>Microsoft fucked up with the XB1 reveal, pretty much handed it to the others, still no real reason to buy one
>Sony is getting worse with each new console since the PS2 and only get a good rep now because Microsoft was so bad that it made them look good, now people don't know any better
>Nintendo messed up with marketing the Wii U and nobody even remembers it exists, seems to have turned it around somewhat with the Switch, has paid online like the others although it's cheaper (for now), also the only handheld system left
What are the chances of the Playstation and Xbox finally turning around after this shitshow of a generation? I say generation lightly because the term doesn't seem to apply to Nintendo.
The overall state of consoles
Nintendo is gonna milk the switch the same way as the 3DS for 5 more years
Xbox 2 will be pretty cool combining PC and Xbox players in some games
PS5 is gonna have to stand on it's own merits because it's not gonna be the cheapest console or the most powerful so the Movie games gonna have to be good or playstation ain't gonna hit 100million again.
All need to get rid of paid online it's a fuckin scam
PS5 Ain't shit 75$ NVME SSDs hit 3500mb/s and I know Sony gonna cheap out because even 1000mb/s is 20× faster than the PS4 lol
>the term doesn't seem to apply to Nintendo.
Does the "generation" term still apply to MS and Snoy?
We had PS4 Pro and Xbox One X.
The PS2 was a turd that simply won through being a relatively cheap DVD player, the PS3 was a debacle that essentially ended Ken Kutaragi's career, the PS4 was handed this gen through the sheer arrogance of the Xbox division. There's no chance for Sony to turn it around, because they aren't in the business of making good decisions, they're in the business of fucking up less than the competition. Nintendo noticed this parade of idiocy and decided to just sidestep it entirely by making systems that don't directly compete with Sony and MS, which is obviously not a bad idea at least on its face. Microsoft has lost money on the Xbox division every year its existed, and they don't seem to be backing down anytime soon despite this.
The chances of this changing? None. The trends have been set and the parties involved are seemingly content with them.
>everything is shit boohoo
Only tendies and xcucks have to deal with buyers remorse and depression. Sonychads are living good.
are we gonna get an Xbox Two that's really an Xbox 4
Watch out, Microsoft will make it the Xbox Alpha.
How’s the shill life?
microsoft consoles were never good
the only reason you dont like snoy is because you are a pleb who mostly play western trash
fuck off
Wrong Xbox is for power users too stupid to build a PC, it's got any jap shit worth playing just like PC. Playstation is a cheap DVD player with a bitch ass OS and the worst version of every multiplat bar the switch. If Japanese games are what you want Playstation is the last place you wanna play them
It doesnt have all the japshit worth playing, neither does pc.
Theres literally no reason to own anythinging besides nintendo and sony consoles. Well, unless you are absolute fucking pleb who plays wester garbage, or someone who has nothing to do but to play video games 24/7.
What does playstation have that PC doesn't besides bloodborne and fursona 5 that I am possibly missing out on? Ya'll lost Yakuza
I own a PC so my console is a secondary concern.
I own a PS4 and I barely play it. I played RDR2 for about a week after it came out and haven't touched the PS4 since then. The last time I played it before that was for about a month when MHW came out. It has no games that interest me. I like watching people stream the narrative experiences that get released for it but it's not something I would invest time and effort into myself.
Xbox is just PS4 for idiots. Anyone who bought one after that launch must have had sub 90 IQ and it has done nothing since to make anyone sensible want to change their mind. Maybe next generation they'll go full on budget PC mode. Seems to be their agenda to me.
I play the Switch every day, but it's mostly playing Stardew on the shitter or getting in a few games of Tetris 99 when I wanna stretch out on the couch. I really enjoy playing casual fun games on it where I don't wanna sit at my PC to do it. Like West of Loathing, For The King, and Kingdoms etc. The NES emulator is fun too but it could really use a SNES one. I absolutely hated Smash Ultimate sadly, which is the reason I wanted the thing. Still the best console this generation by a long stretch tho.
