Why does Yea Forums hate based Yong?

Why does Yea Forums hate based Yong?

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He only talks about three things and his news is just reading tweets or another person's article

Not vidya.

I don't hate him, i'd pay good money for his likeness on a speed ball.

dollar store kojima whose ""job"" is reading news articles in a monotone voice

Check after ban

He blew the fuck out of Jason Schreier.

He just reads whatever the latest big news in videogames is that everybody already knows in the most boring way possible. At least Jim Sterling acts like an asshole to liven things up as he reads headlines

Because Yea Forums loves the vgi big corporation dick

Annoying forced accent

Covers only the same 3 or 4 topics:

loot boxes
greedy publishers/ fuck konami
Kojima shilling

Success breeds jealousy

ugly small dicked chink, who sounds autistic, and can't voice act.


Didn't this retard move to California under the assumption he'd "make it" in the VA industry? Sad!

If you care how about his looks and the size of his dick, you just might be a giant faggot, user.

It's just him reading shit from a screen or papers. His voice is dull and monotone and his content is not interesting.

Because he keeps appearing in my recommendations when I don't want to listen to him. If I have to listen to news I will just hop on new Bellular videos.


>YongYea can't voice act
I was so fucking surprised when I saw this shit because he's actually pretty fucking good.

>and now, a toast to gamers...

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>makes 20minute video about a single paragraphs worth of news

This is my biggest complaint about him as well. You can skip the first amd last 5 mins of the video and not miss anything

The way he speaks makes me fucking mad.

He's so one note

he'd look better if he cut his hair to this length and shaved his 'beard'.

Was that video supposed to prove a point? Bunch of literal who/what games and the dude sounds the same in everyone. I hate this chink fuck.

So stop watching his videos you fucking tard.

>muh loot boxes
>muh fallout 76 autistic bag is shitty
>muh kojima is a genius

man child

I'm just subscribed to him because I'm too lazy to go on reddit to check out all the latest gaming drama. All he does is just read off reddit posts and tweets with almost zero charisma or personality so I get why people would dislike him.


This is the funniest defense I see for media.

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He overblows his viewtime by including an annoying as shit recap segment that drags on forever. Also he is ugly as hell

Thats what actually makes him appealing to me
Fucking hate all these youtubers that put shitty jokes in their vids what if i legit just wanna hear the news and thats it? Like fuck jim sterling man iam not gonna torture myself with this

I just read the title in his video or thumbnail and check Yea Forums to see if someone brought it up. If not, then it's not important

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I don't hate him, just kinda disillusioned, if that's even the correct word. I thought, when I first watched his videos, that he's trying to give the latest news/rumor about MGSV and that he tries to be as objective as he can, given that he's obviously a Kojima fanboy. This attempt at objectivity (or what I thought as this) is what made me subscribe to him. Then I watched his newest videos, and it's glaringly obvious that he's become too opinionated in his content that it's become annoying. The catalyst of me unsubbing him, one of the MGSurvive videos, is just him ranting for about 75% of the duration of the video.

That said, he's an okay youtuber if you see his videos as 'a player who has opinion about something' than 'a place where I can get the latest news about video game'.



he's based because he verges Yea Forums

So why wouldn't you just read it? He usually doesn't cover it before it's been out. This logic doesn't even make sense based off of your reply

Around the time he declared that he was going to do VA work and move to California, what an absolute tool.

>90% of video is reiterating previous video about his opinions about the subject matter
>5% of video is about the new thing happening
>5% of video is his new opinions on the new thing
>repeat ad infinintum
YOOOONG OUT, unsubscribed.

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>moved to Cali
Ohnononononooooo, what will his tranny name be in a few years?

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he's pretty obnoxious but his videos make for some good background noise while I'm squeezing out a turd first thing in the morning


you forgot KOJIMA IS GOD

Gives off the air of cockiness.

I hate cockiness!

Envy because they didnt think they could make bank by reading online articles on youtube and having a patreon.

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just another shill.

His vids are good to throw in the background while playing a game or working, that's probably why Yea Forums hates him.

his not bad but his nothing special.

>YongYea is actually videogames now
You idiots can't post "not vidya" anymore.

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Because he provides a nice summary, and no, he doesn't just read one article but you go ahead and keep exaggerating pal.

He reminds them of themselves too much

He literally just makes videos about dumb drama shit if there isn't a recent Kojima game. All I can say is that he understood the gameplay implications of the various Death Stranding trailers better than anyone else

Lets me just stick it on a second monitor/background and continue whatever i'm doing