Why aren't you playing Planetside, Yea Forums? It has actual graphics

Why aren't you playing Planetside, Yea Forums? It has actual graphics.

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boring as fuck

that vanu latex has to cause some serious swamp ass

Do you still have to play for dozens of hours to unlock a single weapon?

Haven't played in 4 years. Did I miss anything?

I have modeled a better ass in my time.

Why do I see this game trending on steam? I thought Yea Forums said it was dead.

It's had a recent resurgence but I don't know why.

Didn't they release a big update recently or something?

Can I put down as many mines as I want like in the beta?

performance update and other stuff so so far so good, better than what it was before

But I was just playing it on my personal Playstation


it peaked at 2000 concurrent today it is basically dead

all other games are shit, and barely qualify as shooters

>Natural Selection 2 got a huge update as well
>Average 200 concurrent
The devs have to be drinking heavily.

Yup, I'm thinking it's back

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>2k players
Come on. That's more alive than most games.

If the faction isn't TR it's shit

I'm not saying no, it's doing way better than Foxhole for instance

Not when you need literally hundreds of people for a good fight.


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for the type of fame it is that's pretty bad. if it was an rts or something I would agree with you. but for a free fps that's pretty bad

The game has a stand alone launcher. Thats just 2000 using the Steam version. I've been playing it lately since I saw the update being advertised on Steam, but I saw no point in downloading the Steam version when my account was made back before it even came to Steam in the first place.

Base design is so bad it gives me a headache after 10 minutes.

i don't use steam

I play APB daily and we get less than 250 people peak, 2000 players isn't dead.

Is NC still shit? I remember being VS master race and feeling sorry for how under powered the NC plebs were.

uh..yeah it is
250 is dead too
i dont think you get it


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imagine the smell

fair point didn't know that. accroding to data pulled from the servers it hit 2500 concurrent in the last 30 days not the 2100 listed on steam. better, but still not great

Are you that paragon faggot OP?

VS hasn't had .75 ADS on half their weapons for a while now, which was entirely the reason they were OP because the netcode of this game is a fucking joke.

this is steam only, not total pop

will this game run on a 7 year old pc?

you see male vanu troopers putting their faces into female vanu asses all the time, it's disgusting

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yeah disgusting haha

I do miss the good old days with higby. wouldn't play it again now if you paid me

Well do the TR still suck dicks? I remember they were the ultimate bad guys who everyone could hate.

shit my bad that's the avg numbers not peak

Probably since it's 7 years old.

is Gaymers first still fucking that game up?

It only counts players who play through steam, not directly through the client.
The actual number should be closer to 2200, who the fuck uses the client lmao

Bad guys? Everyone I knew played them because they are red and RED IS STRONG

A company called Little Orbit bought it up about a year ago, they promised a bunch of new content but they haven't really delivered. They're putting out a big patch tomorrow to add a fucking battle royale mode

Fire Wrel, roll back CAI, and MAYBE I'll go back.

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Oh god, imagine the smell! Haha

PS2 is in a great spot right now. DX11 update pumped uo my frames and brought a lotta new players into the mux. It's actually fun again.

Yes and no. With better performance, there's been maybe 30% less team kills on me. NC weapons are actually kinda the best in a game that rewards alpha damage. In ps2, it's more about the quality of the player. Most of the good playerd are on VS. TR is in the middle. NC dead last in quality of player.

Also, NC MAX primary weapons were gutted. No more scatmaxes. Gorgons are necessary, which are just discount Basilisks. We got a shitty new carbine, the new battle rifle is inferior to the VS one, the new LMG is neat but VS got am anchor and TR got a great one, and the VS received a superior cyclone. Whuch was so overtuned it was nerfed a week later. That week was miserable.

Oh also the jackhammer was slightly nerfed, the cyclone was reigned in, and we're still retarded. That's kinda my summary of the faction since 2018.

I couldn't get the private server to work and I refuse to touch discord so I can't get any tech support from the community.

