Yea Forums do you play League?
Yea Forums do you play League?
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Yes, unfortunately. So much shit needs to be nerfed it isn't even funny. League of aids.
Fuck no, loser
I did when I could script and 1v9 games
>one-map wonder
I played it for like 10 matches back in 2013 and wasn't very fond.
I started play it and it has been the worst time sink of my life. This week I have been mad longer than I have ever been in my life and I have no idea why anyone puts up with this piece of shit game.
For a very short while. Building items was dumb, and the fact that you only stood a chance by playing the meta was even more idiotic. Zilean, aka my nigga, wasn't viable, and neither were a majority of champs. So what is even the point of including them?
that’s dota you silly
I started in highschool during the beta test with some friends but still play. Was a lot more fun with a premade 5 on teamchat. Playing solo q is just infuriating and not worth the rage it causes.
If Dota added an instant turn rate mode league would have no business existing
Stopped in like S6, best decision of my life.
Fuck league, fuck Dota, fuck HoNtrash, fuck this entire shitty genre.
there is no point playing league when dota2 exists.
i play neither because they require high psychological, time and effort committment.Having a job, being depressed and stressed out, i'd rather play something more casual than risking 50 minutes of 4 russians shouting at me while i spend every single of my gold on wards to protect their subhuman asses.
How the fuck do people constantly play literally the same map day after day after day
One fucking straight line
Two 90 degree bends
How the fuck, why isn't there anything interesting mapwise, much less the characters who are 2-3 button wonders and you mash a 4th every so often? Fuck I miss RTS games.
I quit playing after the game became this.
It's just not fun anymore.
This is the game genre where the first 20 minutes exist only to waste your life, right? Where you just grind braindead mobs and run away whenever another player gets too close?
ASSFAGGOTS have deep gameplay despite having a single map. they just have. decisionmaking, strategy and team composition offer more than enough variety.
in LoL? yes.
in dota2? almost always no. usually pub games are a bloodshed of 1 kill/minute.
>urf fixes this by making it fun at the first minute of the game
>riot barely uses urf
The only fun character to play is Orianna. Everyone else is zoomer ADHD cringe
>>riot barely uses urf
that's because people stop playing LoL if they remove URF, and if they keep it on then people only play URF and everyone knows that Riot is cashing in on the esport shit that nobody cares about and if people stopped playing normal SR even less people would care about esport shit
it makes sense from a business point
I don't play LoL anymore but I still fap to yordles
how they did my boy willum like that i cant even
Played both games and DotA is more flexible in that regard of not just farming for the first 20 minutes because you'd be a good target for a good 'ol gank because you can't just run back and hide under your tower when the baddies come.
I haven't played for a year and a half.
The morde rework is the first rework I think is just absolute trash
>No ghost
>No wave clear
>Way less sustain and Iron man is just gone
What's even the point he's just ap darius.
I find farming fun tbqh, especially in Dota 2 where you can reliably freeze the lane indefinitely and prevent the enemy team from earning gold. It's satisfying seeing the enemy try and always kill you to just fail miserably because they're poor as fuck while you just afk farm as AM
this I stopped playing after they dropped that space dragon
Both are soulless
i played every day until i got to gold, then i realized i didn't like the game enough to grind to platinum and stopped.
What am I looking at here? Did they force the meta so fucking hard it's just a part of the matchmaking now?
I don't like it either but it you think he has no wave clear or sustain you're actually braindead
its been like that for a while. people would just spam roles in chat and be toxic if they didn't get what they want before that, so its an improvement
It is, it's a special queue where you can chose two roles beforehand.
it's to avoid the "mid or feed"
But yeah, LoL " meta" is more stagnant than ever.
>that time Riot posted paw fetish art of aurelion sol in an official art spotlight
no, they just need to completely remove runes. and without compensation buffs. would slow the game way down and reintroduce strategy instead of LOLZ ONE SHOT
The solution is to stop forcing a meta, not to force it even harder
>they just need to remove runes
what? you mean that they didn't remove them already? they still have that completely awful system into the game after all these years?
Nah it's a new system also called runes but it made everyone much, much stronger. They tried to do the DotA balancing way of fuck it let's give everyone cool shit and messed it up by forcing builds to be even more linear.
Drones will argue that last point saying w-what about muh (flavor of the month build) but they're not used to the flexibility of other games
No, never played it !
>update game since I haven't played in half a year
>queue up for one aram game to see if anything has changed
>two characters have a rainbow trail behind them when they exit spawn
Limited time pride shit. It's gross but if you're into griefing the game is basically highlighting your target for you
Why in the fuck would I want to mingle with the lowest common denominator of gaming
azir is the only salveagable bit about this dumpster fire
and even he got ruined by uncalled rework
>It's gross but if you're into griefing the game is basically highlighting your target for you
This doesn't make any sense, it only shows when you're running out of base so you'll never see it unless you're in their base where you'd be killing everyone anyways so there's no way to "grief" people who have it
The same reason why people play the same TD, deathball, whatever custom maps or the rotation of competitive maps religiously. Fuck, it's why you pick the same faction or character over others. It's fun and you can find ways to be better at it.
