Isn't begging against the ToS of twitch? Why does DSP keep getting away with it?

Isn't begging against the ToS of twitch? Why does DSP keep getting away with it?

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Twitch is the most inept company in the world, they can't even ban titty streamers lmao

>I'm out of ideas at this point
how about getting a real job you fat fuck?

Dood, he needs money and that's your problem!

>Become a wagie
I think he rather die. I know I would.

>ToS ever mattering beyond discriminatory practices

>giving money to people for playing games on camera
Kill zoomers

Lmao pathetic. I’ve been in his spot before. If your bank will allow you to overdraft your account by a few hundred just take out as much as needed to pay bills, rent, and for food. You’ll only get the one time fee for the withdrawal rather than multiple fees from trying to pay for stuff individually with your card . From there you have 60-90 days to bring your account back in to good standings before most banks will close your account, report it to a credit bureau, and send a collection agency at you. 90 days is more than enough time to get a real job. Although I suppose if your resume consists of video game streaming you deserve to starve to death

Why would they ban their major cashcows. Theyre not inept, they just care about money

because nobody does anything about it
it's like you shitposting

Because he's so irrelevant that he flies under the radar. No one cares about DSP except to mock him.

I don't think Twitch has a problem with what you do on Twitter.

I love how people just assume he is telling the truth all the time.


Isnt that what he always does?

Why don’t you report him?

Well he is famous for being completely clueless and stupid, so he could legitimately be that bad with money.

I'm glad I'll never be this pathetic.

How has his financial situation gotten WORSE if he's married and lives with someone also making money?

Because now he isn't just penniless, he's gotten so bad he's actively draining the person he lives with

"EVERYONE, I need money or I'll lose my house...PLEASE HELP, I BEG YOU!"

>people give him money
"hey that worked really well, time to turn this begging into a business"


>Isn't begging against the ToS of twitch?
that's what most people there do
that's how twitch makes their money


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Why don't ecelebs have more of a buffer?
It can't be that hard to live humbly for awhile to build up a buffer to prevent this shit from buttfucking you.
Or do they get paid under minimum wage? I thought most poplar streamerfags made plenty of dosh.

Fuck streamers, fuck beggars, fuck influencers, fuck all of these worthless fucks

Basically when he was younger he was making like $10k a month, so he got used to it. now he makes around $2-3k a month and he can't live with it.

most streamers are millenial trash. they dont value money and dont know how to manage it.

>charity requests
i guess GDQ is banned now

Most basically have their money thrown at them, so they don't respect it
Then they piss it away on trivial things they can't actually afford

What's a real job? Cutting down trees?

One where you aren't begging.

Shit's pathetic as fuck but the average person is to blame for this sort of thing becoming not only popular but damn near normalized, like you should fund these people because it's what's "right" don't hate the player hate the game and all that.

People aren't seriously dumb enough to believe he doesn't have savings, right?

I would put good money that DSP hasn't had financial problems in years. It's a easy scam.

Complain about rent after a few hours of streaming. Get money. He has no shame and will do it every single month.

He has more money than any of us do.

How he is still afloat after all these years of supposed poorfaggotry?

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>Bills due on the 15th
>Need money NOW

Do bills work differently in the US? I'm in Australia and am consistently a bill cycle behind all my bills except internet because it takes a while to collect off my house mates. It's not really an issue.

he spends more time doing monologues before streaming the games than actually streaming the games. idk why he does that. he would be more successful if he focused on the games themselves.

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When you tip streamers do they get that money instantly?

As long as he doesn't ask on Twitch itself, he should be fine.

>someone donats $60 to him so he can buy a game
"doood I need to pay the taxes on that game too, $60 isn't good enough!"
>same person gives them another $20 for the taxes
>plays the game for 30 mins and says he doens't like it

Bills should be due at the end of the month, unless he has some that still need to be paid from last month.

Unless he is a couple months behind it is not a big deal. Some bills do come with late fees if you pay them late, but you can usually talk to them and they will remove the late fee if is not an all the time thing.

>Cutting down trees
what's so bad about cutting trees user?
$51,282 year can go a long way in rural America

Maybe you should pal.

what the fuck

>guys please go out and work and give me the money you made so i can sit at home and play videogames

Isn't this guy "broke" every two weeks, yet constantly brags with more expensive shit?