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You get a free shotgun and some other crap and 100 free certs per rank up til BR15. But if you buy weapons first you are a sucker, all the starter weapons are great and you get far more milage out of attachments and abilities. Unless you buy the commissioner, then you're just a cheap fucker and I hate you.

ill install the game again because a BR mode is at least not as bad as G1 fuckery

I really do wish there was more reason to use faction sidearms. Amby and underboss probably make up 75% of all pistol usage. It's such a shame.

i never got into this game and im bored as fuck
is it worth playing now or not

Well they didn't really bother going back to fix anything G1 did aside from unban everyone who was ever banned and give them a free pass, then changed anti-cheat engines twice over. Otherwise all they've done since then is add 2 more mystery box weapons (one coming out tomorrow) and change shotguns to be retardly OP.

d e d g a m

I remember some of the non-Beamer VS sidearms being tight as fuck. Were they nerfed?

based and higbypilled

Weren't they already ? I distinctly remember every whale and high rank players playing with nothing but that Benelli looking shotgun and sometimes sniper/ak when I played it years ago.

It's free and likely worth your time. It dumps you into the action and people with thousands of hours of experience will kill you effortlessly. You have to sink a lil time into it. Also use free codes to get some shit.

PS2 is a game of moments. You can drop fron an airship with a dozen others, dropping C4 on tanks, landing and shootimg up infantry, then hop into an allied tank to join an armor column. All within seconds. There's nothing like it out there.

>in love with the game for the first three years of its life
>never had so much fun for so long in a video game before
>too scared to return to it because so much has probably changed

someone snap me out of this

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are basically 80% of the guns in this game completely redundant?
what are some must-buy guns for each faction?
everything I can find on the internet is outdated and tells me to buy long-nerfed guns

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What faction are you playing as ?

Well the problem is they made them easy mode. Originally they worked as most game shotguns do, each pellet is a percentage of the overall damage. Hit 1/10 pellets, do 1/10 damage. They've now changed it so the first pellets do signifigantly more damage and the later ones tapper off, so 1/10 pellets is more like 3/10 damage. There's no reason to bother trying for good shots anymore since hitting half your pellets is almost the same as hitting all of them, but in exchange it also makes it incredibly easy to kill people even if you barely hit them with each shot. So everyone just uses the auto shotgun now when they're not using the AK.

Actually, a gunslinger implant was added. The commie was nerfed and other pistols buffed to keep them competitive. However, the implant is not great and nerfs were only made to equip times. I only play NC and I can count on both hands how many times I've been killed by VS faction pistols. VS has always gotten the shaft when it comes to secondaries.

Speaking of, ASP came out and you can soend those points to alter your character. Like giving LA an smg secondary. DBG has shifted resources to ps2 development and it shows, btw.

I'm playing a bit of every faction, I don't feel like there's one in particular that I enjoy more than the others
I'd tend to stray away from the NC though because the ones on my server are absolute dumbfucks

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I recently watched old videos of ps2. It's such a trip. Only the graphics and UI have changed. It's still about shooting mans and complaining that your faction is UP.

>VS has always gotten the shaft when it comes to secondaries
I remember the Manticore was serviceable as a Magshot clone and the Cerberus (I think? The one with the glowing orb in the middle) was pretty fucking good.

ASP basically means throw all your pistols in the trash because now they're literally worthless when you can have SMGs/Shotguns/fucking BATTLE RIFLES as secondaries.

Check iridar's site. Some guns are indeed relics of an older design philosophy. If I can recommend anything, buy an underboss with certs or DBC.

You're not wrong. But, it's not about what's good. It's about what's the best and the revolvers outperform the rest. I don't even own a commie. I prefer my rebel and desperado. Use what you enjoy. But realize that the other player can two shot you with either revolver.

CarapaceCHADS WW@

its shit
engineers with bionics > ur mom

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That's just not true. Maybe with LA. But, pistols were given a large unholster time and accuracy buff to compensate for ASP. Whipping out a pistol to finish an enemy is actually a cornerstone of ps2 combat. In the field, you appreciate your pistol way more when you realize its power. Especially mlg tards and their commie.

>on my server
No that's just NC.

Most pistols suck except underboss, comissioner, the TR 3 shot repeater, stock, and blackhand.
All shotguns suck.
The new battle rifles suck, old ones are fine.
Heavy Weapons are situational but good in that situation

Just invest in a vehicle dude. Fuck infantryside.

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>It has actual graphics.
>use uglified hyper-realistic character designs
Into the trash..

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>All shotguns suck.
Aw, they were pretty great last time I played. Is the pump action not a reliable one shot kill anymore?

>invest in a vehicle
>after werl fucked them all up
stupid asshole didn't even understand why the HE/HEAT/AP trio worked

Didn't they nerf AP rounds to do less direct damage to infantry than HE/HEAT or something silly like that?

