Who plays insurgency?

who plays insurgency?

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I do excellent games

I played it and it was alright
I never played sandstorm though

Modern Infantry Combat > Insurgency >>>>>>> Garbage >>>>>>>> Sandstorm

Wish they would let me refund this trash that I spent over 2 hours trying to get it to run decently. First Insurgency is so much better.

Sandstorm lets me play as my kurdish waifu.
Insurgency 2014 doesn't.

I think I make a good choice switching to Sandstorm.

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Nuke your appdata profile and restart the game, always play with shadows on low.

I average 120fps on my 1660ti

I got it to run at a high consistent framerate by enabling TAA, setting supersampling to 1.25, texture streaming pool to OFF, and setting everything else to low besides textures

Terribly optimized game.
Highly unrealistic recoil.
Other than that, sound is great.

>I average 120fps on my 1660ti
Average doesn't mean jack shit in this game as it stutters like mad.
You could run the lowest settings and have 160FPS average but have constant dips into 20-40fps.

>enabling TAA,
FXAA or none are actually the best options in terms of performance, TAA doesn't have an appreciable performance hit on its own but it works by interpolating between the previous and current frame, so in effect it introduces one extra frame of input lag which gets worse the lower your framerate is.

It doesn't stutter either, but I run it off of a SSD and have pretty high performance memory too.

My old computer had intermittent stutters in Sandstorm but it was a quadcore with no HT and it was getting bottlenecked.

I'm waiting on Sandstorm's mod support, me

This is sort of related I guess, but why the fuck are so many 2016+ games on PC such fucking stuttering messes? Even with 100+fps the 1% lows are awful. I read posts about almost anything: Insurgency SS, Far Cry 5, Hitman 2, Rage 2, Metro, etc, all having stuttering issues even on 8th-9th gen i7's with 16gb+ RAM, SSD's, and good GPU's.


Source version here, playing on some modded server.
FAL is my gunfu. CS maps fucking suck.

I've tried everything. And there are times where it runs fine but certain maps and areas the game would just freeze up for 10 seconds. I do have a GTX 970 with an i5 6500 which is pretty dated but the graphics aren't even anything amazing for performance to be this trash. What the fuck is NWI doing?

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I'm 99% sure the stutters are strictly a CPU issue with the games themselves, as people have mentioned the stutters persist no matter what video settings or resolution used, and the frame rate is still high. GPU drivers would have nothing to do with what I'm talking about.

my loadout:
>G3A3 1.5x scope suppressor extended mag
>glock extended mag

wtf do you bitch about this so much. i get half the fps (60) and it dips to maybe 44 sometimes but i played this game for 120 hours and it's never hindered my gameplay experience

I play the coop mode every now and then. Haven't bothered with PvP

i record my gameplay. look, no stuttering. on highest settings too.


Did you not read the post? The stuttering is the issue regardless of the frame rate.

>GPU drivers would have nothing to do with what I'm talking about.
GPU drivers can add additional CPU overhead to the task, AMD's Adrenaline Drivers delivered a huge performance boost across their entire product range by addressing overhead, Nvidias drivers have actually gotten worse over time in this regard.

>i5 6500
Unreal Engine 4 games want 6 threads minimum, it's not strictly a Sandstorm problem but it's also worse in sandstorm than other UE4 games.

My nigger, G3A3 was my choice for a while, but FAL is just sexier and has very nice ironsights. Cobra niggers can suck my dick.
Why nobody makes battle rifles anymore, anons?

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Too heavy for what they do.

i have not seen any stuttering is my point.

I like the new map, and I like how it's fucking huge, and am very pleased they're following it up right away with not only a close quarters map but ministry which is also a great map.

Just release the fucking workshop already though, get the mod ball rolling and the game will lift up on its own

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>FAL is just sexier and has very nice ironsights
i was using the FAL before the G3A3. I never use ironsights though.

do you play coop or pvp? i'm loving the hardcore coop

i've only played this three times. it's fucking trippy being in that leaning building with all the angles.

is it just me or is this map and the oil refinery map ultra rare? i always get the same maps it feels. i hate the mountain map.

>Why nobody makes battle rifles anymore
If you use an intermediary cartridge you get 30% more ammo for the same weight.

