FFXIV Shadowbringers

How long are we letting guy go unpunished for stalking Nashu?

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I for never noticed this guy the entire time until someone pointed him out and now I feel like an idiot.

I wonder if he's even there in the 1.0 quests.

buff shoha

Will he show up on the First?

i want to FUCK nashu

I want to cuck him.

Just four more left, bros...

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Literally what is the point?

What's the point of doing anything in any video game? I do it for the lore.

Completionism for the sake of it. And honestly fishing for big fish can be fun. Also what said, there's some fun descriptions on a lot of the big fish.

>ruby dragon
>9 days
The fuck?

Some big fish have catch windows so specific you might not see them for weeks at a time.

Why bother he'll get eaten by something or another one of these days

It has really rare windows. I think there's been like another two weeks on top of that.

jesus how are you expected to do this without guides?

does she ever put on that tight fitting office like attire she had on when we first meet her?

Trial and error and then communicating with your fellow fishers. The FSH questline even has an emphasis on information gathering to get you in the spirit.

I completely forgot about that outfit, I think they must've as well.


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Nah she was just copying Hildy's outfit because she thought he was dead.

What site is this?

Remember during development when they said Crafting and gathering jobs would have a use in open world combat?

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>another 2 years of the blessed PLD+WAR power couple meta

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I will just leave this here

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im so happy for DRK getting a new DoT

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Is it true that Vierra's will only have an ass in their race-specific outfit and that the other pants shrink it down?

Thanks, this looks great.

yeah but who cares mods exist


This isn't even its final form.

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Haven't DRKs been crying for a DoT since Heavensward?

Current mch turret is a dot too :^)

>Started modding a week ago
>Everything looks so much better now

I'm amazed that Square allows this shit, it should be extremely easy to build something into the client that detects mods

darkside also work like a dot now, I LOVE IT!

So this... is the true end game.

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I hope so, as of now it's looking bad as a capstone skill.

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Ugh I can't believe all these autistic retards who just want to boil everything down to just numbers shaking my baka. I for one will be very happy to look at my pretty Do- I mean Based Fray doing random attacks on the boss for the same damage over 24 seconds while I don't have to do anything!

Fucking parse shitters, everything's just a number to you. Thanks for ruining the game.

well they have salted earth
at least MCH turret has at least one interreaction known as Hypercharge,

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Praise the hands and feet mods
Mods make you realize se is just lazy and unwilling to do certain things

Remember when Alphinaud and Alisaye we're cute twins whose entire shtick was that they talked/moved/behaved the same way? Why did they change that

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Are these ingame days? Real-time would be outrageous.

>Playing WoWfugee heaven.

If I wanted to get the game, is there any reason not to buy shadowbringers and get the regular edition? It comes with all the expansions, whereas the complete edition is the same price and it just says it comes with the other two expansions, and not shadowbringers.

Real time.

>well they have salted earth
Wasn't that nerfed?

>when you realize that everything in the game is just a DoT

Its not about the numbers you fucking brainlet. Its about the Fray not having a single fucking piece of interreaction in a gameplay

>not sure if I should take the hrothpill or not
>don't want to be mistaken for a gayfur, but I don't play on balmung and everything else just seems bland and boring

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>when Alphinaud and Alisaye we're cute twins whose entire shtick was that they talked/moved/behaved the same way?
Yeah I remember the 2.x MSQ up until where Alisae stormed off angrily while Alphinaud worked with the scions. Good times.

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That was never their shtick. They went their separate ways at like level 20 because they had completely different ideas of how to honor Louisoix's goals.

>behaved the same way
When the fuck was this? Alisae throws a fit parts ways with Alphinaud very early on in ARR.

may as well wait if your a new player, since you'll never catch up to endgame starting now even.

they should give it at least 50% more damage and make it hit multiple times like dream within a dream

but its still an oGCD so you will use it anyways

Why the fuck did they nerf salted earth and dark mind

>Retard can't even see an obvious false flag that agrees with him

I know. I'm making fun of the retard from last thread who intentionally avoided discussing the engagement aspect.


I remember few days ago DRKs crying to bring Scourge back.
Now we're at the "dot bad" phase huh?

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You don't get ARR with shadowbringers and you only get other expansions when ShB launches.
Best thing if you're just starting would probably be buy ARR cheap from some key shop, get HW for free from SE shop and then wait till ShB launches.

>in some universe people are playing a ffxiv where you play as various bosses and fight parties of adventurers

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I would literally take Scourge back over Fray because at least it would be something you push more than once every two minutes.

Bring back proc reprisal and CD reset lowblow.

>Remember in that fetish fever dream I had where Alphinaud and Alisaie talked/moved/behaved the same way while we were having a threesome?

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The only(or biggest) reason why people want Scourge back is because of its cool animation.

Will Alisae finally be romanceable?

>two generic slashes

how did a 14yrd defenseless elf girl survive on her own all that time?

This. DoT Management is boring unless the DoT has more mechanics associated with it, miss me with that gay shit. But Scourge had one of the best animations of all weaponskills.


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Even instant cast spells are still within the limits of time. Besides, most have animations that lock you even if only a little bit.

what is stopping them from adding scourge as another combo finisher, every other tank has branching combos


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She knows how to hunt and fight. unlike Alphinaud that sucks at fighting and is book smart but not street smart (remember the crystal braves)

They took it out in the first place because managing DoTs is too hard for shitters


too difficult to play, please understand

She had her two Roegadyn bodyguards with her and learned some shit from X'ruhn.