That doesn't sound so bad

>hating DSP then
>worst gamer of all time, can't follow simple instructions, unironically blames the game
>hating DSP now
>man who isn't very good at videogames asks for money

Since this is an eceleb thread anyways; which Eceleb was ot that said "GAMERS, GAME THE F**K ON!!" ? Or was that just made up

those "people" who donate to him

what are they thinking

You don't have a choice.

I don't live in a third world country, so I do have a choice.

get a job as plumber dsp
pays pretty good lots of troubled toilets out there and nobody wants to do it so chance getting the job 100%

"it's not my money so I don't care what happens to it"

I've only donated to a twitch streamer once, and it was to a guy with like 19 viewers.

Anyone who donates or subs to a "professional" streamer is a fucking retard cuck, those people do not deserve to "earn" so much money

He would be fixing your toilet and telling you how he has bills to pay and how you need to pay him a tip.

He already gets paid from subs and ads on twitch every month and he has a patreon and he gets ad revenue from youtube too, he just wants more and more.

Don't tips on stream not go into your bank for 2 months?

Who cares, the faggot always begs for more money and his paypigs willingly hand it over time and time again


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You sound like an ok user. I was streaming once to around 10 people and one of them dropped $1000 on stream even though I wasn't asking for donations and just fucking around in a game. I thought it was gonna be some sorta scam so I didn't touch the money for a few months in case they were gonna chargeback or some shit.


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Pay me already, cocksuckers.

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Thanks for posting this thread about videogames. I just sent him all my money.

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people who are this bad with money will always need help.
there should be places that give you state mandated jobs and if you refuse to do them you are given no help unless you are a literal cripple or something.
i hate work-shy, lazy manchildren who are a drain on society. they should all be exiled onto an island so they are forced to provide for themselves or starve to death

Get a loan

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Half-hourly reminder.

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He'll get away with it, retards will pay him, some other retard will show up with 20 thousand dollars out of literally nowhere, and everything will be resolved.

The formula is so similar, it's like i'm watching a sailor moon episode. Though frankly, his detractors are such spastic faggots, they deserve to have him win like this.

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fuck :(

Entertaining people online playing videogames is more of a job than filling excel spreadsheets that anybody could do. I say that as a streamer hater

funny how you don't post this in giant bomb threads

This. Same reason why Twitter hasn't banned Trump.

Ecelebs not even once. I have no idea who DSP is but he needs to learn to budget.

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Based retard user. There's a huge difference between "Hey guys i really appreciate the support you all bring" and "Guys I have no money and i need to pay my bills please tip me"

>to the users of the Twitch Services
it means you can't do it on twitch

>t. e-celeb
Neck yourself

e-celeb board when?

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I want to infect the Shapiro bloodline with my inferior turd worlder genes.

Thats true, entertainment is a real job. Whether you're a stand up comedian, a circus clown or a Twitch faggot its a job.

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When mods stop being such seething faggots

One where your income isnt dependent on people feeling sorry for you. Having streaming as a job is the riskiest shit ever if you aren't close to the top.

Oh no it's too accurate ;_;

delet this

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You want to give me money

You conveniently forget everything bad i've done

Donate to my patreon

Tip and cheer me... preferably tip

It's Tevin's fault

Look at me flailing arms, and let yourself be hypnotized, lesser creature

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>content creator

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Dsp is a titty streamer.

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How is it not an entertainer? I didn't say any of those other 2 words.

rolling for reacc


Which game?

What do you mean I need to pay with money I actually have? WOW, how was I supposed to know that? Broken economy mechanics.

strangely hot

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The difference is that when people in those jobs fuck up, they don't beg for money. They supplement it with another income stream.

sponsored by twitch

this, or at least have a buffer so one short month doesn't fuck you

This twitch is just a camwhore site for kids

He's lying. He always does this when he needs some extra money. Remember when getting money from his "fundraising", He managed to visit his parents and get married?

DSP has become accustomed to fabricating a reeemergency every so often to milk his subscribers. He's not in any real financial trouble, he just thinks it's been a while since he's had a "crisis" and wants to fatten his bottom line this month.

You literally cannot kill this roach.

What the fuck is he doing. Is this "miracle" he's hoping for another Tut or Emerald Seven to come along and bail his ass out again? Did Mommy tell him she's not bailing him out with his taxes after all, unless he gets a real job and stops streaming?

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Somebody always comes around.

Depends. Are people dumb enough to believe he actually has money problems? Dude has two homes.

For years now every time I see this dude, all he does is talk about the state of his channel and how bad things are. Like is there even any content? Are his viewers entertained by him talking about the business end of things all time? Seriously, that's all I see him do.

At least half of them