Hurr what is griefing your own team
>So much shit needs to be nerfed it isn't even funny
Also get rid of cheap tactics and moves like Blitz hook... and the entire of LeBlanc/Kayn.
When they fix the SR first.
Lowest common denominator? You do realize that League is one of the most widely played online games in the world
>played for 7 seasons, took a year off on 8th, playing season 9 casually with some friends
>won 5 games in a row tonight as Master Yi running it down with no brain
It's fucking therapy
Because the game isn't the map like it is for an FPS or something. It's the same thing as chess having one board or fighting games not even having "maps" because it's just a flat arena.
>Hurr what is griefing your own team
Something you can't do in LoL because there are literally only like two abilities in the entire game that even remotely let you disable or displace your own team?
OK but can you realize what lowest common denominator means?
Thanks for reminding me why I stay the fuck away from all MOBAs you dumb retarded piece of witless moronic shit
Is this satire or are you just an idiot?
Zilean is S-tier, just no one plays him or knows how to play him. But very few also know how to play against him, which is why he is so OP. idk when the last time you played is, but right now almost anything is viable if you're good with it.
>dotard needs the game to tell him how to grief people in his team
you just go on his lane and steal his minion kills as well as feeding his opponents and failing to be helpful whenever you and him try to kill an enemy champion.
Griefing people by making them think you have their back and pulling back at the last second, getting your teammate killed, isn't as easy as you think. And making people think you're just really bad but trying your best when really you're just trying not to get banned while you force your team to lose - this is a subtle art only for the most refined trolls
I just play aram and dont bother with tryhard rankeds
Only the most skillful players can get real results and go undetected
its pretty late in the development of the game for a major meta change, its pretty much always been "how can we farm gold as efficiently as possible and get our best player(s) super fed" on the pro level anyway
Even among mobas it takes very little skill. Its characters are boring and uninspired. Short answer is no. Why would I
>its pretty late in the development of the game for a major meta change
Holy fuck
Are all LoL players this stupid?
Why do these games always bring out the worst in people.
>Friend ganks my lane
>We get a double kill, but their fed jungler shows up and one shots him
>He freaks the fuck out on me for not helping him, has a brief argument with me over it, goes silent and refuses to speak to me for the rest of the match
>Leaves immediately after the game
>Hasn't spoken to me in a month
Your friend is whiny faggot
I played in beta and then found out about HoN
The reworks are all terrible, I miss old Swain, I miss old Yorick, I miss original Ryze. I'm going to miss Mordekaiser too.
Feels pretty weird to lose a friend over something so stupid. If he thinks I'm shit at League (we both are), I'd be more than happy to just not play with him and do something else.
I guess at this point he's either too embarrassed or deluded to admit fault.
Patch 9.11 is a joke
I really only play with friends, kinda lost my drive to play ranked at least right now
I was one of the top Jhin players in NA in the first week of this season, I had an 80%~ winrate with an insane KDA but stopped playing because I'm scared of failure
I agree with that guy, your friend is a whiny faggot. Do you know him personally or just online? If you don't actually know him then good, block him so NEVER speaks to you again. What a faggot
If he's someone you know personally and he treats you this way over a fucking computer game then....... Lol, what a faggot
>play premade with 2 other people
>rest of team is also premade and goes bot
>proceed to feed the tank kills, complaining that the jungler didn't gank at minute 5
>lose the lane, feed the tank to the point that is almost unstoppable
>keeps spamming surrender
>we eventually lose because of these guys
boy I sure am glad I play this game
is this what Zoomers are actually like?
Why they manage to fuck him up even more with each rework?
Absolutely, my favourite part is how the matchmaking doesn't happen according to your own skill, but rather on the principle of ??????????? so I get to be the best player in every single one of my games and of course lose every single one of my games because literally the entirety of my team is feeding and after 20 minutes the enemy realizes ''hey, we can just focus this fag, kill him, and have no problem with the rest since they have no items since each one of them has 0/20''. I like how they are still ignoring that issue completely but hey LOOK OVER HERE, IT'S A BRAND NEW TEEMO SKIN HECK YEA, BUY IT NOW AND GET A FREE WEEK OF TWITCH PRIME!!!
Metas can always change; it comes from players and not the developers. It's why fucking mages are being played in bottom lane as supports/carries. It's why people realized two tanks back then was aids to actually play against. Fuck it's why S1 league was level 1 bush fights and ADCs mid. It doesn't fucking matter if the dev is still around. It only matters if the game is capable of having new shit discovered that's equally useful as the old shit.
