*balances duel links*

*balances duel links*

Attached: Number101SilentHonorARK-WIRA-EN-SR-1E.png (535x795, 796K)

Say what you will but the xyz design with black is clean. Synchro a close second

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Mfw duel links will stop catering to nostalgiafags next year


self bump

>balancing anything
It's all downhill from here.

Haven't seen this bad mother fucker in a long time

*melts your brain*

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What the FUCK

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Suppose there are two fusion monsters on the field; The turn player can only use 1 monster effect per turn in that situation.

>balancing a p2w game

When will Konami finally unban my little niggas?

Attached: DR.jpg (1200x876, 627K)

Soon. OCG has Tempest at 1 and it did literally nothing.

>What is gandora FTK

Yea Forums fears the madolche

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A thing that existed before Tempest was unbanned and that dropped Tempest almost completely.

Right after they make an werewolf archetype

Attached: YGO_Wolves.png (1146x926, 1.39M)

Fuck that gay shit, where's my catgirl archetype?

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You have no idea how much I'm waiting for her to drop in DL. The terror will be real.

If there's justice in this world, fucking never.

nothing personnel

Attached: CasteltheSkyblasterMusketeer-DUSA-EN-UR-1E.png (688x1010, 1.34M)

Already exists.

Attached: LunalightPantherDancer-SHVI-EN-UR-1E.png (537x797, 950K)

come get some motherfucker

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I miss Dinorabbit.

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Based Budget pubstomper. There's literally no better feeling than winning with a deck composed entirely of commons.

non-targetting non-destruction mass removal


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Yugioh was fun for the first 5 years, but now its just who ever does the most OP combo on turn 1.

This kills the nigger

Combo decks fear the skeletons

Attached: salty.png (1027x673, 1.16M)

What ep is that from?

Salamangreat and Striker are grindy control decks and they're two of the four best decks.
Mystic Mine is also a deck that exists.

Has China got you user?

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I don't want sky sluts to disappear.

>metafags complaining about some meme petdeck

Leave the meta to me.

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They'll just fade away like the idolsluts.


Reminds me of when I used to play oops all spells in Modern and people would scoop because and go complain to a judge when they lost to a deck with 0 fucking lands.

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>Brilliant Fusion TD Invoked
It wasn't even a good deck before the GDs

>0 lands MtG
okay this is epic

don't need lands when you have enough fast mana

> Duel Link
> Balance
Glad I don't play gachashit anymore.

>plays Mystic Mine

Congratulations, you now can't do shit.

MST also works

Attached: No.jpg (464x661, 71K)

>plays literally any non-monster s/t removal
>nuthing personnel
I don't get it

It's a field spell, and field spells are crazy easy to search. Non-monster S/T removal? Not so much.

>wasting resources on subpar stall cards
You'll be dead by then. I have literally never see anyone play this in duel links.

Soni leftbthe game before this links shit, how are my bros raidraptors holding up?
Mediocre like always or are they good now?

When will Konami add Ice Barrier Synchro monsters?

They got a great link and xyz but still ocg only.

Black cards and beyond will most certainly kill what's left of the game. [spoiñer]Bc, as everyone knows YGO peaked with synchros[/spoiler]

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Never. They are too powerful. Even if they're in, they will be given the Goyo Guardian treatment.

>Goyo Guardian treatment
What happened?

I thought there were only 100 numbers?

Goyo Guardian was errata'd to require an Earth element Tuner instead of any Tuner.

The card is only obtainable by using a skill.

Yea remember when the signer dragons were skill only too?

there is way more now

>Le teddy bear comic waifu
Opinion automatically discarded

What bruh? Hows that an opinion? I asked a question.

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It also got that errata after it was unbanned in the tcg and was doing nothing.

Why did they make her furfaggotry

100 standard numbers, 101-107 for the Barians (the 'bad' guys of the show)

Just woke up from a coma how horrible are evil hero/malefic/toon decks atm

>evil hero
good new user,
we now have Field spell for Evil Hero

forgot the image

>覇王城 Haoujou (Supreme King Castle)
Field Spell
(1) You can Fusion Summon a Fusion Monster that must be Special Summoned with “Dark Fusion” with the effect of a card not named “Dark Fusion”.
(2) Once per turn, during damage calculation, if your Fiend monster battles an opponent’s monster: You can send 1 “Evil HERO” monster from your Deck or Extra Deck to the GY; your battling monster gains ATK equal to the sent monster’s Level x 200, until the end of the turn.

Attached: bad165c2.png (1920x1080, 2.05M)

I fear the price tag on Madolche.
What the fuck even happened? Why is Choco Princess so fucking much now?
Did Madolche actually do something for once?

evil heroes still use the plant loop right?

Not really, they use d-hero/vision hero engine