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god the music for shadowbringers is ass so far, soken really let himself go he might suicide before next expansion. which wouldnt be a bad thing hearing this "music"

>He calls her an old hag through most of the storyline.
>She acts like this as well.
>By the end it turns out she's barely fucking 20 or something.

I thought she was in her mid-fourties until her shitty brother showed up.

Does it slow down massively, because I managed to get hit the free trial cap in about three days.
Damn, thought it would let me play the content already out. Well that's a shame.

SE data showed that DRK was the most popular tank while also having the worst performing players, so they simplified it. please look foreword to it.

She's 32


She was a powerful arcanist.


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This is literally the only reason I think YoshiP keeps parroting that "GNB is a high skill job".

Apparently it's fine on PLD though because instead of having to think about when to reapply, you just use your DoT every 3 combos.

Man, Alphinaud had such good character development from the end of ARR and all of HW. He's probably my favorite character now. They really nailed the "Snobby genious who thinks he knows everything gets beaten down repeatedly and grows from his mistakes" shtick.

i don't remember that. odd.

Did you play in english?

The bodyguards are completely forgettable characters that only show up like 2 or 3 times, and X'ruhn tells you he was tutoring Alisaie in the RDM questline.

I really enjoyed Stormblood.

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No shit, when it's the only tank starting from 30.


What was up with this bitch's Naruto eye again?

Not surprising then, Yotsuyu eng dub was horrible.

It's naruto eye, you already said it. Nothing else to say.

Zenos has it too. It's just the Resonant, the fake Echo.

I didn't enjoy that the entire expansion was about saving ungrateful ala mhigo scum and being a sidecharacter to every plot. My god was the story shit outside of Hien and the Au Ra incel.

Someone link me that fucking meme with Lyse doing the. "I saved ala mhigo" meme after the WoL walks off.

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Implanted echo powers

It has some cool moments, it just wasn't as consistently gripping as Heavensward. Ala Mhigo was very under represented. It had its share of kino though.

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It's artificial Echo

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Stormblood sucked outside of Zenos and the boss theme.

Its artificial Echo. Its the same thing Zenos has.

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Female highlanders where you at?

>SCH even stronger than it already was
>WHM even weaker than it already was
>All nuance removed from AST's cards

What did SE mean by this?

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she should have just fucked sun man. would have been the most interesting thing to happen to her since she got wrrrred into the lifestream.

Did you forget the part where she thanks you personally for freeing her country?

No it was a replacement for your autoattacks. But then they added autos back in in Stormblood so it did become basically a DoT, you at least had to overcharge it at the right time though so that's already infinitely more interaction than Fray

They need to add old animations to Cash Shop.

Pretty much. Stormblood had a few nice things, for all their simplicity I still like that SAM and RDM were added, even if for the fantasy if anything else. Ivalice was also appreciated. But all in all it was a badish expansion. The question is, was HW a good accident or was SB a bad accident? We'll find out in 3 weeks.

>WHM even weaker than it already was

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>WHM even weaker
WHM is strictly better than AST now though

Do you think Elezenos will be able to take over the Empire while we faff around on the First?

>this is what single digit IQ looks what

Should it have been removed?

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Should've just healed instead of trying to DPS.


>looks the best in DoW
>looks like a fish out of water in DoM and most hand/land
Fem Highlander life is tough. Especially if your main is DoM.

>Literally the Alpha of a tribe that values strength.
>Pretty of single female Au Ra chicks walking around the tribe.
>Can't get laid.


SCH always wins baby.


>scourge ever 30s vs fray every 2 minutes
>one is just a simple attack vs the other being a major letdown especially when they can just mimic nin's shadow clone
When are you going to quit being retarded?

They want healers to spend more GCDs healing, which is why they buffed SCH's oGCDs and made sure you have no way to dump Aetherflow stacks apart from healing.
Make perfect sense, right?

they should have lowered the rear bonus,but with 45s true north it doesnt really matter anymore

Leave it as it but turn it into a personal buff for NINs.

no they have the exact same ass as everyone else in the outfit, the outfit just makes it look bigger

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He's volcel and looking for his perfect waifu

They can't remove it. What would NIN be without it? Just another pure damage job. That would fuck with balance. A pure damage job that deals less than both SAM and BLM would exist for what reason exactly?

lol no

Not before Alphinaud

Is there a way to intensify the directional circle that's around an enemy so you can still see where they are facing even in a 24 man?

Its potencies are big enough to make up the difference in rDPS now that AST cards are worthless..

Why do people expect Lyse to suddenly be an amazing leader that can lead an entire revolution on her own? She thanks the WoL multiple times for everything they did. Lyse lived as her dead sister for years, she hasnt returned home in over 5 years. Why are people so retarded?

So you're admitting it's bad only because it hurt your feelings? Pathetic.

If they removed it without heavily compensating in some form, NIN would be deader than BLU.
Especially since their enmity management utility is gone.