>try to get into mobas
>get flamed for every little mistake
>everyone saying they'll report me for trolling
>i'm actually trying my best
>get tired of this bullshit and flame them too
>they even have the audacity to say they'll report me for being toxic too
im utterly tired of team-based bullshit, and every single game being a contest of who can come up with the best insult is exhausting
You queue up for a primary role and a secondary role instead of everyone shouting lanes and inting if they don't get it
There's also a chance you can get autofilled to a lane, usually support but I get autofilled top a lot and my top lane champ pool is Urgot and Yorick, I don't win top lane very often
He has a hidden passive that gives him a 0.8% chance to rework him when you auto attack him
Know him in real life, we've known each other for a good many years, been traveling together, etc.
We live in different areas due to jobs, and were using games as basically a shared interest to keep in contact regularly.
Trying to get myself to internally accept that he's just being a massive faggot, and there's nothing I can do about it.
So next rework is Pantheon? I wouldnt be surprised if Twisted Fate will be eventually reworked because Riot really hates point and click adventure.
I really liked the new ryze and taric but man that fucking new nunu and urgot are fucking soulless shit
Drop him
Who the fuck gets that mad at someone they know over dying in a computer game
What a faggot and a loser. You're going to be so much better off without him. And if mutual friends wonder why you guys don't talk anymore you just tell them the truth and give them some yikes about him... because, (YiKES)
I think it's Pantheon, hopefully Akali is on the revert block like she's rumored to be
I'm still mad after all these years at how they butchered Graves and made him a subpar jungler, I used to wreck people with him
Urgot atleast playable, Swain is the real soulless
urgot and yorick were both of the only AD scaling mages in the game, and both got generic looking stupid reworks that killed off any sort of cool identity they had
Wow, you suck as much as those guys.
Urgot is cool, Swain is cool in the sense if it wasn't Swain. I wouldn't have minded the rework if it wasn't Swain and I was supposed to believe the new abilities and look was Swain. Fuck the Chinese/Koreans. It's mostly why these dumbass changes even happen.
I heard you can't even deny creeps or towers in this game. I bet you can't even deny teammates.
Ha, what a bunch of losers
Stay in League, small fries. You wouldn't last in any other MOBA
and its the chinese that are stopping a wukong rework. that kit actually needs one unlike half the shit that got it, but they said no because the bugmen like him
Yup, you must be that guy that screams at jungler when he dies for the 57th time while diving under turret.
>Yea Forums do you play League?
Haven't since around when they nerfed Kayle years back because some guy 1v4d a bunch of idiots in the LCS who overconfidently used all their CC and movement abilities to bumrush her after wiping her team. If they weren't morons they'd just have CCd/kited when she ulted and she'd have died without offing anyone, instead Riot validated their retardedness.
Wasn't the reason or anything, I just remember it because it pissed me off. Not that it was the only thing that pissed me off about the game or Riot at the time.
Have considered coming back a few times, but game just seems dull to me now for some reason.
URF is fucking casual trash. Only retards who hate strategy and laning actually like URF. Button mashing nonsense. Get that shit the fuck outta here.
But on topic yes I play. I have played consistently since Season 4. I've taken month breaks but I always come back, usually cause friends loop me back into playing .Now I'm spamming Aatrox and having a lot of fun again. Even if I constantly lose even though I'm hard stomping top lane. Feels bad.
You should try new Kayle :^)
Yum yum, Pineapple Kale smoothie
Nah, user. You have to get a character that has perfect escapes that can overextended yet vanish when enemies arrive. Start stealing allies minions, killsteal when possible, force the lane to be pushed, when enemies come you gtfo and let ally get gang raped. you should NEVER Feed unless you want to be outed and have teh whole team be aware. Stealth griefing is where its at.
I'm in love with teemo
How come we never get weeb amime moba game?
I mean imagine FGO Moba and how much skin they can sell
For me, its barely non-meta builds which are useless.
>I stay the fuck away from all MOBAs
You're in this thread retard
I genuinely hate how Wukong needs to be fucking added in every character focused game for the Chinese. Smite gets a pass because he's a myth figure. But holy fuck I swear if I ever get that drive actually make a moba I want to play, I'm not adding that monkey motherfucker. If I had to, I would gladly give a Chinese character if it wasn't god damn Wukong or Guan Yu.
I kinda like new Swain, dunno about Ryze. But Original Morde was awesome, 1st rework was okay but felt less powerful and this new rework looks cool but really soulless atleast they kept his lore. Thogh they fucking butchered Yorick like animals! From creepy ass grave digger obssesed with corpses to art school bara boy monk who wants to do good. I will never forgive them for this.
>art school bara boy monk
Anyone else mad at what they did to Katarina? Like yea she was strong and probably needed a nerf, but just adding a dagger mechanic and lowering bouncing blades bounce range doesnt fix shit. I think they should have completely reworked her from the ground up.
they couldnt even be bothered to keep mordekaiser ability names themed after metal songs, proof they dont give a shit about the game they work on
Waiting on that Mord rework.The voice makes me feel things.
