It's already june

>it's already june
Any games for this feel?

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Just fucking give me the end of August already, all I want before I die is WoW Classic

I honestly had this exact same feel in Graveyard Keeper. Mainly because you have to pay taxes at the end of the month or something, but it was June.

Persona 3 unironically.

On one side you have the inevitability of death and loss all around. On the other MC gets a lot of friends and a harem, both which, judging by your thread, you never had/ wont have.

>tfw almost 23 years old and I've accomplished nothing
Been living with my parents without a job for the past month. I feel worthless but at the same time not having a job and feeling worthless is 1000x better than having a wage slave. I seriously don't know what I'm going to do with my life and I feel as if I will be killing myself within the next few years. Hopefully one of these days something clicks and my brain will start to actually feel like doing something.


same but i've succumbed to wagecuckery. at least you get money you dont feel shitty about borrowing. im in the same situation as you but i dont feel depressed anymore because i know this isn't permanent and i'm probably going to be gone soon so fuck it

I just turned 23 today, browsing here and debating if it's even worth sleeping before work tonight. Pray whatever clicks happens pretty soon

Persona 3.

Don't worry. I got my first job at 23, got my own apartment by 24, quit the job by 25, and I turned ,26 some weeks ago. Been neet for a year and planning to move back with my parents. Living alone turns out to only be useful to reach work, and to masturbate loudly whenever I want. Waste of cash in the long run.

option 1 become neet
option 2 go into stem, this will allow you to find work opportunities abroad easily, move to a neet friendly country, become a neet

all ive done for the last two weeks is drink make scrambled eggs in a microwave and play runescape
hoping i dont see next june

pathologic 2

>go into stem
Soulless field

So what did you accomplish in the last 6 months, Yea Forums?

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>3 months of insufferable temperatures partially due to global warming and partially due to no ac because eu friend

wake me up when august ends

absolutely fucking nothing

>go into stem
>stem requires a shit load of work and dedication
>expecting this out of a directionless person

I masturbated really hard into my new onahole

>still 83 days to go

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i fell on my ass in the shower this morning after hallucinating that my waifu was real and everything was going to be okay

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How the fuck do you find the willpower to play a video game?

Edged for 4 hours, my new record.

Got a job in end of feb. got benefits. Finally went to dentist after 4 years

I unironically spent most of the time pinpointing a new online username. Ended up snapping last week and now I use a random word my dad used to say instead of something I looked so hard for.

boredom and the recent realization that grinding """games""" are secretly time machines that make the future come faster since everything feels like a blur after grinding for 20+ hours

what is it

At this point, nothing gives me the will to play vidya. The only thing I have is waiting for the 2-3 games I actually want to play in the next few years.

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By playing good games? Also for some reason I'm much more easily able to get into newer games. Maybe its due to getting caught up in the hype. These past few months have been awesome for me
>REmake 2
>Pathologic 2
Are all among my all time favorites.

learned how to play guitar and gonna be graduating from uni in like 2 weeks

Just a unique swear word in our language. I'm the only one with it and only I and my dad says it, to my knowledge.