Games where you play the bad guys the portrayed as the good guys?

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Every WW2 game

Golden sun 1


Borderlands 2

Death Stranding

Persona 5

Half Life

lol got is so hot right now

This and WoW as Horde

do you even english?


Lisa the Painful.

This "game" was so bad, even for Telltale.
Every episode was "Oh shit! How will the not-Stark family get out of this mess?!"

Would you've done it Yea Forums?

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>would I, the chosen one, prince that was promised, who came back to life to ascend to the throne as rightful heir, a dragon tamer, look at the woman I love who loves me and who I would marry as per tradition within my family, and fucking kill her so I can literally get exiled to the tundra again like some fucking nobody because an elitist squad of fucking cripples, deformed faggots and roasties told me it's "the right thing to do"? It's tough, b.

>let's destroy this established empire and destabilize the whole fucking world while the majority of the population is living happily and terrorize the innocent civilians and force the government to become even more extreme and oppressive to stop you

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>tfw want to play 2 but it looks so pozzed and full of garbage cutscenes
why are modern devs such fucking hacks

she killed a coupla people. ya see
coupla hundred thousand

She only counted 20

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and? she sacked a city, that's how it goes. it wasn't that bad, all things considered

Oh don't worry.

I'm an unironic neo-Nazi in real life, and I absolutely love The New Order and the Old Blood, they're great games and I can't deny it.
The New Colossus is awful. I mean even if you skip the cutscenes, it's awful. The level design is far worse, BJ dies too quickly most of the game, you need to spend the whole game crawling around and cowering behind cover because even with full armor you get obliterated when you run around just trying to shoot things instead playing a cover shooter.

You played the Old Blood? In terms of gameplay and level design it honestly feels like an improvement over the The New Order, despite it's short length. When you compare TNO to TNC it feels like you've gone backwards in game design and gameplay flow, as if TNO is the sequel to TNC.

Also if you skip all the cutscenes in TNC the gamer is pitifully short.

i don't remember much of old blood, might replay it as well as TNO soon

Literally thousands burned to death alive by an ancient monster.
>It wasn't that bad

Nice to see Game of Thrones not be the one flooding the board for once

name on WW2 game where you play as the Nazis?
fucking idiot


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Danny did nothing wrong, witohut consequences every kingdom would have resisted her and when they lost surrendered to get off scott free

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Did you ever read History, you stupid nigger? All things considered, Dany was pretty fucking mellow about the whole situation

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Isnt it ironic that everyone stans the Starks when the whole point is their muh honor has no place in statecraft and caused a civil war that desolated the continent


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Look at everything that has happened since the 50's and tell me it wasn't


>waifufaggin danny
legit cucks

The west betrayed ´em by enabling and normalizing that 53% weeb

Thank God we stopped Hitler

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>this entire post
stupid fucking waifufaggots, swear

honestly, even the German civilians seemed afraid of the nazis in that game

I'm not sure the majority of the population was that happy under their rule

Cope nigger

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>grandpa of a le 56% face
Yes, he obviously did if that creature is his progeny.


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>its waifufaggots
so you literally dont know any History at all lol

Remember that entire mini-arc where they tried to capture one of the white walkers or whatever the low tier ice zombies are called?
What ever came out of that

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daenerys targaryen is the new pickle rick

jaime went north, had sex with brienne then went south to die with cersei, literally the only thing to come from that other than giving the walkers a way to destroy the wall

Ace combat 5 and zero


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>having a dedicated "danny" folder

we was kings