Kingdom Come Deliverance

How does this game compare to Witcher 3?

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i guess they both have swords. other than that they're totally different

It's jankier, but in terms of RPG mechanics, KCD wins by a long shot. Witcher 3 has the better story and lore, but KCD's world has in turn a better atmosphere and it's really comfy to traverse it.

It doesn't. One is a grueling peasant simulator and the other one lets you play as a superhero.

One is RPG, the other is AssCreed clone with better world. Wait, even AssCreed is a better RPG because you have the option of stealth.

It's a better RPG and more immerse, but W3 is a better game

is the combat better or worse than witcher 3?

In my opinion much better, in Yea Forums's opinion much worse. Depends on how much you like HEMA

>It's a better Role-Playing GAME
>but W3 is a better game

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1v1 duels are quite fun, but fights against multiple opponenets are a clusterfuck. The combat is obviously more realistic than W3 and can be tough to master. But once you get the just of it, you will murder just about anyone with ease. Especially when you git gud in archery.

Henry is cool, but I wouldnt call him a superhero

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In the Witcher 3, you win combat by rolling around and slashing leveled enemies after they finished their attack animation. In KC:D, you have to time your attacks in order to find chinks in your opponent's armor or else you die like the worthless peasant you are. Every battle feels like a one-on-one duel and if you get swamped--you're fucking dead (unless you train mace which unlocks easy mode).

Well they're certainly both video games

Say whatever you want but KCD was comfy kino.

Witcher 3 has a awesome story to tell.
KCD, YOU are the story !

My post was meant as a compliment toward Henry. I'd rather start out as a weak normalfag than a mega buffed superhero when trying to RP.

slav governments didn't have to pay people to go online and shill for The Witcher 3

Both feature swords, European wilderness, potion crafting, the ability to fuck some NPC women and both are developed by European studios (poland/czech republic.That's about it.

Kingdom Come Deliverance lets you have more freedom in how you play. You can be a knight/man-at-arms, you can be a thief, you can be an archer. It's also a more grounded story. Your the son of a blacksmith. War breaks out, and bad things happen to your family. You end up becoming the squire for your now late father's last employer a noble/knight loyal to the king and become embroiled in intrigue that comes from civil war and medieval era conflict. It's goal is to be historically accurate (at least more so than The Witcher/fantasy games). If you like the idea of LARPing at a reconnaissance fair you'll love this shit.

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The best part of playing KCD is telling everyone you played it.

Didn't play Kingdom yet but I already know that its better that Villager 3. I tried playing first game and it turned out to be shitty amateur mod for Neverwinter based on series of toilet lecture books by some asshole that impress kids because his characters swears a lot.

I thought the best thing about KCD is triggering faggots like

It's Eurojank Oblivion without magic (And That's A Good Thing). Witcher 3 is a poor comparison to make


Do any if the updates add new weapons and armor? Vanilla needed more variety.

Have sex

Vanilla w3 story is shit. It's lucky it's sprinkled with some great quests though

Did they ever fix their save system?

>sucking google's cock
Don't forget to dilate today.

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I liked it, but it was cutscene hell. I fucked off from the main story as quick as possible and just rode around the countryside hunting shit. Comfy as hell.

>Did they ever fix their save system?
Requiring an item to save? No, still there. As long as you're not one of those constant save-scummers it's not that big a deal to work with.You save every time you sleep in a bed/camp. if you just use your save juice before you expect trouble you'll be fine. And you can learn to craft it pretty early, it's not difficult to produce, you can sell it for profit, and it helps you get better at alchemy which makes you even more money + buffing you.

Mods already fixed it

I may be triggered but at least I don't live in an AIDS infested shithole

The one thing that held me off from replaying the game is the intro of the game, it's so god damn long.

You have no idea where I live, faggot.

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Well if you're triggered by people bringing up how KCD had paid shills promoting it on Yea Forums I'm gonna go ahead and assume Soviet bloc

It doesn't. KCD is garbage compared to Witcher 3.

>I'm gonna go ahead and assume Soviet bloc
you assume incorrectly.

actions speak louder than words, you're a slav until proven otherwise

you made the claim, onus is on you to prove it. Regardless, no point derailing the thread any farther so I'm out. Have a nice day user.

