Attached: URe8Lkh.png (614x508, 139K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Watch Dogs Legion

>in a post Brexit London

Its Lefty propaganda again! Dropped!

>el dos americano who thinks brexit is a right v left issue


>Save the NPC's

Yeah its lefty

Another ubi /pol/ bait viral season for their new game, and once again, little retards fall for it as always. Its like watching pigeons fall for the same trap again and again and again.

NPCs is a righty meme, fuckboi.

.t mad lefty

No shit dumb fuck, no right winger wants to save NPC's idiot

Ubisoft are Meme Catchers. Their goal is to use the most amount of memes with the least amount of creativity possible.

Lurk more faggot

So are we getting H&M HAXX0RZ or Hot Topic Edgelords this time?

Attached: jsshsvsjd.jpg (739x415, 42K)

>least amount of creativity possible
The left can't meme, sounds about right

>le corporation mastermind
funny how ubi games keep flopping though

It's from fucking watchdogs, the game who got meme famous for all those silly fucking npc execution webms.

God you're fucking dense.

Attached: yawn.png (627x616, 157K)

I know your parents were brother and sister but focus here. Calling people NPCs no matter the context is still a righty meme.

Ubisoft is well known for false-flagging their games on Yea Forums to shill them. I'd post the chart if I had it.

Watch Dogs was a mediocre game
Watch Dogs 2 was complete garbage
Watch Dogs Legion (doesn't even deserve 3 in the name)

just disregard these games and stop giving them attention.

I would also bless he NPCs, if my business would be churning out souless, overbudgeted open-world action games.

Can you imagine playing AAA console shit? Just imagine being the kind of person who does that. Imagine what life must be like, being so simple.

The gameplay in 2 was enjoyable enough and the story was some kind of trainwreck window into 2005 meme culture.
I got the game for free tho, so.

What's with the mason symbolism?

Attached: 1534218388966.jpg (1024x659, 130K)

Will it have you saving white girls from getting raped by Muslims?

Or would that be Islamophobic?

oh wow
more ubisoft """games"""
im so fucking excited
kill yourself immediately OP

Literally this, expect a few dozen threads pretending to be outraged with the cover of the game as op, thrn a dozen more about a character being black or having a punk haircut, you retards are so predictable that I'm honestly not even mad anymore at this viral campaign, you deserve whatever companies do to you because you are barely above a cow in terms of intelligence and self awareness.

The only good thing about Watch Dogs was the full frontal nudity in 2

Its a left meme. Why do you niggers try to steal everything?

>Clint Hocking leading
Could be good, but I wouldn't hold my breath.
Also, Ubisoft's marketing is a bunch of political bait, they never put political meanings in their games that aren't shallow and vague. You're all being worked.

ok ubisoft shill
your corporation sure is a genius corporation after all with all those flops


> misogyny

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I want to save the NPCs. Those NPCs are your wives, your daughters, your sisters. You need those NPCs to raise the next generation of people.
You and I should try to steer NPCs away from making harmful life choices because the moviebox told them to, and encourage them to invest in the future of the nation and their family.
NPCs can help build the future if you turn them onto the right path.

I see the left gave up on making their own memes and just tries to gaslight their way into them now.

No one cares anymore. It's so out in the open, and so many normal wannabes use it in art to be "deep", the symbols don't mean anything anymore. Most of the time it no longer has any connection with actual masons.

Fuck the masons anyway. It's all low-level horseshit.

Based illiterate retard

>murican bipolar retards fighting over left and right when the only proper place to stand is the center

both left and right are pure NPC's because you follow pre-programmed ideologies, pathetic.

Centrist master race knows best because when we stand in the center we can pick what is best of both sides to create a functional society for everyone.

Ideologies are for the braindead unwashed masses of the left and right.


>it's an Ubisoft tries more political shitflinging to shill their shit games again


Do you have any other buzzwords to obfuscate that you clearly misinterpreted my post?

Imagine being this dumb, imagine thinking that a guy realizing making the game remotely related to """politics""" EXACTLY LIKE THEY DID WITH FC5, WATCH DOGS 2 AND NEW DAWN means that tha guy is a ubisoft shill, the shill is tje OP, expect a thread like this one every day until e3 and the a couple of weeks before release, lurk more election tourist.

it's gonna be edgy as fuck isnt it

Oh boy more diversity termite shit

>p-please remember our soulless rehashes Yea Forums!!!!

fuck off your "games" are trash like you

>All the suppused fight /pol/tards are fighting ends up being trying to get laid
Jesus christ you cant be more pathetic

>walkibg down the street hacking the streets
>some "asian" takes out a machete and attack you
It Will be kino boys

>you cant be more pathetic
You could be an unmarried woman over the age of 24 who refers to her pet animals as her children. That'd be very pathetic.

>argh i am actually very mad about politics my fellow Yea Forumsideogames 4channeler
Go shill this shit somewhere else.

Are you baiting or do you really think I give a fuck if you buy ubi games or go burn down their hq?
Either way ypu are retarded and there is no point arguing with such a stupid person.

the previous game so so full blown sjw it had to be a parody lol, i think this might be fun

It's god save the npcs because people like to kill npcs in watchdogs.

Yes I am also very mad about politics my fellow 4channeler Yea Forumsideogamer

Can you still shoot random npcs for having degenerate fetishes and being canadian?

>brexit bad!
>you're supposed to think!
>y-you're the NPC!!!
cringe and bluepilled

such an organic Yea Forums post

I recently finished Watch dogs 1 and it isn't as mediocre as people said. A very basic GTA clone, sure, but it was still okay, and the story is pretty nice. The twist with Clara was very cool, the mission were okay albeit a bit annoying but I liked Brenks and T bone and Jordi.