Perfect, thank you

But she only has eyes for wol

No they aren't. WHM cucks have been saying this through out stormblood and STILL weren't brought. You are in the shed forever until you get a raid buff. Deal with it, sweetie.

yhstola fucks beastmen

The game is so full of Mary Sues that whenever a character isn't perfect in every way they get shat on by the playerbase. See the Fortemps kid who gets punched by the WoL.

People who hate Lyse as a leader don't hate her cause she's shit, they hate the fact that the games npc's pretends like she's this fantastic leader figure who did nothing and continuous to do nothing but fuck up.

It would've made more sense for Raubahn being the leader while grooming Lyse for the position. But the writing in SB is completely retarded and i'm happy he's getting replaced for ShB

>This fucker develops a process that can turn anyone into a demigod and mimics the power of the creator crystals themselves
>Dies as a mid-boss in a dungeon

What is it with FFXIV and putting major players like this as random bosses?
Amon, too. Fucker is responsible for TWO Calamities and doesn't even manage final boss status in the middle of the crystal tower series.

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>Why do people expect Lyse to suddenly be an amazing leader that can lead an entire revolution on her own?
We don't. The problem is that the story treats her as a brave and inspiring revolutionary who's made the leader of the resistance when she didn't do jack shit to earn it. She's a complete moron in every fucking scene she's in and it's made all the more frustrating because they killed off Yda and suddenly declared her a different character for this shit. It was nonsensical when they could have just had Yda who was actually brave and actually had military experience in the civil war.

does she ? because she must have a really dull forgettable way of showing it, like everything else she does.

I don't even know what Amon did.

What the fuck are you talking about? Lyse is the Mary Sue.

shes always struck me as kind of a lesbian.

because most of it is in lore books

>yfw Shoha is actually 5000 potency for maximum stacks on the final build

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Please stop bullying my wife.

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they had to confirm he died too, because killing him was such a dumb move no ones believe it happened

If YoshiP ever puts persona-style dating into this game the userbase will increase by like 300%

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Not since she got life lesson'd by Hien, an actual Marye Sue.

Aulus and Amon are basically Hojo. They put shit into motion but they're scientists so they work in the back by their nature.

He brought Xande back from the dead to save the stagnating Allagan Empire, which ultimately led to the war on Meracydia, the death and summoning of Bahamut, and the construction of Dalamud.

It's in the game, they just go into a lot more detail in the lorebook.

>lore books
Well that's still nice that it's there. I didn't even know XIV had books; I don't usually follow much what SE is releasing.

i'm going to rape her

They confirmed he died when you fought him in Ala Mhigo? Source on that? I was fucking sure he was going to show up again

the wol is a girl

I think he was trying to make a joke about her being blind.

Your sister was better than you


Basically, he spearheaded the resurrection of Xande and the Dalamud Project. I'm not sure if he devised the Crystal Tower, too, or if that was already there beforehand, but he turned it into a lightning rod for Dalamud's energy overflow, at least.

You didnt know her sister you retard

in the lorebook

The second lore book. Which means jack shit because the first lore book "confirmed" that Gaius died in the Praetorium.

Wasn't he supposed to be like a scientist of sorts? Why is his model ingame basically some spanish matador?

So did Zenos actually hop into another body and ascian is wearing his skin, or did he just wake up and push the coffin lid aside before fucking off, and the fake Zenos just conjured up his image?
I still don't understand.
I thought he was supposed to be a big lad even when not wearing the amor, but the guy in MSQ looked like a fucking STICC. And if he hopped bodies, then fucking how - I thought fake echo can't do that. Shit, I don't think even REAL echo can't do it.

Can a lala player tell me how the "Cinematic" moments where the WoL steps up to a boss or big villain look? It's pretty Kino as a Hyur but I can't fucking imagine a lala strutting up to, say, Nidhogg when shit is about to go down.

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>I'm not sure if he devised the Crystal Tower, too, or if that was already there beforehand
Xande was the one who built the Crystal Tower at the beginning of the Empire. Amon didn't come around until much later.

Because he's based on a wizard from FFIII. Allagan magitek is much more magically-based than Garlean magitek anyway.

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The wol is a catgirl
Why do you think they give us food as rewards...

well the lore books are written "by Eorzean" so all the things might not be 100% right

that's what made the lyse character reveal the fucking worst. they just fucking removed any reason of being attached to yda because 'teehee it was me lyse' the whole fucking time

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Stop skipping cutscenes, holy shit. Elidibus is wearing Zenos's skin, and Zenos used his Echo to hop into the body of an Ala Mhigan soldier. Yes, the real Echo can do that. That was established back with the Sahagin priest in the Leviathan arc and then brought back up with the Warriors of Darkness.

Yeah, but Imagine instead of fighting Hojo climactically as the final boss of a disc and the entire Shinra plot, you kill him randomly while stealing the Tiny Bronco.
I'm not saying he should've been a trial boss or anything, but fuck man, at least give him a cutscene death. Even a literal joke NPC like the muh namedays guy got a more impactful death.

Zenos is part Ascian and now has the echo. Ascians are pure soul beings that can take control of organic bodies, I assume Zenos just awakened to this power as well. He will likely get his body back and work together with us to liberate Garlemald from Ascian influence with us in 6.0

>Zenos is part Ascian
Jesus fuck. This isn't how it works. Ascians aren't a race, and the body snatching is an Echo ability that they use.

>Because he's based on a wizard from FFIII
Yes, but why? Dude looks like a fucking clown now instead of giving off the idea of being such an important character.