>it's another 'no one wants to play observer' round
>it's another 'observer runs away from the commander' round
>it's another 'rocket barrage fire support at the critical moment is a dud' round

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Original ins > Sandstorm

Sandstorm has boring ugly maps, shit performance (though that's a given when comparing to a source game desu) and just feels more clunky in general.

The audio is fucking amazing though. If they fix their shit and port some of the classic source maps and make new better ones, it'll be great

>take two steps in a different direction than towards the obvious chokepoint that's being camped by both sides
why the fuck do games do this, it's so fucking bad

Sorry should've clarified that my settings weren't for pure performance, but yeah I agree with what you're saying. Haven't had an issue with input lag or ghosting yet, but it helped with shimmering comparatively

>Call in Assassin
>Don't realise the smoke body-blocked the attack marker until it's too late
>Wipes an entire wave of friendlies with its rockets a few seconds after they spawn in.
>Killed for team damage

this map and oil refinery always end up in my rotation when I play, but rarely do I get mountain

Shame, really.
Coop on modded server with angry bots mod, medic/engineer/vip mods and with lots of custom guns and maps. Usually play VIP and spray in generally correct direction, usually I end at the top of leaderboards anyway.
In case you're interested, it's Bot Massacre #1 and #2, they have two other servers, but they are not as fun. They used to have Sernix server which I loved, but it was taken down for some reason and it was almost always full (17 people at once). Sometimes admins go in and push the enemy spawn higher, usually on full game it's around 80, but they can sometimes bring up to 150. I used to snipe with a slug loaded shotguns at the time, but I feel much better in close quarters.

sandstorm has some issues with the playing area combat zone, as in one team can be locked out their weapons too suddenly and can get easily mobbed by the other team pushing up, but as for full map playing zones I think they're done a good job making the playing area both easy to spot, blend into the environment, and make it balanced enough to make people play the flanks properly

it has some real fucking problems with spawncamping too

>Bot Massacre #1 and #2,
i'll check it out thanks. what coast are you?

EU friend, it's European server, but I saw few Americans playing and they are doing pretty well.

Wait, do these bot massacre servers use that "The Armoury" mod?
I've been trying to get it working but fuck me the models never want to load up properly

Yeah, it's using The Armory: Expanded.

the coop in sandstorm really surprised me, I liked fucking around with mods and friends on the original coop but it always got stale to me because of the way the bots behaved, but the coop and especially the hardcore coop in sandstorm has actually caught me off guard in the ways the bots have fucked me up and outsmarted my team, it actually feels like I have something at stake and am not just brute forcing through with op loadouts

Thanks for the info assuming it's correct, I had no idea about either of those things. I still feel slightly cheated having an i5-8500, it's 6 cores without any hyper threading so I feel like I'm already barely meeting UE4 requirements despite having just upgraded less than a year ago.

why is sandstorm fucking dead?

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I played Insurgency for about 300 hours and enjoyed it after that I got into R6:Siege and hoped Sandstorm would bring me back.

Did they bring back Ambush yet?

Shooting mechanics feel floaty as fuck and not really fun to play.

needs more maps

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not only are you wrong but you are stupid as well

I'm not wrong and you are the one who is stupid. The shooting mechanics are only one of the many problems with the game.


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I played it at Gamescom and it felt so wrong compared to the first one

It lost a lot of momentum due to them not being able to do any work at their new studio for nearly a month due to Canadian law.

no it's the bees knees

fuck off weeb

>It doesn't stutter either, but I run it off of a SSD and have pretty high performance memory too.

Turn off TAA, you might also need to disable oneframethreadlag via the engine.ini file but this will cut your framerate in half.

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no shit you were playing it at a convention, you got to strap in and lock down for something like sandstorm
works fine for me, maybe just stop being poor I guess

Ah yes, the faggots who have stutters but are too brain slow to perceive them.
Post a frametime graph and lets look at the objective proof shall we?

You're free to believe what you want, of course, but I find that most of my bullets tend to miss the target in spite of me reacting first and me not having utterly garbage aim in other games. And it's fucking insufferable whenever it happens since you recognize right afterwards that it wasn't really due to skill, more like you're not used to the mechanics feeling that way.

It's one of those games where it honestly feels like you're better off firing from the hip in close quarters instead of bothering to aim.

Think this will fix the way the aiming feels?

