Bloodstained Thread

how is the coop gonna work?

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wait what

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>You can play as the best character in the series

you cant play aradia?????

She's still in Miriam's womb at this point in the timeline bacca desoo sempay I'm of course talking about Edgy McEdgelord


>iga still remembers and wants to make the julius game set in 1999

please konami...

iga probably has the fucking entire script made by now

Was one of the stretch goals, 3 playable characters I think

>10 hours on average to beat the game
seems like a decent length especially if you start grinding for every shards it'll take way longer

I'd be absolutely shocked if the 3rd one wasn't Gebel and they didn't try to create some kind of faux SotN sequences

the last kickstarter update said the 3rd character would be someone NOBODY IS EXPECTING and i think gebel or alfred are the ones everybody is expecting

>Said there were two implied scenarios that he never finished, including the 1999 game
I can't think of what the other one would be other than maybe...
I think there were like two games that took place around the same time but didn't reference each other. IIRC Circle of the Moon is in the early 1800s, like Rondo and SotN?

Gremory mode confirmed then

You castlevania fans have nothing on the blue balls Konami delivered with the Suikoden series. It's fucking dead, give it up.

Co-op will hopefully be tied to the rogue lite mode and be like harmony of despair

I rally hope not-Alucard is the 3rd playable character.

if I didn't really like curse of the moon will I probably not like ritual of the night

>actually want to give Ritual of the Night a shot since Iga ACTUALLY FUCKING LISTENED and made improvements
>but the Switch version is by and far the worst version thanks to 30 FPS

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Could the second one for Dreamcast Castlevania?

bro just play on pc haha

Wasn't that known for a while? Castlevania wouldn't be Castlevania without Richter mode.

Don't forget there's a randomly generated castle too.

>Playing any new Metroidvania when Hollow Knight already perfected the genre

there was a demo or something right?
can you input a movement direction after jumping or do you have to input the movement first

You've seen it, user. It's not a fast paced game. 30fps will be fine.

>Hollow Knight
Go away shill

>Playing Hollow Knight

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“Fine” isn’t “good”. Animations in general greatly benefit from more frames. Being portable will still be nice but it sucks knowing you are still getting an objectively worse game in exchange.

HK doesnt let you grind for shards/levels/weapons though

Your fault for buying Nintendo's shitty tablet

I don't like the character or environment design of that game. The sequel's environments look better at least.

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>being able to grind makes a game better
Are you Korean?

But why would you play it on the Switch then?

no, what's wrong with having fun with grinding?

Was SOTN that short? Fucking hell i dont remember it taking only 10 hours

If you don't get lost it's shorter than that.

i beat it in under 3 hours the other day, 8-10 hours is the standard length for a first playthrough of these games user

I can beat it nowadays in one sitting, inverted castle included. When you know where to go, you can easily beat SotN in like 5 hours without even trying to speedrun.

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>Iga ACTUALLY FUCKING LISTENED and made improvements
>game still looks like shit

Is Miriam a character or a species?

Weird. I always felt these kinda games to be on the medium lenght size. I guess im just slow

It's fine, it's easy to get lost in the atmosphere.

Zoomer detected

Please do not shitpost using Miriam and her girlfriend's child

On a first playthrough with no guide it will take longer than that just to get the Richter dies ending

Its Aradia

God that game is fucking ugly and reddit

>blue balls Konami delivered with the Suikoden series
Can you elaborate?

Fuck you and that trash porn game.

>6 milions dollars kickstarter made a 10 hours metroidvania
>60.000 dollars kickstarter made a 40 hours metroidvania
How is even possible that Hollow Knight is still the peack of the metroidvania genre?

length isnt always good, why do zoomers want every games to be ubisoft games?
i saw the same shit with fucking dmc5, niggers actually complained when itsuno said it'd be a 15 hours game
what the fuck is wrong with you retards, 10 hours on average is the exact same as previous igavanias

It's just another series that had a massive buildup towards a big climax throughout its five games only to get completely dropped and never touched again. Castlevania fans will never have their battle of 1999 game, and suikoden will never have the game that takes place in Harmonia

99% og Igavanias are portable games, whis is a full console game, 8 hours is really low for this gen standard.

Tbh it's probably for the best, it wouldn't live up to the expectations.

Milking mini game

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It's impressive how many fandoms Konami fucked over with their bullshit.

>that trash porn game
It looks better than your 5.5 million dollar 2.5D shitstained.

what the fuck are you even talking about "this gen's standard"??? plenty of great games this gen are short, length has nothing to do with how good a game is
sotn was about the same length and that game wasnt on handhelds so your point is retarded

it doesnt though, it looks like flash game shit

It’s 10 hours (or more) if you play straight through and get lost a couple times
If you’re going for more in depth completion it would be much longer
Also a game like this (presuming it is very much like sotn) throws new items/equipment/ weapons/shards like every 2-5 minutes while hollow knight was a slog and you would go hours without getting anything substantially new

Fuck you and go Kill yourself.
Where did all the fucking money go?
They said they used 2.5D to overcome the technical limitations and make a good lengthy game. Now Iga is saying it will be 10 hours long. Why didn't they go for sprite models instead then if it is going to be short atleast should have let it be beautiful

Ah a fellow gamer with good fucking taste how rare

>length is all a game is worth for
are you actually braindead? there's gonna be way more to this game than just how long it takes you to beat it once
what an absolute retard you are holy shit, oh i wonder where all the money went, maybe into all the content this game's gonna have and not just how long it takes to do one casua playthrough of it
god the shit i gotta read on this shitty board

>10 hours
Dawg u gotta find some shit to do in life like work or school or maybe even get laid . If you played 2 hours everyday for five days that’s a weeks worth of entertainment and that’s if you’re playing straight through, chances are you could double the playtime with secrets/ higher item collection rate. Also the content being released down the line adds value

the pricing is fucked

I don't get why people over fetish long games. Length doesn't always mean better

That doesn't mean he didn't improve it though. He made a game that looked and smelled like shit to a game that looks like shit but smells like roses. See the difference?

