*Dabs On Minecraft And Hytale*

*Dabs On Minecraft And Hytale*

Attached: vintage story.jpg (1920x1080, 1.48M)

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noice, i didnt knew it existed, will defintely check it out. looks good.

That looks like shit

Can anyone explain what Hytale is about? Is it just multiplayer minecraft or does it have mmo systems

*dabs on shitty block games*

Attached: Skyrim.png (667x375, 127K)

looks better than minecraft minetest and hytle combined mate. also more interesting mechanics. cant wait for more mod support.

looks better than minecraft minetest and hytle combined mate. also more interesting mechanics. cant wait for more mod support...

Attached: vs.png (1670x633, 2.19M)

It's just minecraft with a better mod api.
It's singleplayer and multiplayer just like Minecraft.

Sage shill threads

That looks like crusty assbutt rolled in shit colored legos

shill because you dont like it ? well some people do and this board is for discussing games.

This just looks like minecraft with some fucking blurred filter bullshit

Fucking zoomers.

>had shit tons of lego as a kid
>moved to other city
>ask mom to send me my lego
>she said she'll just bring it when she visits me this summer
>mom arrived a couple days ago
>without lego

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That's the most soulless Minecraft clone I've ever seen.
And I've played Castle Miner, Castle Miner Z, Total Miner, and Fortress Craft.

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literally this

Attached: ju0_base1.png (1024x1024, 195K)

>throw rock above water
>it skips across

if you told me this was just a texture pack for mc i would 100% believe you, what in the fuck makes this shit special then

Attached: 2018-03-26_17-15-32.jpg (1920x1080, 1.07M)

shill bait thread, sage and kys mr. dev

Built in Modding API, comes with modding tools.
Runs better than minecraft.
Not a pay to win shitfest like hytale is going to be

source for main gamemodes and api is on github


stop shilling your dead game

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t. Hypixel

>Tedious and ugly minecraft
No thanks


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VS is less tedious than TFC which wasn't very tedious, come on now

>wolves just suddenly fall on his head and he takes a nap
Jesus christ this is just a retarded minecraft mod with shaders

That game is so ugly. It's just brown and grey. Even the greens and blues are ugly shades.

bad location in OP, there is color in the world
there are 14 different rock types, it looks like granite in the OP which is the blandest
there is a palette the game uses which can change tints of grass and water

Attached: sandstone.jpg (1920x1080, 1.52M)

hypixel servers used to scam little kids so much mojang had to step in.
now theyre making a minecraft ripoff to scam them again.

Mind elaborating?

also there are much greener areas
the dev really likes sepia so you'll see brown in most of the official screenshots

Attached: green.jpg (1920x1080, 1.48M)

So it's literally Terrafirmacraft with some fluff thrown on the side

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It runs better than TFC and the clusterfuck forge ever will.

i miss when people weren't afraid to use colours in their games. nowadays it's just brown shit with a piss filter stuck to it

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So its TFC that runs a bit better and with fluff thrown in on the side. Forgive me if I'm not impressed but I've already played TFC to death so why would I pay €15 for something I've already got for free?

Good luck trying to get those minecraft modders to port their shit over to this. It's never gonna happen

Not an expert, but Hytale is/was a giant mc server. They got angry that mojang is shitting on mods with their C++ rewrite, they update slowly and shitty and overall work like a 100k company, not a 1b one. And Hytale was so big they basically went "fuck it, we're making our own minecraft with blackjack and hookers". Now people are hype cause they say it's gonna have a proper mod api and other improvements

There are other things, but it can be called fluff, but any feature is 'fluff', right? It's not really TFC, I played TFC to death as well, VS is a different (but incomplete as of now, but is halfway there?) experience than TFC is. The dev's main focus is at least having feature parity with TFC

Yeah this is pretty much the #1 reason why I don't give a shit, who cares about the base game at this point?

There is one major mod for VS, seems to be a few modders working on it.
I don't think there will be so much as ports to VS, more like different mods that do similar things?

Minecraft runs fine and has plenty of modding support. You genuinely sound like a shill.

I mean if they actually create mods that are fun and there are enough of them, I'll check it out, but until then I'll just let this one stay in the back of the fridge.

But thats just Minecraft?

You must be on something if you think Java Edition doesn't run like trash

I literally thought this was just modded minecraft.

Good job attempting cloning a product that already won.

Wheres your proof that this runs faster than minecraft does?

