What video game allows me to take the lethal dose of radiation in a matter of seconds?

What video game allows me to take the lethal dose of radiation in a matter of seconds?

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hey buddy i think youve got the wrong board, Yea Forums is two blocks down.


Antagonizing Putin simulator

There's only one game and it's SS13

Stalker with misery mod

What games let me raise the power?

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Take him to Yea Forums

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CoD Modern Warfare
Well just the end of the nuke mission, but it's something.

Just browse Yea Forums
The toxicity is enough to overwhelm you in seconds

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Post Core-chan

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buying a ticket to russia

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That is only as much as a chest X-ray, stop complaining comrade.

>only as much as a chest X-ray

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Fallout 1 the glow and Fallout 3 outside of vault 87.

I don't think X-rays give lethal doses. That would kind of defeat the purpose.

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You are delusional, comrade, a nuclear reactor's core cannot blow up

4? clearly delusional - it's only 3.6!

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Get out of here stalker


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honestly miring that natty shitshoveler aesthetic


>yfw 4 or 5 years

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What do you mean, user?

How is this show?

We must cut the threads to prevent the spread of miscommunication!

Pretty good historical horror drama

>You receive 34 points of radiation
>You receive 34 points of radiation
>You receive 37 points of radiation
>You receive 41 points of radiation
>You receive 32 points of radiation

Attached: Fo1_WestTek_Surface.png (2240x1222, 3.49M)

Fun, but like with anything that JewSA touches, historical accuracy is thrown out the window.

Why did I move here... I guess it was the weather

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System Shock

Do it for her

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>get here
>wander around inside, find my shit
>"Hey this isnt too bad"
>begin taking constant damage
>chew through all my stimpacks to keep myself alive on the road home
>make it by a hairs breadth
its the kind of emergent stuff you dont get in modern rpgs too often desu


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what are some games where you can smash that fail safe button

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Post his pepperoni final form

Attached: Chern.webm (1920x1080, 1.58M)

>mfw graphite tips
>mfw cutting corners with nuclear reactors
>mfw government saving face
>mfw german robots being absolute shit
why was ukraine so incompetent back in the day? I thought white countries were above chinese tactics.

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You didn't see games on Yea Forums


Weird flex, but ok?

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>4 or 5 years

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>unironically defending jews
Inb4 you call me poltard too. I'm black and i hate jews, if you dare to shut me up then you are racist who denies right of freedom of speech of minorities.

fallout, the glow


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Also this
Pity the fate of young enginiggers
Too long on the solars with no sleep
With their complex electronic attachments
Oh look on their emergency tank and weep
They don't get a moment's reflection
There's always a clown in their eye
Pity the plight of young enginiggers
Regard all their worries and cry

There is a reason why no one supports communism in the post-zsrr countries
This is how you end up with commies in charge

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/pol/tards are a bunch of retarded spergs who call anyone who disagrees with them a jew
here you go user I just educated you for free

imagine the smell haha...

>overly dramatic
>about the Chernobyl disaster

He's got a nice uncut grower.

Metroid prime trilogy

"Robbaz here"

Most classic communists/anarchists shittalked the jews though. Not without a reason.

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This miner must be one of the most based characters in history

report this thread, comrade user

I don't want to see anymore delusional posts

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careful with jokes like that user, I don't think Yea Forums mods are into Yea Forums memes
i'd delete this post if i were you

post yfw you're done

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>source: my ass
Just because we have mutt puppets installed here doesn't mean that everyone here falls for your retarded propaganda.

>Generation Kill

why HBO miniseries are kino

>ywn have five years to live
>ywn be in charge of cleaning up the worst nuclear disaster in human history
>ywn send men to their deaths
>ywn drink vodka and smoke cigarettes with your comrades all day
>ywn form a bond of brotherhood with an inner party member

Attached: vodka.png (1920x1080, 1.85M)

>Fat as fuck
>Barely the slightest wobble as he walks around
Now that is peak strongfat.

Their head of staff was lazy perhaps
Leaving the singlo up to those tools
Where the atmospheric pressure is hazy, perhaps
And the security oppressively cruel
Give me one roomfull of plasma
And an AI full of regret
Pity the fate of young enginiggers
And their anxious attempts to eject


you din't see no graphite cause it ain't there

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slav here. Lmao do Americans really watch this anglicised crap?
>soviets speak fluent yank
just lol

I don't care about the jews user, /pol/tards are still a bunch of retarded spergs who can't stay in their own shitty board
Yes it's very ironic for me to say this in a Yea Forums thread on Yea Forums but even Yea Forumstards are more pleasant to deal with than /pol/tards

>dude just make them learn to speak Russian/Ukrainian lmao

also they don't speak yank lmao

>watching kinobyl
>see people drinking shots of vodka
>immediately think of playing STALKER and chugging vodka to keep radiation low

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why not hire actual Russian actors?
Are Americans too retarded to read?

slavaboos are fucking pathetic desu.
We mug westerners for a living.

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>pointing out that the show lacks any kind of historical accuracy makes me a /pol/fag

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>why not hire actual Russian actors?
because they suck compared to the cast they used

>chugging vodka to keep radiation low
it doesn't work like that

Oh boy Yea Forums you are now in control of the RBMK reactor of Vladimir I. Lenin Power Plant. Can you maintain 3500MW? Post results.

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Didn't know tv latched on this. The memes are funny.

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It's pretty accurate though? Yes they added some drama here and there but that was expected since it's aimed at a wide american audience.

>Enter Boss Stage
>HP: ????

Why do games do this? Stop wasting my time like this.

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you're autistic

let's hire a bunch of slavic actors, translate the entire script and try to direct them through a language barrier