POST frametime graphs that prove it!


It depends on your average framerate but both settings will lower frametimes and improve the responsiveness of your mouse input, oneframethreadlag shouldn't need to be disabled if you're getting over 100FPS though.

>whenever it happens since you recognize right afterwards that it wasn't really due to skill, more like you're not used to the mechanics feeling that way

>"it's the game's fault I don't know how to play it"

I know what you're saying man, because for the first hundred hours I kept feeling like I was fucking up because my monitor was too low or my hand was uncomfortable, but as I learned there really is work to it, the point is to not be in the situation where you and another guy both have your barrels pointed at the other because then anything can happen, like a gunfight should be, and that's true about the hipfire in close quarters thing. The clunkiness and fumbling nature of the weapons that everyone says is a fuckup on the part of the devs is intentional, it's the first FPS I've ever played where I actually feel like a guy holding a gun that while being the thing I shoot from is still a tool that can only be so wealdable before it gets int he way of what you're doing, and that's entirely due to the way it works in the environment of the maps because the game if anything is most focused on the way you play in the environments and use them I don't feel like a player model with a pixel on it that spawns bullet_file_projectile_no1_accelerated

to back up what I said about a lot of thought going into the maps, if you go in and just look around while you're playing, you'll notice that every good firing position has an Achilles heel, every way in has a way out, every path and position is built so that an interesting and balanced firefight can take place there, there really has been a lot of thought put into the fundamentals of this game and I think that's what's gonna get noticed if it can get off the ground a bit more, the devs have just gotta stop fucking around and make their game

Proper positioning is one thing but I've often had moments where I'd slowly turn a corner with my weapon drawn, notice someone first, shot at them (a lot too, like half a mag), but because it feels so fucking shit I'd either miss or only tag them - then they'd turn around and shit all over me.

I don't really like debating this shit because ultimately it's going to boil down to this
>"it's the game's fault I don't know how to play it"
It just feels fucking unfun to play.

I made a couple of friends in the Insurgency community shortly before Sandstorm went into beta.
We all tested it.
Barely playable.
Launch wasn't much better.
Of the 5 people I asked all of them refunded.

They lost a lot of momentum when they needed it the most.

I've had a lot of bullshit moments, but never one where I felt like it was due to the game being lopsided, and I've also put a lot of other people into bullshit moments, and I feel like that is the kind of tone the gameplay is, either a stunning win or a crushing defeat always teetering from side to side with only a hairs difference between either two outcome coming about

A game isn't dead when you can find full matches at all times of day

this is what I love about hardcore shooters, no matter how much the playerbase goes down there's always a set amount of people that play each of them religiously and provide a full game whenever you want one, I've gotten into full games at 4 oclock in the morning on sandstorm

no modding, game is unfinished, update are too slow to come.

Sandstorm playable yet?

Glitchy mess with shit performance because the developers are struggling with Unreal Engine and barely any maps or content. Can't believe they would even call this a full release in this state. Everyone else would rather just play the first Insurgency.

I played the Insurgency up until they released the Sandstorm, and then I never touched it again.

Fuck those jews.

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i love it
just wish they would let me gain money faster, and that they would add more cosmetic items so its easier to cosplay different characters in the game, trying to Create a terrorist character from Counter strike source in it.

Heard they are adding Ministry again, and a QBZ-03 which is like my favorite chinese assault rifle. Aswell as the Croat H&K Famas thing.

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Half the people who bought this game couldn't run it and the other half are "Works on my machine!" fags saying the game doesn't need optimizing. I feel like it's very specific hardware that makes the game run fine or completely tanks.

but if my brain doesn't perceive them, why is it an issue? it plays just fine.

BECAUSE you being mentally retarded, doesn't mean that the rest of the population in the world is okay with it.
But go ahead, keep telling how this game is fine, doesn't stutter and how retards with brain damage can't notice it.
Just watch those player numbers drop like you did when you were a baby.

Here is a Norwegian AG-3 F2
Norwegian G3 basically, with B&T parts.

imgur.com/a/zNEYF (More Pictures of it)

600 r/m on full auto, looks silly.


It was modernized in 2007, but in 2008 norwegians adopted the HK-416.