Because my account was banned, $400 of virtual goods taken.

They homogenized all the rounds into being "competitive" at everything, as a result most people just ran HE for the massive blast radius, atleast when I last played.

Good. I despise micro-transaction business models, should all be outlawed.


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Because its an immensely pathetic p2w game only catering to those that no life it.

Most pistols are fine, they're just not as competitive as their specialized counterparts. PS2 is all about specialization. Making the other pistols competitive will probably require nerfing the revolvers. And then people will just latch onto the next best thing. So, it's difficult to fix.

No weapon truly sucks in PS2. They just have different areas of specialization. For instance, shotguns turn an encounter into one about position rather than a sustained match of skill. Instead of the LMG heavy lighting you up across a field, you want to get close to him and kill him asap. Which alters your style of play. So maybe that's why you think they suck. Yes, they under-perform. Doesn't mean they don't have their uses.

New battle rifles are great choices under certain circumstances. The new ones are great, I don't know what you're on about.

Heavy weapons are actually pretty good. The VS have the only crowd control option available to an infantry unit. The NC have the best shotgun in the game. The TR have a chaingun that is...what it is. In particular, rocking the jackhammer as my secondary is very fun.

Now I see where you're coming from. Are you one of those players that looks down on infantry peasants? If a weapon doesn't farm mans the best, what's the point?

You've never played this game if you believe this to be true. The actual problems with this game are the servers themselves, cheaters, and a dwindling playerbase.

>muh bots
>muh cheaters
you're fucking pathetic m8

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I think the largest problem is map design. Fix that, and a lot of your issues disappear. And you are correct, no amount of money spent will help you in the 1v1. Maybe early on where someone purchases xp boosts and can afford more attachments, suit slots, and implants. But, the gap is closed pretty quickly and certs are easier to get than they once were.

idk man, you get to shoot mans

>bad guys
>not the good guys trying to bring order to a chaotic world of rampant out of control rebel mercs hired by galactic alliance of corporations and spandex wearing alien worshippers trying to forcefully evolve mankind

I never mentioned bots, smoothbrain. As for cheating, you could literally edit a fucking txt file on your computer to make head hitboxes the size of the moon if you wanted to, are you saying that's acceptable in an online FPS game? Not to mention all the other shit people use, it's a f2p game so it's not like cheaters lose out on anything. Although I guess it is fairly funny to die to an engineer who is literally killing your entire team from below the map with infinite ammo.
You even get a ton of starting out CERTs nowadays so you can upgrade your suit slot or whatever, and people underestimate the starting guns hard.. especially the starter LMGs are some of the best guns in the entire game

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no, map design is a first world problem.

the problem with any and all games that deals w FPS mechanics is matchmaking. Fix the latency, fix players getting to a fight, and you’ll basically fix all problems w the game. Zerg rushes tell you that 90% of the player base doesn’t give a fuck about shitty design

Because it swallows hours of my time when I only want to spend 30 minutes in it.

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>I thought Yea Forums said
Yea Forums LIED TO YOU

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Yeah no fuck the SAW

>it's doing way better than Foxhole for instance
And that's a damn shame... But it was an indy.
Awesome game

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It's hard for me to comment on the new player experience cause I don't particularly feel like rerolling. All the extra certs doesn't do anything to help new players understand the game and not rage quit when they light up a HA and get obliterated in the process. Also, the Gauss Saw might be one of the best LMG's in the game. But, it's also one of the most difficult to master. And that does not make for a good starter LMG. But, this is well-known.

PS2 is very unlike other FPS titles. The design of the bases and layout of the maps are integral to the state of the game. There are so many issues that could be alleviated by pouring resources into map design.

I like the SAW. Popping people in the head with that thing feels amazing. It's a love or hate kind of weapon though

Spawn system is still fucked
And while it may have graphics, it doesn't have players.

If you put the time into it, it's a monster. In the hands of anyone else, it's useless. Especially in the hands of people that don't understand its optimal range of engagement.

It does have players. The game is really fun. I'm enjoying it like I did years ago. Spawns will be fixed. Give it time.

There is a huge patch coming out on the 19th
I hope people will come back, at least for a while
Clans were a mistake

I gave it enough time during early beta, that time is long gone now, just like the soul it used to have.

