Void Bastards
You're the shill so you tell your thoughts on this game bro
Fuck's sake you absolute nigger, kill yourself
>Very little variety in maps and mobs
>Way too much hitscan shit like the turrets
>Bad humour and would benefit way more from just having a scary setting like system shock 2
I regret getting it for now.
Good art, graphics, and rougelite mechanics but enemy variety is too limited, the game gets repetitive within 3 hours, and the lack of aim-down sights is fucking annoying. I've died multiple times due to running out of ammo due to the huge spread and lack of proper aiming which pissed me off. It's one thing if I suck at aim and fuck up but it takes away the player agency when each gun has a huge box that shots randomly land in. I'd wait until it's on sale or gets more content.
It's fun, but it's hopelessly too short and does not have enough enemy/item variety.
completely valid points but I'm enjoying it. I hope it gets updates.
btw, 10/10 sexy bitch
>less than half the peak players of A Plague Tale: Innocence
I don't think it needs ADS but I agree the spread on weapons is way too fucking frustrating sometimes. Game is also too repetitive but hopefully they'll patch it.
maybe its a pc only thing but I'm not getting terrible spread. I'm on Xbox and I don't have the dead eye trait
3 weapon slots limitation is butt fuck retarded. At the very least make the fourth random slot permanent and not a trait you can miss. Better yet, allow us to upgrade the inventory and carry 2 weapons of the same type at once.
Way too many ships that are straight harmful. Fire or electricity ships are impossible to traverse without huge HP losses. Ships with a bunch of portals are only good for speedrunning them as fast as you can.
Not enough playstyle variety. Where's psi? Where's melee?
Too few ship and enemy types in general.
Turret spam is annoying and forces you to carry the shocker most of the time.
Weapon slot limit is fine because you can see what enemies are on the ship before you go there. 99% of the time you can counter each enemy type+turrets with your three slots.
It's not on GOG so i didn't play it.
most things don't have hitscan, and the turrets changes to missiles pretty quickly. the scribes with homing bolts are bullshit though literaly run around the whole room and a hallway through a door and all bolts still hit me.
at least you can jump the cables, the fire is bullshit, only reason I got out of that station was becuse of reanimate and still got out with only one fourth of my life.
and the turrets you can use the grenades mkII, but yeah security can be annoying sometimes.
Still a good game, the highest tier levels can be annoying and restrictive but you should have enough ammo, fuel, materials and food to just go directly to the parts or create thems.
I'm gonna pay you a (you) to fuck off.
Weapon slot limit greatly limits the playstyle variety given that weapon balance is extremely uneven. There's never a reason not to take shocker over the entirety of its category, even the thing turning enemies into allies can't beat being able to stun 4 enemies at once and safely turn the entire station's turrets to your side, not even talking about useless shit like the bouncer. Same with primary weapons. There's barely any reason to take a pistol on later stages and if you had two slots it could've at least served as a complementary firearm for your main gun. Clusterfucks make normal grenades irrelevant and you get around the same amount of charges for both.
play cryptark instead
its 2d twinstick instead of 3d fps, but its a sci-fi ship raiding rouge-like done better
This game reminded me that I haven't played the new Prey yet. Is Mooncrash any good?
Missile turrets are pretty annoying to and fire when i'm not even in it's line of sight.
I'm playing on very hard though.
30$ for an ass game that only has about 1 play through worth of content.
That actually looks like it could be fun.
I'll give it a pirate.
its not hitscan but it might as well be since every projectile has tracking
glad i only played this on microsoft gamepass available on xbox one, obox one s, xbox one x, and now even pc!
>Inspired by BioShock and System Shock 2
if they need to say this in the description, you already know the game is shit.
The only thing they took from system shock is the right click to use control scheme and space ships, everything else feels bioshock.
I pirated it and thought it was "okay". Would probably be disappointed if I actually bought it for $30
It's an OK 5 dollar game being sold for 30 dollars.
Paid 22€ with the SS2 discount, finished the game, had my fun, no regrets
is gud
its free on gamepass
can play as big girl it's okay
Yes, it is. It's kind of a similar concept (immersive sim meets roguelite) but built on way stronger foundations than Void Bastards.
