>Thinks the west has no hot chicks in video games.
>Forgets about Shantae.
Lets fix that.
Thinks the west has no hot chicks in video games
>hey look at me im jerking to cartoon characters oh im so weird and strange i dont need your real woman my drawings are objectivitectily better in so much aspects i want to impregnate flat picture that's how worthless i am
Shantae is a dude, nigga u gay
why are western characters only attractive when they're cartoony?
Too bad she has only one good game which ironically is the one not based on core mechanics associated with her character.
Shantae uses a anime art style.
Heres a hot western designed woman.
All of her games are top rate, short, but top rate.
Imagine if Shantae got another game.
Oh wait.
She is.
No, she's a chick, dudes don't have tits like that.
I'm not feeling it.
Maybe this one will defy patterns and actually be good.
They're all good, great really.
Not to put a damper on things, but her hottest official designs were by that one nip from Inti Creates. The same guy who did the Megaman ZX character designs.
The pattern is pretty consistently great.
Final Fantasy 5 was great
Dragon Quest 5 was great
Devil May Cry 5 was great.
Armored Core 5 was great.
I'm not sure what you're on about.
Thats just polish for what was already a S-Tier design.
Yeah, but the difference between PC Shantae and the others is still like night and day.
you are a homo.
No, I just don't like freckles.
I want to make quarter-genie babies with Shantae.