Leviathan questline back in one of the 2.0 patches, with the Sahagin priest. It is explicitly shown the Echo allows you to place your soul in a new body upon death, and occupy it.

They waddle walk to the boss or the villain looks down on them like a toddler.

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Speaking of Amon.
Who here finished their set? I sure as fuck didn't, my luck has been dogshit.

"Waddle walks up to Zenos"

How do lala players tolerate this shit

>Echo lets us deal with the Primal threat without everyone being turned into mind controlled slaves
>but also lead to the Ascian problem

Shut the fuck up idiot

Not everyone is skipping cutscenes. Some people just forget stuff.

>Zenos is part Ascian
Wtf, no. The body snatching ability is just something you get from the echo. Anyone with the echo (or resonance) can do is as long as they know how. Including the WoL.

I completely forgot the "ascian blood" part of the empire schtick.
So wait.
Does EVERY pure-blooded imperial has the potential to just go "pop" upon death and move into another host, like ascians do? I mean granted you need resonance for that, but if we imagine the possibility of Zenos actually succeeding in making more than two people with it, Empire would be unstoppable. Isn't that kinda against ascian principles of upholding balance and keeping world in constant conflict?

I did when it was new. It's fucking ridiculous though but for some reason people give you a lot of positive attention for using it.

It's fucking hilarious that's how
The first scene of the benchmark is gold as a lala

Because lala players are immense memelords who are incapable of unironically enjoying anything.

>Does EVERY pure-blooded imperial has the potential to just go "pop" upon death and move into another host, like ascians do?
No. There's no "Ascian blood". Ascians aren't a race. They're just Echo users who have long since abandoned their original bodies.

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I'd have if it kept the skull, as it is now its worthless to me

By it being hilarious

>Does EVERY pure-blooded imperial has the potential to just go "pop" upon death and move into another host, like ascians do?
Not likely. Only the descendants of Solus should supposedly have ascian powers.

If this is true it sucks, cause the music is the sole reason I keep coming back to this shitshow. I was really looking forward to see how he would top his compositions from SB.

Is there anything at all to look forward to in ShB ? Gameplay is getting even more braindead, story will never reach HW tier and the cutscenes are still going to be low effort emote based crap.

If even Soken is getting lazy, although he might fit right in now, there's nothing much else this game has going for it.

God I hope the next FF MMO has actual production values instead of being built on a failed PS3 abortion. They should have never tried to salvage 1.0 and instead start from scratch.

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>try again when you have become a man

basically a thinly veiled small dick joke. this kind of body shaming is not ok SE

I skip cutscenes so I barely notice it. During actual gameplay fights look better when everything is larger scale from your unique lalafell camera angle. Makes tanking feel more scary and there's a satisfying feeling to having everyone trust a tiny person to handle a big job.

I was under the impression that they are more than just being of pure energy who possess random bodies though. I mean if they're formless creatures, why do they always choose some random hyur as a host?
On unrelated note, why did imperials have the third eye again?

How do male Au Ra's mate with female Au Ra's when they have literally 4 times the body mass?

I have never seen a lala tank during Susanoo.
How retarded is it?

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She's blind so it's cool

"Mom said it's my turn to be the warrior of light"

>why did imperials have the third eye again?
Why migotes have tail and cat ears?

So was Solus just some random Garlean that got bodysnatched or is it an original body for that ascian

>SB has good compositions
Only anything that doesn't have the stupid fucking storm of blood shit in it im fucking sick of it. at least dragonsong wasn't immediately obvious in fucking heavensward.

An ascian possessed the guy who founded the empire. There's no ascian blood.
They have a third eye because they do, it's like asking why lalafell are midgets or why miquote have tails.

The same way Raubahn mates with the Sultana. They just force it in

>I was under the impression that they are more than just being of pure energy who possess random bodies though
That's essentially what souls are. Souls are highly dense bodies of aether with awareness. Having the Echo allows your soul to resist joining the Lifestream and claim another body for yourself, which is how the Ascians use it. They realized they can use it for subterfuge and to walk between dimensions.
>why do they always choose some random hyur as a host?
They don't. What you see as a player is described as Elidibus as an 'approximation' that lets you kind of almost see past their skinsuit because of your Echo. They frequently inhabit all sorts of people. Both of the Ascians seen in 1.0 were inside Elezens.
>On unrelated note, why did imperials have the third eye again?
They just do. Some people think it's related to their inability to use magic but the only thing confirmed is that it gives enhanced spatial awareness.

How is that an issue

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forgot the town music youtu.be/smJXb5Lt6Ag?t=19m6s

Can they actually see out of their third eye? Or is it just a bead on their had

So it looks like Sonic break doesn't give you a powder charge.

The tool tip meant fated circle.


I mean--
Yeah, why?
Because lalas are explained to be just an allagan veggie experiment gone wrong.
What about the rest? Why do miq'ote have cat ears and tails? Why are roes so big and thicc?
Are elezen descendants of mythical giraffe creatures?
Besides there's pretty big difference between races like hyur and lalafel, but when your entire race is diffrent because you've got a weird marble up your forehead, it's only natural to ask questions. At least catshits still retain most of their feline features, while imperials are just hyurs who went pearl diving.