I need to play watch dogs 2 now

Yes this game is very political my fellow 4channel Yea Forumsideogame player

female incels are a thing you know? Fat disgusting feminists are the biggest incels there are. also tranny incels which are more common than people think.

Why do you care what I think?

Jesus christ how fried is your prepubescent brain

>saints row tier driving
>apparentaly no lethal weapons
>post brexit post apocalyptic london

I think a teenager or post teenager that is so bitter and devoid of personality that he has to jump on whatever identity bandwagon he can afford at the time and had the bad luck to live in the year of /pol/ is more pathetic, fice years ago and half the /pol/tards posting itt would have been bronies or some other faggot hugbox internet club.

I agree fellow 4channeler
Us Yea Forumsideogamers need to stick together

you seem mad actually nothing in my post indicated anger

but judging by the fact that just seeing someone say sjw makes you jump to conclusions does give me an inkling that you might just be an offended liberal yourself

>another ubisoft shill
No-one actually cares about these shit games that are never talked about again after release. Release another Rayman if you want Yea Forums to have your attention.

Hello fellow 4channeler this game is very political we must all get very mad about it and talk about it a lot

I hope they name it Watch Dog3

Is Watch Dogs 1 worth playing?
I'm not going anywhere near 2

Projecting and Seething.

Attached: lel2.gif (600x580, 436K)

>no lethal weapons
yep, it's british

Let me spell it out to you, again
1. Ubisoft, in the recent years, has used vague political bait to stir up controversy and publicity in order to sell their games. They're not geniuses for doing it by any means.
2. Clint Hocking has headed good games in the past, like Far Cry 2 and Chaos Theory. However that's in the past and on top it's Watch Dogs, a series of wasted potential, so there is still doubt he can pull off the impossible.
3. You're an illiterate retard.

so you're claiming ubisoft isn't using modern political themes without committing to any particular side as free marketing?

watchdogs 2 actually looks fun im not even kidding, it's so over the top and goofy you can't really take any of it seriously any more even though it does contain some parallels to contemporary politics

Tranny incels exist? I thought they were really open with their sexual preferences, is that not the case? Huh. How common is it?
Most of the trannies I know of are involved in massive amounts of gay sluttery, but I understand that my anecdotes are not the whole population.

Apparently because it's London they've made it more into a parkour game, with you having a fully customizable skateboard that you can beat people up with.

Also the west coast bloggers are gonna hate this for being apolitical again aren't they.

yes fellow 4channeler us Yea Forumsideogamers care a lot about politics and we must discuss this game

trannies are always incels just by virtue of no one wanting to fuck a mutilated pair of genitals

It's always been about sex. That's why such a big deal is made about "race mixing".
>Sleeping with Sniggers is White Genocide! BBC is killing us! You're killing us!
>heh, Only the fat, ugly White women race mix anyway! They're a minority!
Sounds like some paranoid schiz arguing with himself. Paranoia and obsession with sex.

ugh, me want shooty stick

ok user have a nice day

thank you fellow 4channeler it was nice to have this organic discussion

The person who can't read got mind-broken and is posting the same thing to everyone else. You can smell the seething from a summerfag trying too hard to fit in.

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I'm puttin down a 20 at 2:5 odds that there will at least be an option to be a tranny

Attached: mentally ill tranny freak.png (1024x594, 616K)

already more intrigueing than 2

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>female incels are a thing you know
As long as a woman isn't deformed, there's always someone willing to fuck. Fem-incels do not exist. lmao. I've read the stories and seen the screencaps from various places. Femcel forums actually ban incels who go there looking to hook up.

Attached: ubishill.png (1473x1217, 1.67M)

God save the Queen inshallah

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>no one wanting to fuck a mutilated pair of genitals
I was here on April 1st 2018. I saw how basically 70% of this board became tranny fetishists, and there is a massive amount of men who are interested in trannies as long as you call the trannies "futanari" because semantics and mental gymnastics.
Even on this board, which is strongly anti-trans, you have a huge population with a tranny fetish.
There are a lot of people people who want to fuck those "fuccboi" "sissy" "trap" "girl(male)" abominaions, and the people into the whole tranny meme tend to be horny and lonely enough to tap pretty much anything. You're saying that with all that, trannies still can't get laid?
Then... how the hell can't they get laid? What's stopping them from going on Discord and hooking up with some chaser?

Futanari are girls with a dick attached. Traps are boys with a feminine body. Trannies are neither of these things and most Anons are smart enough to know that 99.9999% of trannies are not cute, attractive, shapely, or anything else of the like.

Why do retards always equate building a family in a high trust society with wanting to have sex?
Is it because that's the only thing they know from years of hedonism?

REMINDER: This creature is what they made in Watch Dogs 2. I can't even imagine how much worse the character designs will get in this upcoming game.

Attached: Wd2_prime8_lenni.jpg (479x962, 112K)

>Clint Hocking
Nigger hasn't made a good game since 2005. Far Cry 2 was terrible regardless of what anyone says.

>demolish knife bin to start the mission
>perform QTE to stop moped thugs and grab his machete

There we go again with the
>Traps and trannies aren't the same thing
Good mental gynmastics bro.

Attached: costanza.jpg (600x600, 35K)

Fuck off dumb ass yankee and learn how to spell proper English


Not my fault you're too much of a dumb nigger to think of anything outside the most technical terms for the ebin gotcha.

Attached: 1558362611854.jpg (1916x945, 223K)

And in the game she was an asshole. You didn't play the game.

A trap is an empty pit covered by leaves with spikes at the bottom. A tranny is a turret shooting at you constantly.