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Nah. shotguns are bad at their job. Most of them can't OHKO, and if you don't OHKO, a SMG is going to gun you down before you get a second shot. Unless you're using the jackhammer, but he said he wasn't playing NC.

I have an auraxium medal on the jackhammer. It is by far my favorite weapon. I'm not going to say it's great, but I suck at this game and if I can be effective with it, it must be pretty effective.

As far as my comment on vehicles, there just plain isn't enough vehicle combat going on! I should be seeing huge armor columns coming from every major outpost on Indar. Shit's practically free, but everyone wants to sidegrade their gun before they upgrade a vehicle and it results in 90% of the game being infantryside. I'm guilty of it too, but now i have an almost fully certed ANT to be semi-useful with, and it's like playing two games at once.

Oh goddamnit. This might be the night I do it. But
>swore myself to vanu when I first demo'd the game at PAX
>gradually see the error of my ways and convert to TR
>on a whim, make an NC strictly to play Light Assault only and feel like I've achieved apotheosis
>quit the game while high on burgers and liberty

Every faction is so seductive to me. But even admitting that feels like I can never authentically play TR again.
How do I choose? Are Vanu still honorless heavyspamming lagswitching retards?

The SAW IS one of the best LMGs in the game. But it is a VERY BAD starter weapon because of how highly specialized and generally unwieldy it is.

Don't be melodramatic. It's a game that has changed hands and undergone some changes in design philosophy. Mistakes were made, but the future is looking bright.

Only the pumps can ohko and of course that is like rolling the dice at a casino. PS2 hasn't solved shotgun design like in other FPS games. Their design is indeed a mess. Hell, NC maxes were too strong for years. Devs had no idea how to fix them and their solution was to nerf them into the ground. I indeed think that their design and place in the battlefield needs to change. But, they still have their purpose. Pump shots are great at breaching, defending a point, and killing HA's with thousands of directive points. They offer a large amount of power for very little investment into their operation. Valuable for new players.

My first auraxium was a jackhammer , back in the days of its more powerful iteration. It's a great weapon that gives me a bit of pride for NC. It's something we have that the other factions cannot obtain. It's unique and it's powerful.

Vehicles are part of the trio that make PS2 a great game. However, most players are infantry and it should really stay that way. Fights would get very old if armor was that prevalent. There's also nothing stopping you from forming an armor column of your own. There are even squads of people that sit in armor columns, traveling throughout the continents and blowing shit up. Interfering in fights they have no business in and not aiding in any objectives. Those people are despised. I don't want to sit in my spawn anymore than I have to. Being shelled by a guaranteed armor column at every base would kill the game immediately. If only the maps were designed better to prevent this. Hmm, makes you think.

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It depends on the server. I don't have too many issues with lagswitchers on Emerald. Maybe once a session. VS are filled with old guard players who shred everyone. TR has the most notorious zerg fit and only a core of them are respected. Not to say that a lot of them don't have talent alongside tactics. NC Command is a byword for useless and its players have issues utilizing their weapons to their maximum potential. Half of them are high or otherwise mentally incapacitated.

You'll also fight against the new fourth faction, NS robots that join whomever is the most underpopulated faction. It's neat.

Do I still have to fork out emone just to get a full helmet?

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Anything cosmetic is gonna need to be purchased. However, you can be awarded cosmetics by participating an alert and winning it. There's also the occasional free code that'll getcha one.

An alert?
I don't remember those, what are they?
I just don't want to run around in a gimpsuit man

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I just gave them fucking $20 a few years ago. One camo, one helmet, one vehicle cosmetic that's all you really need to stand out.

There's a few types of alerts now. The main one is territory control. An allotment of time is given for one of the factions to control the most. Ties are resolved by who captured the last base. Or if you're VS you tend to win by default. After the timer has run out, or someone capped everything, the alert ends and the continent is locked with another being reopened. Rewards are given to each player who participated.

Air anomalies reduce pulling aircraft to free and everyone goes and fights over a black hole that has emerged. It's like a game of KOTH with air units and the hill moves every few minutes. It's a great chance to practice air combat. But, it also means that every motherfucker can just spam out ESF and rocket pod people.

There are other alerts but I don't care.

I've never thought of my character as walking around in a gimpsuit. Maybe infiltrator? And yes, all you need is a little flair to stand out. Which can be obtained for free during play.

