remember my password anymore
That's how
user, give me some god damn sauce.
Literally nobody except the people playing the game gives a shit about about any of these characters anymore
See, the ingenious thing about marketing is that ANY sort of talk about a game whether it be positive or negative generates attention towards that game and has the potential to bring more buyers in.
You think you're all replying to a collective hate thread about OW, when really you're just caught in the Blizz shill's web
If DPS has gold damage and elims, idk man they seem to be doing their job.
You can make a case for gold healing not meaning much because if both heals suck them obviously the one who helaed one point higher gets the medal (excluding tanks like roadhog or dps like S76), but damage AND elims on dps? naw dog
meifags make me not want to play the game
Excellent taste, user. Only a true patrician would want to BE D.Va instead of simply fucking her.
>letting others influence what you do
That bitch there and doomfist are why. I had almost 1,700 hours and was in masters and those characters single handedly ruined the game for good. Even after both of them being nerfed they still stomp and have virtually zero counters. Fuck the people who made them, reviewed them and said "yeah that's good". Absolute shitstain game.
ah caught you in like one pixel of snow beam and you don't have a dash mechanic to escape
lmao sorry dude that's it get ready for my high-skill icicle headshots while you're frozen in place
all the characters in the game revolve around slowing other characters down and it makes the game a literal chore
do you know why Cawwaduty is so successful? because the speed hardly ever changes and all the "abilities" overwatch has are locked behind git-gud killstreaks
play cawwaduty on Hardcore mode and it's the purest form of FPS high you'll ever get
reminder to all that you already answered this question ages ago. you do not need to bother with ow threads any longer
I'm more of a Titanfallfag
I play it when I watch other people play it or friends ask. then shortly reminded why I dont want to play it. Almost everything about it is frustrating
High level Titanfall play looked kino.
What's the population look like nowadays? I haven't played it yet but ready to put down Tekken for a few days.
Wouldn't know really. Haven't played in a couple months, honestly.
>not considering other people in your decisions
They nerfed Roadhog. He hasn't been fun to play after the nerf.
Overwatch is actually fun but the community is shit. Playing competitive is a chore. So many autists.
Titanfall 2's player base is like 1500 people
>play cawwaduty on Hardcore mode and it's the purest form of FPS high you'll ever get
Unironically agree and I havent been on CoD in years. Hardcore was just a straight up fps. No gimmicks.
Except when they added super jump and wall riding. Fuck that.
I agree with most of this except the waifubait statement, seems like widow is the first and last character to have any sexual appeal whatsoever.
The amount of damage mitigation and sustain in the game is obscene. Things just don't fucking die unless your whole team decides to shoot the same hero.
There are low skill counter heros to high skill heros. characters designed so people with cerebral palsy can reach top 500.
The CC in the game feels awful to play against. getting booped, stunned, hacked, frozen, jerked around by Orisa, it's too much and just adds to the frustration.
I used to love TF2, and thought this game would be a great sucessor, and it was great at launch, but adding all these shit characters has ruined it for me.
Also Mei is one of the least likeable game characters ever created.
Meifags are psychopaths just like their waifu
Played it for a while. A year or so but it became boring very quickly. Also, the bullshit characters (Hanzo, McCree, Brigitte). Really fun to play agaisnt them
Just play TF2 and have more fun
>Pick healer.
>The rest pick DPS.
>Get spammed with "I need healing"
>"Our healer sucks!"
>Pick Ana
>As soon as that happens someone insta picks Genji.
>Expecting me to nano his dragonblade.
>Out of spite nano Winston all game.
>Winston cleans house.
>"Hurr Ana why no nano? You suck"
>play cawwaduty on Hardcore mode and it's the purest form of FPS high you'll ever get
No. I played the shit out of the game when MW first released on a community HC S&D server but the game was always casual if only because of the noob tube.
why are dps mains so retarded
>I'm told it's the same a Chest scan
I play 3-5 games a night. I’m in plat but I play like 12 characters well. If I focused that down to like 2-3 characters I would be in diamond like I used to be. I peaked at 3498 SR with roadhog before his giant nerf a ways back
I'm too busy fucking every girl in that pic
I'm literally banging them right now
Shit's so cash
>losing to current version Brig
It's a shit game made by a shitty company.
Me do damage
>denim shorts
Can't think of any other piece of women's clothing more offputting than those, they make me retch
What's Divas excuse for not sitting on my face?
Needs more buff qts
wtf i love fatfags now
Not fun anymore
nice blog faggot
Must be the monkeys paw for the pros
Imagine getting picked to play videogames for a living with a fat check but you have to endure a factual shit unfun constrictive game for 14 hours a day the promotes cheating, degeneracy, corruption, bribery and drug abuse to stay on the top.
