The Unreal 4 remake of GoldenEye is progressing nicely. The developers have implemented a version of GoldenEye's revolutionary AI hearing system.
The Unreal 4 remake of GoldenEye is progressing nicely...
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Is this a joke?
>still one hand on guns
fuck off, it was a limitation, let it go and model the hands
No. It's an Unreal 4 remake of GoldenEye aiming for a 2022 release date, led by a former member of the GoldenEye: Source team.
>pls be announced at e3
fuck off
They might eventually offer a choice between holding the guns or having the guns float GE/TS2 style.
no u
looks comfy
Eww. If it ain't broke don't fix it.
>Eww. If it ain't broke don't fix it.
What did he mean by this?
Brosnan's Bond will always be my favorite Bond.
>he thinks THATS impressive
uhm, lol,
Why would you remake a garbage game that only go praise for doing something new on consoles while it was a MASSIVE leap back compared to PC shooters at the time?
What a waste of time.
>constant 360 degree aim good! i like aiming up and down!
retarded zoomrr
You do realise that GoldenEye was a huge leap forward for the FPS genre, propelling it past mindless violence into a sophisticated spy subgenre with pioneering stealth elements, right?
Goldeneye Source looks better
GoldenEye Source was finished. This is still in early development. They don't even have proper character models yet.
GoldenEye 64 is still better and more fun than most old PC shooters though.
Was this dumped or is some fag keeping this to himself? How did he get that footage?
Someone had access to a built. Rare/MS dealt with them.
>sophisticated spy subgenre
>entire game is literally MUH SHOOT ENEMY still
Shooting enemies in GE is entirely secondary to objective completion. You shoot enemies to accomplish that goal. It isn't the goal in and of itself.
pc shooters:
>have to shoot enemies to progress
>best level
>have to shoot enemies to progress
>press activate on objective
>best level
atounding spy gameplay
GoldenEye invented conventions such as:
Headshots are one hit kill.
Firing a gun has a loudness value that increases with sequential shots.
Hitting enemies from behind with a melee attack if they're unaware instantly knocks them out.
Security cameras that sound alarms if they spot the player.
Alarm buttons that enemies run to activate.
Thief was heavily, heavily influenced by GoldenEye. So was Deus Ex.
>enemies die by kill gun
>enemies *BRRAAAAP*
>The Unreal 4 remake of _____ is progressing nicely.
no its not. none of them are actually real things. go away.
lmao 20+ years later and PCfags are still ASSHURT about Goldeneye
>while it was a MASSIVE leap back
This is blatantly false and shows you're underage
user, are there any games like golden eye on PC that are fun? Something recent.
Goldeneye is great
t. PCfag
He means that it looks gross.
>none of them are actually real things.
Except this is very much a real thing, and the lead dev worked on the multiplayer remake of GoldenEye, which is also very much a real thing that has been around for years.
There hasn't really been a first person spy game in the same vein for a decade or so, unfortunately.
That sucks, thanks. I sadly don't like third person.
soul vs soulless
The stairs are different
>The stairs are different
That's because they're a work in progress. IIRC, that screenshot is from like a year ago, when the levels were still being drafted. The stairs are clearly unfinished since they're lacking support structures. More recent screenshots reflect increasingly sophisticated level design. The lead designer for the project makes and sells 3D models for a living.
Kek. The top one looks better, the polycount is low on those tanks though.
Well at least that guy is asshurt, you on the other hand are aight bro.
unironically if they had modeled two hands it would only lead to more SOULESS SOUL memeing
I played a lot of Golden Eye as a kid and I think that it stinks. I have no desire to revisit it.
>I played a lot of Golden Eye as a kid and I think that it stinks.
Methinks you were too young to appreciate the finer points of its design.
>fan remake
Not for long
His last GoldenEye remake which released 9 years ago is going to be taken down aaaaaaaany day now.
for its time dude
game is absolute trash only played by mentally ill speedrunners now
yes, I already work for nintendo.
Absolutely fucking based.