Imma make this real simple
Tranny = Has surgical wound and/or thinks they're female
Trap = Looks female/feminine
There can be overlap, but they aren't the same.

why are they keeping releasing watch dog games when nobody cares about that IP and every game sold like shit?


I predict a multireply incoming.

Whoever made that pic is a brainlet who doesn't understand esoteric stuff. The south pole of Saturn isn't an all seeing eye it's a hexagon. A hexagon creates a cube with all of the vertices aligned. Since Saturn has death energy then that's what a cube will create. What religions have cubes? Jewish rabbis have black cubes on their heads, Muslims worship a cube as their holy place, the christian cross is an unraveled cube. Also the masons hate demons and draw them as grotesque creatures when they actually just look like humans.

Just the fact that trannies seethe when you say they are different is a good enough argument for them to be different for me.

>that somehow makes the character design not shit

>Do you have any other buzzwords to obfuscate that you clearly misinterpreted my post?
Sure! ...
*rummages in buzzword box*
... uhh ...
*clattering noises*
... gimme a sec ...
Aha! I've found it
Here you go: TOXIC! Also Fun. Fun is a buzzword too.

this + the leak will be on Yea Forums/reddit soon, most likely Watchdogs 3 he will have a lot of politics for attention, but /v will not care until some tranny/faggot write an article or make a twitter and cry about it and then /v will spam 24/7 and blame /pol and the game will get attention and maybe sell( like far cry 5) or be a failure like watchdogs 2 deus ex mankind divide.
So i hope you're ready for the shilling kids.

Attached: 1559472215295.png (1080x1920, 1.29M)

rape culture and wage gap are pretty strong memes

What's wrong with an obnoxious bitch being ugly?

What about Cubix?

Attached: Cubix.jpg (390x536, 58K)

>she looks at least 36

or she is lying or black semen drains your soul and body. Poor girl

Thank god. Hopefully it tells me what to think about things.

I unironically would have rather played as the cringy mask wearing Yea Forums incarnate dude from 2 rather than that worthless SJW gay nigger they had as a protagonist.

Even Aiden was better than him.

>Posts loser villain
>Who doesn't even matter after two missions
>complains anyway

>/v will spam 24/7 and blame /pol
More like the election immigrants from t_d who came in through /pol/ will spam 24/7 because they're useful idiots who scream to their entire hivemind whenever their fragile sensibilities get offended, so you'll get constantly "LOOK WHAT UBISOFT JUST DID" threads. They don't even have to hire paid shills when these retards will throw a fit over it 24/7 for free.

Exactly lmao. Guy is an idiot.
>I hate ugly fat feminist bitch stereotype!
They make her a stereotype and a bitch
>I hate the fact they made her a stereotypical bitch!

>Us Yea Forumsideogamers need to stick together
So long as ""Womens rights"" exist, and GAMER RIGHTS don't, then this shows that Society has gone too far and is in dire need of correcting.
Where are GAMERS RIGHTS, huh?
The right to have uncensored lolicon ecchi on any platform we want
The right to call any player we want a nigger
The right to leave reviews in a public and visible place calling the developers faggots and the publishers oven-dodgers
The right to make and distribute romhacks, custom maps, and modifications
The right to have offline LAN play
and of course the right to advocate for our rights
Without any entity (no, not even a CORPORASHUN) restricting, throttling, delaying, blocking, filtering, or banning us from our games in any way.

But no, women have the right to work??? And to decide for themselves who to consent to fucking??? That's bullshit.
GAMERS, it is time to RISE UP.

It's painful how ignored posts like this get ignored. I didn't bother checking the last thread OP made but I saw that it was close to bump limit. So many companies are shifting towards this style of advertising, it is insane. The only companies that I know of that still hire marketing companies are Epic and Activision.

>The right to have uncensored lolicon ecchi on any platform we want
>The right to call any player we want a nigger
>The right to leave reviews in a public and visible place calling the developers faggots and the publishers oven-dodgers
>The right to make and distribute romhacks, custom maps, and modifications
>The right to have offline LAN play
>and of course the right to advocate for our rights
>Without any entity (no, not even a CORPORASHUN) restricting, throttling, delaying, blocking, filtering, or banning us from our games in any way.
I can't even tell whether this is wholly satire or not.

>previous WD games let you uncover the dirty secrets of citizens
>many of them were degenerates
>3 will let you play as them
am I missing something here?


Attached: 1559708861795.gif (480x360, 529K)

hoping for donut steel

You realize a character can be ugly but still have good character design right? It doesn't have to be a bad design. You're a fucking retard.


How come the British are so uncomfortable with the idea of being an autonomous state that doesn't have to dump tons of money into some foreign federation for no benefit when they look back and think it's great that all their colonies did the same thing?

Learn to read tranny.

All women are whores
All dark skinned people are retards
Look at my digits

Nintendo markets here properly. They post cute girls and NORF vs SOUF memes. This works becuase Yea Forums likes cute girls and memes.
Rockstar, and apparently now Ubisoft, try the /pol/ vs SJW anger baiting. It doesn't work because anger does not sell your product.
Try adding in cute girls and memes. Then Yea Forums will like your product more.

Attached: ab9.jpg (680x448, 47K)

Show me an example, I'm curious

If MODS ARE GODS then RIP to those poor NPCs.

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Me too bruh, but Ubisoft sucks balls.

It's not Yea Forums they're advertising to. See They're advertising to all the easily triggered reactionary mongoloids who will immediately run back to whatever discord servers and other shithole forums they frequent and go GUYS GUYS LOOK AT THIS GAME ISN'T IT SJWSHIT
RDR2 sold ridiculously well so it obviously works.