>He doesn't love freedom

Noted Gov, will give it a look

Honestly I'm just happy to talk about ps2 here. The general doesn't exist anymore and I'm forced to go on le reddit. I miss talking about it here.

>I just gave them fucking $20 a few years ago. One camo, one helmet, one vehicle cosmetic that's all you really need to stand out.

The absolute state of Yea Forums.

>play a good & maintenance intensive game for free
>willingly part with some cash to show appreciation
>in exchange the game lets you stand out more so you can get shot faster

sounds like a good system to me

The absolute state of Yea Forums.

You guys ever played the PS4 version? I've only just started getting into it and all weapons and vehicles are free atm,Not sure why. But its pretty fun to see a swarm of mosquitos bombarding a choke point

I loved this game but stopped playing when people stopped doing big fights. It's not even that the population couldn't sustain it, people just spread out to do gay ass small squad vs squad shit.

There are plenty of big fights. Just need to be on during peak hours. If you want more big fights, work on supplying and maintaining spawns.

Big fights fucking suck
The absolute comfiest fights are 24-48, everything above is a laggy clusterfuck

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Vanu butts are for Chad NC cocks.

I hope you mean 24-48 on each side.

What's it going to have? I have 300 hours on it so I got burned out for a long while but I'm getting the urge to play it again.

Why did they have to make a BF3 clone?

This is true.


Planetside 2 is not pay to win. Fresh character can kill 5000 hour veteran just as easily as anyone else.

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Planetside 2 is pay to be a loser.


At a minimum expect to have to play for 6-8 months 2-4 hours per day to unlock most of the basic weapons and vehicles you'll need/want.

I've been playing for like 5-6 years and I still don't have everything unlocked, it's fucking ridiculous.

did DX11 improve the performance that much?

i've been in 1v1 situations against a high level character and lost only because i had started gear, i even got the first few shots.

the simple fact that you can buy weapons for real money makes it p2w.

It's the world's only pay to lose game.

the starting weapons are the best in each category

>implying this is true

no you lost because you
A. suck
B. went up against someone with better nanoweave armor than you (which you can't actually pay for) and didn't get headshots
C. got carapace'd on.

Your story is too vague to support your point, which you are wrong about anyway. Anyone can kill with anything. Your skill and knowledge of game mechanics is the great equalizer in ps2. Not a credit card. That's why it's so great.

Are esf and liberators still unkillable by anything other than other esf or libs?

Starter weapons have competitive dps.

If you can get a couple of burster maxes together you can drive off most of them but you're not going to be 1v1ing a lib in fucking anything.

I suggest solo driving/gunning a ranger harasser if air is getting you down. sends them to the shadow realm real quick none of this "deterrence" bullshit.

Oh, and repeat this for each and every character you make.

It is absolutely pay2win

>faster access to the niche weapons/equipment you need to win particular engagements
>faster nanite regen so you can spam force multipliers more often
>faster access to implants which have an enormous impact on how you play and take years to acquire if you play for free
>devs look the other way if you pay enough money and cheat

>"ahurrdurr a good player can win at a disadvantage therefore it's not pay2win"
fix your dumbfuck skull moron

And coming very soon:
>Overpowered NS weapons for the NSO faction in order to drive subscriptions

I dipped back in a few days ago after 2 years off and the netcode is even worse than I remember

Esf are fairly frail. Libs are bastards. On your own you won't be taking them out easily.

Yes, definitely p2w
nigga, do you even play the game. shut the fuck up with your bullshit. you can max out nearly anything in a few hours

>equipment you need to win particular engagements
lol how about avoid getting yourself into unfavorable engagements you brainlet
>b-but you have to breach buildings like sanic flying across the ceiling but I can't do that with my gauss saw what the fuck p2w

too bad they forgot to add gameplay with those

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>niche equipment
learn to use the equipment you have, niche shit doesn't give you a benefit it gives you a different approach to a situation
>muh nanites
if you're any decent at the game then you will literally never run out of nanites because you won't fucking die


They create such an awesome map size and force these masses of players into chokepoints, both control point layout and physical ones like small doors and shit.

The battles in between bases are amazing ,there's nothing else quite like it and the awesome moments are so much sweeter knowing it's not some scripted movie, but too many chokepoints and zerg rushing suck the fun out it.


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I'll take that as a yes. ESF and libs dominating anywhere that isn't covered still hasn't changed it seems.