Why do males look like shit in every MMO while the females are perfect

she is more of a magicsexual

Because they are clearly built as the cat like race.

>Because lalas are explained to be just an allagan veggie experiment gone wrong.

>engage in combat
>that guitar solo from GNB job reveal video starts playing
The expansion hasn't even started and I'm already sick of it. This is going to be fun 2 years.

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engineered sex slaves by the allagans

According to what Solus told Varis, every race exists as it does because they're fragmented pieces of one pure original race. It's the same in FFXI where each race appeared as it did because they were certain pieces of Promathia's personality imparted onto and corrupting the original Zilart race.

It's called circumstantial evidence.

How is Thancred back to being young and attractive?

It looks stupid when the boss is auto attacking. But it looks cool when a Lalafell has to parry a gigantic sword. Bonus points if you have your audio settings adjusted and you use that 3D audio dll file so sounds are more immersive as a Lalafell from their shorter camera angle.

I hate it so much, will make me miss sb shit music

Because his real body is back on the Source and he's inside a clone body G'raha made in the Crystal Tower.

You can turn off battle music, user.

They're all in fake bodies on the first is what im going to assume

>Because lalas are explained to be just an allagan veggie experiment gone wrong.
This is never "explained"
It's just speculation and people assume its confirmed based on a vague item description from fishing trash.

He uses Tsunade's magic trick from Naruto where you can be 60 years old but still look like you're 24.

Turn off the overworld battle music.

It's the best battle theme in the game though.

>fishing trash.
Sounds like solid proof to me, user.

Are you a catboy?

Original look but different bodies, they made clones of the original.

You can't be serious.

gorillas also have small penises

Does this mean Minfilia will be back to having milkers when we get out of the first?

why haven't they done the fire emblem thing and just made overworld battle themes remixes of the general overworld theme? do they aren't jarring as fuck.

He acts like that's his original body with how he prefers that appearance and considers Varis to be his blood relative. But for all we know he may just be fucking with Varis.

yeah we know roes have small penises

Actually I'm not, Heavensward's is better, but it's 1000x better than the ARR or SB battle themes.

>3D audio DLL
>audio settings
does it work with regular headphones?

No because her original Source body got eaten by Hydaelyn, which makes me think we may just have to leave her on the First.

Like other FFXIV expansions it's gonna be worth subbing for the first month for the story and then the last month before the new expansion to catch up with the patch stories.

Anyone know a good site for all housing items including Stormblood?

tfw we won't be able to make our First character looks different

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As far as overworld battle themes go, he's not wrong, but that's not a high bar to clear. Normal battle themes are the one thing Soken sucks at, every single one so far has been awful. It's strange considering how godly most boss and trial themes are.

I'd rather have Scourge back than this shit

I expect some shit like they end up managing to export their First's bodies to the Source so that Thancred can use his eye and magic again.

You can turn the combat music off. It really is an abomination though, christ.

google it

This is your expert roulette party for today. Say something nice about them!

Attached: 1552588145624.png (900x815, 361K)

Nothing came up

Me on the middle left

I sure hope so

Yeah, that's possible. Then Y'shtola doesn't have to worry about burning her life out either because she'll have a spare body

How am I running with a 5 person party?

literally the first result for ffxiv housing on google
you didn't look shit up, faggot

Me on the right

It's called Koji being a fucking memester.

You've been playing World of Warcraft for a whole year already, user. You unsubscribed from my game.

Attached: 1559336909174.jpg (2762x849, 244K)


>Having a threesome with two Shtolas is now possible
ShB already confirmed for best plot development.

How do I deal with a confirmed girl in my FC hitting on me ingame

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She's up!

Attached: Best Garlean.png (1163x654, 1.42M)

Call xer a tranny

Are you a girl too?


erp with them

>virtual youtubers

Attached: 1483342571059.jpg (540x362, 24K)

pump and dump is the meta strat with chicks in this game

Unrelated, but why is it that whenever someone has an anime character name, they are always playing as a miquote?

But this is Yea Forums so I have to be hostile. I mean nothing but the best user.

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Not that it really matters but the number of girls who play this game is really high. I wonder what draws them to this game instead of other MMO's.

Yes it works best with headphones.

With these tweaks audio sounds more realistic. During thunderstorm weather you can hear the direction where thunder is coming from. Noises get louder or quieter depending on where your character is located and facing. and so forth.

shallow taste and lack of creativity

But i play as a male midlander

Attached: 1558950638194.jpg (967x1200, 93K)

if you play on pc you can swap any music file in this game in 5 minutes with ffxiv explorer.

6 potency flamethrower is returning with a vengeance

Sweet, thanks user, I'll try it.

I have an anime character name and I'm au ra, was supposed to name change years ago and never did

>go to the first where nobody has heard of you
>some normal bandits try to fuck with you

so is Shadowbringers going to be an isekai-with-overpowered-protagonist plot

Attached: 2.png (400x452, 177K)

Well, hit her back, are you a faggot that just gets hit without hitting back?


y she make my pp hard

Good aesthetics, husbandos, involved crafting and housing systems and, Last but not least, the presence of other girls which makes it less likely for them to be creeped on.

Unfortunately it looks like we will meet up with other scions pretty fast, would love to explore the new world without existing characters.

Married couples in this game are even more obnoxious than the ones irl.

t. Angry incel

Remember those few days when monks and samurai thought they would have a raid slot?

