Thinks the west has no hot chicks in video games

>Thinks the west has no hot chicks in video games.
>Forgets about Shantae.
Lets fix that.

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>hey look at me im jerking to cartoon characters oh im so weird and strange i dont need your real woman my drawings are objectivitectily better in so much aspects i want to impregnate flat picture that's how worthless i am

Shantae is a dude, nigga u gay

why are western characters only attractive when they're cartoony?

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Too bad she has only one good game which ironically is the one not based on core mechanics associated with her character.

Shantae uses a anime art style.

Heres a hot western designed woman.

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All of her games are top rate, short, but top rate.

Imagine if Shantae got another game.

Oh wait.

She is.

Attached: shantae5.jpg (800x450, 65K)

No, she's a chick, dudes don't have tits like that.

I'm not feeling it.

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Maybe this one will defy patterns and actually be good.

They're all good, great really.

Not to put a damper on things, but her hottest official designs were by that one nip from Inti Creates. The same guy who did the Megaman ZX character designs.

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The pattern is pretty consistently great.

Final Fantasy 5 was great
Dragon Quest 5 was great
Devil May Cry 5 was great.
Armored Core 5 was great.

I'm not sure what you're on about.

Thats just polish for what was already a S-Tier design.

Yeah, but the difference between PC Shantae and the others is still like night and day.

you are a homo.

No, I just don't like freckles.

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I want to make quarter-genie babies with Shantae.