Thoughts on Huawei as a video game platform?

Thoughts on Huawei as a video game platform?

Attached: huawei-logo.jpg (1200x600, 69K)

Your question doesn't make any sense. Huawei is a telecommunications and tech company. It's not a device.

I for one welcome our new chinese gaming overlords.

Huawei is controlled by the chink government, a Jewish plant to enforce the world order. The future global contest will be between two sides: China and the nations it has enslaved, versus the Judeo-Islamic West, where whites are an exploited class of money cows like in South Africa where they labor to provide taxes and benefits for the Jewish overlords and shitskin durka durka immigrants, while they are raped and murdered by criminals as their government, society and social services collapse while the whites are blamed for racism.

This is a battle that China is fated to lose. If China cannot defeat the West as it is now, then they have no hope of victory against fully pozzed West. Western system of progressive and virtue signalling and gibs to jobless and minorities will easily defeat the nightmarish, uptight Chink social credit system. The Chinks will be assaulted day and night with propaganda, feminism, Trans and homosexual agenda, promises of an easy life where individuality and deviancy is accepted, until their society collapses.

It will be like the Cold War again, only instead of using blue jeans and rock and roll, Western countries will use Cultural Marxism, support for Islam and racial minorities, immigration rhetoric, internationality and gender to undermine China. They will promote race mixing first with whites, and then blacks, which Chink women will gladly accept to escape rigid patriarchal Chink society and small dicked beta Chink men to slut it up and take cocks from all races of the earth like Western women are forced to in their societies. Then, when the Chinese are demoralized, you will see the same afflictions you currently see in the West, such as mass immigration, LGBBTQ, destruction of traditional family and self-flagellation forced on them.

Just like how whites are taught to despise their own race, history and culture, not even Chinks 5000 year old culture and racism will save them from this fate.

There are none because huawei is not a video game platform

That's like asking about my thoughts about jamie lee curtis as a 2001 ford explorer

Can't tell if this guy is truly mental or just likes the sensation of the keyboard.

>Videogame platform

Attached: 1532157002390.gif (450x450, 1.83M)

I'm convinced /pol/ and the like are just fanfic writers, no less deranged and fucking love forcing their contrived fantasies on people and rage if anyone even suggests at them being somehow wrong. Only it's fantasies of real life, which is somehow even sadder.

big if true

What is it with mutts in full damage control lately?

Attached: US can't stop lying.png (822x591, 478K)

thoughts on tiananmen square massacre?

>google keeps track of literally everything you do
>there's zero evidence that huawei spies on you
>google good, huawei bad

Have you guys ever asked an international chinese student about tiananmen square? What did they say?

Anyone else got the feeling like something big happened yesterday? There's something about yesterday's date that doesn't feel right.

>he uses any of those

Attached: 11.png (500x500, 167K)

fuck chinks

>Have you guys ever asked an international chinese student about tiananmen square?

No. I've never asked an American about the Kent State massacre either.

I hope chinese economy collapses after every western company pulls out. Fuck it and every other dictatorial shit hole.

What the fuck are you even asking bugman?

Attached: 1559378856138.webm (483x556, 840K)

Two Words

Tiannyman Square

Attached: XiJinping.jpg (600x600, 48K)

The computer you've posted that from is full of stuff spying on you. There is no escape unless you completely stop using any and all computing technology.

tig if brue

China has the US by it's balls. If one of those two collapses, it's the US.

They’re launching their own android knockoff after they got blacklisted, their own SD standards etc so chink tencent huawei everything platform coming soon.

t. steve

Attached: philadelphia.jpg (1200x630, 82K)

>fuck chinks

Attached: 1516640956260.png (644x800, 15K)

Central Europe, actually. You know it's true.

>can't even read
Dumb bot.

Well you could. My opinion: it was a tragedy. What the militarist side of America and the government did during the Vietnam War was disgusting.

You pretending that the Jewish enslavement of the white race is a fantasy implies that I am a racist lunatic for speaking the truth.

No, it doesn't. It just means you want to enforce your personal interpretation of real world events on people and get pissed when no one believes you. Like you're doing right now. Well done.

What's wrong with hating Jews? Like the chinks they also control the media, banking, and the establishment.

>Chinks 5000 year old culture
That culture already failed them and they turned into Maoism which sabotaged their own culture heritage like tearing down the great wall for bricks to build houses and roads.

You are the finest example of the CHINKS BAD KIKES GOOD mentality.

Great phone, fuck Trump
>inb4 t.chink