But theres 15th prestige skin for lux and lootboxes!
But they're still named after metal songs, just different ones.
Teemo is coming with me!
let's yaff
On top of that, the rework is going to be carried by absurd numbers and a dumb pull and the Revenant cage. I hate riot reworks because they don't actually add anything meaningful. They slap numbers on and add dumb mechanics so they can pretend it fixes someone who was already fine. Fuck the Karma rework. She would've been gold if the original was released this season. Fuck this rework because he's still a kiteable, no movement bruiser or whatever he is now that will only get kills because his Q does a gorillion damage and his ult makes it so he at least gets a kill if he wants. No neat pet interaction because League still has shitty AI commanding
not anymore
wish my friends would fucking stop already though
hey hey people
rip old sr
I want to go back
please take me back
That's neat and all, but the game and the characters are still good in my eyes, I don't miss old yorick/sion/taric and doubt I'll miss old mord. I do kinda miss old GP's cheesy voice. Also classic trundle skin is best trundle.
>I don't miss content that gets cut for literally no reason
RIP old gp
Why would anybody play lol when you can play a better looking game like dota2, where you can pick any hero you like from the start?
New cat champ that can attach to people, is pretty fun, love just sitting there chilling and throwing missles at people while they can't trade back because I'm untargetable and way out of range.
Okay but don't laugh at my dolphin penis
old Urgot was better
literally just needed +5 dmg/shield on everything and his winrate would've been 50%
now he's just generic top-lane-bully-bruiser #64
>tfw league of memories is fucking dead
It's all not the same anymore
It's not cut, it's reworked, and it's done because it's out dated. Speaking of which, community has picked fiddlesticks as the next rework target.
I used to back in pre-season 1. I wasn't in the c losed beta but I did get an invite, I was convinced it wasn't going to make it and HoN was going to be the hotness. You can imagine how that turned out. So I moved over to league, played on/off through season 3. I played really really hard on season 3, got to challenger (very low c hallenger, and only for a few days), and immediately lost all incentive to keep playing. I reached my goal, and just didn't care anymore. I occasionally reinstall it and play some but I never play enough to shake the rust off, and I never really play ranked anyway, unless someone asks me to play with them.
They've added and removed so much stuff that it's like a new game, and I really don't care for it. I also don't have the time to practice anymore, because the only people who can be at a better level of skill also don't have to do real work because they get paid to play it. It's a real catch 22. But yeah.
No, I don't.
Thats visual upgrade
>because Riot really hates point and click adventure.
fun thing is, the community made them hate easy to balance point and click mechanics
now everything has to be skillshots with multiple passives stacked on top of eachother, while every champion has to spike in power at 5 minutes so everybody can blow everyone else up
>played Mina in Dawngate so I knew exactly how fucking aids this would be to play and play against
Fuck these kinds of characters. Just give them a small percent of unmitigated damage for sticking inside and it wouldn't be so annoying to go "I wish I could kill this bitch without resorting to a hook"
oh no, a game that is all about snowballing has snowballing in it?
shit, and you tell me that when someone dies they're completely fucked and at the mercy of their enemies to get fucked over and over again?
you're telling me, that its mathematically not possible for literally everyone in a game to win?
/mute all
Even with that - win lane, lose game.
Up until 2014.
Switched to HOTS and never looked back.
I'd like Riot to do map skins. so we could get themes matching the characters skins, like a SF map, a pilltover map and so on.
SF skins just look too weird on the base map
they call masteries runes now
The map of any sport is also always the same. Its the plays that make it entertaining.
Yeah I started playing it not long ago again. I stopped playing because my friends and I would get pissed at each other when playing ranked.
The key to enjoying the game is not giving half a damn about it. I stopped caring about winning or losing and the game is a thousand times better.
This game is a fucking disease
I stopped playing it a few years ago but my friends still insist on playing it nearly daily and they just get mad at ranked games
whats the point in playing it if youre just angry
I really dislike the lazy design approach of Morde's rework. They made the, perhaps, most generic kit in the entire game and then slapped on a unique ultimate, just so the character doesn't seem completely dull.
Instant turn rates in league if why ranged vs. melee matchups will never be balanced. Look at the debacle of top lane with ranged mages edging everyone else out of lane.
Anyone who wants to sell their league account no matter your region, rank, or level email me at: [email protected]
I will give you paypal if you want to sell it.
true. but fuck do slow turn rates suck lol
>not a scam
this, so much fucking dmg in this fucking game, even a fucking support can kill you now, pic related. Riot are just a bunch of retards, they make an assassin and call it supp.
I have upwards of 4k games, but I wouldn't call them games. ASSFAGGOTS amounts to an addiction.
That being said, the nostalgiatripping in here is crazy.
