what does Yea Forums think of this game?
What does Yea Forums think of this game?
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Fun to mess around in, not actually fun to play.
Very good, better than infamous, deserved a proper sequel and not the abortion train-wreck that was 2.
No one wants to play some no name nigger and watch a shitty character assassination of Mercer.
A surprisingly good start for a franchise. Could have become something truly great in later games.
>Prototype 1 is better than inFAMOUS
>inFAMOUS 2 is better than Prototype 2
Can we all agree on this?
thats exactly why i picked up 1 instead of 2. your right infamous was boring, this almost makes me throw up when im falling to fast. do you start to get attacked more in free roam as the story progresses?
Only in infested zones which you can control.
Not that it matters, you're practically a god anyway.
wasted potential
first game was good to fuck around in, but second game was abysmal
Yeah, infamous 2 fixed almost every issue that the first game had
I haven't played the third game, was it at least decent? I've heard conflicting opinions on it
>better than infamous
i see how you played Infamous on youtube simulator pcfag
>better than infamous
objectively wrong
>I haven't played the third game
Decent? yes but it's not a good infamous game the story is shit and the game is too short. overall it's a bunch of wasted potential. Especially since the original plan was to continue from the "bad" ending of two.
it's ok, has a semi interesting story and it's sort of fun to fuck around in.
sequel has a shit story, but the gameplay is generally better along with the mission/side missions, so i find it more fun to play.
One of the very few open world games worth playing.
>Infamous 1 on evil route is better than prototype 1
>Infamous 1 on good route is worse than Prototype 1
>Infamous 2 in BOTH routes is better than Prototype 2
Never played it because they made the MC a nigger.
>tried to reinstall this a few weeks back
>couldn't get it to work
>win10 doesn't support it
I really liked it but it's been a while too. I feel like there were a lot of flaws that just aren't coming back to me as far as missions and progression of the story goes. Not a graphicsfag but there were some parts that could look better. Mechanically it's super fun and Mercer is a great main character. I should play it again soon.
>i see how you played Infamous on youtube simulator pcfag
dude ps3 cost like 70€ it's not that expensive, besides first infamous is pure trash, it's one of few games i never finished on my ps3
Underrated. It’s a bit janky at times and you can see that it was made by devs that aren’t exactly the top 1% of gamedev mastery, but there’s a lot good ideas that makes the game a lot more enjoyable than the sum of its parts. Too bad that 2 was a lemon.
i don't think. ever.
>infamous is pure trash
why do you think it's trash?
waste of potential
first game has some interesting ideas but in second there are only mayhem and carnage
It's fun probably for 30 mins
I'm inclined to heavily doubt that.
Really enjoyed it, reminded me a bit of pic related when i first played it, both Protoype and Mirror's Edge were games i would play on repeat back then. Shame the sequels to both are supposedly let downs compared to the originals.
This, my fellow /pol/ack. Fuck these stupid niggers who our wives prefer, and fuck those jews for promoting niggers.
hulk and both ptypes are by the same devs
Shit, wasn't even aware. Pretty neat though
I finished my first playthrough yesterday. Pretty damn kino, I really endorse the perfectly balanced difficulty on Normal and fun AF free roaming and combat system. I wish the AI of the soldiers was better but that nuisance is ignorable when the city turns into the war zone. Replaying it right now to platinum all side activities and collect all landmarks stuff.
Going by this comparision video between the two games, I think we can say that Prototype is basically a spiritual sequel to Hulk Ultimate Destruction.
>2nd game is shit
>story bad
There's literally dozens of threads like these;
steamcommunity com/app/10150/discussions/0/154644928856152255/
Game doesn't run on any semi-modern hardware, there's a fix for win7 but not for win10.
Are there any fixes for this?
dat OST
I wish.
Was too lazy and only spent 20min looking for a fix.
Might be one out there, I haven't found it though.
p fun
wasn't that special
story was shit
it's perfectly named, since a prototype is exactly what it is
2 was worse
High IQ post
>let downs
Without hype they are actually pretty decent. Especially P2 is good if you don't gave and give a shit about the plot
Flawed masterpiece. Many, many flaws, some quite big even.
But it's still perhaps my favorite game ever because no other game allows me to bodysurf on a zombie and then kickflip him to destroy a tank.
And not fuck your wives
It totally is. I would suggest Prototype to anybody who enjoyed Ultimate Destruction, and vice versa.
I loved it, enough to be hype for the second and I replayed the second one a few times, but then I want to go back to prototype 1 and the clunky controls just make me want to kill myself so I instantly stop
Though I know there are powers in the first one that were much better implemented, the whole package is so much smoother in the second one
Anyways, unironically the best 'super' games out there and easily one of the best open world title to mess around in
Dunno why Yea Forums hates on the second one so much, most likely coz you're playing a nigger or something
Underrated flawed gem.