>will spam 24/7 because they're useful idiots who scream to their entire hivemind whenever their fragile sensibilities get offended
They think it's funny.
They post about it to laugh at them.
Why does everything have to be about some group being offended?

this is you

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As long I can kill all brits in the game I'm fine with it.
Including niggers and muslims.

could've actually passed without that chin

It doesn't matter, they're still posting it. If you can't open up the catalog without seeing three threads about "LOOK WHAT GAME DID" that's advertising all the same.

The fact that you need to ask shows that this society treats GAMERS as a joke. And they have a point - GAMERS haven't blown up a government building, shot 50 people, released sarin gas in a subway, or committed insurance fraud in a way that kills 3,000 New Yorkers... yet.
It's time for GAMERS to show the world that we are serious.

Not without all the filters.

>Why does everything have to be about some group being offended?
In a world that worships sociopathic stoicism, whoever gets offended/emotional, is seen as weak, and therefore wrong/the loser. Hence "U mad" "calm down lol" "y so trigger?" "who hurt u" "why you so worried" "why you crying about it" "stop whining" in response to even slight critiques.

Is Ubisoft aware of the fact that NPC's are called NON-Player Characters? As in, people we do not control.

>Ubisoft game gets announced
>gets multiple threads per day despite them invariably being mediocre games
>often identical OPs to earlier versions of thread
>game is forgotten a week after launch
hard to tell what's shitposting and what's shilling these days

Attached: 1516953319659.png (281x339, 183K)

>Their goal is to use the most amount of memes with the least amount of creativity possible
What the fuck? Ubisoft is literally Yea Forums

>committed insurance fraud in a way that kills 3,000 New Yorkers.
top kek

Wait, the painfully obvious SJW-pretending-to-be-/pol/ aren't a paid marketing team, they're Based Retards doing it for free?
That's hilarious.

How are they NPCs if you can play them?

I feel like most of the time it's just first picture from google with copypasted OP from previous to bait people into thinking it's shilling.

What's with all the shit set in London past couple of years?

Attached: london.jpg (640x480, 77K)

>Why does everything have to be about some group being offended?
Well, someone's gonna be offended no matter what you do.
>If you can't open up the catalog without seeing three threads about "LOOK WHAT GAME DID" that's advertising all the same.
Advertising that your game is shite is not going to sell games.
Advertising that your game has cute girls and funny memes, i.e. that it is cute and funny, will sell your games.
>In a world that worships sociopathic stoicism, whoever gets offended/emotional, is seen as weak
Well, anger doesn't change anything until someone picks up a gun. If you're gonna get angry do it properly or sit back down.

Then how do you stop it? Why should you? It's not like this place will get "better" if it's removed, it'll just move on to more topics to laugh and shitpost about.

I see.

They're not pretending. Your average t_d backwash really is that fucking retarded.

This. And I'm too burnt out on Ubishit games to give a shit. Ubishit is like superhero movies - there's too many of them, they come out too quickly, they're obvious cashgrabs and they're all the same fucking thing. If you have ever played a single Ubishit game in the past decade, you have played everything else they've made.

can't wait to play as a cute asian girl

Banning political discussion immediately and drastically increases the quality of like 90% of the board. Optionally wordfilter tranny because it's even more obnoxiously spammed than cuck was back a few years ago.

Who the FUCK is buying these games? Jesus Christ normies really do have zero disregard for their money don't they? It doesn't fucking matter to them they drop a $60 game after an hour of play time, they just want to dopamine rush of buying shit.

Attached: 1552894190127.jpg (600x907, 48K)

Oh god, imagine the smell! Haha

You could be right there actually. Either way I'm sick of how the cycle keeps repeating, and how much board space/free press keeps getting given to the blandest games on the market

>it’s nothing

This is nonsense and I don’t want it, go away

unironically the ____me___

>Banning political discussion immediately and drastically increases the quality of like 90% of the board.
I beg to differ, the quality will remain low, it'll just move on to other topics, see the countless smash threads, steve posting and so on.
It's a fairytale notion that remove a tumour from a body that has already undergone metastasization will make it better.

>post Brexit
So they're going full science fiction huh.

Draw me like one of your French girls...

Attached: chris2018.jpg (900x1200, 208K)

Itis though.
>Greens, lib dem, snp etc
All against
>Ukip, conservatives, brexit party etc
All for
Dont know what the fuck they are doing

Have you played one of them or do you base everything on opinions you parroted from someone else :]

has there been a game where it claims to be historically accurate yet it's fucking not?

Attached: f0f.png (597x242, 207K)

ye fuckin
goddamn some kinda
you shit suckin

Attached: angery.png (180x211, 13K)

CoD WW2, it was historically accurate all along but then in a twist ending it's revealed the game takes place in an alternative universe

>the christian cross is an unraveled cube
you just blew my mind

Battlefield V with the heavy water stuff?

Give me a QRD.


What would you do Yea Forums?

Attached: lol.png (601x426, 378K)

I swear, it's not safe to reboot historical shooters in this current climate...

Attached: 1555756207054.png (256x192, 73K)

>conservatives are for brexit
you haven't been paying attention

Don't care

Play videogames or shitpost here instead of going to a political rally/protest/etc
Also, why don't they just milkshake them back?

Watch Dogs is a shallow game set in Ubishit's standard "open world" design which gets very boring after about 2h when you realize it's mostly the same shit

You know how SJW pressure people to cave to their demands? You don't have to be SJW to do that.
Make pushback against games and publishers that advertise here, and make it obvious the pushback is in response to Yea Forums advertising.
Leave bad reviews, tell customers they're coalburning roastie toasties, encourage refunds, tell people about the USS Liberty Incident and the 6 4 heaven gate thing event.
Eventually once the pushback exceeds the potential sales they'll stop advertising here.
Cunny is really great for this because cunny is A. Delicious and appealing, B. Shows that the pushback is coming from a weeb board, and C. Generates insane amounts of salty tears and rage from used up 28 year old hags that work in marketing for these companies.
What are they gonna do, counter it by realising their target demographic and posting CUTE GIRLS? Ha!