You must be on something if you think "it runs better than a game most people can already get a stable framerate on" is a good enough reason for people to play your shitty minecraft clone. You have added no meaningful features to make it different and what's worse you mention how great it's mod support is showing how you plan to have other people do the work for you. Fuck off shill, no one want sot play your MInecraft clone.

I'll keep an eye on it for sure, maybe some day it'll be worth the €15 price tag but I don't think it is at the minute.

Oh wow, thanks user, but I realized I replied to the wrong guy.
This the one I wanted some elaboration on

Right now I'm getting ~300 fps with a 512 block view distance

I'm shilling a game I love and see huge potential for.

fair enough

What is there to elaborate?
>het kids buy (with your parent's credit card) our special vip membership
>you get a slime to follow you around and your name can be written in a different colour, oooooh
>what's that kids, you suck at PvP? Buy our elite membership to dab on everyone with a guaranteed full set of protection XXV diamond armour for every game you play
The game is only being made because Mojang didn't like that a bunch of ego fueled modders were exploring kid's wallets on their game, so they've decided to go do it somewhere else.


>minecraft with bloom
Game of the century

feel free to do some glsl shader work, the game needs some screen space reflection and stuff

forever mad at notch for getting rid of my neon grass
get fukd you fat cunt

>$15 for an inferior Minecraft
>no color
>characters look like shit
>basegame looks barren and has no content

I was sort of interested in Hytale as something me and my friends could pick up and run around in our world for a while, but there was a red flag with them partnering up with Riot was it?
And now I hear this I am interested to know if they will somehow try to mess with SP/COOP portion of the game

B-b-but mod support!
Muh shaders!
What are you some Mojang shill?!?!?

Is this from MC?
If so, gimme your mods

I got you bro. Here's some neon grass.

Attached: neon.jpg (1920x1080, 1.56M)

Dunno, I always thought that the new grass color was a huge improvement

I was the same. My autism when it comes to building things is limited in stuff like Minecraft and Terraria and I preferred the exploration parts of both. I had my suspicions when someone asked if the "hy" part referenced to Hypixel, turns out it did.
The game is literally being made because they can't make enough money off of kids on Minecraft. Them messing with singleplayer would not surprise me, Square Enix did it in Deus Ex.
Replay some Hypixel to remind yourself what it will be like - ie. literally pay to win.

We are on the same wave it seems.
I really wanted more "worldbuilding" in MC with exploration and more diversified fauna, have the world feel more alive, so Hytale does seem to be appealing towards that, however it does seem pretty iffy at best.
the fact that kept the square heads was my first gripe, then I learned about the Riot connection, and now finally I hear of them being greedy fucks, my interest is almost all but gone.

Hypixel is really scummy, they aren't not the hero

Wordbuilding was always Minecraft's weak spot and continues to be. Why make the effort to improve exploration when you can add a panda? What's the point of woodland mansions if they spawns thousands of blocks away meaning you have to travel over boring plains to get there?
The block heads are absolutely done on purpose, they want their own Minecraft with no limits as to how much they monetise.

multiplayer and singleplayer
It's being treated more as a platform like Roblox with multiplayer while still having a singleplayer mode like Minecraft does.
Gameplay wise, it's practically Cube World but with building/digging and such.

It also pulls from Portal Knight for it's progression but instead of tons of different areas of varying sizes, it's 5 zones that are infinite. Do stuff on this big mainland island while beyond the ocean surrounding it will just be randomly generated land with structures and stuff.

>it's literally just minecraft

Torrent? Not paying for this shit

yer, don't think it's been cracked yet, it can be decompiled in jetbrains, maybe somebody could do something

>ugly minecraft
Oh i get it because it looks just like fucking minecraft right?

Minecraft aesthetics in HD are uncanny valley and are only enjoyed by brain dead retards.

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and minecraft aesthetics regularly are just as fucking ugly you fucking troglodyte.

>72 replies
>40 posters

Sage, hide and report shill threads

Based. Fuck all minecraft threads.

literally terafirmacraft

>41 posters

both of these are OP shilling

this dude literally downloaded a shader pack and is selling it as his own game

Why would OP, someone who made a minecraft thread, say fuck minecraft threads?

This is OP again

this is all OP


What's this?

Vintage Story, a hytale dev said fuck hytale, and he's making his own game.

I normally don't call out threads for shilling but holy fuck make it less obvious.

Minecraft obviously.

>Literally just minecraft but characters have joints in their limbs and there's bloom and blur out the ass
This could literally be a modpack and a shader pack not a fucking entire game

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