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I wouldn't

plenty of people are playing the game. i often play all night from like 11pm to 6am and it's always full of people to play with.

why don't you just upgrade your machine instead of being so bitter about a game

>plenty of people are playing the game
The game is LITERALLY dying and the delusional retards that are left keep telling the devs they aren't doing anything wrong.

>why don't you just upgrade your machine instead of being so bitter about a game
Even people with 8700k and 2080ti can't avoid stutters in this game.
STOP blaming the users for your shit fucking optimization.

why are all the people who don't like sandstorms so angry all the time? could it be a coincidence that they share the same autistic rage as squad players?

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ar15 is peak design/reliability, like it or not. I sure as hell dont

>Why nobody makes battle rifles anymore, anons?

Beretta ARX-200

These are all rather modern Battle Rifles i'd say. So its not like Battle rifles have stopped being designed and manufactured. And that AG-3 F2 is fucking sexy.

Is this ever coming to consoles? My laptop can barely handle a game from 2007

why are sandstorm shills so delusional? could it be they are desperate to lie to people and sucker them into a shit dead game?

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jeez maybe squad is the most hardcore fps, just look a this hardcore posting

the absolute state of squad players

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>Developers being completely incompetent with Unreal Engine
>No modding as of yet, and later it'll only be map modding "for a while"
>No real maps (except the new one) that lets you actually take advantage of 4/7X optics
>E-sport "balancing" garbage
>General lack of content, and basic features missing (map voting for one)

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>No real maps (except the new one) that lets you actually take advantage of 4/7X optics
have you even played the game

I put over 200 hours into it, actually. The powerful optics are just a waste of supply points.

2x is good, but nothing above that because the maps and objectives aren't actually made for it in mind.

I'm at 500 but I never got into the higher optics on anything but snipers until about 300 hours, they're actually incredibly useful, but it depends on the individual's play style and where you want to be in the map

>original game is popular because anyone can run it on their basic pcs
>new game stutters like hell even on top tier machines
like what did they think would happen
even if it was smooth the system requirements are too damn high

>hiphop music used in the game trailer
first was alright but i'm never buying this ubisoft-tier trash

I like to stick to 1.5x optics. however, i like to fuck around with the barret sometimes at 7x mag.

>The clunkiness and fumbling nature of the weapons that everyone says is a fuckup on the part of the devs is intentional,..
this, at first I hated that there wasn't a button to throw 'nades or mollies. now it makes perfect sense because irl you have to use both your hands to prepare the toss and you're left very vulnerable when you do this.

>hardcore coop
i love hardcore coop. you're forced to work closely with your team. it has also forced me to git gud with random guns i pick up to replace the mosin. i often end up with the scavenger superlative.

curious, what level are you guys with that many hours?

You are fucking idiot, AK 47 beats it in both categories.

Can you flank in this game? One of my main gripes with insurgency is the fact how most maps are basically funnels and all people do is just camp corners and hallways and you can’t even flank around because there is only one way to the fucking objective.

Also, the fact how insurgency is basically counter strike with modern weapons. Same arcadey gameplay and feels just like counter strike. I just wish it was more slower paced.

hardcore coop is teaching me how to smg

>ubisoft-tier trash
it's the least ubisoft game mentioned on this forum. it's peak realism. don't watch trailers you loser. youtube.com/watch?v=K0dzfmIPEMU

every map is designed for flanking, counter flanking, counter counter flanking, etc, they really have had a lot of detail put into them in terms of how players can fight each other across them

>Can you flank in this game?
yes, don't listen to the idiots who complain about the small amount of maps. they're very well-thought out and you can do a lot in them.

it is kind of annoying when you try to flank and they tell you to get away because it's a restricted area. but you can still plow through if you know what you're doing.

>I just wish it was more slower paced.
play hardcore.

also, while sandstorm does have those really deadlock areas, they are the points you need to capture, and are made to need to be cleared thoughtfully and with equipment, nades and the stuff you have on your gun actually makes a huge impact now

I think they need to fix people flanking and sneaking outside of the combat zone, too many cunts using mg's or explosives to spawnkill entire teams

>Can you flank in this game?
The maps are more akin to Bad Company 2 scale-wise so wide flanks are a lot more viable, with that said, there are a lot of no-go zones due to sight-lines and cruelly designed terrain so you're still somewhat limited on the kinds of routes you can take, but this can be mitigated somewhat with smoke.