This is true. I also think Morde's rework shows how they claim to create a champ with this or that innate 'weakness', but when you look at the kit there's obviously enough to compensate, and now Morde will have both movespeed and hard cc and a Camille ult on roids. And every time they add an interesting ability you can be sure as fuck it's full of bugs. And they barely care about fixing bugs because that's not where the quick buck is. Fucking Tencent Games.
i still cant believe that this character was intended to be a fucking support
>He thinks the support role should be completely useless in combat
Objectively shit opinion, dangerous supports have actually added some unpredictability back in to the game and revitalized it.
>into the jewish masteries
No fuck off. Almost all of the game's issues have come from Supports being too powerful. Ever since the ardent censer meta. I don't care about a support doing damage like Pyke, but they get WAY too much free gold for doing nothing, they are completely idiot proof and take over games if they player is halfway decent. Supports need to be gutted, but they never will be because Riot knows the only reason people play that shit role is because it's horribly overpowered and easy.
I'm prefer to watch pro games more than playing with retards(also being a disabled myself)
I don't need to have played League of Legends to know that it's only for tasteless faggots
Oooh, look at me, I'm playing a game that tests knowledge, aiming, and reflexes, Ohhhh, SO HARD, ohhhh
fuckin' plebs
Play a real action pvp game and get blown to fucking smithereens
Yeah let these 8 or 9 buttons put my skills to the test and PUSH me to my LIMITS
LMAO!!! League of Losers
How's Dota 2 now?I stopped playing before the talent patch because hots talents in dota sounded abso-fucking-lutely terrible
why do you care? are you still interested in MOBA? because if you are then you're a faggot and a loser, lmao!!!
i tried it
got bored after the 4th game and never reinstalled
supports are just too strong early game damage wise
they all fall off mid and late game outside of the cc and utility they bring unless they were fed
WHICH should happen
imo when you buy a support item you should receive 20% damage down until you finish the item
that would balance them better maybe
this user is right, fuck anyone who wishes to go back to supports being ward bots. They probably want g/5 items back as well. But an user's opinion on this so obviously comes down to whether you actually play support or not that it's barely worth mentioning. And mark my words, they'll nerf pink wards again eventually because of proplay, and if there's something to blame for league's faults like claims it's clearly proplay clashing with casual ranked play.
like claims*
but you get the point. Fuck proplay.
turning takes a billion years
i wanna cuddle teemo and nuzzle noses with him
Only seen NuSwain, he's decent; need a nerf imo. But yeah, reworks sucks.
>NuAkali is 100% cancer
>NuKayle is broken as shit
>Fiddlesticks is their new victim
At least Ezreal is fun now....
I like to see whats happening
Nah hating on point and click has been something Riot pushed for forever, it lets them mask bad design and character imbalance under “just dodge it bro”
Whatever mode of payment you need.
Meta? That's just the roles man. This ain't Dota there's one team setup that is acceptable and that's it, if you want to be cute and try a non standard team setup then get into 5's
Still dota 2. Solo queue is ass, there’s tons of heroes to fuck around with, you can get away with just about any build, valve won’t ban you for spamming nigger (worst you’ll get is a 24 hour chat ban if you receive excessive reports). Don’t go back to play it if you’re alone. You made the right decision to quit if you were alone. I have a 5 man, that’s the only reason I play.
Talents have been toned down to sensible levels and the latest balance patch added aghs upgrades for the heroes that didn't have any
Once a week I might hop on to play some hecarim/kassadin/kai'sa.
LoL is fun when you don't play it a lot.
It feels bad, yes. But it's important.
I don't get why LoL is so popular. I watched few grand finals and every game was the same thing. These two heroes that have this type of ability go to this lane, this hero must go to the jungle, no turn rates, no deny, ability spam with low cd, manacost, and control, everyone has flash. There is no nuance, no interesting item build, and there were no comebacks with good strategy, or equal games. It was always one team gets very slightly ahead and proceeds to stomp the other team and win in the next 10 mins. I tried to get into the game but to me LoL is discount Dota 2 and I just don't get the popularity. And that's before I am even going on about the paywall.
I do both party and solo play and if you want to queue solo you should check the "strict solo matchmaking" or whatever it's called. Still have over 60% winrate queueing solo and I play any position really.
I dunno about league, but in dota support is the "I run at you and kill you" role.
I play like 15 games a week. I queue for support every single game and i ONLY play best girl when i avoid being autofilled to jungle
why even bother giving us your shit opinion when you don't know what's going on
>watched a few grand finals
heh. And deny was always a trash mechanic. But yeah yeah you're too skilled to think in such simple terms.
>League thread
>first post is about nerfing instead of buffing everything else to be on par with the OP shit
And that's why your game will always be boring LoL babbies.
Never played it, but it's newest youtube commercial has an extremely sexy-sounding british woman doing the voice over that I've fapped to three times now.
