What the fuck? This was announced last year but still isn't out. Where the fuck is Metal Wolf Chaos XD
What the fuck? This was announced last year but still isn't out. Where the fuck is Metal Wolf Chaos XD
Did they fix the missing blur, lighting, and textures?
Fuck off.
I'm sure it'll be brought up at Devolver's E3 thing.
Where's Chromehounds or Armored Core?
Out around October/November on Epic Store
Switch version
most likely coming out on July 4th.
>preasu understando
They're 100% working on a new AC but what's taking so long I don't know.
in the bin where they belong
Just port the old ones for fucks sake.
>typing those 2 letters
even in greentext it's still bad, kill yourselves.
In the bin of longstanding video game franchises with an established fanbase of dedicatee individuals?
>just rerelease the old shit lol
No one wants that you dumb bastard. Just emulate the old games or if you want last gen stuff just buy a 360 for $20.
in the trash bin
chromehounds was absolute shovelware trash
only ac4 and 4a (miyazaki) are any good
>Armored Core
From only makes Soulsborne now, so your best bet is Daemon X Machina on the Switch.
The remaster was looking fucking awful.
opinion discarded
It's not like fucking From is making anything aside from one game anymore and the memefucks at devolver definitely aren't making a new one.
>From only makes Soulsborne now, so your best bet is Daemon X Machina on the Switch.
But DxM was literally made by people from the ArmCore team
That's the point.
What's so funny?
If anything DxM was a testing ground for AC6
That or it was just a way to publish ideas that wouldn't work in the ArmCore universe, so they made their own thing out of it
ArmCore6 is CONFIRMED in the works, From said so themselves
>game about America with voice acting in English
>originally an Xbox exclusive
>only released in Japan, who have never given a shit about the Xbox and would be alienated by the American flavoring
I don't understand why this game's original release was what it was.
ACV and VD were basically Chromehounds under a different name
DxM isnt even being made by From tho. It just had some of the old team, including Kawamori.
Yeah, they were supposed to be based on CH and MWC.
Wouldn't it be funny if in Revolvers E3 they announced it like it was a brand new announcement and pretended like last year never happened lmao fucking epic
>His walnut sized brain cannot process a devolver meme
I hope this year's E3 doesn't hurt your head bro.