

Attached: 1444080858435.jpg (850x1190, 512K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: 12.jpg (617x714, 111K)

Attached: 13.jpg (960x640, 165K)

Attached: 3061791 - Fire_Emblem Fire_Emblem_Awakening Lucina.png (720x971, 885K)

show me Lucina+100

Every night I see this fucking thread, what the hell is wrong with you people? Is Yea Forums secretly an echochamber despite saying it isn't?

Attached: Lucina+100.png (1024x1024, 263K)

You might just be retarded.

Attached: Nah.png (1050x1034, 703K)


Bless you +10

its a good reminder of what time it is

big milkers


Attached: 1485630468302 Lucina Fire Emblem.jpg (675x786, 223K)



my favorite time of the day has arrived

Attached: lucina 50.png (800x800, 189K)

Attached: c70.jpg (932x1200, 568K)


Damn, that guy really loves rimming, huh?

I just commissioned $160 USD worth of FE porn, but it's at least blowjobs rather than butt-stuff.

Attached: 1444093031846 Fire Emblem Lucina.jpg (673x913, 215K)

Thanks for stopping by

Attached: biribiri_Fire_Lovemblem_018.jpg (1200x1788, 378K)

I dont understand this meme.
In soccer we usually say for instance "Messi + 10" to reference the fact that he carries the whole team.

You mean me or the artist? i do love rimjobs and wish there was more.

I meant both really.

I hope you commissioned some good artists, user.

Given the fact that you didn't commission artists that drew Lucina plunging her tongue into (literally) shit covered assholes, I believe in you.

the idea is regular Lucina is flat, but Lucina +10 is busty. Imagine it like "Steel Sword +10" but with a person.

Cursed image

You've never played any kind of RPG that had equipment upgrades like "Short Sword+1" or "Plate Mail+6"?

My "Short Sword +1" will never penetrate a female's "Tower Shield +6"...

That's why you ambush them, so they cannot put up their defenses.

But what if my Dex is too low to do a surprise attack, and my Str is too low to brute force?

That's why people adventure in parties!
Get allies and friends to cover for your own weaknesses.

Great! One of my friends knows Dominate Person, so that'll surely do the trick.


Attached: 1485166056474.jpg (820x918, 115K)

Sounds like a fine combination.
Even if your friend flubs the Dominate Person roll, it should still act as a decent distraction.
Though you should still be careful about fighting enemies with a high challenge rating, best to stick with the easier ones at first.


Attached: 1551699104302.jpg (797x1002, 130K)

How about a Lyn+5?

Attached: 65392996_p0.jpg (827x1350, 934K)

Lyn is for bandit cock, ONLY!


Attached: 1553016952388.jpg (1280x1583, 462K)

>nopan and big tiddies

>That face

Attached: 1555654410918.jpg (312x312, 46K)

>ever hitting a pseudo-Myrmidon
Yeah, nah.

Attached: 65619563_p0.jpg (869x1233, 737K)

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Attached: WeGotTrouble.jpg (851x938, 102K)

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Attached: mine.jpg (1000x950, 340K)

>Every single doujin and most art is of her being enslaved and/or gangraped by bandits


Attached: 1496298426086.jpg (1000x891, 104K)

i love big tiddies

Attached: cute feli.jpg (768x768, 183K)

A lot of doujin artists have shit taste, your point?

Attached: Average hentai artist thought process.jpg (896x1024, 107K)


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Very well.

Attached: 1535798948835.jpg (1638x1488, 308K)

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Attached: 1535799677896.jpg (1600x1722, 269K)

>Draw Marth
>Add tits
>pull the hair down a bit more
Cool, this is another reason that the general anime art-style aesthetic is bland as fuck. It just looks like literally every single character is based off the exact same face and body with small changes and wacky haircuts.

Get this garbage character out of here Awakening fags

>>Add tits
i wish

Attached: 1551979263249.jpg (1000x1200, 235K)

Attached: 1552015828144.png (1600x1920, 1.29M)

goddamn lads, i love big tiddies and big thighs

Attached: nino and lute.jpg (1018x900, 156K)

Why is her face off model though?