How to play sona? I am completely useless with her during laning phase, aside from throwing some Qs. And i assume late game i just follow the team wherever?
>be me
>stop playing League
>see new Morde rework and get interested enough to patch the game and play a match
>mfw they fucking gutted my TK support
Is there literally any reason to take him supp rather than top anymore? Also is support meta still cancerous with the only viable champs being ap """"support""" mages and healsluts?
I rather teleport low hp team member into a fight so that he takes one for the team and writes me a nice poem in ALL CAPS
I play occasionally. I played yesterday.
Support has been made brain dead OP in Dota too
>No it’s ok if you feed you’re worth less gold if you are behind :)
>Also get rid of cheap tactics and moves like Blitz hook
Ahhh Blitzcrank, the noob stomper.
That'd be Pyke, son.
Fuck Riot though, they nerfed my Alistar to the ground. Can't even engage properly now.
It's like the mobile version of DotA - why the hell would I?
Rush sheen and use summon aery for massive poke damage. Don't even bother with the fucking heal. The secret to doing DPS with Sona is to utilize animation autoattacks and the passive as much as possible with the Q. Only use the passive with Q, all the other shit fucking sucka unless you chase someone and use the E
Killsteal as much as humanly possible and build a lich bane and deathcap for the late game
And try to hit at least 2 guys at a time with the ult. Or their ADC if you can catch em out alone
Supports are getting OP, but for different reasons.
>bountry runes for whole team
>wards becoming cheaper and cheaper every patch
>wards giving more gold and exp every patch
>passive gpm talents buffed
>aghs drop from roshan
I kinda like it, since it means you end up with 4 or even 5 cores in the lategame, which is infinitely more fun than the good ol CM walking around at 40 mins with brown boots and a stick.
supports always was the feeding role and it never did matter how much you died on a support
>posting an actual Cuck
My problem when I've played or tried LoL is that every game is a stomp, either you win by stomping the enemy or you lose by getting stomped.
If you're just a little ahead in LoL you will melt every single enemy and nothing can stop you, while if you're just a little behind your attacks will just tickle the enemy.
So just build damage? Wouldn't zyra or an ap mage be better for that?
And "animation autoattacks"?
>nerf 1 hero so they are in line with the over 100 other heroes in the game
>or buff over 100 heroes so they are in line with the 1 OP her creating massive powercreep and unbalance
I fucking hate retards like you
Did you never play support before Valves commie changes to gold and xp that modify them based on the net worth difference between teams? Back in the day a support death was worth just as much as a core death outside of bounties, so you absolutely could lose the game for your team by dying too much and being level 8 at 12 minutes with just boots.
>why even bother giving us your shit opinion when you don't know what's going on
Not an argument.
>heh. And deny was always a trash mechanic. But yeah yeah you're too skilled to think in such simple terms.
Deny is a great mechanic that adds to the depth of the game in a rewarding way and I am not talking only about lane creeps here. The only counterpoint is that it breaks your immersion to deny allied units/towers.
What did he mean by this?
it still is the same way, people just got good at playing dota
he wanted niggers to calm down, whats the problem
It goes both ways though so support is the most important role that enables his carry and sets the tempo of the game. Good support stacks neutrals and cuts the wave while bullying enemies out and trying to survive with minimal items. Warding is also more important than ever because it costs less to buy one now but it rewards your enemies much more if they deward successfully. Supports are strong but definitely not braindead. Pos 1 is braindead. Chads play 3 or support.
How much money did you sink into this game over the years?
I put 15$ into it once and glad I didn’t give them a penny more
And this?
Was gonna write animation cancelling. But decided to word it differently and im a phoneposter so i didnt quite catch it.
The point i was trying to make is that you should chase people while autoattacking and cancelling the backswing on your AAs. Sona is one of the few champs that can cast her three basic abilities while moving without stopping at all so that really helps out in chasing
My main reason for playing Sona instead of Zyra or someone like Annie is that i just like Sona more. And people consistently underestimate Sona's damage. When i do my full AA>Q>AA(passive with 3 stacks) combo with my Sheen up in lane i usually bring the enemy carry down to half health. Sona is one of the easiest and safest champs to play that's able to do that. Add ignite and some AA's from the ADC and you get an easy kill.
I only play unranked but i've got a ~65% WR on Sona for years and years on end. She really is hiddenly overpowered
2 and 4 are the Chad roles
>varus wins the lane in kills but still doesnt have more farm than cait
leave silver, farming creeps isnt that hard
chinks gonna chink
Ana likes curry
The reworks are on average complete dogshit adn the way items actually scale your damage makes the game ultimately a spastic one-shot-fest. 99% games are won be the team with the higher net gold at 13 min. This game was straight up just FUN before but Rito have handled literally EVERYTHING poorly.
Try not playing vs bots
Why are Americans so afraid of Chinks? Are they seething because China is now the worlds super power instead of America?