Smash ultimate blows because it's barely anything newer than WiiU and does nothing unique
Just buy a cheap PC and play games forever GPU industry is stuck and in 10 years performance will increase 50% on the low end and 70% for rich fags
What does PC have thats better than bloodborne and persone? GT is also really great and gets free updates every time. I would think if you are a pc gamer youd be interested in the best racing sim on the market.
I should have added that if I didn't have a PC I'd probably play the PS4 a lot more since it's passable as a cheap primary gaming platform. But that's like saying if I had AIDS I'd jerk off more and have sex less.
You're right. None of them are really outstanding. The two that are "winning" a shadows of their former selves.
Playstation's fate is all up to Xbox's performance this gen. Sony doesn't consider PC as competition
>What does PC have thats better than bloodborne
60fps games
>gran turismo
>best racing sim
How much is that Sony stock paying you in dividends?
I mean if I'm comparing souls games I'm going to say DS3 is better or equal to BB but all are casual trash so I have no opinion on it
Person 5 can be played on PC but school dating sims are a dime a dozen
Switch is basically WiiU 2.0
A lot of WiiU ports on the system and it feels kinda bland for those people that already bought the WiiU.
Death Stranding is coming to PC
>inb4 portbegger
No I didn't want that shit but it's here anyways because Kojima likes money more than playing into your console war propaganda
I disagree. I bought the Switch with the same mindset that I bought the Wii U. If Smash is good it'll be worth it. Smash Ultimate is shite tho, but I prefer everything else about the Switch. It's a massive improvement over the Wii U in every way.
All I can think of is Gravity Rush, other than that they just release a dull AAA game every so often between the shovelware and "free" PSN games, they have multiplats but those are better played elsewhere (PC) anyway.
I can't see xbox performing at all, they seem to fall for the same pitfalls that Sony do, go all in on their big games every so often and pray to god that it sticks, I miss the copious amounts of mid-budget games that aren't VR-shit.
How’s the shill life
consoles are a meme and need to die already
Death Stranding is not coming to PC because it's not for gays
>20fps with motion blur action game
Lmao. If FROM hadn't made BB it would be unfavorably compared to games like The Surge and Lords of The Fallen. It's junk.
Too bad MHW was delayed by more than half a year and runs worse than on ps4pro. Most jap games either run like shit on pc too or are 60fps on ps4 or never released on pc.
And if you dont like jap games pc4 has the best aaa western games anyway.
PC gaming is a meme.
also no death stranding
>The PS2 was a turd that simply won through being a relatively cheap DVD player
Holy shit, even 20 years later the PS2 still lives on nintondler heads . Just accept that it was a better console than the Gamecube and move on user.
Who are you quoting?
Everyone is scared of the special SSD in the PS5 as well. Fucking hillarious.
seething pc cuck
All the greatest games this and previous gen were from nintendo and sony
Even if MWH had a dogshit port it will still run better than the PS4 version, laws of physics are on my 1080TIs side. Japs aren't perfect at making games just like most devs, thank God I can spend 5 minutes fixing a game then play the best version of that game as opposed to being forced to wait for a patch from big sony. 60hz < 144hz
Oh yeah because when our grand kids are rooting though the retro game bin Days gone and Mario Oddessy are really gonna be the games to catch their eyes
Nice opinions. I disagree tho but I'm glad you're happy and that you luckily picked the right platform for you with your limited resources.
Also death stranding is probably going to be shit and isn't even out yet. Kojima has literally 1 (one) truly great game under his belt and it was MGS1. What makes you think it will be good?
Lucky for me I own both their current systems. Now about those games...
>No E3
>No vidya
>More or as much ports as Switch
>Exclusives still being timed exclusives.
>Still laggy UI in console and store menus
>PSN price raised recently
>Movies with one button controls marketed as games
Stop seething so hard
good luck playing death stranding in true 4k and hdr
I bet you dont even have a hdr monitor. Probably has something to do with shit hdr support in windows and there being no hdr pc monitors made.
Also, show me mhw world running at 144fps at 1080p and decent graphics quality. Also, your gpu alone costs more than a ps4.