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>it doesn't
>compares anyway

>you made the claim, onus is on you to prove it.
ignoring the muh burden of proof dipshit point (which is in itself a claim you fail to prove), I've already given evidence that you're a slav by pointing out that you're defending paid shilling from Slav governments, thus shifting the burden of proof to disprove the assumption that you're a Slav

It's an absolute jankfest with some obtuse mechanics and terrible optimisation. If you can get past that there's alot to love. It's very immersive with alot of time and effort being put into the setting and making it feel as authentic as possible, there's really no other game like it. Also, the rough start puts alot of people off, but also makes the end game so much more rewarding. I'd say pirate or buy it on a deep sale since it's super polarising and I can't guarantee you won't hate it.

TW3 on the other hand feels alot more safe and "standard" but it's got some of the best writing and world building in videogames. Yea Forums will say the combat is shit, but really it's good when compared to most other ARPGs that aren't Souls, KH or DD, but subpar compared to regular action games.

Out of the two I think TW3 is better, but that doesn't discount KCD, since they are fairly different games despite having some superficial similarities.

KCD is only £30 on steam, which really isn't that much. I'm a fan of the setting and games like it, for some reason though I could never put my finger down to buy it, like I need some sort of persuasion. Might look into it more if the general populace is saying it's a good game

They are vastly different from a mechanical standpoint. But have something in common in terms of aesthetics and tone. Both have exceptionally detailed and well executed setting that draws heavily on historical evidence rather than on fantasy standard tropes, and both have a bit of that slavic obsession with "earthly" tone, meaning a lots of drinking, gambling, drinking, singing, swearing and fucking. The fascination with small joys as well as with extremely beautiful and extremely "lived-in" and plausible-feeling environments ties them together.

However, on a mechanical standpoint, as well as that of a storyline, they are vastly different. Witcher is a fantasy, a superhero fantasy at that, with comparably far more conventional, polished but risk-adverse mechanics, relatively minimal emphasis on RPG elements or simulation, and a very long story build heavily on big impressive set-pieces.

KC:D is small scale, attempts to be as realistic as our knowledge and the medium allows, takes risk with just about every mechanic in the games, put emphasis on simulation over roller-coster experience. It takes a lot of risks, does things very unconventionally, which inevitably results in far more polarizing and unpolished experience. It's small in scale, the plot isn't really all that important to begin with.
It's extremely unpolished and can be annoying, if not frustrating as hell. The combat system alternates between fucking fantastic and fucking unbearable - either way it is very unconventional.

They both have very strong charm, they both have some really great and endearing moments, but The Witcher is a safe and conventional game, KC:D is extremely messy and risky one.

I love them both. KC:D is a little closer to my heart for several reasons, one of them being the will to take the risks - but I will also admit that I had not finished KC:D, though I have gotten far enough to know what it is like.

I think that is all I can tell you and enough to make a call on purchase.

Well it didn’t butcher one of my favorite book series, so it’s better in my book.

That drunk hack butchered the books himself.

In also on sale on GOG atm for about 20 AUD.

Are the horses fun to ride in this game, or do the controls suck

The control alright. Keep in mind though that gear and skills change how responsive the horses are, so it might feel kinda shitty at first.

I think you're overstimating how experimental the game is. The most polarizing elements are the combat and the save system. I'm a bit of a save scummer and I've only used Schannaps just before any confrontation or big decision and I've never encountered any issues with it. The combat does take a bit to get used to, but once you do even group battles against up to 3 full armored bandits are doable is you don't let yourself get surrounded, still 1v1 duels is the most enjoyable kind of confrontation.

I know it's nothing new but the one thing that blew me away was how almost every quest is designed to avoid something like "You've been detected, game over" or "X character died, game over" and other such contrivancies. The fact that you can complete the entire game killing only one character is a testament to that.

No mounted opponents is fucking gay. Cumans should have horse archers. We should have lances.

The game throws gear at you way too early. Most people get the encounter with one of the knights extremely early, and they give you a full set of armor.

OK, let me requalify that: it's very unconventional FOR AN MAINSTREAM title. None of the mechanics it has and uses is entirely new, but they are largely things larger-budget titles shy away from, and the way they are combined is risky. The survival/simulation elements that impose routines are common to a particular genre, but not to big-budgeted RPG's. Similarly the combat - we have seen similar models before, but not in AAA market.
Same goes for the setting itself.

I did enjoy them, for the most part. My biggest issue with the combat is how easy it is to accidentally break - the game desperately needed a gating mechanic for the training. It was overal very poorly balanced. And optimized as well.

Again: I liked it a lot. I loved sneaking into enemy camps and poisoning their food supplies. I LOVED poaching in the woods and though that if there is one mechanic that needed expanding upon, it would be hunting.

But to most people, they'll see a mess of mechanics that will be either strange and confusing, or buggy and unbalanced.

