Japanese game

>japanese game
>has a food cutscene

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I just saw this ad on TV should I get McDonald’s?

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Japan know what real food is and know how to make it look good. All Amerifat know is deep fried butter on a stick.

Amerifats literally have pizza and fries registered as vegetables

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>there’s no deep fried food in japan
But I’m eating it everyday

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Whom are you quoting, faggot?

I didn’t know there’s Pizza Hut here
I got dominos

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that seafood mix looks great

Nice reading comprehension faggot.

The MHW canteen cutscenes are pure foodkino.

Not fan of McDonalds but I thought it was okay. Better than anything on the normal menu.

People who haven't lived here don't understand how much junk food and fried food people eat. It is true that the Japanese generally care about food being quality more than Americans but it is not like they are all gourmets or anything.

As far as Japanese pizza is concerned I like Pizza-la.

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Pizza here is good but expensive

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My nigga Lmaooo but yeah beer and food are ridiculously cheap here I think I actually gained weight from how cheap everything is

Shut the fuck up?

Someone’s jealous kek

I ate healthier when I was in America ironically. Like you said, food is good and cheap and alcohol is way too cheap as well.

Pizza is absurdly expensive though, yeah.

Shh, the anons who live/lived in Japan are talking.

I’m a 5 minute walk from 7/11, that and ¥600 6 packs (versus $13 back home) is not healthy for my waist line

Is Japan as good as people say or is it a meme?

Depends on how much money you have

It’s fun for a vacation not to live in
Tokyo is a meme though, after 2 weeks there I got tired of it there’s too many foreigners

Idiotic post.

When I travel I don’t wanna see dumb Europeans who come talk to me because I’m a fellow white fuck off I’m Canadian you guys tried to sanction us don’t talk to me

Shut the fuck you stupid poser. Go be a REAL TRAVELER TM somewhere else.

But other countries don’t have cheap retro games

I love how Japanese culture seems to appreciate food as an art worth cherishing. But I fuckiing hate watching people eat food.