>Also, the fact how insurgency is basically counter strike with modern weapons.
Sandstorm is a bit less arcadey than Source and the AP meta is completely gone.

I wish they would make the M249 not useless, the recoil is fucking uncontrollable and the ADS penalty is ridiculous.

>there are a lot of no-go zones due to sight-lines and cruelly designed terrain so you're still somewhat limited on the kinds of routes you can take, but this can be mitigated somewhat with smoke
isn't that the whole point?

You gotta mount it, hang back and treat it like a sniper rifle.

IT'S USING A FUCKING 5.56 ROUND, IT SHOULD HAVE LITTLE TO NO FUCKING RECOIL. In the previous game the M249 was actually good, now you can't even clear a room with the thing. The M249 should not be an emplacement gun, we have the M240 for that

Depends on the map and area, you can take a lot of ground on maps like Hideout and Summit with good application of smoke but the streets on Precinct and that hilltop approach as security on Canyon are death sentences no matter what you do, on those maps you still get filtered into distinct lanes despite how large they are.

Sure they're "useful" if you try your damnest to make it so, however you end up losing way too much combat effectiveness overall just so you can hit some dipshit very far from you. It's just not worth it except maybe in the new map.
lvl 104 right now.

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you're not meant to be hauling ass around the place with that thing, it's meant for either setting up at a long distance to deny access to an area or for close quarters, either clearing by letting it rip form the hip or blasting through walls or by setting up somewhere, that and suppressing enemy firing positions, either way it's meant to be a gun that is difficult to use for rag tag action, you can still fire it standing up and control the recoil alright but at anything more than like 15m the accuracy will go way off

is there a point to use 5.56 in this game? ever since i switched to 7.62 i'm taking down lots of opponents by shooting through walls.

>however you end up losing way too much combat effectiveness overall just so you can hit some dipshit very far from you
that's what laser sights are for, another thing actually made useful in this game
both the streets on precinct and the canyon A cap have massive room to flank though, you're meant t work with your team to have groups moving on all fronts, so they can't just spray through the smoke on one spot, or have some guys moving fast and quiet to get a flank on the defenders to pin them so guys can move down the straight-forward but without cover stretches to the cap

Sandstorm is a bit shitty, but I think you just have to give it time. The source version was like this as well when it first came out.

i mostly only pick up a MG like this if i'm defending a point and even then i don't hold down and spray. i shoot in bursts.

anyone ditch the armor for that gain of speed? i'm using light armor, but thinking of dumping it completely.

>when you see a guy duck under a window and then the blood spray when you blast through the wall under the windowsill

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>laser sights
they give away your position though. it takes some practice but you can learn to shoot from the hip without the laser.

>lvl 104 right now.
how many hours?

I sometimes dump armor for points or if I'm sniping/playing MG but only rarely cause the difference between a one shot death and a two shot death can be huge


Tarkov and Pathologic 2 as well.

that too, but you can switch the laser on and off too, or just aim it where they won't see it until it's too late, though I don't think people even notice them half the time

I'm the guy that said 200 hours.

I have a little over 300 hours on it, I should've checked first.

a cute

Too bad it fucking sucks at close quarters unless you have high sensitivity.
Also, it SHOULD be able to hit people past 15m.

impressive. i have about 120 hrs in it, but i can't play pvp. i suck too much.

it can if you don't spray, I think it's balanced though, maybe a bit less recoil from at least the crouched position but not too much or we'd have machine gunners running more rampant than they already are

Sandstorm ran like absolute ass back in the beta, has any of it changed? i can run squad fine on 2560x1080 on max with long shadows off and custom TAA ini (Gtx 1060 i5-7600k 16gb ram)

it at least runs a lot better, mainly to do with maps getting cleaned of data junk that was killing fps in certain areas

i would also like to know more about this. i have a 7600k at STABLE 5ghz, 16gb ram at 3ghz and a 1070, but my shit ctd'ed after 5min (probably due to them fucking up with oc support) during the free weekend/beta or whatever it was.