I wonder what the future for Warhorse looks like. The game was - ultimately, a financial success for the studio - but a personal failure for the people involved. So I'm really curious what they will try next.

I hope they do a fantasy RPG next. We all know TES6 will be dogshit, so someone needs to fill the void.

I'd like to see a proper sequel to KC:D more, to be honest. I'm sick of fantasy. No one knows how to do it right anyway. Not since Morrowind has there been an actually good fantasy setting - outliers like Pathologic 2 not withstanding.

I'd like to see them go completely mental. Like say: a videogame adaptation of the Night Watch or something.
Or alternatively...

>but a personal failure for the people involved.
What do you mean by this?

I hope they do KCD all over again but with a Roman setting

It’s better. Witcher 3 feels like a casual experience whereas KCD feels tougher and more atmospheric.

>What do you mean by this?
That both of the people most heavily responsible for the game (Vávra and Bocan) were unhappy with how it turned out. They both clearly stated as much.

Never heard such a statement.

I think he meant the Metacritic's score being below an 8, still it was mostly due to bugs, which is to be expected considering the type of game it is.

The game still did very well though, I hope they go into their next title with as much confidence as they did with KCD, as you said, it's really refreshing to have an uncompromisingly experimental big budget RPG nowadays.

Can you link to that? I remember Vavra saying he was happier with some elements than with others, but frankly anyone who followed development from the beginning knows that Vavra's ambitions were always sky-high and not altogether grounded. Personally, I'm astonished that it turned out so well.

Exceptional posts, which I 100% agree with. You are a man of taste, user, if you're still in this thread.

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>Can you link to that?
Sorry, I mostly remember interviews on national TV with them, nothing I could link.

I completely understand that without source you won't believe me, but then again I do not have any reason to lie about this.
I've seen both of them - Bocan moreso than Vávra, talk about how the game ended up being massively rushed and being released at minimum half a year, maybe year too early. They cited repeated problems with scale (going from a small, 15-20 hours max title designed to be introduction to an episodic series to a 40 hours+ full developed title more than half-way through out the development), funding problems, feature creep, and above all, very, very, very bad choice of engine.

All of that resulting in them releasing a different thing than they wished to release. It was not a fatalistic "it's crap" and definitely there was no blame being thrown around, but it was a very self-conscious and honest admission from them.

It also felt like an implied admission that they don't want to make another KC:D game anymore. Probably mostly due to the fact that they would have to switch to a different engine, and make a lot of work from ground up instead of expanding on existing tech.

Well, I hope they do make the sequel they promised. I know it's not altogether straightforward using CryEngine, but hopefully they resolved most of the technical difficulties in developing KCD1 (and much better than the Star Citizen team, I might add). The game's foliage and forests are absolutely unrivalled.

My main worry is that they take the criticism that they received to heart and dumb down the prototypical features that were in KCD1. For me, the game will reach its potential if the sequel leans into these ideas and makes them more complex and more necessary, like the incredible clothing noise, identity and conspicuousness system that they came up with. It'll be sad if that all gets junked for something more Oblivion-like just to get a higher Metacritic.

>I do not have any reason to lie about this

I wasn't implying you were lying. Are Czech by any chance? Since you mentioned national television, there is no way I could've seen that interview.

Anyway, I do remember hearing they regretted the choice of engine, and that they only used CryEngine because it allowed them to make the most beautiful forests.

I do hope they release a sequel at one point, and they expand on the less fleshed out mechanics, they did have a plan third act anyway.

I can actually tell you the answer to both. No: they will not use CryEngine. Ever again. They were rather frank in saying that was by far the worst call about the whole development and that they would not go back to it.

As for the fear of dumb criticism on the other hand: I would not worry about that. Vávra is a man of shall we say: stubborn nature and very consistent design philosophy. Not exactly great at the whole management thing though.

Henry is cute.

>Are Czech by any chance?
Yep. And kinda close to the industry too, as it happens. I've been to several Vávra's lectures, actually, and I used to know personally one of the founders of good old Illusion software AGES ago, though at the time I did not appreciate the connection like I would today. Gaming industry is small here, and if you want, you'll actually easily get to meet most of the people.
Fuck, I've talked with people from WubeSoft four times over last three years, and I wasn't even particularly trying. Advantage of a small country.

Are all the bugs fixed?

No, you still exist.

the difference is that in kcd you only spent about 30% of the ''''game'''' duration watching cutscenes, as opposed to 50% in witcher

in terms of actual gameplay, the are somewhat different, yet equally bad