Attached: ninja rogue.png (621x1152, 571K)

Isn't SAM the highest personal dps in the game?


Attached: file.png (800x800, 1.08M)

No not really, the monk here just pretended they were meta even though they have as much clear rates as mch

It's BLM, that's why you sometimes see BLM in speedrun groups, but not SAM.

We're just gonna be curbstomping angels and fatcats.


What is Alisaie saying?

Melee yes, in general its BLM, closely followed by MNK/SMN

Joke's on you, I changed it to a bastardized latin version of their name.

"Please dont finger me at the table."

I've been patient throughout ARR, HW, SB, but now with ShB it's gone on long enough. When the FUCK are they adding support/utility spells to the Black mage arsenal? They only give us more self-buffs and bigger damaging spells and traits it's fucking stupid

Attached: ffxiv-arr-black-mage-wallpaper-800x600.jpg (800x600, 107K)

>its a get paired with a couple in the DF episode
>don't take mechanics seriously, stop every second to joke about stupid shit or continuing conversations started before the instance
>get kicked if you call them out on their stupid nonsense

Attached: angery.jpg (738x658, 414K)

Not a true black mage

No. BLM pulls ahead so the literal only fight where SAM is meta is the first half of O12S since trick is half as useful.

Too obvious, you need a better bait

Go play RDM if you want to support your party, only true DPS chads are worth of playing BLM

Try falseflagging elsewhere, fagblaster.

So does Phoenix even revive people or is it just a red bahamut? Without elemental damage types matering, it doesn't mean anything really.


Been tanking for most of FFXIV and i'm tired of it. What's the most chad dps job in the game?

Red bahamut, gets a lame 20 potency heal over time while the bird is out. Revelation is literally the tooltip from akh morn

Anyone know how inner beast/fell cleave, and steel cyclone/decimate are going to work in ShB? Are they going to be split?

SAM or BLM, 100% selfish DPS chads who don't give a single fuck about their sissy party.

link to detailed process ? I don't want to fuck my game up

It casts an AOE regen on the party when spawning. Potency of that in the media Tour build was abysmal, but
>6 potency Flamethrower

Other than that, red Bahamut.

play whatever
nobody gives a fuck

Whenever I see someone with an anime name they’re usually a male hyur that mains NIN or SAM. And if they’re SAM there’s a 90% chance their character is black, has sunglasses, and is wearing the SAM AF set.

Black mage if you are good

I want to marry a lalafell!

Attached: 1559725789402.png (500x500, 181K)

Pretty much 1:1 with bahamut.


Attached: 55857650_p9.jpg (636x863, 279K)

inner beast is upgraded to fell cleave at level 54, same with cyclone/decimate. It also lost its 20% dmg reduction part and is just a 350 potency attack.

>it’s always a male tank and female healer

It has a regen and it's more AoE oriented than Bahamut.

Attached: 1308717592823.jpg (1920x1080, 104K)

I want to have my stomach bulged!

The regen is little more than fluff though.

kys pedo and back to /vg/

Final potencies aren't known yet

Summoning Phenix also puts you in Firebird Trance, your rotation changes while Phoenix is out. Akh Morn and Revelation are identical but Phoenix itself is more like a different type of trance + fire Akh Morns

>There's a mod hanging around in this thread

So euh...Is Dancer going to be required for every static or does the time spent dancing cause to much of a dps drop for it to be useful?


You can use VLC or any other program to convert music to .ogg format, doesn't have to be Audacity.


>is 500 potency per GCD +5% damage buff bad

No job is ever going to be mandatory, but dancer is the best of the 3 right now

Attached: 74727310_p0.jpg (1800x2760, 2.03M)

It feels so good when a DRG picks me for their Left eye partner in 8-man parties. Do they just choose whoever in groups or does it mean i've distinguished myself inthe pug?

Attached: ffxiv_02022019_170339_258.png (750x397, 226K)

If we're going to a parallel world, does that mean we can meet ourselves?

*gasp* it all makes sense

Nobody knows because all we have are potency numbers from a build that's over a month old by now. It could go either way, and only testing at release will show.

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Can't wait to replace Idyllshire daytime with literally anything else

>dancer is the best of the 3 right now
Dancer doesn't even exist right now.

They have it macroed, if they parsed I'd get it every time

Scholar changes aren’t that bad, r-right? I really don’t want to switch to white mage.


WE ____

*clenches fist*


Scholar is still going to be meta, it got even stronger heals now while also bringing buffs.

>from a build that's over a month old by now.
People keep saying this but 95% of what was in SB media tour ended up in release.

any mod that can increase my fps
going from 10 to 15 would be enough really

posting your character in every single thread using the exact same pic every time is not going to get you the attention you're craving for

There's room for 4 letters there and your guess only had 3. Try again.


History diverged thousands of years ago



Stop paying for a sub and upgrade your pentium 4 already user


Because it's the ultimate meme. Super-powered engines of destruction getting their shit kicked in by a potato that barely stands taller than their knees, wielding a fucking bright pink staff with a dancing moogle on it.

>if they parsed I'd get it every time
You would still need to put parse into this tethercalc.herokuapp.com/
Too much work for pugs.

We don't know what of that 5% will change though

>Final boss is your equivalent from the first shard.