Whacky accents incoming LOL.
Watchfucks is the most sanitised, meaningless bullshit on earth and the very definition of corporations trying to subvert counter culture. Fuck Ubisoft with a rake.

Are you missing the part where boris, hunt and raab are the front runners to be leader?
The entirety of brexit was voted on regarding immigration policy, which is a left/right issue.

I'll buy it once it's on sale with all the dlc for like 20$, pretty enjoyable games when you have nothing better to play

Attached: 1465695564401.jpg (960x1100, 276K)

>funny how ubi games keep flopping though
kek, i always love retards in denial

Watch dogs 2 could have been good if there was any depth whatsoever to the characters. I played the game fully expecting them to develop past "hipster activists" and become serious and hardened, but the game had them mowing down security guards with automatic weapons while still acting like sassy hip kids. It was the weirdest and gayest shit ever.

One of the things wrong with the videogame industry right now is the way violence isn't given the weight it deserves in an otherwise realistic setting. Ubisoft is particularly guilty of this. They have you slaughtering hundreds of human beings in realistic ways while your character quips and wisecracks. It makes me fucking cringe because the tone is just so inconsistent.

Attached: 1540462255227.png (404x362, 210K)

>why don't they just milkshake them back?

Because they are not children.

>You know how SJW pressure people to cave to their demands? You don't have to be SJW to do that.
They don't listen to anything that's not framed in being within the zeitgeist, or rather, something that they can just pay lip service to without actually changing their modus operandi.

>The entirety of brexit was voted on regarding immigration policy, which is a left/right issue.
Literally false, given the outrage from Remain campaigners about the bus. You're making the same mistake as the Tories and assuming everything is about immigration. In the case of Brexit the immigration issue was emblematic of the large concerns about sovereignty, but not the sole concern. I live in Norf FC Labour heartland and all the Leave voters I know talk about us being run from Brussels and givig them too much money, not about immigration

>ever having supporterd Ubijew


>What would you do Yea Forums?
Sounds like I'm asked to give up my dreams for Freedom.
I would answer the call.
And die kickin some AAAASSSSSS

itt: children pretending to be boomers thinking boomer culture is counter-culture

Watchdogs 2 didn't tell you that already?

Okay, why don't they put them over their knees and spank them for misbehaving then?

Attached: 1533759927620.jpg (1217x654, 512K)

Meh we all know Ubisoft will just implement the said politics on surface level but won't utilize it to make any statement whether it's right or wrong.

>something that they can just pay lip service to without actually changing their modus operandi.
It unironically works for Nintendo, and Nintendo are Japanese Disney.

Jesus look at this cope

Not sure if unironically occultist or not...
It may be just lack of creativity in design or just to look edgy.

People working in Tech startups, specially in game development, tend to be edgy & young people so I could expect...

Le "Jedi seduced by the dark side of force" Star Wars meme

In my personal ... spirits look like humans in most cases ... BUT in many cases spirits can also shapeshift into creatures.

Attached: 666 Razer Serpents.jpg (347x347, 22K)

That's why I prefer Watch Dogs 1, Pearce is an edgelord but you've got a good reason for using lethal force, there are no cringy hipsters and the dialogue doesn't wanna make you kill yourself


>They have you slaughtering hundreds of human beings in realistic ways while your character quips and wisecracks. It makes me fucking cringe because the tone is just so inconsistent.
Because they tried that in FC3 and everyone though it was stupid.
And rather than realizing "oh we wrote that poorly" they absolutely reversed course.


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Yeah... we Krauts may be fucked but damn... what happened? When did everybody outcuck us!?

This, but with more argumentation as to why.

Like what?
The new Ghost Recon got barely anything despite having a beta last weekend
Beyond Good and Evil 2 hasn't had a mention since last E3
No one seems to be excited about the rumors of a new SC
Siege talk has died down despite it being pretty popular

The only time I hear about Ubishit is when you can make an off topic thread.

If the game's set in London they won't show the downsides of globalisation. To do that they'd have to go somewhere like Sheffield and show the deterioration of the British steel industry due to shitty Chinksteel imports

tranny =/= post-op transgender irl

>Ubisoft is totally taking a stand and not just scratching the meme surface to bait the public into making controversies for easy publicity only to find out the game actually goes nowhere near the political stances everyone was expecting

Lmao the bus is just a side show, it's a reason to shit on Boris and the Leave Campaign. Who the fuck doesn't want the NHS to get more funding? The left loves that shit. The message on the bus is a means to distract and attack the Leave campaign because it's all about immigration and sovereignty but people on the left don't want to admit its a problem so they focus on dumb shit like this. That's why they shut people down for even mentioning immigration and call them racists.

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same reason why people fap like monkeys to all sorts of incest, NTR and other fetishes in hentai but wouldn’t touch IRL degenerates in the exact same situation

How do you do, fellow kids?

Marketeers are absolute fucking scum on earth, Ubisoft especially seem extra cancerous.

Just like far cry 5 was fuck drumpf and fuck wh*te people right? They only want to stir up controversy so people will talk about it and you retards fall for it every time, same with new dawn were everyone thought the nig twins would be good gurls who dindu nuffin when they were irredeemable pieces of shit who just had a deadbeat dad.

Who even wants Watchdogs 3?
1 was bad and 2 was awful.

