Aah, Frozen Eleum Loyce.... SOUL

Aah, Frozen Eleum Loyce.... SOUL.

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earthen peak

This but unironically

>The first time you enter
Souls Kino right there

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Fuck Eleum Loyce

Cope, ds3 faggot.
Nice Rolling/straight sword spam simulator garbage you have there

Loyce Soul farming is cancer.


>imagine being so bad to the point you hate the whole area in the game for your own shortcomings
cope more ds3 baaby

Dark Souls 2 is E.T. of 21st century.


The game or the movie?



Looks great for a PS2 game

Attached: shitsouls2_9.jpg (1920x1080, 513K)

consoles got a tight budget
ds2 had too much content
it has the most bosses, enemy variety and weapons in all souls it had to sacrifice in some areas

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Best level design after DS1

Why wasn't it fixed for the current gen port and $60 patch edition? Why does it look worse than DS1 which was also made for PS3? Why is the level design and combat pure ass too?

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there was no current gen port it was on the same low power consoles and only retards paid money for the scholar edition

im so glad i bought the game on sale and after all the patches were done. i cant even begin to imagine what kind of shitshow experience i would have been in for.
one of fromsoftwares greatest jokes, i suppose.

Quality > Quantity.

Demon's Souls had 5 areas, 16 bosses and only a handful of builds but was far better than DaS2.

I dunno, why wasn't DS1 fixed for the Remaster?

Because from had nothing to do with the shitty DS1 remaster, unlike cashgrab Scholar

I hate DaS2, but I'll still admit the DLC areas are (mostly) good, save for the absolute bullshit zones right before the optional bosses that are each a special type of exercise in frustration.

It's just a shame you have to slog through the absolutely garbage-tier main game to get to the DLC areas. And while the DLC areas have good design, they still don't make up for how much I hate DaS2's controls, mechanics, "feel" of the gameplay, and so on.

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so ds2 shills? dumb remake incoming?

Even the DLC is mostly featureless square rooms, just like the base game. Absolutely soulless

Attached: shitsouls2_59.jpg (1920x1080, 442K)

Yeah, I never said the DLCs improve the graphics/presentation. It still looks like a PS2 game with its empty square boxes with zero decoration or clutter anywhere. I was just speaking in terms of level layout. They still look like ass.

Maybe one day we'll actually find out what the fuck happened behind the scenes with DaS2's development cycle that resulted in all the odd bullshit.

You mean the people who waited it out instead of running to buy on release? Sure.

Tbh, giving from money for das2 is already bad.

I don't see how anyone could ever desire a "remake" when the last time we got that, it was just DaS1 resold but with some basic DSFix implementation.

Only souls game that is worthwhile to have a remake for would be Demons Souls, simply because not as many people got to play it as a PS3-exclusive, and because its online is dead.

not really

It was their choice to not get onvolved with it though. They could've fixed Lost Izalith and a bunch of other things but didn't

This, but unironically unironically.

feels like i was just in this thread already

They stopped working with Scamco for a reason. Also they were busy with Sekiro and whatever GR is, why would they go back to a 10 year old game to make money for the publisher who already fucked them over on 3 occasions?

>dark souls 2 has worse graphics than the first dark sou-

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This, but with an irony deficiency

Then there you have your answer as to why they didn't do it with II either

How can a game have this much soul

Attached: CelJaded-The-World-of-Dark-Souls-II-Brume-Tower.jpg (1100x619, 96K)

Except DS2 Scholar came a year after initial release (not 10 years) and was handled directly by From (unlike DS1R)

I just used cheat engine
must suck being a console tard

Doesn't matter, just like with Remastered they moved on to their next project instead of adding more stuff to an already released game or it's """enhanced""" edition

reminder that ds2 by far has the smoothest most realistic animations of any souls game.
you're a fucking boomer used to jerky hand animated garbage.

graphics whore

>only retards paid money for the scholar edition
SotFS is unironically 10x better than vanilla DS2.

What area is that? Manus' portal?

ash lake

>here bro, remember that shitty badly designed minion with 2 attacks? now theres 20 of them in the same squareish ugly room with shitty textures and lightning!

>1 texture is bad vs the whole game looks like shit

The lighting is SMACKED

Reminder that most people have no idea that the optional areas in each DLC were literally designed to be done with summons despite there being an area in the first room of each DLC to leave a summon sign down that could be seen at the start of each optional area, enemies coming at you from multiple directions at the same time, and there being gank bosses. These people will tell you these areas are complete shit because the dipshits went through them solo and not as intended.

ah so ds2 was intented to be played like a faggot, now i realize my mistake

If you are someone who thinks DS3 is better than 2, you clearly can't see past the pretty graphics.

the optional areas designed for it are, yes. glad you understand.

Frigid outskits is legit easier solo. Because summons increase not only the enemy damage resistance, but poise too. Solo you can reliably pancake the deers with a single R2. But not in multi.

Probably switch version now that they milked the remaster

so what you're saying is they made it shit on purpose?

I never understood why people say the DLC is the greatest content in all of soulsbourne games. Each DLC is decent in one area but mediocre in the others. Sunken King had decent level design but weak bosses. Iron King had great bosses and average level design. Ivory King was shit in both of those areas but had good presentation. It doesnt help that they made the enemies resist the fuck outta magic. They're not bad but I can't see how people on here say its better than Ringed City or Old Hunters.

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