Unfortunately, yes. I don't want to but it's the only game all my friends regularly play, so if I want to hang out with them I have to play it.
League these days is in a better state than Dota
Fuck 7.00 desu
I'm actually trying to get back into it. I played on and off over a long time but only casual matches and modes. I've got a lot to learn. Might also try Dota 2 again, some parts of it feel like they have love put into it, but I just saw it as something different
Aight i'll give it a try, but for me it's zyra
>Nothing changed please ignore global Regen increases, jungle gold/xp nerfs, talents, shrines, bounty runes, cheaper tps, and rubber banding helping supports
>Everyone just like totally sucked before xD
7.00 killed Dota and nearly everyone is on an agreement with that. Giving the Dota rights to Valve was a mistake.
Yeah.. Rocket League
He isn't American
This is what peak performance look like
Based 2013/2014 babies. Glad you niggers fucked off from Dota.
I guess i'll try Zyra today then for you user
>Yea Forums do you play League?
I keep seeing how "0.006%" of the player base gets banned for pretty tame stuff.
If I'm gonna inevitably get banned for just chatting normally then I'd be a retard to play the game.
I'm glad i fucked off too, nu-dota is a time wasting and soul sucking experience. It's nothing but trash.
Don't feel like you have to though. She's honestly not in the best spot right now, and Lux support just dabs all over her
I stopped playing when people stopped making memes
I played it, then I played dota and never looked back
>Hardstuck silver
>Take huge break
>Get gold easily
>Never type
>Use emotes and taunts every game
>Haven't been banned or warned for using a smug cat emote.
>playing assfaggots
I'm not a tool
What games does uncle play that's much better?
>meanwhile has pubg in his steam account
>Design used to be lame alredy, but now it's only Disney-like characters
>So many champions have been givenso many tools that there's no specialization anymore. All characters have gap closers, true or %hp damage, crowd control... And if they don't they can't compete and fall out of flavour
>Constant changes big changes, champions are redundant
>Awful communnity
Why would I sign myself for a front row seat in Hell?
If I wanted to play a strategy game that has heroes and utilizes farming mobs, I'd play a little something called Warcraft 3. Google it, it's kinda like your game except with like eight or seven other levels of added complexity.
>Play Yuumi
>Constantly poke enemy and heal the person I'm glued to
>Get out to poke them for passive shield
>They try to jump on me
>Instantly zip back to the safety of my carry's womb
>I exaust and ignite them, because why run flash when other characters can flash for me
>They get them selves killed
Fun cat
>competitive Warcraft 3
Ah yes, warcraft 3, the rts for hardcore niche gamers.
But everything bad about 7.0 was removed, everything good kept in the game.
>He thinks fucking warcraft 3 is more complex than league
based boomer
>shrines,talents, extra mana/hp-regen, changed map layout, comeback mechanics, that god awful UI
Yeah of course.
The saddest shit ever is that I never liked W3 competetively, you can always play 40k or Starcraft for that, but it is, in fact, true that it's way more complex than League or any other assfaggot.
>people who grew up kiting mobs on an extremely boring fucking map that never changes and screamed PENTAKILL are going to design games in the future
we're fucking doomed
League of Legends is the Yea Forums of video games.
Just flaming retards that keep coming back for the new content they will hate in one month again.
Reminder that even a ex dota pro thinks league champs are harder than dotas:
Is there anything LoL has over Dota besides being easier to pick up?
>singsing the redditor
Warcraft 3 is one of my favourite games of all time you fucking retard. You're a complete retard and I doubt you played it for more than 10 hours. You reek of contrarianism fueled by ignorance.
More objectives to take, more points to TP to for rosh/map movements, not as one-sided offlane, etc etc.
Provide massive variety of builds and new viability for heroes. Also other stuff to buff/nerf instead of just stats and skills.
>extra mana/hp regen
Reworked 10 times since.
>changed map layout
Let's not pretend it ddoesn't change every other patch, both before and after 7.0
>comeback mechanics
Nerfed to the ground, unless it's a titanic networth advantage. Comebacks are possible, but still extremely hard to pull off.
>god awfull UI
Still much better than having 50% of the screen taken by literally blank UI elements.
That's what Riot does, they make one truly unique ability and then slap on a gapcloser, line skillshot, and sustain and then call it a day.
Better balancing, better characters/design(cutesy anime vs furfaggotry and beast shit) an actual good ranking system that does not require you to play 8h/day+ to climb because of inflated MMR.
The actual gameplay is better in Dota, but designwise and everyone else LoL does better.
good times
>thinks comeback mechanics are a thing of 7.00
>godawful ui
Objective improvement over the previous one.
>Play Yuumi
>Have this exact mindset
>Have scarycat ADC
>He moves away as far as possible everytime I try to go back to him
>Discover my w can be easely interrupted by cc, canceling the latch
>Never attempt to use my passive again, just unlatch when I feel my adc is going to die
At least I got some time alt tab while my adc was farming.