I spray 4-5 round bursts and it still fucking sucks.
>we'd have machine gunners running more rampant than they already are
There are a maximum of 2 MG's on a team so it certainly would not be a problem.

people here really expect 120fps huh? i'm a noob and this is my first multiplayer game, so i've been satisfied with 60fps.

should i lower settings? i play on the highest settings now and in 4K.
>RTX 2080
>threadripper 16 cores
>liquid cooling

i'm the one posting the videos:

Should I play Insurgency 1 or SS if O want to fond servers quickly ?

Yeah but those two guys can rack up like 40 kills if they know the map

all you need is the same fps as your monitor's refresh rate

And if the enemy team fucking sucks, a good bit of team play and positioning can shut those two guys down easily.

You can find pvp servers on sandstorm very quickly and pve games almost instantly, I haven’t played the original in a long while but I imagine there are still heaps of people playing it too

I still boot up sandstorm every once and awhile and have some fun, how well it wants to function between patches is an absolute roll of the dice though

>the rpg issue where the rocket will fired and still in travel but suddenly blow up as if it was right infront of you, killing you, still exists

Ah, yes I don't have a gaming monitor so its refresh rate is like 60Hz. Does this correspond to 60fps?

racking up kills isn't too difficult because the objectives are what's important.

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Exactly, each class can easily cause a duck load of damage but it’s the classes working all in unison on each team that produces the fight of trying to one up the other’s map position via combating their classes with yours in the right way until you knock a hole in their forces and can make a break for it

The massive sudden shifts in each game from one team winning to suddenly losing is a big reason I like it, every guy makes a difference

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Well yeah but for mg’s and snipers I’d say kills are pretty important, since they’re trying to either stop enemies from reaching the cap or taking out the attacker’s long range support, or on attack for suppressing the cap or getting a line of fire on the defender’s reinforcement lines

>every guy makes a difference
i used to downplay the lower leveled players until i realized this. that on any given game, you'd have level 19 players somehow be placing top rank and when you watch how they play theyr'e actually not bad.

a few times i played with 2 players total, and we coudn't even secure the first objective. there's just so many points of entry when defending an objective that you really do have to rely on your team.

not much experience with mg's, but with my very little experience as marksman i notice i die very easily when i'm camping someplace high because AI can see you anywhere especially if you don't have a flash hider/suppressor.

i actually found more luck as marksman just playing like i normally do, going into objectives and defending from inside.

marksman only works against ai if you can be the fastest to shoot, because if you're in their cone of vision or hearing radius then they just gradually lock on to you

you didn't disprove the point at all though?

I will never understand how people can tolerate playing like that and not have bleeding eyes

another thing about everyone counting is the way that each cap is set up with two opposing fronts of attackers and defenders, each front being linked by various main paths, and than more various flanking paths, all of these intermingling and crossing over, and those crossings being layered in more sort of push zones, so you could for example, if the main path is covered by the enemy and you can't get a smoke out, you can run up a flank, which might still have enemies but likely ones you stand a chance against, and get closer to a point on the main paths where you can smoke for the rest of your team to then make a huge push, same thing with moving up on the big paths to clear the way to flanking paths that get you right up to the objective

the maps really have been thought over on every level

is it as brutal as rs or ro?


It has dismemberment.
Death sounds are mostly good, especially from flames.
Ragdolls roll after getting killed, unless headshot.

>sandstorm releases masks for Security
>they're all fucking expensive and all separated via every color possible
>you still only get 100 per level
>the xp system is STILL fucked

Ragdolls won't cry for their mother for 5 minutes, though.


as if not a bit more brutal I'd say, which is actually disappointing because there's so much more gore to be had, when games liker Verdun and RDR2 are out there I don't know why there is so little use of the horrific gib action that is partial head destruction

the fingers and toes getting blown off and the flailing wounded bodies is pretty gruesome though

they need more death sounds, but the fact that you can shoot them and they'll stop moving is great and makes for really fucking brutal scenes when you just cleared a cap and are moving on to the next one as people stroll through double tapping the wounded

>I will never understand how people can tolerate playing like that and not have bleeding eyes
like what?

>a smoke out,
i never really liked smoke. i get that it covers your position, but you can't see shit either. i wear my gas mask and try to walk around in crouch to see if i can get close to someone coughing, but all in all it's annoying.

the physics of shooting is really satisfying. like shooting someone's knee sets their leg backwards and they topple over. headshots where you see a grape burst. the 50cal that can blow people behind and set them tumbling head over heels. mortar strikes that dismember everyone. seeing bodies fluoresce under thermite.

the sound, above all else, is spectacular.

only thing i don't like is the moan that some do when you kill them.