Like I said, only shitters who mostly play western games or absolute autists who do nothing but play all the video games have PC as their platform of choice in 2019. All the not retarded people have ps4pro and switch.
imagine being this obsessed at a console you hate
dont worry someday a sony chads will care about your seething tablet
>Also, your gpu alone costs more than a ps4
Lol imagine having money to spend on your hobby. What a loser LMAO
So having cycled through the 3 consoles throughout my life im curently with nintendo as out of the 3 its the best to go with my pc.
>Nintendo 64 for my early childhood life, playing mostly conkers bad fur day and diddy kong racing
>Ps2 for my late childhood, jak series being my jam as well as simpsons hit n run and timesplitters
>Bro got an xbox 360, played a lot of gow 1.
>I got a ps3 and jumped through a lot of different games. None really stuck to me apart from maybe demons souls and dark souls 1
>Late teenager early young adult played on pc.
>Young adulthood got a wiiu cos splatoon looked interesting and then i got my hands of w101 and hyrule warriors. Oh god i binged on those.
>Got a switch cos i went to a pre event the week after all the first switch direct and fell in love with it after trying out all the different games. Only game i actually have that i played then was splatoon 2. Even though the one that impressed me the most was arms.
>After playing all the games i wanted to play on it im back on pc awaiting on luigis mansion 3 and that new platinum game. Hopefully this e3 some more new games are revealed and maybe the new pokemon wont be shit(after that travesty that was lets go my hopes are low on gamefreak getting off their lazy asses)
Currently im hoping nintendo continues the way its going, hoping that microsoft manages to pull itself back up and that sony gets its head out of their ass(this is an insult meant at sony itself as damn they're acting like dickheads atm. I have no beef with owners of the ps4, you guys enjoy your games.)
>mfw the thought of me buying an Xbox One X throws some anons into an autistic rage
>Young adulthood got a wiiu
lmao at this shill retard
How’s the shill life?
eh, it had good games, just was a failure cos they marketed it badly and miyamokunt fucked up the starfox game.
Theres a reason most of the games got ported over to the switch.
Do you do it for free?
At this point the consoles are basically PCs so the devs who make the mid-budget games don't need to restrict themselves to one console anymore. That said, the AAA games I've played(GOW and Spiderman) are solid.
yeah, living rent free
>What are the chances of the Playstation and Xbox finally turning around after this shitshow of a generation?
Zero for Sony. Sony is doubling down on censorship. As for Microsoft it all depends on this E3. We'll finally see their new exclusives and they'll reveal the new console
Sony is dominating as per usual cope
You know, if one of them offer free online now with a stable service they could easily sell well in a lot of areas.
Nintendo are also shit btw, cheap online doesn't make up for the bullshit that is amiibos and the generally shit console capabilities.
How’s the shill life?
Yeah HDR support is lacking on all but high end monitors, thank God it works just fine on my 4K TV, if it runs on a PS4 I'm not worried about getting Native 4k on a GPU still more powerful than the PS5. If you wanna see MHW Running at 1080p 144hz (not hard) look it up on YouTube
take your faggot opinion back to redddit, neo/v/
Is this NPC broken?
>butthurt console posters are offended by the truth so they spam wojacks
Go to a doctor to get your bleeding anus checked.
How's the shill life?
Those games are coming to Steam and PS4, what exclusives?
It's astounding how rabid they are when it comes to defending their company of choice, especially the Sony fans, they're worse than Nintendofags by far now, I mean is it genuine? shitposting? shilling? I'll never understand it, they are literal consumers, not customers.
If you only own a switch everything is an exclusive you don't have
No you fucking don't. Theres literally only few games that support hdr on pc and most of them are washed don't and don't support it properly.
Console fucks are pathetic, im selling my shit ass consoles
Go to any video game site, board, comment section and say something negative about Sony and watch their fanbase come out in droves to attack you. Its astounding.
>autistic rage
They simply laugh at you.
Have sex
Okay? The TV still works best attached to my PC
How’s the shill life?
>console generation hasn't been worth a damn to me
>everything that interests me releases on PC
I'll take this cost effectiveness.