This should be cringe by all rights, but Natsuko could probably turn it into kino desu.

protip: go into other settings and lower character/object quantity. it's the biggest FPS boost in the game. if that doesn't help then your CPU is too slow.

People who play Lalafell are mentally handicapped.

>ruins drk identity
>give hw drk identity to gnb
what did se means by this

Try the ff14 stutter remover, needs the FF script extender to run

FFXI did that in WotG

GNB is still more simple than HW DRK.

Do Dancers wear panties?

Attached: 1546388484311.jpg (1007x1019, 635K)

We literally already had that fight

Which one is 11 again? The retarded idol singer one?

I won't

imagine getting beat up by a lalafell

Attached: 12942185218.webm (894x504, 2.99M)

Hey guys, im hear to fix your Audio.

Attached: 7204c5.png .png (321x326, 203K)

Absolutely based

We did? When?

No, they would just get in the way

The good ones won't, how do you think they buff their teammates?


I won't be wearing any, like most of my other outfits.


Attached: 1558659037081.png (800x450, 405K)

Both Inner Beast and Steel Cyclone also lost their life steal effect. The 2 new Chaos are literally just recycled Inner beast and Steel Cyclone animations lmao.

>summoner left our uwu prog static
Bros im losing hope here

I dont remember. What was that?

*Windows noises intensifies*

>OST on Spotify

>even her OC is bad

You fought the Warriors of Darkness.

At which point of ultima are you?

Final Fantasy games has always been popular among girls

>finished all glamour preparations for Shadowbringers
What do I even do now?

lyse loves horse cocks

Level your crafters/gatherers


The other MMO. In WotG you discover that your world is not the original. In the true world, the war against the Shadow Lord never ended. But the goddess Altana wouldn't accept that outcome so she created a fanfiction version of the world in which the good guys won despite all odds, the world you play in. But because of that, the original world is being erased. So the heroes of that world come to undo your timeline instead so that the universe is forced to keep the original. You end up fighting the original world's version of you.

Attached: 1532177711932.png (300x163, 47K)

They give your PLD slashing too
That's utility

If you're interested flirt back, if not tell her you're asexual and if she continues report her for harassment

Arbert isn't the "you" from the First, though. At most, he resembles you if you went with generic male Hyur and Player WAR.

Imagine a Lalafell beating you within an inch of your life, and then raping you all day long, would that be fucked up or what?

It's a high fantasy MMO and JRPG.

Attached: genre_gender_averages.png (1870x1604, 147K)

No it isn't because it applies to literally one fight in the entire game

do midas with me..

You can mod underwear out of outfits?

So now it's just Fell Cleave I and II? That's a little annoying, I liked watching the life steal procs, especially on Steel Cyclone.

There is no (You) from the First, that's not how this shit works, he's the closest thing to being our equivalent

Grow up.

poetics can be used to buy 380 gear come 5.0 drop, right? I've no plans on playing the game between now and then but I needed a decent aiming set for when i switch over to MCH to finish off stormblood. I bought a hat with genisis tombs as well as a weapon and two accessories with the 11 doman oils, trading in cheap HQ crafted items for the more expensive set I need.

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Thank god I have no interest in wasting game time on this crap

Please tell me you're kidding

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Definitely looks like they don't

Attached: Viera Dancer.png (1414x2000, 2.35M)

Best XIV streamers?



Attached: 1553971034290.gif (500x500, 1.81M)

We've just reached Ifrit consistently

Where is Rhythm?

Yes? You just install the nude mod and it also applies to the Emperor's new gear. There are also some mods that remove the underwear from skirts or outfits that are underwear+stockings.

>more DRK kino soon
>DRK questwriter is writing the msq this time



You can mod a dick or vagina too!

I hate midget races in mmos. Why do they exist?

hey wait a minute isn't that rhapsodies

Attached: lilisette5.webm (960x870, 1.12M)

Shizuka Rin

DRK lost its aoe life steal too, or well it's on a 60sec cd now instead of spammable. How am I suppose to keep myself alive now when I get paired with shit healers?

Attached: 1497895868323.png (1068x1080, 657K)


Attached: 【FF14 極#11】凛famVS三闘神 #しずりん生放送 - YouTube.png (1163x654, 1.77M)

I haven't gotten up to Rhapsodies yet so I don't know. I've been going through the stories during the free period and just finished WotG in the latest one.

>using steel cyclone

How do vaginas look on lalas

Respect the content

>Cutscene skipper

Not too great, but neither do lalas

niche genre like RTS

Umm yes it is

Rhapsodies is about muh emptiness.

>draw Viera shoes with heels
>don't actually give them the heels in game

absolute bullshit.

That's Miyuki Sawashiro right

Warriors are getting a better Bloodbath back so that's fine. Vengence + Bloodbath + chaos cyclone is shitloads of health. Plus it will be healing whomever you buff as well.

God I wish that was me getting destroyed

>girlfriend of a good buddy invites me to a GPosers discord
>full of girls
>they constantly shit talk each other behind each others back
>drama every few weeks
Its very entertaining.

If they did that then Viera would never be able to wear shoes either.

please understand

sounds amazing

Attached: hiyah.jpg (502x711, 145K)

I don't watch him to see cutscenes

i bet they all play as cats and lizards like vapid cunts

with their baby strength this would actually feel great

I just recently got WAR past 50, I know this is going to be irrelevant in a few weeks but why wouldn't you if you've pulled a dozen mobs and you're not dying fast enough to need Inner Beast?