Is [RO] Daddy still active?

ESFs are pretty easy to deal with. Libs take some teamwork but it isn't as bad as it was.

Only the orion is the best in its category

They do, but different weapons fit different niches. If you try and fight someone with a bishop at 50m while you've got an orion you're going to get fucking wrecked.

You know what a new player doesn't have? All those other weapons that let him specialize for the situation.

>sunderer getting wailed on by a lightning
>vet swaps to his AV loadout light assault with rocklets and c4
>newbie doesn't have anything unlocked for his light assault yet, so he tries to use the basic bitch dumbfire rocket launcher that takes 6+ hits to kill the lightning - if he can even live that long, which lets be honest he's dead in about 10 seconds if the lightning player is anything besides a drooling fucking retard

The worst for new players to deal with is probably air.
Protip if you do play: If you get rekt by a fighterplane more than once or twice in a fight, just go somewhere else. The only thing that's good at killing fighterplanes is another fighterplane, and the jackass shooting you with a flying minigun will absolutely rekt you 99/99 times. Even the best players in the game fuck off somewhere else when a good air player shows up.

>5 gb left on the ol' SSD
shit Yea Forums how do I clear this thing out for planetside

Playing TR and larping as the Holy Empire of Terra is the real shit, a lot of crossover with Warhammer fans

Can you give some exampes of this niche equipment because unless you're talking about the extreme situational use of a lasher or something I don't know what you're getting at.

>post ass
>Planetside thread all of a sudden gets more that 100 replies
Imagine thinking with your dick.

Not seen him in a long time but I've also been quite inactive.

He quit like 4 years ago. NC and VS Miller are no longer being farmed by the daddy of farms.

Use a hammer.

you’re not wrong about weapons.

but the difference in time to kill is literally milliseconds for infantry weapons. I guess we can agree on vehicle and AV tools

Buy another SSD. They are cheap these days.


dx11 update means people can play it at reasonable framerates now, even on their craptops and toasters

and it's free so there's no loss from playing it, and it's also unique - there's no other game in the market that matches it in its niche

For years daybreak has been told they need to fix performance, and when they finally do - not because they wanted to fix planetside, but because it was a bonus side effect from trying to kill planetside with their 'metoo' battle royal game, wonder of wonders people actually stick around and play it more

Couple important points that happened with the dx11 update:

1. Recursion tracker stopped working, and this includes the hacked version cheaters have been using. There's been a mostly level playing field with easily 1/10th the number of cheaters as usual, proving that cheaters have been strangling this game to death from the start (not that they care, these people all profess their hatred of the game and the developer anyways)
2. Everyone's performance is better so they're not getting rekt because the guy shooting them has 100fps while they're trying to play at 20fps.

>The worst for new players to deal with is probably air.
aren't the anti-air rocket launchers like 600 certs?
you get something like 1200 when you make a new character and level it to BR10

I went from ~120fps to 200+ fps

The worst bases are on amerish, and the best bases are on hossin

indar and esamir are a mix of really gay bases and really good bases, they're popular mostly because they're flat and featureless and that's great for vehicles and 99% of the playerbase loves vehicles.

Have 4k hours into it and haven't played for 3 years, i've never been burnt out by a game this much.

Indar and Esamir are literally THE vehicle maps. You even get nanite discounts there. They fully expect you to just chain pull MBTs.

NC has the best infantry weapons, but they require time and effort to learn how to use properly. The NC default LMG for example is probably the best LMG in the game if you know what the fuck you're doing with it, but like 1% of the players use it properly and statistically players average worse with it than the other starter LMG's

Most of NC's weapons are like this - really good if you know how to make the most of high accuracy, high burst alpha damage, but low sustained damage/accuracy. Unfortunately all the tards think a gun with 100 bullets means you hold the trigger and spray.

My suffering is at an end once more. Time to go back to deleting people with the rolling scatmax.

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o boy hahahaha

Don't forget - the devs are so incompetent that fire rate was tied to fps so prior to dx11 TR was objectively gimped comparatively to other factions.
Overall yeah, NC has it the best.
>he doesn't know

NC Rebel is an underboss with better accuracy and more ammo

The rolling scatmax remains untouched.
>implying I don't know all there is to know about this garbage game

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The game had godtier potential. Some of my fondest shooter memories are moments where i charged a base in Planetside 2 with a team of 100+ people in tanks while anothger 100+ people rained rockets down on us from the base. Also solo-stealth capturing a point or destroying a spawn vehicle with a mine to turn the tide of war singlehandedly was fun as fuck. Too bad they were shit at making a sustainable F2P model

it doesnt matter tho how great starter weapons are. People want new and shiny guns when they are playing a shooter. The grind was the single thing that killed PS2

> Instead of the LMG heavy lighting you up across a field, you want to get close to him and kill him asap. Which alters your style of play.