>rather played as the cringy mask wearing Yea Forums incarnate dude from 2 rather than that worthless SJW gay nigger they had as a protagonist.
Aside from the mask, that guy hass practically the same personality as the protagonist. Two of them are like best bros and all that. Also, you can play as him in final mission.

>everything is about immigration
It is, everything else is smoke an mirrors to not appear "racist".
Everybody voted for brexit because there are too many pakis.

Ubisoft has enough cash to sacrifice multi-million projects just to test how far they can get away with the traditional open world collectathon model.
their ultimate goal seems to be managing to sell a modern AssCreed with the least amount of effort possible, basically a humorless GTA where you get to stab people and look for clues about the Illuminati

Why do people fall for this shit all the time? You'll all talk about this game up to release because of politics, it'll come out and it'll be fucking nothing and everyone will call it based for about a week because the "journos" will be pissy like with Far Cry 5 or Days Gone and then forget about it and call it shit after, when it was shit from the start.

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Basing a hacking game on the anonymity of the internet sounds fun. This might be the first Watch_Dogs I play.

I can't wait. This'll be so bad it'll be entertaining.

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You are too far gone my friend. Consider grs

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Ye it happens every fucking year and people keep falling for this viral marketing bullshit. At least some folks are wising up now.

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>they're racist
>actually here are the non-racist reasons they want Brexit
>they don't actually believe that, they're just racist and lying to you!
proper resetera stuff, that

Literally any depiction of UK set more than 6 months from now is a "post Brexit" time.

I could have a game set in Yorkshire in 2020 and that would be a "post Brexit" Yorkshire

It isn't unironically. Maybe in Britain. But there's a lot of other countries considering leaving the EU for myriads of reasons. In my country for instance, we've been cockblocked by the EU not allowing us what we want (mainly because the EU is controlled by Krauts who don't quite like us), and we've been a puppet state for the Russians and Krauts to toy around with us, all of our major winning politicians have some kind of ties with the Russian or Kraut elites and the EU is doing nothing to prevent this. Only a few of our politicians are doing okay but other than that it's been a shit show. Take a fucking guess what country I originate from.

I should also clarify most of our population is blissfully ignorant of this too.

tfw no game set in Yorkshire featuring the gorgeous countryside, the industrial squalor of outer cities, and the flashy regeneration projects happening in the centre with plenty of Greggs

>any depiction of UK set more than 6 months from now is a "post Brexit" time
>implying Parliament won't find a way to "temporarily" delay it forever

Im confused by this statement. Are they implying they identify with the insult "NPC" or are they being meta about their actual NPCs? I feel like i live in a wacky alternate future in a movie.

>tfw no comfy rags-to-riches Yorkshire Tycoon game that features a subplot of buying and uncursing Leeds so they might finally return to the Champions League
>tfw ywn bankroll them to a premier league title and get a statue next to Billy Bremner
it's not fair bottlebros

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Now who could be behind that tweet.

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>Centrist master race


its not, I'm a full on brexiteer.
Youre coping, we voted because of the pakis.

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>game companies realize conservatives don't give a shit about their products, so they're uber vocal about politics because the sales are worth it

They didn't even do it for new dawn, you see the two villains beat a tied up guy to fucking death with a motorcycle helmet and proceed to try and burn a town with women and children to the ground and kill everyone.

Was it an alt universe where the Holocaust actually happened?

>caring about ubisoft rehashware

I love woke capitalism

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at least they can't bitch about "ebil corporations"

I love corporations

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>be brown
>go on killing spree with spoon
>police run away from you
>hear a faint rumbling sound
>oh fuc-
>the tv license tank battalion rolls in

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Polak detected.

privacy should not be a bipartisan

Who cares, people will buy it regardless of whatever insipid shit is in it.


Gee, no wonder there's such high scuicide rate among them.

That's a sharp object govna'.

>>the tv license tank battalion rolls in

>not throwing acid at slags

This. Watch Dogs 2 was basically a satire on lefty politics. I seriously think the writer was right leaning and went all out to get past the lefty editors. The game is absolutely hilarious because the protagonists are the biggest assholes in the game.

The article said why, but we all know noone read it.

wtf I thought Pepsi was based

Of course it was fellow 4channeler
we care deeply about politics
please assist me in discussing this latest Ubisoft game

The writer isnt leaning anywhere, literally every fucking game with this kind of PR does this shit. The actual story almost always makes everything grey and the eye rolling shit they advertise with is just to grab your attention.

No you don't understand, literally most of the missions the protagonists come up with basically a social justice inspired payback and come off being the bigger asshole. In one mission a guy makes a porn parody of your hacker group so you sexually assault him by spanking his bare ass and posting the video on the internet.

Fuck bros they are stealing our memes...

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Yeah, and if they ever stirred up controversy with anything that could be considered racist against non-whites they'd be outright fucking banned from everywhere.

Stop using this shitty argument when everyone knows you're not consistent, faggot.

Driver San fransisco already did this

>and come off being the bigger asshole

Yes, that's my point.

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The Pepsi CEO said they were worried about Trump and that his supporters shouldn't buy their product.

UKIP is dead, Sargon of Retard killed it as expected.

Get ready to be disappointed. The setting is a major step backwards in terms of hacking and hiding opportunities.

>fight the germans
>end up like this
Hitler has the last laugh.

Only that? Cause I don't care about american politics, but if they take part in the mentally ill propaganda I'm not gonna buy from them

I know this is late, but I just want to point out that it's actually a play on the phrase and English national anthem 'God save the Queen.'

Wrench would've made the game a little less bland.

Hitler actually liked the muslims.


Don't you have an incomplete game to buy a $99 gold edition for?

>you're not consistent
>exact same shit happened with their last two far cry games
Fuck off retard. You're shilling for ubishit by drawing attention to this game and you fucking know it.

