
Attached: lol.jpg (1027x800, 768K)

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Wtf is happening


Kyaa! Ruigi no baka!

Daisy's ass landed on Luigi's face

haha i love that classic joke xD

And a ching chong nip nong to you too young lady.

Luigi got a chode nose.

Was this made by a favela monkey

I love being a gamer

god imagine the smell

Forgot your image

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i dont get it

Oh, Ja. I remember those weird ass concerts or whatever they're called.

luigi deserves it for being sexually aroused by a woman without her consent, which is illegal in various european countries

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Why was Daisy hanging from the ceiling?

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youre mom is a various european country

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dogs aren't people

so you are double gay

user fucking btfo roflmao

That just means you're the second person

neither are crackos

Where did Luigi's arms go in the last panel?

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where is the joke

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Neither are babies.

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They are still there.

its awwright

Crummy gigabytes?


makeup was a mistake.

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need the side by side

How many pails of water can it fit?

>this thread

I want to fuck Daisy.

>Fox is now trying to appeal to this audience

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You're triple gay.



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What happened to LOL threads? I haven't seen a good one in months. Do mods prefer shitty e-celeb and porn threads instead?

>Peach's downfall
it sounds like the name of a mindbreak doujin

You’re ftfy

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>$5 for a balloon
What a rip off

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this is what atheists really believe

>translation: oooh rego-kun~
>b-but this is wrong...we're both boys...
>sshhhh babe just let it happen
>ooohh rego-kun

>MS version of Daisy

Dude she literally wants the D

what would you call the sound of two pieces of plastic hitting each other

Gonna need you to leave, Mr. President.


No. I'm not reading this again.


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A. Fuck the doomed, you're on your own

Is it normal that I got a boner while reading this?

This shit is older than half the users on here.

Only dumb fucking faggots wouldn't pick B, why the fuck would you even consider choosing anyone but B?

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I'd give my ''flute'' to all of those cuties if you catch my drift^^

tell child A to fuck off
try to convince child B to let child C have it, but don't force her to

>Poor kid sell the flute
>Get money
>Can eat
>Can live another day
Yeah, C

Break the flute. Let them learn the lesson of solving the problems for themselves.

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balloons are fucking shit prove me wrong

>try to convince child
you are a fucking piece of shit, holy hell, kill yourself immediately.

kill fuck marry

Fuck, marry, kill

>tfw no flutemaking gf

neck yourself poorfag

The correct option is to give them all the D.

Attached: flute.png (960x720, 515K)

Everyone who doesn't pick B is objectively wrong

Flute belongs to child B
she can choose to sell/give it to child A.
Child C can fuck right of.

keep the flute lol fuck those kids

Child A should buy a flute if they want to play it. If they've learned to play the flute they probably have one anyway.
Child C should get a fucking job, they can't even use the damn flute, the fuck he want it for?

Child B keeps the flute, everything else is retarded.

Damn that left one weirds me out


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What do they even mean by "give".
B made it so it is in Bs possession until someone takes it away.
FUcking communist pigs I swear.

I like the way think. Sharing is caring.

how the fuck would a flute improve your lot in life?

Child B is the correct answer.
If Child A already knows how to play the flute, then she must have one of her own.
Why the fuck would a kid with nothing be fighting over a woodwind instrument and not bread or water? He's obviously lying.

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>she is the one who puts her cunt in your face
>still has THE NERVE to get offended and physically assault Luigi for shit she commuted

Too busy putting my feet in your salad and lettuce. Enjoy pig.

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Anyone knows the scource of the original?

literally uncool

The narrator is in possession of the flute and not girl B. Girl B is the owner. Distinct difference.

Child B gets the flute so she can sell it to child A, i then tax child B and give 1/3 of the money to child C

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Chris-chan, m88. How the fuck do you not know that?

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why do i even have the flute if it is B's?

>it' s working

who here /keepingthefluteforhimself/

*raises paw*
Well fuck you too.

>Communists think the working class provides the materials for their labour and the sales for their worth.
Can't make this shit up


Why did they show the exploding van twice

Michael Bay got hired by Fox.

Get A to busk with it so B can get buy materials and get compensated for labour to make one for her and C

What do I win?

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Tell the kids to fuck off and keep the flute for myself.

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I shove the flute up their asses

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I never read Sonichu

B and anyone who says otherwise is an ass.

no arguments here
helium is a finite resource, and one of its most important uses is as a cooling agent in machinery like an MRI

Replies had me in tears.


There's a lot of talk about WMAF these days, but what if we breed Asian women and white women? That should even things out looks wise

>Yet another remake
How many of these are there?

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He should've offered to buy her a pail of water

The dream team.

dogs and cats show more humanism then most people do now a days

It was a parody created by Yea Forums. There is no actual comic, just the one page.

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give flute to B and encourage B to sell it to A so that B can make more flutes and then give one of the extra flutes to C that B Makes.

If you don't pick B you shouldn't have the right to vote.

Why doesn't the dragon just smoosh them for back talking?

where's the joke?

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That was pretty funny. Not sure what the shitposting replying to it is about.

Helium is scarce and expensive, yet the US forces a fixed price which allows for cheap MRIs and wasteful ballons

No evidence that B didn't provide the materials. If A or C had provided, we certainly would have heard about it from them.

I mean if you're gonna eat something you would probably enjoy it more if you knew nobody had fucked it.

>le epic Solomon