This is true
But it's also true that a heavy with an LMG can headshot you with virtually the same TTK at 10m as you have with a shotgun at 10m

But he's also able to do that out to 50m while your cuckshot can't

The biggest problem with shotguns is that their short-range niche is outdone by virtually every other weapon in the game. So yes, you have that instant kill potential, but it's unreliable and you'll kill more people and faster with a better KDR using an SMG than you will a shotgun.

Saw's optimal range of engagement is from 0m to infinitym

The issue is just people's aim and inability to temper their rate of fire

reddit is the worst place imaginable to talk about anything

I fucking hate that place

Should I drop money on membership or can a non-paying player actually make it?

Attached: 1559238658294.gif (500x500, 994K)

I use reddit frequently and it doesn't feel like having a conversation. It feels more like leaving graffiti on someone's house.

The absolute state of Yea Forums.

Stop buying into shit like this. Jesus.

This character has never spent a dime.

(not me)

If you are capable of basic FPS ability you will be fine with default gear. In fact, default gear is typically best in slot for infantry

last i played it there was no v-sync and extreme frame tearing

Unless you count the aimbot he bought.

Yes non-paying members can make it, but you are at a slight advantage if you pay money, particularly for ASP and implants, and for xp boosts to unlock important vehicles/weapons faster

implants are the thing that makes the biggest difference but you won't know which implants are even good until you've played for like 4 months

how do i use the gauss saw without being a retard

How p2w is planetside? Can a freebie get in and actually have fun, or is all the good shit behind a paywall?

>2.4 KDR with Butcher
Aim better.

>he can kill me so he must be aimbotting :^(
git gud.


not only does the nigga stream but I win about half of my fights against him when we're on opposing factions.

you turboshitters who play at 0.003 cm/360 sensitivity on all ultra so you've got 20 FPS who have got the FPS ability of a snail disgust me. Why don't you link your character page so I can laugh at you?

>it's actually KPM
Shit I am retarded, got too used to fisu layout. Still, 3.5 KDR is not that much.

I've seen cheaters with worse

just because you cheat doesn't mean you can't have shitty stats, literally apply a modicum of brainpower you tard

The issue is not p2w, it's that you will literally be food for players with 5000+ hours who view newbies as playtoys.

>"HUAHUAHUAHUA! The game has ass! Bro the game has ASSSSSS!!! It's a 10/10 goty you GOTTA try it bro! Look at that ASS dude!"

>he streams therefore he can't be a cheater

What the fuck is it with you people and the shittiest lines of logical reasoning imaginable

Like hold up I don't even give a fuck about this guy or whehterh he cheats or whatever the fuck but your excuses and reasoning is fucking retarded

Then what stops you from killing him if he is bad even with cheats? You are a shitter user, aim better, preferably for the head.

Man it's been a WHILE since I've seen the happynegro meme getting used for anything.


honestly their early alpha looked better than what they ended up with. Retained more of the planetside 1 soul, where weapons and vehicles functioned exactly like the predecessor and even the bases didn't look fucking retarded.

They went from what was the right way to do shit and said, "fuck that lets just make a shitty battlefield/call of duty." Since then it has been nothing but a downward spiral with shit customization like custom rims, hood ornaments, horns, and neon lights. Like it would be fine if that shit can be turned off.

I'll give it a try later snce I've heard the DX11 update makes it a lot more bearable to run

It was like a 40% fps gain for me

why do cheaters always get so sensitive when they get caught?

>n-no I am not bad, you are cheating
What a faggot. Why is it so hard for some people to comprehend that they are bad at videogames? I made peace with it 3 years ago when I quit trying to be competitive.