This game needs more people playing lala's. Not even for lewd reasons, I just think they're cute


Attached: notmycharacter.png (450x482, 364K)

their "cuteness" is an act

>viera don't actually have the bunny feet
>don't actually have anything other than ears really
>basically just elezen with modded hair

yeah no thanks I'll just stick with my highlander.

Attached: bunears.png (476x725, 810K)

Muh Decimate spam

They do.
Also mod alot.. which I find really ruins the games aesthetics. Even the overbloomy shaders with lots of blurry DoF.

Objects and characters appear larger than normal from their camera angle which appeals to some people playing a MMO.

Finally don't have to deal with fucking YouTube quality vids.

Sprout here, is bard hard? Thank you

At 60 you get decimate which is deliverance steel cyclone with higher potency and no heal. In current experts you can totally easily get away with not getting the heal in exchange for more damage. Certain really painful pulls will still want you to use cyclone though.

>unironically using bunny ear mods

Actually, thancred never had an eye problem or it got cured, iirc. He just wears it to attract ladies.

I want an FF game with Au Ra that look more bestial and scaly, Miqo'te that look like cats and Viera that look like they do in Ivalice. Yoshi is a hack and a fraud.

Attached: you are being judged.png (527x470, 207K)

Will we get smol bunnies?

Attached: file.png (600x405, 186K)

No, maybe for raiding it can be quite hard, but for casual play it's pretty good.

Skip to 5:17 for WAR part.
The first time I saw this I leggit thought he was using Inner beast at the start and Steel Cyclone at the end.
What are you going to do then at lvl50? And even in lvl70 content I get forced to use it because I'll end up dying because the healer can't keep up.

Attached: 1497895868324.jpg (1920x1080, 182K)

Ever since 12 came out I just wanted an MMO set entirely in Ivalice so I can play as a Bangaa


Attached: smolfags.png (1029x1521, 339K)

when you go to balamb garden

Okay so is it normal for BRDs to get agro? It keeps happening to me and I know I can just pop a song and lose it but I thought tanks were responsible of staying in the top.


Easy fucking class, dont be fooled by people saying its complicated

wee smoly bunny cunny ^^ :3 so smol and precious owo no mommy milky bunny cummy yummy uwu

>People mod the shit out of their game to look presentable in screenshots
>But when you look at them in-game without mods they look like ugly fucking clowns

Attached: dumb looking cat.png (1044x1419, 1.92M)

Most underrated character the entire expansion. I hope we see him again. I love this fucking weeb.

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 2.5M)

Thank you friends my friends are grooming me for uwu or something

also use Diversion

But the tank is probably shit at their job

This is why gear mods in an MMO are retarded.

No, it isn't, because there's literally one fight in the game where your warrior isn't already doing that.

Not as cute as that potato. Now that I think of it, a Granblue regular MMO could be the only thing that could make me go no-life for a MMO again, especially if they implement a system where you can have your own crew ship and travel freely between islands.

Attached: GBVS_Charlotta.png (385x441, 267K)

bard is mostly played by girls so I assume that it's not hard at all.

Yeah no.
>Give them your best Hancock's impression
got me to fail the quest so he can seriously fuck off

It's one of the easiest class in the games. The only hard part of it is having to keep up with your rotation without fuck ups. Which honestly only should happen while raiding. Its great tho just a shame is getting a bit gutted for ShB.

No lalafells are as cute as Harvins because Harvins aren't deformed monstrosities and are actually cute.

Hancock is truly based.
I think nips like him, too, which gives him a pretty good chance for a cameo appearance.

I've only played a little bit of Granblue but I'd play the shit out of that. Unfortunately it will never happen because there's no audience for it when gachas are replacing MMOs in the Japanese consciousness.

It's the easiest DPS job in the entire game

it's all cute and funny until you fuckers continually wipe at the same part after people already explained what to do.

Attached: ugh lala.png (5240x4992, 311K)

Mithra and Miqo'te are the best on the spectrum, Mithra being just beastly enough, Miqo'te being the mostly human looking.

Gria > Au Ra

Attached: Gria and Viera.png (300x480, 43K)

>think he's up to something the entire expac
>waiting for him to backstab us for Lolorito
>turns out he's just a huge dork

Not sure if I'm surprised they took the less obvious path for his character, or disappointed they didn't develop him and Lolorito further.

how do you not overcap on beast gauge come shadowbringers

BRD doesn't have diversion, your MP/TP songs cut aggro in half.

Who cares what normals see
I only clownsuit in pvp though, I dress like a total slut and nobody knows

>not learn modding to at least make the modded outfit and hair look presentable for others

ferru creavu

That would be summoner

I am fucking fuming


Attached: Capture.png (960x282, 189K)

>mod au ra to have no scales and elf ears
>equip cato horns
>mod wings
>it's awful
grias are awful

too bad most people don't go that far. they just copypaste the mods from others and it replaces random items instead of specifying which items you want to replace.

Gria are perfect

Wrong, Summoner is slightly harder than bard.

You had a mana transfer spell and no one fucking used it, that's why its getting removed.

You'd be surprised at the amount of people that can manage dots and double weave while managing a pet