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that's what i keep saying, look at all those shitty ubisoft games that are all 50 hours long

God I hate you fucking autistic falseflaggers so much.

>completely ignores the talk about how they cut corners on the graphics
So they dumped all the money into "content".... Right. They compromised the game graphics and also the length to focus more on its "content". Makes sense.

i dont give a fuck about the graphics so that point's lost on me

Ummmmm bloodstainedfags?

that game looks cool too, i backed it as well
happy this and bloodstained are both coming out this year, gonna be a good time for metroidvania fans

I doubt it's a falseflagger; HK fans are that arrogant.

Yep, this definitely looks like a 6 million dollar game.
They could have made a longer version of curse of the moon instead but this just looks ugly and bland.

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It's US$16 on GOG; I already preordered it.

lmao just boot up the ol playstation 1 and play castlevania instead

Did you preorder user? I sure as hell did

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classicvania games suck compared to igavania games though

also waiting on my ps4 key from backing it

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I've suffered through enough HK threads in the past two years to know when someone is falseflagging with it or not.

hollow knight is only long because it makes you spend hours walking at a glacial pace through hallways before you get to go fast and every single boss in the later half of the game is designed around "dodge my pattern for 30 seconds, land one hit, repeat"

40 hours of gameplay is easy when the game deliberately does stupid shit to waste your time like not giving you a proper map

It will have a garbage gameplay like death gambit for sure.

>bloodstained thread

every time, what is their problem?

I want to do lewd things to mein kommandant

It's just bait.

>their problem?
That one guy obsessively spams the same thing every thread trying to start dumb game wars

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>back the game with the ps4 collectors edition with switch code
>now I want it the other way around but its too late
>all I really wanted was the steelbook that comes out but unless I shill out for another full copy for a pre-order I'll have to take a chance at over 500 copies from the backer company themselves

God fucking damnit if only sony was still cool I would have been fine, if they gotten uncool sooner I would have easily changed copies

Oh well, fuck it I'll just enjoy the game digitally and keep the damn thing sealed

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i see, that makes sense
a bit sad though

You mean like Umbra of Sorrow?

You best hope no one succeeds in making Blasphemous as bait next.

Holy shit. bloodstained backers are completely blind or they are wilfully ignoring this shit.

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Nice visuals but doesn't seem that fun to play.

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youre just butthurt that a 60k $ game is better than mr Iga "creator of metroidvania" Bloodstained

well, graphics arent everything, the game plays fine

Impossible, enjoying two games of the same genre at once

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it isnt, i tried hk and i got bored within 5 minutes

Lots of good shit on the horizon for metroidvaniafags. Can't wait desu.

what did you expect?

So you just got bored at the home screen? Interesting.

yeah that's how boring that game is

should I play bloodstained if I think order of ecclesia is too hard?

>shitting on a game that you never played
Oh Yea Forums, you never disappint me.

iga already confirmed it'll be more of a middle ground in terms of difficulty compared to his previous games, at least on the default difficulty

indie games with smaller budget (momodora, HK, even La mulana) have balanced both graphics and gameplay whereas this game looks pretty bland (graphics don't match the artstyle) and provides same length as them perhaps even lesser for a more budget.

All these 2D metroidvanias are cool and all but when is someone finally going to step up and try to challenge the throne Metroid Prime holds?

Why wouldn't you be able to play as her girlfriend?

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>momodora, HK, even La mulana
those games dont appeal to me gameplay wise the same way igavanias do so whatever
who gives a shit

>a post talking about graphics
>hur dur the gfameplay is shit anyway
this is how retard you are

yeah but who cares about graphics?

Stop posting this fake miriam, the real one is cute and lovely and she's my wife

The people that backed 6 milions dollars to end up getting a game that look way worse than a 60k$ game?

looks fine to me, maybe those people shouldnt be such little bitches

Literally a braindead person who plays only games made by Iga and shits on even other better games of the same genre.

so what? cry about it bitch what if i like some games more than the ones you like huh? what are you gonna do about it you little nigger??

Are the second analogic stick / d-pad required? I want to play it with my arcade stick

Fake > Real to be honest.

I hope she gets rid of the dumb glass shit on her body at the end

There's a required magic-aiming mechanic, so you need the analog sticks.

miriam is an old lady name

Nothing. It just tells a lot how narrow-minded and pigheaded people can be and blindly like something even if they are getting duped by it.

wow boofuckinghoo bitch, who fucking cares are you seriously crying cause i like certain games holy fucking shit grow some balls

fuck these things

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Ah fuck

answer me, schweinehunde

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mfw live in 3rd world country and games are chaper than in the US and Europe

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>contrarianism intensifies

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We aren't a fucking charity mate. Here take your god damn (You) and don't spend it all in one place.

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