This game is ass and every update is some cashshop related gimmick or a base redesign no one asked for.
T. 2 year TR vet with 2/3 of total kills being NC

It's a shit game

Because of the following:
>98% of weapons are ass and absolutely fucking ugly, shooting feels shitty too
>same with most of the vehicle designs
>there is no weight to any animation, movement feels shit too
>buildings/bases are fucking retard and boring too, everything is too static, BF:BC2 came out two years prior and feels much better to play(like vehicle movement/control etc)
>massive grind to unlock stuff, feels bare bones without them

also without cosmetics the characters mostly look ass too(although this is not really a major point because you can't see yourself and why would you waste your time looking at others that closely)

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Yea Forums is so tsundere for it.

I kept getting gud and now beat the cheaters half the time

especially lately
did something happen to cheats lately? I haven't played for like 6 months and now I come back to this dx11 update and it feels like half the cheaters evaporated

Because dx11 update obviously broke cheats. Recursion doesn't work either anymore.

Can you name even a single reason why the Sovereignty isn't superior over the other two corrupt shit shows of a faction?

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That's great news, maybe I'll try the game again. DX11 is better performance I hope?

because recursion is literally how half the cheaters are cheating

did you think it was a fucking meme?

there's two versions of recursion out there, and the cheaters kick up a fuss whenever the cheat version gets correctly detected by battleeye like happens every so often before it's put back on the whitelist manually by daybreak (the fucking tards)

a PC capable of running that shit at stable FPS, even on low settings, would cost like $2000. And if you don't have high, stable FPS, your weapons literally fire slower and shit. It's P2W gated behind having a supercomputer.

For me there is no difference. Old ultra and new ultra - still 40 fps in big fights. Most people are happy, I am indifferent since I quit 2 years ago and only came back for a day to see what the fuss is about.

>2 year TR vet
>2/3 of total kills being NC
How is that supposed to be impressive?

Made for Big Terran Cock

Terrans to busy getting fucked by Big Brother

I ran this shit on a laptop at constant 60 on release, this is an outright lie. It dipped down to 30-40 in the xbox huge fights. I play 144fps now and I haven't updated my rig in years outside swapping my broken 980 to a 1070.
The game didn't run that bad for me because I'm autistic about tweaking settings, but any performance increase for the huge fights would've been welcome.

>t brainwashed by ayy lmaos/corporate media

>2/3 of total kills being NC

just like a TR to gang up on the weak faction.

Be like NC. One third of my kills is on each faction, because I play fair.

>Be like NC. One third of my kills is on each faction, because I play fair

I dont think you are supposed to kill as many teammates as other factions.

Virts an example of the only true pay to win in planetside 2. his rig runs the game at crazy good fps even while streaming. Also he's pretty dang good at the videogame.

>Most replies in a planetside 2 thread in years
>OP is a fat ass
Oh Yea Forums, never change

Who doesn't like butts?

Because werl is a fat fucking retard and singlehandedly ruined game balance with his shit changes

anyone who isn't a nigger

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Hard to "ruin" a game that was already ruined by the shitty launch. The game launched in basically a beta, performance was shit, people were getting shat on by lolpods everywhere and all the hype new players had vanished very quickly. Fuck SoE

Well then slap some chicken in the deep frier and get me some purple drank, cause I'm the niggest.

I’m whiter than you and I like butts

Name a more based community manager
I'll wait

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>237 replies
>92 unique posters

>Planetside 2 x titanfall 2
It's a match made in heaven, but it will never come to be.
Ape shit legend is respawns biggest mistake.
I can't say for certain yet, but i think the same applies to that planetside arena or w/e that's coming out.

That's a lot! In the general we had like maybe 50 posters at best.

There are approximately another 12000 people who don't use Steam to play PS2.

maybe when they fix those fucking ridiculous 5 minute load times I would play their shitty game again

Just played some on Cobalt.
Hossin is still garbage with shit performance.

Last I played, the demographics were still the same, except Connery now has a fuck ton of chinks due to the chinaman server closing. NC, my main faction, is still piloted by grugs who are bad at communicating during alerts, and are better at team killing each other rather than the enemy.

>you are only supposed to post once in a thread
high quality comment

For pump actions, aim for the chest and tiddies, and make sure all the pellets hit.

>how do discussions work
hurr durr


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What is this, a Planetside 2 resurgence?

Holy shit I never thought I'd see the day

I might just reinstall, I stopped playing after they changed Terran base to the desert shithole that was former NC base on Auraxis

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(You) are welcome for the (You)

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the game has become substantially more fun with the dx11 update breaking 99% of the cheats being used