how's that game coming along Yea Forums~
How's that game coming along Yea Forums~
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what game?
I'm not making a game you dumb animesissy
Almost done.
>tfw you'll never have someone ask you this every single day
Too busy fapping to c____ to get any progress done
Dumb fucking anime phone poster
kill yourself
Fuck her right in the cunny
why do you care so much? Are you trying to steal ideas and assets?
I've decided I want to try my hand at making a game. I'm a decent artist and I know exactly what I want to make, so I thought the first thing I should do is to remedy the glaring deficit in my knowledge of computer programming. I went to /g/ and /sci/ and they both recommended pic related. My problem is I'm immediately bombing with unfamiliar terms, and when I go to learn more about those terms, I come across even more, ad infinitum. Things like compilers and linkers and IDEs... Where does one even begin smug loli?
Don't wait until you've mastered C to make a game, user.
Make some bullshit in a free edition of Construct 2 while you're at it.
Go through all the simple ones in C as well. TicTacToe with ASCII graphics, a small text-adventure, those kinds of things. It'll be very helpul in understanding methods and data structures.
I might even recommend pic related as a way of going backwards in time a little more slowly.
It's C with training wheels on the training wheels.
asking for a friend
>cute and funny is now C#
its just getting funnier
First, get a standard calculus text and dive in. You should also get linear algebra and discrete math books as well; make sure the discrete text is proof based.
Once you're a couple chapters in to your discrete book (you will want to have covered basic proposition and higher order logic, and basic proofs), you may begin learning programming and computer architecture. As a litmus test, if you don't know what this statement is
you aren't ready to take the reins of a computer.
Now, forget what you do know about computer programming:
First, you learn boolean logic operations
then, you learn transistor logic
then, you learn how to build functional units from logic gates
then, you learn CPU design
then, and only then, you learn assembly language
then, after you have mastered assembly language (not dabbled, but mastered it), you learn C
then, after you have mastered C, you may learn the higher-level languages of your choice, but you will always use C and assembly as your primary languages because everything else is unnecessary bloat.
By this time you should be finished with your first wave of math and ready for the next: abstract algebra, analysis, multivariate and vector calculus, and, after you have progressed a way in those, topology.
Finally, you become familiar with topoi, and study the internal logic of categories
then familiarize yourself with (general) type theory, and its applications to programming. I also recommend studying how to reformulate mathematics in terms of globular categories for use in automatic theorem proving, because there is an inherent programming-like 'feel' to it.
C#'s been employed for VNs since it fucking launched, dude.
Doesn't make it less funny, true.
Is this true
No, it's a pasta.
So what’s wrong about it
fuck off slut
i wish i had a little sister to encourage me to do something with my life
o well *unzips dick*
I see
> (OP)
>asking for a friend
her name is momohara natsuki
It isn't wrong. It's just fiearcely elitist for the sake of comedy.
It's the kind of "WELP, GUESS I CAN'T DO IT!" unclimbable bullshit mountains that underachievers build for themselves so they never have to actually do anything, but taken to an exquisite extreme.
Thanks for the thoughtful advice user
>file deleted
fucking jannys
No problem. Make me some smug loli mistresses.
god imagine how good that would feel