It's fun_
>Another Prototype thread
Is this one of those things where an occasional thread is made and once it's found its place it becomes commonplace? Good
A fun game, except for that one part where you lost most of your powers like 70% into the game
>when it finally clicks and you get the joke
>coz you're playing a nigger or something
you hit da point.
P2 is less frenetic, Mercer has parkour and better traversal, Heller can tank just about all damage even that red zone missile barrage with his shields.
The jumping in Prototype 1 shits all over Proto 2's
>Though I know there are powers in the first one that were much better implemented, the whole package is so much smoother in the second one
They straight up removed powers that were in the first one, you stupid faggot.
And added new ones
bitch i literally installed it last week and it ran great, what are you complaining about
same here, I was pissed when I realized that
infamous for xboxfags
only shit like musclemass and armour which are barely unique
have sex incel
it was one of those games I had never heard about before I played it on a whim at a friends place right after it came out. It was really fun and I downloaded it the same day. Fun story and fun gameplay. The sequel was retarded beyond belief and ruined all the cool shit set up in the first
>Zeus is loose
>prototype 3 announced at e3
>new protag is big tiddy goth girl
>game set in san francisco or any place more colorful or interesting than new york
>we want the bayonetta audience
>tentacles and seduction powers
>murder ball fast travel in sewers
>seduce powerful enemies and milk their powers
A man can dream.
Really fun game with an interesting story. A lot of parts of it were kind of unoriginal, hell it starts with amnesia which is like, the most generic video game thing possible. However the web of intrigue was a great way to show optional story, and slowly discovering how the Alex we played as was a different, and arguably better person than the original Alex was a fun twist. I do have a few gripes. Hunters are really annoying with their animations, hard to tell when they are hurt and reeling back or charging up their "I'm gonna punch for 3 years and fuck your mom" move. Also Elizabeth Greene's fight kinda sucks ass. I would have also liked for more of the powers to be useful. One you have the blade, the claws and hammerfists basically have no reason to exist.
I love the upgrade system though, really feels like a natural progression while also letting you prioritize what you want, I really missed that in 2.
>San Francisco
Fuck right off. California is boring as hell for open world games. GTA V and WD2 have proven this.
kek i remember they were giving away infamous for free it was so shit
it's fun but most of the encounters are clusterfucks.
>dude what if we locked the player in a room with ten respawning damage sponges that are always up your ass or throwing shit at you
fucking hit the nail on the head.
the fact that it's like that in one of the first missions is awful.
it's a great power trip.
Heller was endearingly angry retard mode to me, my big problem was the terrible Mercer rewrites that turned him into a saturday morning cartoon villain.
>milk their powers
One issue is that unless they want to do a story about the infection becoming global, they have to limit it to an island or someplace that can be separated by water. In the first game, it's stated they held Blacklight in New York because they could easily quarantine the ways out of the city, and the virus cannot move through water.
P2 got much better gameplay.
I don't even care about the story, who play pseduo-GTA clone for the story anyway?
well I didn't mind since, you know
the story wasn't why I was playing the game anyways, nor its stereotypical characters
mercer isn't really interesting in the first game either
>it's stated they held Blacklight in New York because they could easily quarantine the ways out of the city, and the virus cannot move through water.
They already did infected birds.
I actually like Heller. I think his story about saving his daughter in the second half is a little weird, her being alive really comes out of nowhere just to give him more motivation.
My main issues were that you had less control over your progression, the free roam wasn't quite as fun, and the way they wrote Mercer's story. It really just ruins his whole character arc from the first game, makes it hard to swallow.
Shit, I guess the second game just forgot that then.
>mercer isn't really interesting in the first game either
the idea of viruse mercer being a much better person than the human mercer he ate was interesting. heller is just mad as fuck all the time.
I hate spiderman games
Fun but trashy when it came out, no idea if it holds up but as far as trashy GTA clones like st row or just cause go its my favorite. It's very limited and repetitive but short enough to not overstay its welcome. Does a good job of ripping off capeshit powers and making you feel powerful. Basically a venom game.
>no idea if it holds up but as far as trashy GTA clones like st row or just cause go its my favorite.
sr4 ended up ripping off the entire movement system from prototype 2.
I'd like to see this franchise resurrected one day, superhero sandboxes that let you do anything are surprisingly rare given how many sandbox games there have been this generation
i've only played 2 and the best part of the game was sitting in a base, stealthily punch a barrel to leak the virus gas and watch how the military base deals with the spread of infection
shit was cash, id help which ever side was loosing
>superhero sandboxes that let you do anything are surprisingly rare given how many sandbox games there have been this generation
Making a generic shooter or ripping off asscreed is much easier.
wouldn't you be pissed 24/7?
you come back from the front and you find your family dead?
and I imagine spending your days eating people and destroying buildings must have an effect on your mind as well
Pretty fun, I didn't care for the story whatsoever but the gameplay was good.