What genre of games applies to this graph?
What genre of games applies to this graph?
This, low IQ will keep playing anyways, High IQ can enjoy the game for what it really is. People in the middle are bored or ragers.
t. mid range IQ
Technically none, unless the IQ cutoff is 85 on the high end of the x-axis. Games are a "low-brained" activity.
What's this distribution curve called? Inverse normal?
Arpgs, poe is a great example.
And generally games with extendive character build customizing options.
>low iq just grinds and has fun
>medium iq is bored because of muh grinding
>high iq invents gamebreaking fun OP builds and has fun
Dota. Actually just about every competitive game. You reach a point of competency where you know you're shit and it's not fun and you're not sure how to improve.
I'd say fighters. You have to be autistic in a retarded or genius sort of way to keep playing them endlessly.
any autism simulator applies really
Rocket League
This. Normies don't play them since the death of arcades.
Final Fantasy VIII
Not really videogames but 80s action movies, kaiju films
fightan shit
low iq button mash
high iq invents their own combo stings
And any and all surviving arcades refuse to stock them.
This too. Kaiju films are the highest form of filmmaking.
image boards
the IQ axis on that graph ends at 50
>ES8 has no games
low iq post
Nothing really, because I really doubt that IQ alone would be the most important thing about enjoyment of a game. But if we replace IQ with the want to understand and train gameplay mechanics, it’s fighting games all the way: casual buttonsmashers can enjoy the game just as chaotic brawl, high level guys can actually enjoy the mechanics as they are envisioned, while middle-tier guys realize that they will never be willing/able to spend the time required for truly learning the game and then just end up leaving the game.
>ywn drink belly beer and watch Super Violent Anime with your naked gf
>VHS tape
But the PS2 can play DVDs.
What is the image from for research purposes?
low iq will play the single player campaign aka the tutorial and brag on online messageboards about how they had a good time and it's a good game because of the campaign
medium iq will try to play online and get btfo
high iq will play online and btfo medium iq
But it can't play VHSes which they probably have plenty of
I remember faggots memeing that PS2 could play vinyl.
The only meme from around that time that I remember is 09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0.
Fighting games
Probably grand strategy games.
Hideo Kojima games.
Not playing videogames
Tower Defense
What a hot girl I bet she was inspired by someone's oneitis
this thread is actually just going to be a bunch of people saying their favorite games require more IQ
Kind of agree with this. Once you get passed the button mashing phase and realize you have to actually learn the execution and shit it stops being fun until you're decent which can be a grind. Though thats more of a skill to enjoyment type thing.
that's true but the actual objective answer is porn games and they're not even my favorite genre
Super Mario Maker
Dwarf Fortress.
The learning curve is slightly steep but is easy to pick up.
Low IQ can play forever and high IQ can do crazy shit.
basically almost everything? retards will enjoy anything from poop throwing to chess, normalfags wont be able to see and apreciate the nuance and depth behind, obviously smart people will.
name ONE game that is the opposite of that graph or rather name ONE game where the enjoyment increases with as iq increases and ONE game where enjoyment decreases as iq increases
negative IQ post
>enjoyment increases as iq increases
roguelikes and autism simulators
>enjoyment decreases as iq increases
online slots
Fighting games. Bashing buttons with your shitter friends is fun. Being high-level and having bail-biting matches with other high-level players is even more fun. Being in the middle and trying to grind your way to git gud, is pure suffering.
This masterpiece
Why do high IQ stick around for the porn games? Because they know 2D is the one true way? Because cunny is high IQ?
Fire emblem and minecraft