What is your honest opinion on Undertale?
What is your honest opinion on Undertale?
It's a nice bite of Paper Mario and Earthbound in a creative setting.
A shame it was geared toward the Homestuck people after that ship sailed but judging the product alone the game is good, even great, like Asgore breaking the UI in his fight.
Nice game but community cringe AF.
Almost every monster in this game save Papyrus is morally indefensible
its fun and doesnt overstay its welcome. I only played one pacifist run for true ending but it also has the freedom if you dont want to do that. Definitely has its cringe moments but the humor and writing is good enough to carry
Is Gaster real?
He is me. Literally me. No other character can come close to relating to me like this. There is no way you can convince me this is not me. This character could not possibly be anymore me. It's me, and nobody can convince me otherwise. If anyone approached me on the topic of this not possibly being me, then I immediately shut them down with overwhelming evidence that this character is me. This character is me, it is indisputable. Why anyone would try to argue that this character is not me is beyond me. If you held two pictures of me and this character side by side, you'd see no difference. I can safely look at this character every day and say "Yup, that's me". I can practically see this character every time I look at myself in the mirror. I go outside and people stop me to comment how similar I look and act to this character. I chuckle softly as I'm assured everyday this character is me in every way. I can smile each time I get out of bed every morning knowing that I've found my identity with this character and I know my place in this world. It's really quite funny how similar this character is to me, it's almost like we're identical twins. When I first saw this character, I had an existential crisis. What if this character was the real me and I was the fictional being. What if this character actual became aware of my existence? Did this character have the ability to become self aware itself?
is this copypasta or did you just engage full autism
Good little game, a bit up itself though.
still not played it but the memes and fanbase turn me off hard. the OST is nice though.
It's a perfectly fine game. Some neat ideas in it, and it's about as well executed as something like that could possibly have been. Music is overrated though, except for the ghost and spider theme's. Those two tracks are fantastic.
True, which kinda makes sense it was done primarily by one person. Who clearly thinks they're funnier than they are sometimes.
It also shines because of that, it has a lot of heart and clear creative vision. I love cave story for that reason as well. and a few more games primarily from one person. It seems like sometimes people just have that brilliant game idea and can make it happen.
im kinda fuckin jealous it seems so cool to have a game baby
I'm not jealous of Toby for making Undertale as a particular game but I am jealous that he is pretty much set for life and can make whatever game he wants.
Souless Earthbound ripoff
Just play it for yourself. its not that long, like 5-8 hours.) it can leave quite an impact, see if you can get swept up by the end, viewed as a whole, (and especially when you explore the meaning of alternate story branches.)
I think he earned it. Especially given the musical side of it. Some of the soundtrack has sent ripples throughout people who havent even played the game and thats not easy as a composer, let alone the programmer and writer of an arguably deep and fresh game. You can argue the deepness of the story, but i think you cant say the genre flipping/interesting mechanics arentgenuinely unique
Play Mother 3 instead
i wish i could write music
im so fucking lazy
also this
Mother 3 is only liked by contrarian retards, and it's the worst game in the series
Genre flipping has been in RPGs before Undertale though. The Mario RPGs are full of it and they also do it better.
It's a decent game, with a good history, an excellent score and an awesome core mechanic. But has the worst fanbase IMO
It's copypasta. Everyone tries to compare themselves to Sans.
you can make whatever game you want too
A game that's 10/10 on novelty alone. The musical score is top notch but the gameplay and visuals have a lot to be desired even by indie standards. Visuals being the most offending feature, with character sprites, in-battle models, facial sprites, all being inconsistent with each other, especially Asgore.
That said Sans becoming a meme and the fanbase going out of control has very much given it a reputation it may never be able to recover but me and a few early adopters on Yea Forums found an extremely fun, if not flash in the pan game. Genocide was extremely novel and creative even if it wasn't necessarily FUN and pacifism was just fucking OOZING with style.
The game knew when to turn the jokes off and put its foot down and rape your heart though, and if you didn't at least somewhat feel for Asgore or at least Asriel then you're a fucking asshole, straight up.