I wish they would make a mikee voice pack for security, he made some good fucking death sounds.

Kill-shots to the extremities make the bodies writhe on the ground now too.

The next security guy needs to be British or a very pervy sounding German

never smoke on defense, it only really helps in assaulting over areas covered by enemy fire

the only use I can think of it on defense is if you're the last guy on a cap and need to camp a corner in a smoked out room while a death squad is kicking in the doors from 3 entrances


it seems to draw people to games more when Australians are in them too for some reason

Attached: 6578678.png (740x773, 168K)

>like what?

Constant fucking frame jumping and micro-stutter.
That shit drove me crazy with fallout 4 and watching this actually hurts my eyes.

I don't get how people can play like that.

Attached: 14.png (389x255, 7K)

>never smoke on defense
If you can make it to the boundary area it's worth smoking certain sightlines on some maps because smoke also blocks the targeting reticule for the enemy commander, preventing them from calling their own fire support.

There's certain indoor chokepoints (especially stairs) that are worth smoking so you know when you're getting rushed as well, it's easier to hear gagging than it is footsteps over all the other idiots that are running around.

sub 120fps has been practically unplayable for years now, but some niggers still insist on the 60fps only may may.

i'm too much of a brainlet to perceive these things. maybe i should lower settings and resolution to get it up to your standards?

my monitor's refresh rate is 60hz anyway.

using it to block fire support can be difficult but using it to bait guys is good too, put it down in a one way area with you on one end with a big fucking gun and them on the others running straight towards you thinking one of their guys smoked it and it must be safe

the only issue is too many guys on defense then using smokes and ending up helping the attackers



guys, any tips on how i can play better: youtube.com/watch?v=3D8uPQIaB6w

oh man I forgot there was music in this game

are you playing with a touchpad? wtf

only when you start the round, when you gotta defend a counterattack, and when you're the only one left alive.

lol no why. i am using a shitty $11 mouse though.

what the fuck, is this bait?

remember to fill out the surveys friends that's how they will make the game better and add the things you want

I asked for jungle mags

Attached: 5437347.jpg (1280x720, 188K)

i loved the mod but the standalone games are not really good.
the newest one sucks because of the maps, nothing like the old ins.


god you fucking suck lmao
stop aiming at the ground you spastic

I still play the first one

ive put a good 90 hrs in before the new maps came out, freaking loved it.

the new updates any good?

>playing a hour ago: 1,4k
>24-hour peak: 1,7k

Oof, what happened?

lmao. i know man. hahaha.

i'm looking at the ground to scavenge tho

i asked for a wizard class

bad start, bad performance they still not fixed some of the problems.
too early release, bad map design whatever.
i only played it for a few ours and i always loved ins.

>Halloween or april fools mode where people have wands and big wizard hats and must duel with powerful spells to capture the points on a castle map
make it happen

>bad map design
I'll give you the bad launch but leave the maps alone they're works of art

Is Hell Let Loose any good? It's supposed to come out tomorrow but I haven't tried it. I got PostScriptum for free and uninstalled because it runs and look like poo while managing to being more clunky and unfun than Squad. Is HLL more like Red Orchestra?

Attached: thinking.jpg (449x498, 29K)

I don't know but I do want to know who the fuck is making all these failed WW2 hardcore fps games, there's a handful coming out every couple of months

It's Squad-lite

Also you can't lean

>you can't lean
then what is the fucking point of it being a hardcore fps in the first place

>POST frametime graphs that prove it!
show me how to do this and i will do this when i get home tonight. i have probably the most powerful PC on here.

>brags about strong PC
>is actually computer illiterate
like pottery

Attached: 1466115582809.jpg (600x436, 64K)

not bragging you insecure loser. just don't play vidya much at all, esp multiplayer so i don't see the issues everyone else sees. this is actually the first online multiplayer game i've ever played.

anyway, you said to prove it so i am telling you that i will do what you ask.


as fun as it is to poke fun at people, vast majority don't know how to do it.