Pictures like that make me want to work out, not play video games!
If you really don't want lootboxes don't buy and trash games that have them. Simple solutions to simple problems.
This is exactly it
>used to be plat
>bad teammates
Nigga you are the bad teammate
It's boring.
Because the game is fucking garbage. Stop posting this sort of trash you literal waste of oxygen
Purposely not playing it because of faggots like you who constantly push it by posting pics like these, which ironically, is the only reason why some people have ever heard of it in the first place.
Having to pay for it.
who doesn't?
I got tired of playing a character only for it get completed reworked every other week, and having everything fun nerfed or removed.
It costs 100 USD where I live.
Tracer a qt
I just jerk off to it and that's it.
The fact that Blizzard hates their own fan base.
>dont play meta champ
>type meanie words
Because you can't win if you happen to get a shit team
Because it's literally impossible to carry a team on your own the competitive is just a dice roll of which team is more retarded and drags down each other harder. If you have 3 bad team mates you will lose no matter what you do. It's a game that you can not win at if you happen to be throw into a team of retards. I don't like games that are entirely dependent on luck
>promotes cheating, degeneracy, corruption, bribery and drug abuse
Sounds fun, where can i sign up?
don't think so when i'm visibly the one carrying the whole team 4/5 games
That's not even the biggest problem since even with static teams the game boils down to a staring contest.
One of you flinches, you lose.
its fucking trash
I'm sure I've seen a different version of this
What did I miss
thats what shitty metal ranks always think
fucking metal ranks
when will they learn
Post yours
The tankyness is unfun
go back to /pol/ you tard
I'm actually on a beach date with my gf, Brigitte (bre-gee-tay).
it's not a very fun shooter playing more like a moba than a shooter.
It hasn't got the refined shooting mechanics that say (and I know this is an overdone comparison I'm not trying to shitpost) tf2 has.
Beyond just getting better at aiming there doesn't seem to be any finer mechanics to get good at in this regard, every tf2 character has a certain skill floor and skill ceiling and the controls are tight and responsive and it feels like you could always get better at something be it juggling people with rockets, airblasting rockets as pyro or landing nades as a demoman reliably.
Maybe overwatch has this stuff but it doesn't FEEL like it and who even cares anyway because it has hero powers where you press a button to become more powerful or have a work around for some kind of obstacle, why get better at the shooting when you can just rely on your abilities and ults?
Not to mention just the gameflow itself feels more floaty than say your usual shooter.
Overwatch is flawed from its core like this so no amount of new heros or balance tweaks is going to fix this for me personally.
Not to mention my other issues with the game like how they slept on developing the story back when people gave a shit just so they could push seasonal skins to sell as cosmetics.
And that's the thing, in the end I found myself playing just to unlock pretty skins and it lulled me into spending money, once I realised this I dropped the game and even grew some resentment for feeling like it tricked me desu, it's my fault but the manipulative nature of the limited seasonal shit left a bad taste in my mouth especially with it being tied to random lootboxes.
Overwatch is why I stopped supporting microtransactions in full priced games fullstop, I'd been letting it pass with tf2 and shit since cause it's never felt so manipulative until overwatch.
wow user i hope you two have fun
no friends to play with
what did you change?
if i had to guess
i think they made their arms longer
and made their bodies thinner
pretty much trying to fix the anatomy
Blizzard made my waifu Tracer a dyke.
>draw everyone like a chink
Fucking midget arms. God this artist is so overrated.
You still have D.VA and Mercy. Until they turn them into dykes as well to gain some virtue points. It's nuBlizzard.
Because the game became repetitive and boring a year ago? There is only so much of my precious time I can afford to waste on this game.
The PvE events need to not be seasonal/limited time, and need to provide consistent item rewards.
Everytime I play OW now, it's just a sad reminder that we never got Project Titan MMO.
why wouldn't they make her a dyke when she's always paired up with widowmaker
did you want her boyfriend to be revealed?
I started out as a Pharah guy....
But I was slowly turned to a Sombra man.
Long live brown waifus.
Ah, Overwatch!
That game whose only real porpuse is to regurgita waifu models to be used in SFM porn videos.
People get bored of the PvE event's after 2 tries. It really wouldn't help the game, if kept how they are.
>locked away for thinking wrong things
>open matchmaking
>teammates are too retarded to understand the concept of mounting a defense
>we lose
You are completely correct about everything and it's a shame your post didn't get any sensible responses, so I'll just give you one because you've earned it. Shouldn't have spent money on Overwatch though, I saw this thing coming off the start.
4 words:
Ranked Free For All
I would play forever.
It's not fun.
>blizz markets new hero in most obnoxious way possible
>he's actually really fun
They got bored because there wasn't additional rewards, or any benefit to trying the harder modes outside of scores.