Can Sonic ever be saved in a post furry world? Or should the series be buried for good?

Can Sonic ever be saved in a post furry world? Or should the series be buried for good?

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it was never able to be saved, but the series will never die no matter how hard anyone tries

There's literally nothing wrong with being sexually attracted to Tails.

Cartoon animals are always good.

Sonic was never good and should've died years ago

>Hurr durr furries
We've reached a point were assholes bitching about furries are more annoying than the furries themselves. Nobody was saying anything till you brought it up like a retard. This is why we can't get past shit. The internet will pervert everything, we can get passed it super easy if you'd just shut the fuck up.

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Drop 2d sonic games since they have never been good and remake Sonic Adventure 1 and 2

>We've reached a point were assholes bitching about furries are more annoying than the furries themselves
We really haven't.

t. sexual degenerate furfag

I haven't even seen more than a handful of blatantly furry threads here in the past couple years. They actually left, or at least they stay quiet until people start bitching about them at which point they crawl out of the woodworks to derail the thread for (you)s.

do people actually find sonic sexy

>the internet will pervert anything, we can get passed it super easy

Not when the fucking games themselves are doing it. I can't even look up a Sonic game without seeing some weird ass fetish art, OC's, Furries, or a combination of all three.

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Morning Star will save the series. Just wait for E3.

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At this point Sonic franchise is literally immortal, killing it would be the closest thing to salvation

Sonic mania was the best game in the franchise. 3d sonic is just straight up worse than 2d sonic so why even focus on it?

>post furry world
I think you mean post-autsim world. at this point furries are doing Sonic a favor

Sega should have changed mascots when they went to 3D and continued Sonic's franchise as 2D sprite-based games released once a generation

It could be good if they actually tried. Utopia was a good tech demo of the kind of gameplay that would work.

>Fag the cocksucker being playable

You’re the animal city fag from the leak thread

>Autographing digital graphics

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Honestly, it will die, aside from shit fetishized nonsense 40 years from now.

I just got sonic mania for free on ps4 and it reminded me why 2d sonic was terrible.
>game's protagonist is all about speed
>game punishes for going to fast unless you learn the whole stage so you don't run into a trap
The smartest way to play it is moving Mario speed so I might as well play a good Mario game instead

3D sells. Mania honestly didn’t greatly outsell 3D Sonic games.

If Sonic Mania sequel isn't called Sonic Mania: ACT 2

they've blew it

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t. Amytranny

holy fuck I want some neat SONIC MANIA: ACT 2 photoshop edit now. any anons talented enough?

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>no SEGASONIC Chaotix Mania

Bury this shit, please.

I have this, but I do like ACT 2. very cool.

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Mario is all about jumping up so it's stupid that the game punishes you for trying to constantly jump.

Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 are the things that killed Sonic.

The series should've never been anything more than Sonic, Tails, and SOMETIMES Knuckles stopping Robotnik from destroying their home.

Instead, they try to make over the top plotlines, weird love interests, edgyness, and oversexualised anthropomorphic animals.

There's a reason Mario survived and Sonic didn't. It never tried to reinvent itself. The Sonic series is passed the point of no return.

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Looks like a Rayman logo.

I dont know anything about furries, but making good games would save the franchise

>There's a reason Mario survived and Sonic didn't. It never tried to reinvent itself.
Mario was constantly reinventing itself and experimenting up until the DS.

Sega is actually a very talented company. So is Nintendo.

Their mind-plague is that they don’t let American devs handle their media. They were only wrong about that until about seven years ago.

I wouldn’t trust an American dev house to walk a squirrel now.

>hey guys why isn’t your pet cat trans?

for some odd reason one part of the fanbase got hooked on """story"""" in a video game about a blue hedgehog who runs at the speed of sound with a two tails flying fox, just the way it is.

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I know it could be if they try but thats the problem. Even if they make a great 3d sonic, can it even be better than 2d sonic? 2d sonic just has so much more structure than 3d. Maybe if they made a sonic game thats like odyssey where 3d sonic actually has some fucking room to run other than straight ahead

You're wrong.
Fuck off and die.


>he doesn't try to beat a mario game with the least amount of jump presses
t.J "Henry" Yoshi

It's when you see images like this and realize just how simple it is, to just follow the basic rule of Sonic. Just make it about him and his world, and don't TRY to be anything else. It's so fucking obvious.

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Mario 64 WAS a reinvention of Mario. And then Galaxy was another reinvention, a complete garbage one.

He's right, you know. Adventure is what brought in the autism.

They both survived. However, Mario thrived. Sonic sort of just got dragged along to laugh at and now the movie etc. Just the cursed franchise.

Evening Star*

Fang is the most wanted character.

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First of all nothing killed sonic. Second, characters are the least of 3 sonics problems. 3d sonic is just held back by horrible focus. Its a 3d game where you basically just go in a single direction the entire game, its fucking retarded

That's not what I meant. I meant Nintendo didn't give Mario a Mohawk and made him ride a skateboard to fight a god of death, and didn't give awkward sexual tension between him and Birdo.

I really hope this isn't serious

Just hope evening star announce something soon.

They're all at E3.

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You think pre-release hype threads are going to come back?

SEGA doesn’t announce Sonic games at E3, nor has the Sonic PR guy hyped up E3 at all.

>Its a 3d game where you basically just go in a single direction the entire game, its fucking retarded
That describes Crash as well, and while I always hated that series, it's still pretty popular and well regarded to this day.

