Explain yourselves, Yea Forums.
Explain yourselves, Yea Forums
I like both games.
>actual designs vs overdesigned shit
i want to get into atelier
is the lastest game a good place to start?
It's ok when Nintendo does it!
You're a massive faggot, I don't know what else to tell you
This, both are fucking great. Also, the only "graphic" style I hate is 4d scanned in actor. So pretty much when there isn't an art style.
Admit it. E3 is close, your favorite company won't be there and that's bothering you. A lot. But threads like this can't and won't help you, you know.
>favorite company
I don't have one
Escha & Logy kinda sucks, but other Atelier games are pretty good.
None of these contradict each other, and I hated WW
I don't know about the game on the right but I can understand some of those complaints. JRPGs have a bad tendency to overload their games with mechanics and and menuing that doesn't actually test the player to think.
Here's a good, recent(ish) example:
In XBC2 you have an entire screen/menu dedicated to passive skills that make your blade better. They unlock by themselves as you play the game after doing "X amount of Y attack" and so on. 95% of these just happen passively, the only player input required is you going to a menu and pressing A to get a 2% damage buff. You weren't forced to decide between one or the other, or focus on working towards getting one, you just go to this screen every now and again to press A and get a passive.
It's downright frustrating because JRPG games can be comprised entirely of shitty RPG mechanics like this that don't let me feel the sense of accomplishment by doing it myself, it's insulting, like the developers don't trust me to be able to build something my own way.
I went off on a tangent, but my point is that JRPGs are often bloated with features that essentially mean nothing but you following a pattern the dev laid out. Complexity is a valid complaint when it's DUMBplexity.
>Mental gymnastics to defend an anime game
I love pointing and laughing at you in public, with your anime paraphernalia and your disfigured physique.
Xenoblade 2 has terrible menu navigation in general, with tons of needless sub-menus that only serve to waste time.
Honestly I love the Atelier art style.
jrpgs are the most overvalued genre
Zelda style looks unique, Atelier looks like literally any other anime game
start with Atelier Rorona Plus.
Both these things have their appeal. People genuinely do like grind aspects in video games and they find it fun. The more overt anime style on the left make characters distinct almost immediately whereas in something like Wind Waker it becomes more esoteric. Anime games have more dumb magic stuff that can be very entertaining
Everyone despised Wind Wakers art style when it was first shown. Are you too young to REMEMBER? were you even born?
It's literally just normies. Normies get incredibly asspained about anime, whether it's a game or not. It's the same people that complain anime reaction images.
>Implying Yea Forums doesn't shit themselves over anything with anime girls and ignore all its flaws
>Everyone despised Wind Wakers art style when it was first shown
Not really. Some people liked the idea of a cel-shaded Zelda game, praising it as a return of the simpler art of the 2D Zeldas.
Some people thought the graphical style could lead to more expressive environments but took issue with the deformed character designs and jokey enemy designs. Helped that early trailers had more impressive looking environments.
Some people were assmad they didn't get the Spaceworld trailer. Some of whom changed their opinion after a few years, hence all the "people reacted negatively at first, but eventually appreciated it" bullshit, but probably an equal amount still fucking loath it.
WWHD completely fucked the one thing I feel it had going for it stylistically (cel-shading - even if it should have looked like MM's promotional artwork), but at least let you speed up the awful sailing.
I am a better person than you for not playing waifushit and society in general agrees with me. You will always, ALWAYS be seen as a weirdo at best and a pedophile at worst for playing Atelier, whereas I never have to hide my powerlevel.
Cry into your body pillow.
i havent played game on the right, but the complaints seem pretty in line with a lot of jrpgs i dont like
i like some jrpgs tho
Yea Forums isn't one person you baka
This but normalfags, not "normies".
is right. right looks very much overdesigned compared to based ww design.
Do you sell shit to people in Atlier games like a shop sim or do you only craft items for yourself?
This is extremely relevant to whether or not I want to play these games or not.
You don't set up a shop, if that's what you're asking. You can sell items you create for money and you can give them away to complete quests that give you various rewards.
Gay. I want a comfy fantasy shop simulator game with RPG elements and it's really hard to find them.
This ain't it, chief. Atelier is alchemy autism simulator.
Yeah, but I thought that if there was a focus on making shit with Alchemy that it might also have a focus on selling that shit you made in a store or something.
Oh well, too bad.
Try Rune Factory, at some point in the game you can set up a shop and sell your item.
(well at last in 4 still didn't get around playing the other)
Okay, will do.
I don't like either.
>Do you sell shit to people in Atlier games like a shop sim
You do in Judie and Viorate.
The sixth and last comparison is not following the format.
Should've been linear = bad and short game = terrible for the Atelier side.
reccetear, moonlighter
Zelda is kino, weebshit is cringe
it's simple, one of these games is garbage for manchildren living with their parents who spend time shipping imaginary characters on tumblr and other is Atelier Escha & Logy
Would I like this series, Yea Forums? Only jrpg I've played was Neptunia V2 and enjoyed it for the characters and easy gameplay.
Atelier or Neptunia or whatever generic, indistinguishable weeb RPG pictured is niche content for a specific audience. Pandering to that audience is it's top priority.
Wind Waker is timeless, wholesome fun that appeals to a broad demographic. Providing a fun gameplay experience anyone can enjoy is it's top priority.
But you already knew that, didn't you shitposter-san?
>One is designed for a core audience, that knows what brings in the bacon and sticks to it's strengths.
>The other is mass appealed to n*rm*ids and "I'm such a nerd" women
A core audience that will eat up literal shit if you stick an anime girl on the box, sure.
Would rather spend 30 bucks on a bad anime game than 400 dollars on a console that's a generation behind and a 60 dollar game because prices never drop due to forced scarcity
>left has soul
>right has no soul
There, I explained it. BotW belongs on the right as well.
>enjoyed it for the characters and easy gameplay
Atelier has nice characters but it's gonna be balls to the wall hard if you're completionist
>favorite company
That better not be implying you have a favourite company user.
Don't forget the price of your Snoy Censorship-station 4, the TV you play it on, electricity to run it, a chair to sit in while you play it, rent, food and water, frilly dresses, HRT, and the male escorts needed to truly immerse yourself in the experience of being a huge faggot.
I see this shit with /u/fags who unironically like Life is Strange.
Windwaker is garbage though, Botw is actually good
atelier games are available on PC which can be used to earn money to buy frivolities such as game consoles
I have literally only seen people complain about wind waker.
I hate anime reaction images because they're always used to bully me.
I don't even own a PS4 buddy
I did pre order Death stranding CE though for the baby, I'll probably sell off the game and the DLC codes
>implying people allow themselves to be bullied
Why are anime people so mean.
>Not just beating the shit out of your bullies
>that's a generation behind
lol. PS4 exclusives play at sub-30
And the switch is even fucking worse, your point?
While I may own a Nintendo console, at least I don't kiss dudes.
Fuck off zoom zoom.
lmfao nintentoddlers
I know this might be weird to you, but the "Soul vs SOULLESS" shit was to compare old games and new games.
A game looking like shit doesn't count as soul, it has to be at least a decade old first
Atelier is cool and comfy though. What are you implying OP?
>Initial release date: December 13, 2002
lmao, imagine a fucking tranny trying to insult someone
>Escha and logy released in 2013 and still looks better than Shitch exclusives
Anime is gay.
main Atelier games are on the Switch too, tendies like the series now
I have no issue with faggots but anybody who posts an anime reaction image usually suffers from some severe mental illness.
No one outside of shitposters has said any of those things.
Wind waker is one of my favorite games and I also really like the atelier series.
Go fuck yourself OP