Attached: how to get frametime graphs.jpg (644x976, 190K)

P.S this is not me, who demanded proof.

shouldn't have wrote this line then
>i have probably the most powerful PC on here.

now that you mention it, it is pretty pathetic to have very powerful/expensive hardware, but not knowing how to monitor frametimes, or how to record frametime graphs.Shameful indeed.

But hey, lots of money to spend and knowing what you use isn't the same most of the time.
Example:Rich old people who buy sports cars with 300 assists and drive it around like pussies.

>>i have probably the most powerful PC on here.
i do. but the point of me stating that is not to brag but to determine if it is actually an issue with your rig or if it's an issue with sandstorm's own optimization, etc.

i posted the stats before, here they are again:
>RTX 2080
>threadripper 16 cores
>liquid cooling

i use it for deep learning and bioinformatics, btw.

geez, don't take shit from a stranger on the internet so seriously

I dunno too, some videos I saw seem overhyped, some say its boring crap. Also no modding and no map maker, they are considering it for late development but that is what pretty much killed Sandstorm tbw.

Attached: hll_EA_Roadmap_2019.png (1920x1080, 2.84M)

God bless DeltaMike

>pretty pathetic to have very powerful/expensive hardware, but not knowing how to monitor frametimes, or how to record frametime graphs.Shameful indeed.

boy, i bet you don't even know what the 'tensor' in tensor core means.

i bet if you had a large suite of simulations with different assumptions about neutrinos and a machinery for writing down permitted observables (no one has this atm), you can have a robot decide what are the best observables ie. using brute force. look up GANs, and DCGANs.

I purposefully play observer almost every game for this
M16A2 + the 4x colt optic is just sexy too

Just watched a documentary on Black hawk down. Are there any similar games for that aesthetic?

I mean you can wear the delta force 90s Mogadishu uniform in sandstorm, or just mod it in along with skins for the skinnies in the original

it's klobb tier in this game man

Not that user, but did this game fuck your girlfriend or something? The way you type is insuferable, you're coming off as a miserable angry cunt at some random guy online for no reason. For all the mentally retarded insults you're throwing at people you're the one that seems to either have downs or straight up tourettes. Fucker, I was on the fence on wether or not to buy this game but now I'm doing it just to spite you.

*distant wooshing noise*

Attached: 6578.jpg (916x536, 81K)

>he hasn't used it with the 3x scope, extended mag, laser sight and a compensator/forgrip

Attached: 4574568.jpg (1920x1080, 610K)

>all those tacticool fps and those coming
>no 2 ultimate cqb and combined arms games


>i bet if you had a large suite of simulations with different assumptions about neutrinos and a machinery for writing down permitted observables (no one has this atm), you can have a robot decide what are the best observables ie. using brute force. look up GANs, and DCGANs.
This isn't even a complete sentence, the though cuts off mid setence and it seems you are just trying to cram in words that an everyday person doesn't hear.

the game badly needs snd/defuse

I would play it all day if it had good maps and a cs game mode

>Not that user, but did this game fuck your girlfriend or something?
I'm angry because unlike a lot of unoptimized games, this one particularly has hardcore fans that will defend any and all flaws and suggest it's always the users hardware that isn't powerful enough, regardless of the hardware.
>The way you type is insuferable
I don't care for your feelings.
>Fucker, I was on the fence on wether or not to buy this game but now I'm doing it just to spite you.
Ironic that you accuse me of being mentally ill yet tell that you would waste money just to spite somebody you don't even know based on a post.
How about you just stop pretending and admit you are one of the deranged fanboys that is having a panic attack that somebody dared to call his baby game imperfect and optimized like shit.

if PS didn't run like dogshit and if the community we're better, it'd be very good

Okay, the maps are good maps, but they aren't good maps for the type of FPS that Insurgency is trying to be. They're more appropriate for something like Red Orchestra/Rising Storm. They do work well in PVE, though.

I like sandstorm a lot, tons of fun. Have about 260 hours in the original game which I got for like $1 in a humble bundle so I figured I'd buy this one full price and it's been a great deal so far. Wish they'd add a revolver sidearm already.

It's still klobb tier since hitreg is still wonky, they nerfed damage values and buffed armor, and decided to remove different ammunition types because the competitive scene bitched and whined about them.

refunded sandstorm twice and I still ended up buying it somehow

game is fun but they need to fix the stutter issues especially the in game stutters that happen when you use a mic