Would Mickey Mouse survive a post furry world? Would Bugs Bunny?
Animal characters have existed before furries and will continue to exist long after

If it's announced, yes, however they'll be tainted a little this time. Won't be the same as original hype threads. One side of the fanbase won't allow us to be happy and just enjoy it because we're getting "our way" again


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Could you at least prove that please?
Not really looking for era wars or any of that, I've just grown tired of people claiming Mania sold poorly but then never actually proving it. And no, trophy leaks aren't gonna tell us the whole story either.

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half of crashs levels are 2d though. even they recognized that it couldn't all be 3d. plus it's regarded well but still considered old school and not brought up to the standards that a new game would have to hit

I really don't see what the big deal is anyway, it's just a sonic game that looks exciting. Is it not being green eyes such a big fucking deal?
Reminds me of some of the stupid things I see on twitter from time to time.

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His world

Ive always disliked crash for the same reason as well, but i will say at least crash has more of a focus on difficult platforming

kill all furfags and gays

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What crippled Sonic wasn't the introduction of narrative but the fact that platforming requires tight controls and a reliable camera to allow the player to navigate. But by being a series about speed the transition to 3D caused camera issues and the controls became less refined making the gameplay experience feel more sloppy.
If anything its the introduction of narrative is what created the autism that kept the series alive for as long as it has.

But Mario has been very successful as a 3D platformer (even with the shitty camera). The other user was right, Mario didn’t reinvent itself, it just entered the new age. Sonic tried to be something it’s not, and the majority of fans didn’t want that. If they did, they’d have played Mario.

To think, anthropomorphic characters were viewed innocently, for decades, until furries came onto the scene. You simply cannot create such a character anymore without thousands of degenerates drawing art of them being sexually active in the most revolting of ways.

to be fair there's a lot more you can do with mario's shtick, jumping. than sonics, speed.

Wack. Million dollar companies shouldn't be cashing in on the pixel art meme. It's lazy.

I sort of disagree, but wouldn’t want to argue the point. Perhaps it’s true that it takes less creativity on the developers’ part to make [jumping all the fucking time] fun and engaging. Either way, adding characters like Shadow and giving him guns probably wasn’t a good idea.

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Mania didn’t sell poorly, but I’m a bit disappointed if a million is its only milestone where Colors sold 2 million and Generations sold just under that as well.

I dunno, 2.5D sounds lazier

I just want a good modern game but boostshit seems beyond salvation


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To be honest, it was probably a huge milestone to Sega because they weren't expecting Mania to do that well before releasing it. That's why they waited for a physical release and I can see why. After Sonic 4 they probably were worried it wouldn't do well, So even a million last year was probably a surprise to them, but that further shows out of touch they are. Not knowing good gameplay and actual physics is something Mania had that 4 lacked. I have a feeling those numbers gotta be far better after Plus.

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Are you talking about the games or furries?

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Mania was good, Forces was "Meh" at worst and Team Sonic Racing is pretty enjoyable.
I would say the franchise is currently in not too bad of shape.

To a normal fan that's how it is, but unfortunately erafags will see it as worse. Getting mad because Classic is currently getting the best track record compared to everything else.

hahahaha holy shit you're a meme

Yes, as soon as the franchise is taken away from current Sonic Team. When fans are making better 2D & 3D games in their spare time than paid professionals, it's time to stop and clean house.

Adventure 1 and 2 bad tight as fuck controls and the camera wa not an issue during the Sonic sections. Camera was panned back far enough and all the camera angles were perfect. There was hardly a time where you needed to fight it. It was the other characters that had issues such as Knuckles/Rouge sections, or E-102/Mech sections. If you're telling me that Sonic Adventure did not have right as fuck controls, you need to fuck off. I never played another platformer where I felt confident running across a thin ledge at max speed like I had with SA2. That shit was tight.

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>Post Furry world
You poor soul. A Pre-furry world never existed.

>tight as fuck controls
>Camera wasnt an issue

Yep, this is the post right here, this is the one that made me realize everyone in this thread is fucking delusional or purposefully lying.
I can play Adventure 1 right now and see that what you said is an outright lie, you goddamn faggot

It's amazing how they managed to make the controls less refined with each entry. Sonic Forces feels nothing like Generations. Generations has better controls than Colors, but Colors feels like a fucking sack of bricks so that's not an accomplishment. Especially those dreadful jump controls. Generations was still a step down from Unleashed. Unleashed was pretty good and an improvement over 06. 06 was a nose dive compared to Shadow and Heroes, but Heroes was like playing SA1 and SA2 on a permanent ice level. The biggest travesty was Lost World. They gave Sonic an awkward gear shift system with the excuse that it would help tighten up Sonic's controls, but that shit still sucked and still wasn't anywhere as good as SA2.

The only thing they needed to do was give SA2 controls proper rolling physics and you would have the absolute best controlling 3D Sonic game.

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Glad to see you're retarded user.

No offense, user. But I enjoy the Adventure games too but I can't even pretend to call them flawless.

Where did I say the game was flawless you inbred retard? The one thing the game did get right was Sonic's controls. Both Adventure 1 and Adventure 2 nailed his movement controls, with Adventure 2 edging out 1 in terms of pure movement with the analog stick while Adventure 1 had better Spindash and ball rolling movement. Both games could have benefited from proper ball rolling physics, but as they are they played just fine when we're strictly talking about Sonic. There was hardly a moment where you had to fight the controls to get Sonic to do what you wanted him to do. At worst, there were some issues with the homing attack targeting, but that is a seperate issue entirely.

>Its a 3d game where you basically just go in a single direction the entire game, its fucking retarded

literally nothing wrong with this.

Everything has to be an open world sandbox user.

Hey, no need to get hostile, sorry.

Furry money is still money, user.

Of course, how silly of me