What game has the best depiction of D-Day?
What game has the best depiction of D-Day?
Death Stranding
Saving Private ryan
unironically COD nu WW2. I wish more cliche single player WW2 games happens. I don't want to play as elite operative that goes behind the line and kill thousands of SS. It's World fucking War for God sake.
Company of Heroes
>amerimutts casually walking down the beach and pretending that they are helping while USSR wins the war in actually meaningful battles
None lol
le lend lease face
>nazis bad
>commies good
Certainly were not going to be any of you Yurocucks saving the day.
rent free
>americans dying so their grandkids could mutt it up
In terms of gameplay: "Allied Assault".
Also „Forgotten Hope 2” has recreated that beach in somehow realistic manner meaning you get shot every time you respawn. If you are lucky enough you will get mortar’d. Enjoy!
>pretending that they are helping while USSR wins the war
the western front of WW2 pretty much existed to save western europe from communism
the commies would have beaten the nazis regardless
>why didn't country X (who has only got 1-25% of the US population) field more armies?
>nazis good
If the USA and Canada had not reinforced the western front, USSR would have lost to Nazi Germany. Hitler lost because he was spread too thin.
Nazis diverting vital reinforcements to North Africa, Italy and France obviously didn't help the Ruskies at all. Pure coincidence those landings coincided with major German defeats in the east.
not true
they were getting their shit kicked in long before D-Day
it just would have happened slower
>North Africa
>mattering at all
Is a simple "thank you" too much for you euroshits considering the effort and lives that we sacrificed for your shitty wars?
Maximum Boomercore
>cutting off the Middle East, India, Australia, New Zealand and other colonies doesn't matter
lmao everybody look at this fag
>Over half the German Ju 52 transport planes that were needed to supply the encircled German and Romanian forces at Stalingrad were tied up supplying Axis forces in North Africa.[15]
>On 8 November, substantial units from Luftflotte 4 were withdrawn to combat the Allied landings in North Africa. The German air arm found itself spread thinly across Europe, struggling to maintain its strength in the other southern sectors of the Soviet-German front.[Note 7]
Thanks for what? Destroying all hope for the future?
controlling North Africa meant controlling all shipping coming into Europe except from America
Germany was still fighting two fronts regardless. Britain was still in it and they knew that the Americans were going to be coming soon. The big mistake they made was jumping the gun on attacking USSR. He thought he could surprise attack USSR to gain the upper hand before he was made vulnerable by reinforcements from the western hemisphere, but they couldn’t close it out before winter. Further compounding the issue was that Hitler’s ego wouldn’t allow him to retreat and try again at a different time.
You gotta cope, Mikhail It's been like 30 years
>The big mistake they made was jumping the gun on attacking USSR
The only advantage Nazi Germany ever had was attacking before people were ready, that's how they took control over Europe in the first place, waiting for Russia to industrialize and prepare would just mean their defeat, their only hope at ever defeating Russia was to take it over before they fully started their war machine
After that it's a simple numbers game, you can't defeat a country bigger than yours with more manpower and more industry while simultaneiously trying to hold onto all the other territory you've seized
you need to look at the map of ww2 day by day to see how you're wrong
>start game
>cannot do anything as shitty dialog plays
>the front opens
>cutscene takes away control as everyone but me gets shot, breaking my suspension of disbelief
>while thinking about how stupid it is the game, still in cutscene mode, drops me in the water and some guy is yelling at me
>finally can move
>bright waymarker tells me where to go, instead of letting me go on instinct
>as soon as I get to the piece of cover the game told me to move to control is ripped away from me
>guy starts telling me what to do, instead of letting me look around it forces me to look at the mutilated body of some guy
>finally allowed to have control again
>can only walk a really narrow path to the next destination
>even doors take away control
give me another serving of shit activision.
>mfw trannies actually won WW2
>literally beating yourself into retardation
Cock of Booty 2 for a first person perspective.
Company of Heroes for a top down perspective.
First Company of Heroes had pretty good Normandy campaign. It also has neat Market Garden campaign played as the axis.
Not to mention middle eastern oil and supply routes through Iran to the Soviets
Because there are plenty oil fields present in Europe, that's right ?
Convenient scapegoat, surely has nothing to do with your Muslim mayor shitting things up.
>Company of Heroes for a top down perspective.
i found the normandy level pretty weak. The first few airborne levels were kino though
It's often neglected in popular history, the British even arranged a coup in Iran to prevent any pro-axis leanings since they had been forming close ties with Germany before the war.
There was no coup, it was a full blown invasion.
Daily reminder that the landing on some of the beaches was such a slaughter because the Americans fucked up during the paratrooper operation and they couldn't capture the beaches on time.
Are you genuinely fucking retarded?
If the Allies lost North Africa, then they would have lost the entire Mediterranean. From there, the Axis easily march into the Middle East and take the critical oil for themselves and deny it to the Allies. Having acquired a sizable fuel advantage, the Eastern Front becomes massively more favorable to the Germans.