Boring. Honestly tried to give it a fair shake, but that "battle" system just bored me.
it's a very bad game and an even worst community
its okay, though ill never forgive it for popularising the "le wacky quirky earthbound inspired" genre
also it has the best characters for lewding
Cringe the game
music? great
game? alright
story? eh alright
fanbase? cancer
It has like 5, maybe, good characters for lewding. Great ratio for the comparably low amount of characters the game has, but there's a shit ton of utterly unattractive characters.
Take it from a guy who is both a lolicon and a furry, there's a lot of Yikes's out there.
>you like RPGs ?
fuck you have some shooter
>loves shooters ?
FUCK YOU have some shitty molarizing dialogue
>love choicies ?
well bend over on the counter and call me assblunder because it's a one way road with WOW GOOD OR BAD OR NEUTERED
>you liked Earthbound right, well it's exactl...
FUCK. you ! imagine a monkey with a stick, poking it's anus and others, because he saw Shakespear writing one day. guess which is which.
>but muh OST ?!
just fucking play LISA and stop being a fag
Just because 2 of the options are more fleshed out doesn't mean the options and gameplay/story narrative differences aren't there. You can criticize undertale for a lot of things. I mean a LOT of fucking extremely real flawed things like agenda pushing, piss easy gameplay, hand holding, memes, shit art, or ALL OF HOTLAND-
But choice? You're gonna knock on CHOICE? The one thing the game does arguably the best outside of musical score? Are you insane? The game has like 18 interconnected, increasing or decreasing severities of neutral endings based on your actions which lead to the characters being better or worse off, loving you or hating you, based entirely on your choices. The fuck is wrong with you?
>But true pacifism or genocide!
Those are choices too. You don't HAVE to do them.
It's alright, I guess.
Pretty nice game with great music BUT the fanbase is so bad that it actually soured e game in my eyes.
One of the worst, if not the worst, fanbases in videogame history, even worse than Sonic autists or Smashfags..
People who can stomach modern 3D sonic are still way worse as they are actively holding their own franchise back.
my real problem with choices in this game are they are not choices. They are differences.
Choices implies that you know what you are doing and where it will take you.
In Undertale, you're just poking around with a morality system and see what happens. And by "what happens" i mean "how these 10 shitty characters reacts because what i need when i play vidya is more guilt, parenting and ironic douchebags commenting on my every aciton (can't say i "decided" anything).
a RPG with choice is NOT about morality. Fuck Fable, fuck Fallout. What i should choose :
-party members
-sides on a war
>skill tree
>how to spend my money
to choose means to give up something, not "here's your 6h RPG that you will do again and again and again because YOU SHOOZE"
Great game overall. Fantastic music. Alright story but a lot of cringe. Neat ending variations. Memorable characters, for better or worse.
it's ok
It has heavy FE4titis where the game is only good if you kill someone on the first run and you miss out on 60% of its content if you nail pacifist on the first try. That's its big issue. Otherwise though 10-30 hours well spent.
sans literally calls you out on this in the genocide ending.
>i know your type. you're, uh, very determined, aren't you? you'll never give up, even if there's, uh... absolutely NO benefit to persevering whatsoever. if i can make that clear. no matter what, you'll just keep going. not out of any desire for good or evil... but just because you think you can. and because you "can"... ... you "have to".
also, undertale is the best postmodern rpg ever made.
choice is literally the basis of the battle system. in the neutral run, if you choose to spare monsters, you lose exp and power gain but you probably feel better.
after that, flowey manipulates you into trying a pacifist run. you can still choose what to do, but, since you feel like you "can"...
I thought it was pretty good, music being the highlight. I sort of wish it didnt get popular though, since so many opinions about it are based on the fact that good chunk of the fans were so obnoxious for a certain period of time.
Decent game, cancerous fanbase.
Game itself is cool and good
Literally impossible to have a discussion about the game itself
I miss the gastor and other lore threads, now it's just autism
I really like the game but I do see its flaws.
The OST and the writing is what made Undertale stand out.
Based off Chapter 1, Deltarune could be a massive upgrade over Undertale but it didn't feel like Deltarune had that much fanfare behind it as Undertale did.
Though perhaps that's because it's just Chapter 1 for now.