That’s because of the Tariffs more then anything though

Bu thte suicide rate is among those who didn't get treatment.

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That isn't my point, you fucking imbecile

>if any game tries to market itself by pissing off niggers/women/fags etc. it gets immediately blasted and outright banned/censored
>if any game does the same to whites/men etc. every faggot here just says to ignore it

You're either a subversive nigger or you're so stupid that you think the industry will somehow revert back to normal if you simply detach yourself from it.

If they'd been flooding into Europe at that time he'd have called it a barbarian invasion.

t. Assblasted shill

it's because of lying inforgraphics like this that people don't seek out the help they need.

Is it really set in England? Will it feature tactical butter knives?

This Watch Dogs might actually be good

t. subversive kike

Unfortunately, as long as the games cause "any kind of drama", it will attract Yea Forums like flies on shit

This is a blatant lie. Post the source of those statistics. I've seen numerous sources show the therapy makes no significant difference to suicide rate.

They'll have 3d printed guns again.

I didn’t know brits were just as butthurt over Canadians as mutts these days. I guess it makes sense since both UK and US are being antagonizing towards Russia and China while Canada seems to give no fucks about your squabbles

>muh sovrintee

user memes are grounded in reality, not what you think is reality.

>Watch Dogs 2 was garbage
But you're completely wrong. It's unironically one of the best games nu-Ubisoft has made

Source is in the pic, bro.

>First enounter is in a gay bar
>Cutscene end
>Pop out a Goblin
>Go full Orlando mode
The best thing come out of this game.

Wouldn't the inside of that hole eventually form scar tissue to prevent anymore damage? I mean the holes in pierced ears get bloody and full of puss too, but they eventually heal. In fact even psychos stretch their ears out with gauges and their not leaking blood everywhere.

>leave the EU to stop non-EU migration
You people are fucking spastics

have sex incel

you are so fucking salty my man holy shit you're still at it

shut your mouth degenerate

The first WD was actually quite fun and kino. Didn't expect to like it since everyone seemed to hate it.

>somebody notices you with a knife
>instant max heat from police

Earring holes do close up if you don't wear an earring after a long time.

t. Stinky poo poo head

this and that's a good thing
>Merkel gives German citizenship to 10 billion sandniggers who are then free to roam into any EU country they wish
yeah no thanks

Apparently it's a grrl haxx0r

You can still 3D print guns right?

People hated it because all the downgrades they see


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>but the game had them mowing down security guards with automatic weapons while still acting like sassy hip kids. It was the weirdest and gayest shit ever.

That is hopefully why the rumors are true and that there isn't any gunplay in 3... or if there is, it will at least have impactful meaning on the story. We will see.

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>UK are under no obligation to help due to not being in schegen
>says pakis but means Syrians
Yeah I'm thinking you're small brained

Can't wait for a muslim protagonist.

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Also calling the story "kino" is a fucking joke.

Brexit killed eurosceptism in the EU, note how the dominos still haven't fallen after 3 years of this waste of public resources

Wrong. Keep coping though.

conflict is "fun". They don't like to make games in places with no crime because it's "boring".


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yeah. that's most of them in london

trannies seethe when they hear of traps, because they cannot accept there are girly men, who crossdress and look fuckable, but don't identify as a woman in the slightest. Meanwhile they get horrific surgery and look like abominations that no one will touch with a ten foot pole.

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>reap the benefits of both sides without actually giving a shit about the conflict
Centrism is the best

>mission: The Struggle
>defend all 7 members of muslim family illegally squatting, from the rightful owner of the house (disgusting whiteoid)

Pakis, syrians, they're all bad. We just want to make the country better. This is not a crime.

Every centrist is either left or right, but they're too pussy to actually defend their positions so they claim they take no side.

He wouldn't, the imbecile liked islam so much he actually wished that Europe got completely invaded by them and not stopped by Martel.

Keep those s󠛡oy tears coming, kafirs.


You're referring to the quote where he is envious at how Islam has more warrior characteristics compared to Christianity and he thinks it would've fit more to the Aryan people than the meekness of Christ.
That's not quite the same as wanting his country to be majority Arab, my friend.


how about fuck off???

>tfw get to shoot up a gay bar as todd howard

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This thread is cancer. Hotpockets, do your job.

I never said that, I'm saying you're a stupid pussy.

>when we stand in the center we can pick what is best of both sides to create a functional society for everyone
This is called Third Position, not centrism.

because I don't conform to your social structure, I know.

>Lefty Propaganda
>implies that the average person who supported Brexit is an NPC
Are you retarded?

It would be utterly stupid to expect islam to spread without arabs coming with it and I doubt he was as stupid as usually portrayed.


i don't understand it either. at least wait until it's $7 on a steam sale or something.

Yeah but lefity cant meme so he has to steal righty meme

>videogames are going to start pandering to right wingers now


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i like how ubisoft says they aren't going to get political in their games, but then does this. Is watchdogs their designated 'political' series now?

embarrassing post

aww is drumpfy upset?

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I had to bug-report that one. The mission kept failing me, despite shooting the enemies.

No, because everyone falls either to the left or right, that's how the political spectrum was designed to work.
I'm not telling you to be a walking stereotype or to fall into extremism, I'm telling you to have enough willpower to be able to say what your beliefs are without acting coy.

Video games are a right-winger hobby, so get out.

Why? Arabs didn't really colonize Central Asia or South Asia and yet Islam spread to those areas.
But that's his literal quote.

>Youtube told homos to fuck off for the first time
>now Ubisoft is pushing /pol/ memes

Did we switch timelines again in the past 24 hours? What's going on?