The inability of the Axis to take control the Mediterranean meant the Allies could bomb oil production in Romania and Hungary, contributing heavily to a LACK OF FUEL. The Germans failed to defeat the Soviets in 1941 due to LACK OF FUEL and they launched their desperate Stalingrad-Caucasus campaign due to the oil fields there. Germany produced as many tanks and planes as they could, but it didn't matter due to their serious LACK OF FUEL. By 1944 Germany was sending out pilots with less than a third of the training of Allied pilots because they simply couldn't afford to let the trainees use up fuel on training flights. Almost every failed endeavor Germany faced had a contributing factor of LACK OF FUEL.
But no, Russia won the war, not the Allies and least of all the Americans, right? Take it from this guy, then.
"The war was decided by engines and octane."
-Josef Stalin
Call of Duty 2 Big Red One had a superb Omaha Beach level and Call of Duty 2 got a D-Day level which uniquely takes place in Pointe du Hoc.
Unlike in Saving Private Ryan, in real life, Omaha beach wasn't just a flat 50 meter beach and big concrete boxes with machine guns aimed at the sea. The bloodiest part of the landings came after the Allieds tried to get further inland off the beaches.
>Russian education
You would've run out of people to use as cannon fodder if the war had lasted 24 years instead of 6. The ruskies, even by the official count, lost 26.6 mirrion in 6 years or 12315 a day.
Pic related only counts soldier deaths and ignores civilians and wounded.
Moh: Allied Assault and CoD were kino back then. Maybe some others I can't remember
Is Big Red One on PC?
If the war had lasted 24 years Nazi occupied Europe would have collapsed internally
and I'm not Russian, I'm just not stupid
You're exactly right. That's why Conkers Bad Furday or Medal of Honor Allied Assault has the best depictions, because you're fully in control of your character during the beachhead assault. Anyone who eoxperiences the nuCoD ww2 scene you just described and afterwards thought "whoa bro that was fucking sweet" is a confirmed zoomer drone with low IQ.
>only counts soldier deaths and ignores civilians and wounded
>26 gorrillions
You're fucking moron. If you somehow paid money for this picture and I think you're dumb enough for that, get a refund.
Nope lol. Except if you get an emulator, of course.
Yeah, Nazi Germany may have crumbled, but they would've single handedly depopulated the entire Soviet Union. They would've won the western front just because they ran out of people to kill.
>>only counts soldier deaths and ignores civilians and wounded
That is the official civilian + soldier dead and missing figure given by Russia. More than that probably died, who knows. That giant red line is supposed to represent 8.7 soldier deaths.
>You're fucking moron. If you somehow paid money for this picture and I think you're dumb enough for that, get a refund.
No I didn't pay for it. sauce: youtube.com
>they would've single handedly depopulated the entire Soviet Union
they already achieved that in reality, Russia won't be a superpower for much longer because their population suffered so much during WW2
Where's a game where you get to play as Hein Severloh?
Ever heard of the romanian oil fields, caucasian oil fields? Fucking retard
Does it run well with one?
>if the war had lasted 24 years instead of 6
Literally the most retarded statement i've ever heard in years desu
*at the average pace Germany was killing Russian soldiers during the entirety of World War 2
Does that resolve your issue? Why do I keep attracting cryptic shitposters?
Meanwhile on the other side of that
Because you post retarded shit
Oh okay. It's true though, right?
Platinum bait
So did anyone elses ancestors fight at WW2? My great grandfather and his brothers got conscripted into the army after the Germans invaded my country.
>everyone mentions allied assault
>no one mentions frontline
Killzone 2
Why aren't you all commemorating the 77th anniversary of Midway right now?
Because the good guys lost, I ain't commemorating the enemy victory
Great Grandfather was in Burma
Grandfather was a guerilla fighter in the Philippines
medal of honor allied assault
How young are you guys to have great grandfathers who were in WWII.
I am not even that old but my grandfather was a WWII pilot.
My great grand father was born in the 1800s.
And was old enough to have fought in WWI if he got drafted.
Is this faggot site full of yanks or what
fuck off yanks
Early 20s
>tfw first generation Irish, all father and onwards Irish
>Ireland being neutral in WW2 also said 'no jews' and instead of fighting painted giant arrows pointing towards england on the coastlines in case german bombers got of course
Why didn't the Americans just snipe all the machine gunners from the boats?
Early 20's. Great Grandpa served in WW1 and WW2, war ended before my grandpa was deployed.
Both fought for Deutschland though *dab*
Must have had some young parents and grand parents.
All my grandparents were born in the 1920s and 1910s.
Only one left alive and she is in her 90s.
I was lucky enough to be alive to talk to my great grandfather who was born in the 1800s.
He was over 100 years old at the time but still had a sharp mind and had plenty of stories to tell before there were cars, air planes, tv or radio.
Yeah, the USSR sure did a lot by getting mowed down every single place they went. The winter did more to stop the Germans than the slavs did.
Man, those stories must've been great to hear. Sounded like a champ too, living past 100. And yeah, a lot of my family have kids early
>there's actually good guys in war
>any war
Getta load of this fag, guys