Why are 3 out of the 4 main Nintendo villains lizards?
Why are 3 out of the 4 main Nintendo villains lizards?
Because being bad is sexy
and there's nothing more sexy than a lizard
stole my answer, the villain must always be sexy.
is this a demon days reference
big lizard men are sexy scary and dominant as it should be
Fine, reptiles
Lizards are cool and make cool villains.
What a qt
Also this
based and barapilled
hello fj'er
by outing me you out yourself
3 lizards and a nigger.
Typical Nintendo.
yes. I want. High on bara hentai all the time
Ridley isn't a lizard, he's an alien.
K. Rool isn't a lizard he's a crocodile
Bowser isn't a lizard he's a turtle
There isn't even a single lizard in Smash Bros.
More like pigger
It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan
based and cansonpilled
What's the name of their album, Yea Forums?
chub is not bara
it's kinda coincidental how in most games, pigs are evil
gb2 your thinly veiled hyper thread in /trash/ homo
Shit bait.
lose weight lol
Post bellies preferably your own
based scalebros
Preferably reptile bellies.
I'm skinny as hell, now post your belly or fuck off.
Fatfags, pls go.
Ridley is one of those Vulture dudes from the Dark Crystal. Watch Other M it's pretty much confirmed.
Nintendo is a theatre of "what things should be" it depicts pure (and for that reason imaginary and false) justice.
The player/spectator doesn't have to think, the game already has been thought for him, there's no ambivalence, just obvious fiction that has been depicted in its most basic form. The bad guys are "bad guys", the good guys are good guys; the first ones do bad things, the second ones good things, The first ones are humans with pure emotions, the second ones are alien, monster reptiles (what's more alien and animalistic than reptiles? think of how the "most primitive and animal brain" is called "reptilian brain".
Sticc pls go
none of those are lizards and Ridley and K. Rool are not on the same level as Bowser and Ganondorf
Ridley is cute!
would bowser and k.rool be friends?
theyd definitely be enemies
they canonically don't get along
>main Nintendo villain
>implying a spinoff baseball game means anything
based barafags join here
>socializing with barafags
sorry I only like porn and dislike drama queens
we never have drama sweetie
if you have problems with 'drama' it's probably just you
But why?
You already have 410 members.
because i like to make friends with everybody
What about snakes?
Which only means you aren't really friends with anybody
charizard is a dragon
Well the Chemistry part of that game made sense. Luigi and King Boo not getting on makes sense seeing as they don't like each other.
It Bowser and K.Rool have bad chemistry I would base it on how they both want to be the biggest and baddest.
>not dragon type
>implying canon isn't canon because it interferes with your degeneracy
kill yourself
I don't know anything about pokemon I just think charizard is cute
>spinoff sports game
>A main Nintendo series
Pretty sure Splatoon has passed its lifetime sales at this point and that series has 2 games. Metroid's a joke
By far the worst of the realistic smash characters this guy has made, utterly destroys Ridley's appearance, and the head, which is an almost one to one recreation of normal ridley, looks terrible attached to the weird smooth body.
That sounds impossible.
Jews are reptiles.
And jews fear the samurai
Reptiles are cold blooded unfeeling creatures. It's easy to make villains out of them. They are allowed to be 1 dimensional and don't need clever writing as REPTILE BAD BECAUSE THEY MEAN!
Sure thing, buddy.
>reptiles are unfeeling
>cold-blooded has something to do with emotions
Amerimutt biology education in a nutshell. Just because they have developed different ways and standards of expressing themselves, doesn't mean they don't feel things.
Because reptiles are coldblooded.
It's a figure of speech dipshit. have you never heard a phrase like "cold-blooded killer" before?
Pig and reptiles are opposite in Chinese zodiac
I think that's a really shitting thing of companies to do, I mean reptiles are so cool and awesome and we don't hurt anyone
>basing anything other than profitability on sales count
fuck off normie faggot
>Amerimutt biology education in a nutshell
Euro humor in a nutshell.
Post your pic.
Not him but 90% of reptiles demonstrably and factually operate on a lower, more primal level than most other animals. Their intelligence (and thus their capacity for emotion) is much poorer than mammals and a good chunk of bird species. Anything short of an iguana doesn't have the capacity to love you and the iguana is debatable. Snakes, turtles, and other assorted reptiles can not conceptualize your person and they feel nothing for you.
So? Neither can lower mammals like rats or cats.
Is picture a self portrait? Fucking moron.
Birds are incapable of love. They're just fluffy lizards with warm blood (So they don't spend 90% of the day basking) and every bit as pure ornery evil as a reptile and twice as hungry.
Ridley is never a final boss in any Metroid game
Rats are probably more intelligent with a wider range of emotions than cats lol. Cats are really fucking stupid for their size
>demonstrably and factually operate on lower, more primal level
Show me the research, hombre. I see no major difference in the cognitive capabilites between mice, lizards and smaller birds.
Wrong you dumb ass euro educated shits. Rats are extremely intelligent creatures and have a large range of emotions.