You know how some people pretend Crysis 1 is better than Crysis 2? GoldenEye has a similar relationship with Perfect Dark, the greatest FPS game of all time.
>GoldenEye was a huge leap forward for the FPS genre
>an FPS played on the fucking gamepad
>a huge leap forward for the FPS genre
>when it came out a fucking YEAR after the first QUAKE of all things
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, consolefaggots, am I right
crysis 1 is a modern shooter and still holds up to today's standards of gameplay
goldeneye really doesn't stand close to anything like crysis much less other shooters released during it's time like half life and quake
Quake is basically the opposite of a thinking man's FPS game.
It's pointless because it's not going to have the feel. people don't consciously register why goldenye feels satisfying, but it's because of per-polygon hit detection and good motion captured reactions, neither of which will be able to be implemented here
>crysis 1 is a modern shooter and still holds up to today's standards of gameplay
That's missing the point. GoldenEye was outclassed by Perfect Dark, much like Crysis 1 was outclassed by Crysis 2. But there's a nostalgic contingent who prefer the vibe GoldenEye has, despite its flaws.
>goldeneye really doesn't stand close to anything like crysis much less other shooters released during it's time like half life and quake
What does that even mean?
I don't know what you think a "thinking man's FPS game" is, but it sure as shit isn't something that you have to control with the Nintendo 64 pad. We're in the 21st century, people have started using these things called "mice" (plural from "mouse) and "keyboards". I recommend checking them out, the PC has had plenty of goat first person shooters thanks to the adoption of these revolutionary new input systems.
goldeneye sucks lol
>It's pointless because it's not going to have the feel. people don't consciously register why goldenye feels satisfying, but it's because of per-polygon hit detection and good motion captured reactions, neither of which will be able to be implemented here
What makes you think those things won't be implemented here? They're even implementing small details like how the gun leads the camera slightly when you turn. It's not going to be exactly like GoldenEye. It's going to be more of a hybrid of GoldenEye, Perfect Dark, and PC-oriented FPS titles since this is first and foremost a PC game.
This looks awful. Maybe it doesn't help the guy playing it seems like he's using a N64 controller.
Literally the emulator with the mouselook patch is better than this gameplay.
name a remaster that delivered on a 1:1 experience much less improved upon the graphics alone without sacrificing the "soul" of the original
you have a lot of faith in this shit industry who prey upon nostalgic retards like you with half baked products known as remasters
>I don't know what you think a "thinking man's FPS game" is
Slower paced FPS games with complex level design, stealth mechanics, and a focus on slower paced gameplay where you were playing a spy or a government agent instead of some roided up mass murderer. Thief was influenced by GoldenEye. Deus Ex was influenced by GoldenEye. What these games have in common is that much like in the film GoldenEye, the shooting isn't really the point. It's about being a spy. Taking out cameras, stopping that guy from raising the alarm. Gathering evidence. Making your escape. You kill, but you kill with a purpose. At its heart, it's the difference between Splinter Cell and Uncharted. Now GoldenEye because of its rail shooter origins does feature a fair bit of shooting, but it also encourages players to avoid shooting. If you don't raise the alarm, the guards don't come. You're not playing this game to shoot enemies. This isn't Doom. You shoot enemies because they are trying to stop you.
Later games such as Rainbow 6 tread loosely similar territory. The N64 had a very good port of Rainbow 6, incidentally.
>Thief was influenced by GoldenEye. Deus Ex was influenced by GoldenEye.
I don't even have an image for this. I'm just going to laugh at you.
You're literally commenting on a video of Rareware's 2008 remaster of GoldenEye codenamed Project Bean. It was canned because reasons. Possibly Nintendo's fault. Nobody is entirely sure.
>What makes you think those things won't be implemented here?
i can tell
>I don't even have an image for this.
Looking Glass were huge GoldenEye fans. Cited it as being their favorite game during the development of Thief, and it's the reason why Thief has difficulty settings with increased objective complexity. There's a reason System Shock 2 has GoldenEye-style weapon reload animations.