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You're trying to make it better through actions that will make it wholly worse. Future trade deals with developing countries will stipulate some form of immigration from their country to the UK, we can only refuse so many trade deals with this caveat before we end up trading with literally who nations.

Man, this while pride month have just been an embarrassing display of infighting of people who want to find out who is the MOST gay... and we are just 5 days in. Hilarious!

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you fags always say the same shit everyday lol

can't wait to scan random cunts on the street
>doesn't pay TV license
>lost mother to bike wheel
>owns illegal spoon collection

You chose the wrong side and now you have to live with the consequences.

My side is the good side, with the Rebel Alliance and Hogwarts.

>my side is gonna win because /pol/ told me so!

say /pol/ boogey man i dare you

Don't forget to be inclusive and diverse about it so you to can be a superhero like those hollywood films user.

How could I forget? I am also an Avenger.

/pol/ boogey man

I just wanted to play videogames.

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i totally agree, this thing instantly puts me off games, and it always seems like the protag is always this kind of wisecracking happy faggot who never feels anything they do at all
im not asking for your character to become emotionally fucking devastated after one or two kills, but shit
you ever play splinter cell convictions co-op story? the two guys in that change throughout the missions to the end, the asshole goes from being cocky to more mature and the antisocial guy gets more outgoing and loses the stick up his ass. ubisoft can write changing characters well but they just don't bother with that shit anymore, its like kids write the script

I honestly wish that everyone who plays AAA console shit would just be shot, the world would lose nothing if people with such dull, sheepleish minds would just die off.

>It's ours to fly in riots as we take this wicked world down in flames with us.
They wouldn't get far without big daddy gubbermint or megacorporations backing them, but at least they're being open and honest now.

>science fiction
More like fantasy.

Were you one of those idiots who switched sides because the meme pendulum showed signs of swinging back to the left and you thought you could curry favor there?
Didn't work out for you, huh.

What's this about? I don't see anything on their twitter

>all the Leave voters I know talk about us being run from Brussels and givig them too much money
literal retards then

Some Youtube e-celeb made fun of a literal faggot, so the faggot whined and cried to Youtube to ban his channel and Youtube said no.

Now fags all over the world are howling in rage.

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Not gonna lie, having them gradually become more silent, less amused and just generally somber would have boosted the atmosphere significantly.

>Brexit actually taking place
>Game isn't science fiction

From his own twatter

Definitely a crybully.

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I unironically want Aiden back since his vigilante profiling schtick was awesome and felt like you a punisher

Will we plenty of Norf NPCs?

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This is fascism. This is violence. This is hate.

That's surprisingly based. I would have figured youtube would at least ignore them instead of flat out telling them no.
What did the guy even do/say?

I'm willing to bet this guy will be arrested within 3 days for sexual assault, child porn, regular assault, embezzlement or something similar.

Anyone who champions the hounding of others like this has plenty of skeletons in their own closet.

Northerners aren't allowed in London, they do things like say 'hello' to complete strangers and walk around without a big coat on when it's supposedly freezing cold.

He called him queer. And lispy.

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Who cares

what the fuck happened to Brexit anyway?

I'm a gay queen and YouTube are not good allies, they provide a platform to literal fascists and nazis like Jordan Peterson.

They don't even have faith to call it 3. 2 must have really failed bad lol.

>muricans coping with being forced to choose sides instead of making their own opinions


and ben shapiro, a literal nazi

Nobody expected it to happen now nobody know what to do. Hence three years of no a agreements and resignations.

>that one time ben shepiro punched a nigger in the face and called him a faggot on live television and the crowd applauded
The madman... so evil...

What I see was May trying for >muh soft brexit only to get rejected time and time again.

People got tired of her shit from both sides and she resigned. Correct my if I'm wrong.


>Watch Dogs

Who. Fucking. Cares.

White men like Ben Shapiro are the reason why there will be another holocaust.

why don't they ever fucking make just modern ac instead of this hacking bullshit? They already tied Aiden by having him kill the director guy of ac4



Northern Ireland happened

>watchdogs is still a thing

>respondents who said they had received transition-related health care or wanted to have it someday were more likely to report having attempted suicide than those who said they did not want it.
Uh oh tranny. Even considering mutilating your genitals means you're more likely to commit suicide. Fancy that!
Nowhere in this do we see the rate of successful post-surgery suicides. This seems like vitally pertinent data that should be included, doesn't it? They handwave it as "we're not interested, please don't extrapolate" in the Limitations section.

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Hey, these are just people having an opinion. You want some kinda thought police coming after YOU? Free speech, m8

More like the people who get hormone therapy are also more likely to by on anti-depressants and 12mg of Xanax a day. If people can't afford hormone therapy, their healthcare coverage is also questionable.

The character was leaked to be half-Asian
In the UK we use "Asian" to refer to all western- central- and eastern-asian people.
In practice we call Pakis "Asian".
So she's likely an Arab or Paki and therefore likely a muslim.

>NPCs who like AAA games get to play as NPCs

No, they're not. And that's the point. A centrists views can align to a party per subject.
>abortion - left
>immigration - right
>minimum wage - left
>death penalty - right
>health care - left
>nuclear proliferation - right
>taxes - left
>unions - right
They only align to one part on certain issues, and the other issues the align to the other. It's the absolute definition of being a free thinker instead of being a sheep.

>base your game on a superbunnyhop review

imagine supporting the "president" of your colony

based retard


holy fuck this person is REAL
what a world we live in

Holy based?????

>it's a lefty doesn't understand why brexit happened episode

Is it us?

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Non-American trump supporters are the biggest cucks on the planet. Why would you support a guy who would fuck over your country to benefit America or Israel?

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pay debts

I played watchdogs 2 for 40 mins and got a refund, The very first missions were cringe "fuck the man!" shit