Jews are lizard shapeshifters and Nintendo tries to spread the awareness
Parrots and corvids are more intelligent than dogs, so that's a bold statement unless you're going to say dogs can't love either. Many birds mate for life, birds display a conscious care for their young and those they know, corvids in particular remember and reward humans who treat them nicely. These species of birds are also capable of understanding human intonations and inflections and they attempt to have actual conversations with their caretakers regularly. Grieving is also widely observed in birds whether they lose one of their flock or if they lose a human caretaker.
Villain, not final boss, retard
You are just reflecting your human expectations and anthropomorphizing them. Try to see them without the mammalian bias.
Ganon is a dragon pig in the incarnation that is currently in smash, so it's actually all 4 villains.
Daily reminder Ridley becomes Dark Samus' bitch slave in Metroid Prime Corruption.
Literally every source you can find that deals with emotions in animals/their relationship with humans speculates that reptiles only act in instinctual ways that benefit them and they show no displays that would indicate a cognitive presence of higher emotion. Literally just google "reptile emotion" or something, it's everywhere
I always liked King Koopa's design more than Bowser's
Ridley is everyone's bitch. He's the always the bridesmaid never the bride of Nintendo villains.
I doubt that this is Drawfag himself? The original image got uploaded like an hour before this thread went up. Thats rather quick, faggot
Silence, bottom
Did you even read what you posted?
>buh it happens ultimately for self-interests!
Again, the fucking state of amerimutt education and understanding of evolution.
The triune brain or often referred to as the "reptile brain" handles the bodies vital functions such as breathing, body temperature, and balance. It is called this due to reptiles having a similar brain that functions for their survival. Reptiles lack the "limbic" brain often found in mammals that allows memories to remember agreeable or disagreeable thoughts to occur.
Kill yourself euro poor
>tfw will never be captured by him and made to lick his feet clean
How many times has he died again? 4? He really is the biggest jobber, couldn't expect more from Space Pirates.
he big
By all means keep projecting your own humanity onto thoughtless murder machines that invariably only see you as food or the source of food
Magpies hold rudimentary funerals.
>"thoughtless murder machines that only see you as food source"
And this is different from say... cats, how?
insects < amphibians < reptiles < mammals regarding brain effectivity
I'm not a disgusting catfag so I'm not even asserting that lol. Oxytocin was measured in the brains of cats and dogs in one study and upon seeing their owners, a cat's oxytocin levels rose a measly 8% or so while a dog's skyrocketed somewhere around 92%
Cats have a limbic brain and reptiles don't dumbass. Google what a limbic brain does and aquire an education above the 7th grade that teaches this shit in American schools.
cats are relatively disinterested in humans compared to, say, dogs, but reptiles are way more extreme in that respect.
Certain vultures have hierarchies where they let the weaker and hungrier members eat first
dogs just let weaker members die
Because we specifically bred dogs to be our bitches
All our actions are selfish at their core. Even if we think we're altruistic, that's just to alleviate our own negative feelings about not helping out others.
To fully explain cats are not pack animals. They don't understand the concept of teamwork. A cat will try to solve its problems never asking for help. A dog will ask for help very quickly if it is having problems. It's why the retards get stuck in a tree and stay silent. They are start meowing because they are scared the human came up to get it. Dogs however are smart enough to know when to ask for help from humans especially if their puppies are in danger.
this is about animals, not conscious human beings
>Non-human animals just strive for their own self-interest.
That's what happens when the neo-classical liberal understanding of socio-economic system is projected onto the "theory of evolution" and conceptualizes the order of beings as a hierachy, where the "most natural instintcs" only comprehend self-interest.
Obviously the most simple form of thought is present on amerimutt humanism.
>Reposting from FunnyJunk of all sites
The point being that people project a "lizards = cold, instinctual, unfeeling" and "mammals/humans = fuzzy, loving, emotional" when actually even things like love and grief serve a selfish purpose linked to evolution.
I'd tell you scalies to burn in hell with all the furries, but with your inherent fire resistance that wouldn't be so bad for you
Sentence them to a freezing hell instead.
Jakob von Uexküll did some productive works regarding to the concept of "umwelt" that influenced much of the serious biology that abandoned the basic "this is a jungle nigga, everyone for it's interest" hipothesys.
Limbic brain is mostly associated with memory, spatial recognition and social behaviour. However, it enhances these behaviours, not enable them. Just because repitles don't have it, doesn't mean they don't have memories, spatial capabilties or any form of social behaviour, you stupid, stupid fucking idiot.
Euro trash your post was copy pasta from another user you worthless shit. Fact is reptiles don't have this portion of the brain thus leading them to have little emotions you fucking moron. Give up.
If scalies are into reptiles and furries are into mammals then what are people who are into insects called?
not many exist
Freaks of nature.
>Everything we "intentionally" do has an impact on the feelings towards ourselves, therefore we do it in the first instance for ourselves.
>The effect comes before the cause.
You're retarded.