You must understand that GoldenEye basically invented modern videogame stealth. Its implementation had flaws, but at its heart GoldenEye is the reason you can sneak up behind an enemy in Thief and knock them out with a blackjack. This is a blatant mechanical left from the incredibly iconic slap in GoldenEye. In Facility, you exist the bathroom, go left, through the door, down the stairs, and through another door. There's an alcove to your left. You walk towards it, and there's a guard standing there with his back to you. You put away your gun, step up behind him, and karate chop him from behind. He drops unconscious, dropping a keycard as he does. This small vignette basically defines the modern stealth game. You step down the hall, and use your silenced pistol to take out patrolling guards with headshots. The silenced weapon doesn't attract attention, but if you fire it in rapid sequence guards will come to investigate the noise. Again, games like Metal Gear Solid V shamelessly rip this mechanic off.
You think it's some coincidence that Deus Ex (which specifically mentioned GoldenEye in its design document) has alarm buttons on the wall that the AI runs to push when they're alerted to the player's presence? You think it's a coincidence cameras play such a huge role in Deus Ex? You think it's a coincidence that sneaking up behind enemies and knocking them out with melee attacks is a core mechanic? Don't be delusional.
You can tell. Based on... what exactly? This game is 3 years from release.
ue4 and unity games look so fucking bad
Which engine would you suggest they use?
i suggest they dont remake it at all
That's not a particularly helpful suggestion.
>name a remaster that delivered on a 1:1 experience much less improved upon the graphics alone without sacrificing the "soul" of the original
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered.
then i suggest they make the game not look like a 2008 xbox indie title
Again, you do realise this game is 3 years away from release.
Bottom looks like shit
you idiot. you fool. what you see is what you will get. this either releases within a year looking like this or it will never release
It's scheduled for release in 2022 for the 25th anniversary of GoldenEye.
Reminder that David Doak loves this project.
its dead in 3 months
The project has been around for almost 2 years at this point. What makes you think it'll be dead in 3 months?
The problem is that picking up gamedev to make a remake of a whole game is the wrong way to start gamedeving.
>it will take you ages to make
>you'll get dmcad on
>if you don't, you can't make money off of it anyway
>the appeal of the original will not exist anymore
>you'll use a ton of unoptimized assets you got off of some store
>will run like shit
>will have a ton of motion blur because you are a moron
>you'll learn less that if you go and make your own game
The Metroid 2 remake went good, took 10 years to make tho
The System Shock remake looks good, it's being made by a competent team tho
Nobody's entirely sure. Some mixture of Rare, Nintendo, and Danjaq.
NOLF1 and 2 are the closest
and then monolith kept making those dumb F.E.AR. games and went bankrupt
I feel like people don't understand the scope of a project like this. The lead designer makes 3D models. Most of what you see is created from scratch or using professional model creation tools. This isn't some asset flip affair.
Why do big companies have to be so mean to each other :(
>and then monolith kept making those dumb F.E.AR. games and went bankrupt
No they didn't.
Rareware really should hire this man.
bullshit on n64 and no 1080p
its fucking horrid
but with keyboard and mouse and widesceen
its like it was meant to be played this way
>those guns
wtf am i watching
>GoldenEye invented conventions such as:
All those things were invented by real life you stupid fucking faggot
>ugly good
>pretty bad
fuck off you double nigger
I'm sorry, but punching people from behind doesn't magically make them unconscious. Shooting people in the head doesn't automatically kill them. A helmet doesn't automatically prevent you dying if you get shot in the head. GoldenEye defined a balance between realism and internal logic.
>play GoldenEye on an emulator with mouselook patch
Wow, such a leap back.
black mesa
That usually means it's going to be some janky unfinished "fuck it, I need an actual job" game.
No stupid, they got completely bought out by WB to make games based on their properties like Lord of the rings.
ios this dark souls 2
What the FUCK did he mean by this?
homeworld, even with the change to weapon hit calculations
it looks shit