Psychonauts 2

I am the only person on this board that is excited for this game.

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I can't even remember when it's coming out, tbqh.


Was delayed and no set release date.

>double fine
you know it's going to be a 6.5

it's going to be an Epic exclusive, I can see it from a thousand miles away
anyway, I'm cautiously optimistic, the first game had a lot of potential but I stopped after the whole fish city and theater thing

Looking forward to it but no real gameplay, no hype.

I want to look forward to it, but I think I'm going to stay in cautious "how will Tim fuck up" mode.

fuck off tim your games suck dick

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I loved the first game, and i'm excited at the idea of getting a good sequel, but I'm not getting hyped up over it until it actually comes out and isn't bad

the original psychonauts is one of my alltime favorite games, but i'm genuinely scared for this sequel. so many things could go wrong

I don't want to hear you guys shitting on the game when it comes out for having sjw undertones. It's going to obviously be an sjw game, without a doubt, and will probably filled with tons of pro diversity and feminism messages.

So just get it out of your systems now or don't even bother wasting your time.

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thumbnail made it look like ratchet and clank


Here's the (You) you're so desperate for, faggot.

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>hurr durr game that not out yet has political message hurr durr everyone agree with me
fuck off back to where you came from you piece of garbage.

i dont even care about how that lead guy is an sjw or whatever
I didn't really care for the first game and it seems like he's absolutely horrible at managing projects so I'll give it a pass

Don't worry OP, I am too.

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I forgot it was actually a thing. Maybe Ill be pleasantly surprised

I'm serious. You know it. I know it. This is going to be THAT kind of game and it's going to get shitposted to oblivion because of some woke dialogue or set piece that Yea Forums seethes over. You'd be better off just ignoring it at that point. We can all see it from a mile away, so there's no point in getting angry over it as if it was some totally unexpected surprise or revelation. Just let it go.

Have you seen their social media? They are progressive as fuck. Female game developer spotlight/showcase, pride celebration, diversity is our strength etc.

It is bound to appear in the game in some shape or form.

The backer page says "quarter 4" so probably it will drop between october and christmas.
I feel like there will be some shitty gg reference or some other politically charged lefty shit but Im willing to simply roll my eyes and enjoy the gameplay.

I really liked Psychonauts and a lot of DoubleFine's other stuff
but they've fucked up nonstop for a while
maybe Psychonauts 2 got him to buckle down, set a budget and plan things out better
or he's riding the hype and we'll get a rushed product
best case scenario is it's a really short game but it's alright to play

Oh good, then it's totally cool to pirate it because tom sweeney paid for my copy.

Thanks tom.

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It is on steam, I believe.

I'll believe it when I see it. And I believe it will still be mismanaged. Probably half the length of 1.

Epic probably hasn't offered them a paycheck yet, so we'll see.

UGLIEST characters of all time, looks like shit

Literally one of my favorite games growing up, I'd play the shit out of this and San Andreas as a kid.

it's stupid to talk about the game that isn't even out yet.

i was just dreaming about it today

I'm hyped

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yes ur cringe

it probably wont be as good as the first game
the summer camp setting was perfect

i'm pretty excited for it.

Nostalgia never actually works. Your childhood isn't coming back.

it does work though

I stopped a bit before the meat circus I think. Maybe it's because I'm used to Mario grade platformers but I just did not find the game fun.

The first game was a terrible platformer with a few cool stages that would work better in a classic adventure game (like the theatre, or the milkman stage)

I have no faith in Schafer to deliver a good aventure again, and the action sections would keep sucking

Sorry but Tim Schafer aligned himself with the SJWs and corporations when he chose to stand against gamergate. Will pirate AND seed.

Psychonauts is not a game I would care to return to, or see a sequel too. Wonky-ass PS2 platform. Feels like absolute shit and felt bad even in its day.

I'm not so starved for personality and unique design like I was in 2005, the indie scene exists. flop incoming

i expect it to be pozzed because tim schafer is a complete faggot, but i might pirate it if the gameplay is good

I'm trying to temper my expectations so I can't be disappointed by nu-schafer but I hope it turns out good

As long as it continues to have varying gameplay and interesting levels until the end it will be good. Hopefully this time they let you explore more people’s minds and discover more secrets. Also Brazilian aerobics teachers.