You are not allowed to post indie games or new stuff here, only anime, ff14, smash faggotry and capcom.
Read the rules.
Umm shill muchhh???
absolutely disgusting artstyle
Wow, an AA game published by Focus Home Interactive sold more copies than an indie game from an unknown studio? Please user, enlighten us with more revelations from your galaxy brain
Graphics are nice and probably first of it's kind but the repetitive nature of not finding ammo and having to be stingy get's annoying fast, also all the enemies talking in cockney british is also very annoying and not funny.
>hating Venture Bros comic style
Low iq post.
No lean, 100% horizontal design and just overall lack of variety seem like the main issues to me. Hopefully it will receive some substantial content updates in the near future because the core gameplay is pretty solid.
It's a really great game, even better than Prey imo, and I don't even like rogue-whatevers.
Thank Phil for Game Pass. This game is alright, but it's probably $20 too expensive.
Easily one of the best arguments in favor of games as a service.
Holy shit i would have been 100% furious if i bought this piece of shit game. Meanwhile I just finished Outer Wilds which came out on Game Pass same day and is so much fucking better.
It's pretty bad
If System Shock 2 is a 10/10 game and Bioshock 1 is a 5/10 game, how would you rate this game?
its a cool game but i wish i hadnt played past 2 hours cause it def not worth 30 bucks man
Way too repetitive. Not enough tiles diversity and looting is boring. Got bored of it after about 10 hours.
Fairly bland, worth a pirate for mindless loot when the gf's watching a series I don't want to give my full attention to. It just looks like it could be so much more.
>immersive sim
who the fuck even made this shit up?
it tells me nothing about the genre
Post the torrent link and I'll tell you. I'm not spending $30 on indie trash.
God-tier artstyle/setting(reminds me of super jail) and music is great too(lux ships). Turrets are too much of a hazard though and are responsible for 80% of my deaths. Gameplay gets stale quickly, and once you've done 1 run, you've done 'em all. People complaining about aiming are just bad lol.
>ip count doesn't change
I had fun with it. It has it's problems but over all I would say It's good. Could use an expansion to add to what is there though.
I beat it once thinking I’d want to go back in again on hardest but man, once you’ve beat it you’ve seen absolutely everything to see and I just could not find the motivation to do it again. It was fun for a run through but kinda short. There’s just not a whole lot to the game so replayability takes a big hit unless you are into restrictive runs like only guns/indirect/no weapons/no upgrades. It just needs more ship types and enemies.
Can already tell that the developers are that kind of people by the white haired niggress thing in that art.
it’s just a fat black guy. There’s no “diversity” or pronoun garbage. just random character portraits
>30 dollars
>He didn't get the coupon for having System Shock 2
Thanks for confirming you're a zoomer faggot.
>Only one ending after you finish the fetch quests, no final ship to blast through even
>Too few enemy types who don't fill in enough separate niches
>Last nebula level just has harder editions of older enemies, no new enemy class like Zecs in level 4.
>Enemy variants don't actually do much different from the lesser versions.
>Boss enemies just are regular enemies with buffed stats.
>You end up often in a loop of using rivets/staples for lesser enemies while using explosives on the enemies who don't die from that fast enough.
>Even Pirates are a matter of spamming explosives at them
>Even if you awaken a security bot or war bot, it's pretty easy to run around the ship and avoid them or even destroy them simple luring methods
>It's just enclosed ship environments, No biohabitats or greenhouses to speak of. No walking around on an asteroid or in a void whale.
Finished it in one sitting because I realized it's easy to rush the parts in the story at some point... Needless to say from a design perspective this feels like that they could have done a couple more things to make the experience more rounded out (multiple endings and some ships that are exceptionally difficult by design (like a pirate den, yeah imagine a level filled with pirate enemies) being the obvious ones). Perhaps DLC is the plan, which is shit because I know what they put in the DLC will be what should have been in the base game to begin with.
Void Bastards reeks of being more an expanded on proof of concept that a full-on game. They have story beats and theme, but this does not create a complete feeling experience. It's weird too, as they have the pirates give dialogue that implies escalation that one is never actually shown.