Franchises that got ruined forever because of one thing. I'll start.
>Halo, sprint
Franchises that got ruined forever because of one thing. I'll start
>White people, Niggers
finna based
>not loadouts
Granted they fucked up a lot all at once after they made 3 but still.
>Kingdom Hearts, Osaka
he based
Based and redpilled
>Thief, no stephen russell
I don't think that was the only problem user
load outs and kill streaks killed halo
yeah honestly I found loadouts the worst, I actually loved having a Sprint button and it felt like it suited halo/spartans as a thing
FPBP indeed
>Monster hunter
>good internet
every game from now on will have a third of its endgame content locked behind cycling content being available only when capcom lets you play it
screencap this post
Dead Rising, Westerners
>Halo, Halo CE
Okay, do i fit in now?
More like:
>Halo, 343
Where the fuck is the PC version of Reach? jesus the master chief collection is going to take years to finish.
First posteth
Thy best posteth
>Halo, Halo
Pokemon, 3D
Smash, rosterfags
F-Zero, Mario Kart
You mean regenerating health
>americans still blame blame others for themselves being too lazy to pick their own fucking cotton
>Every first world had black slaves... except like norway or some other third world white country
>Mass Effect
Shitty franchises, all ruined by publisher demands or developer degeneration.
Borderlands, Anthony Burch
also post yfw you're not Anthony Burch
>pic related