It's quite nice upgrades pay for themselves Because of how cheap games get to be
enjoy not experiencing latest technology that actually does make a fuck ton of difference for image quality unlike useless shit like sharper shadows or better lod details or whatever minuscule graphical improvements pc games have over console versions
pc literally holds technology back
Dominating in censorship and weeb-hatered maybe
>Someone's never played PC
PC and The consoles got HDR like the same month lol
>enjoy not experiencing latest technology
This is the whole console market lol
>pc literally holds technology back
Can I get some? Some of that good crack you smokin?
Grow Up consoles are for kids weirdo
Being a weeb is a mental illness. Sony is trying to save you from yourself. Take the next step and seek help. Also have sex
This is a weeb website
No, Sony owns the IP much like Ratchet.
I bet you never played a pc game in HDR. You probably dont even own a hdr tv. Let alone 4k or OLED tv.
Enjoy your shitty tiny gaming monitor with 1080p 6bit+frc panel and shit color accuracy.
Its not about what a select few pc gamers have. Most pc gamers actuall have worse hardware than the base current gen consoles, let alone hdr capable displays. Meanwhile most of the mid range tvs are 4k and hdr. The technology is advanced by public adoption, and not by having shit like raytracing capable gpus being priced at 1k$. No one really gives a shit about rtx cards when a 500$ ps5 gonna have hardware raytracing. Same with 4k. PS4Pro might run most games checkerboarded, which doesnt look much worse than true 4k btw, but at least most people actually can play games in 4k. You need a 1k+$ build for decent 1440p and a fucking rtx 2080 for 4k.
pc gaming is a meme, has been since around 2006 when all the classic pc game studious died out
PC, Xbone and Nintendo are all zoomer platforms.
it was shit hardware and singlehandedly held back the generation, I don't worship Nintendo you fucking retard I just want games that run above 10fps
It was announced year(s) ago it is coming to PC, and a year ago it was announced it will be a "ps4 timed exclusive"
That's ironic, considering all the zoomer pandering on the ps4.
Phil will ban your XBL for using the term NPC.
says the sony nigger who's first sony platform was the ps1
>includes full ps4 game
enjoy your multiplat i guess
Zoomers like games as a service and kiddie shit.
>Ports in PS
Wut? do you know that almost every single game is optimized first for PS4 despite using a card less powerful than a GTX 750?.
But Nintendo ;
>No e3 since years ago
>Only comes with a video
>Ports from 2000 at 80 usd with a download code
>Exclusives like Octopath running away from Nintendo because their retarded base only buys Mario,Zelda or Pokemon tittles.
>Console released in 2017 and still has no options for menus/themes/etc
>No chat
>No Mic
>Friend system is pointless
>Games that you can finish in 15 minutes an even on "hard" is literally impossible to lose.
Nintendo is trash if you have the mental capacity and attention span to think about more than 3 things for longer than 30 seconds.
weebs are worse than furries
b-but nintendo is based, it doesn't matter if we have no good games!!!
look at this pro-gay sony tweet!!!
There's the door faggot
My first platform was SNES, you teenage bitch-boy.
I left Nintendo because of the lack of games and autistic fanbase.
Cry harder console fairy OML the cope is so hard, the 279$ 1660ti is near a GTX 1070, it's a 1440p card. 1000$? More like 650 lol parts only get cheaper lol. I can't wait to see this hardware Raytracing on the PS5 lol.
>it's not about what the few have it's about public opinion
My PC was like 1500$ and it's in like the top 2% of all 3D Mark Scores. Anyone could afford this flipping burgers for 2 months. More importantly what hardware a PC has is irrelevant to the platforms many strengths, if it can run the game at a good framerate no matter how ugly that's all that matters, I thought graphics don't mean anything? Please you console babies are PsudoTech Enthusiasts when your corporation of choice finally catches up on on your dollar. You people didn't give 1 shit about SSDs for the last decade they've been in PCs but suddenly now it's important because the playstation has one. Ligma
How’s the shill life?