I thought LoL had a tiny viable heropool at all times
>design wise lol does everything better
Teemo's hot.
>%hp damage
How many Dota heroes have dlthat in comparison?
I played 5 minutes before uninstalling.
Doom's infernal blade
Imagine being addicted to something so casuals as this.
Singshit isn'tclose to tier3 dota pro
Necro's %HP aura was just nerfed into the ground in the last patch as well
Eldertitan ult has it as well, that's all I can think of unless you include current HP% as well
Most champs are viable in soloQ unless you play at the highest lvl
I stopped playing it when you're not allowed to use Aurelion because he gets countered hard by assassins. Stuff like the new menus and nu-Galio just solidified the fact that LoL is more of a corporate product without any soul rather than something you can invest into and feel connected to whatever characters you like.
And riot is going to rework him AGAIN, look at the PBE patch notes
I tried like 20 games when I got bored of dota for a while, played that lamb furbait champ
wish there were heroes that were rewarded for snowballing as hard as her, smurfing would be a lot funner in dota
I took the arampill recently and kinda miss how competitive SR was in comparison, although constant teamfighting is tons of fun.
Nowdays I barely touch the ladder and mostly shitpost during the esports hours in /lolg/
highest level is what I was asking about in terms of balance
>You are forced to change and deal with masteries before every single game
>basically forced to just look up a guide to see what's the best choice unless you've played for a really long time
I fucking hate this bullshit, what is even the point of having masteries if everyone is just going to pick the same stuff 95% of the time anyways?
Used to a lot, enjoyed it a lot, kinda got burnt out after grinding so much in high school.
A message to anyone playing league and not enjoying it, just stop, seriously exercise or some shit.
Also league art team is 10/10
I've literally only played draven for the last 2 years
>Yea Forums do you play League?
Not anymore. Balancing the game around counterpicks when unlocking champions is incredibly slow has made the game literally pay2win. You either buy the correct champions to counterpick or you get destroyed in lane.
one of the only champs I recognize, think I read about her getting raped/enslaved by fox girl a while back
>thinks this is good art
This is deviant art tier
Used to play it, but not having all champs unlocked and the rune system soured me greatly.
Switched over to dota2 once that released, and have since then realized that these kinds of games only cause suffering and anger.
t. Destiny
I bet you think comeback mechanics were a mistake
This so fucking much
I mean he's not wrong, most dota heroes are not overdesigned and don't feature artificial gameplay
shit taste but based
Present your point with an argument before comparing me to subhumans thanks
>artificial gameplay
That's one of the biggest buzzwords I've heard so far.
This. Everybody knows 6.83 was the pinnacle of dota.
>artificial gameplay
Support has never been this better. You can actually play anyone support and still get a shit ton of cash unless you bought relic shield, that item never seems to give me any cash, it also disrupts whatever plan the ADC has to control the wave as well so I don't buy it that much.
Why buy relic shield?
yikes, no
The real strat is to attach to the jungler and never detach.
The idea is right but is first implementation weren't so good
I find league of legends really fun but I also think a lot of people who play it just don't have the mental fortitude or emotional maturity to play it.
I'm still mad at Galio becoming a colossus with no classic gargoyle skin to compensate, I don't give a fuck about whatever gameplay changes he got.
Now read this and think does it apply to yourself. Because 95% of the time, the cunt in the situation thinks that to themselves.
Alright Yea Forums, I got a challenge for you.
Pick 1 LoL champ and 1 DOTA hero. Pretend they got ported to the opposite games. How would Riot and Valve rework them to fit into their games better?
I don't have any ideas of my own for pic related, but I want to see what frostytoad could come up with given the concept "All devouring creature of an eldritch realm"
This is why I quit playing desu, that was about 5-6 years back
>implying that didn't already existed before pyke
>iImplying that isn't already a thing since S1
Pyke does zero DPS though
I haven't played in a while but I liked a lot of the reworks. Warwick is fun, Urgot is fun, Swain is fun, Yorick is fun. Then again, I only play ARAM and quit when they reworked dark harvest (although I put conqueror on Yorick and phase rush on Swain).
>pokes your bot lane to 0 hp
>keeps you from escaping with slows
>heals her teammates to full hp with athenes
>saves people with passive
Meow...(Translator's note: Meow... means Heh.....)
Too bad Riot will nerf her because Assassin babies cant deal with heals or shields.
>you can W through Caitlyn traps
>can't W through Jinx traps
?!?!?! RIOT ?!?!?!
Passive is important late game when your heals are on CD, learn to look out for enemy CC and then W ---> AA ---> W, the whole loop takes less than half a sec.
Valve would probably make them more complex and unique. Riot would remove invoker.
People literally think games like League are going to stand the test of time as chess did but the game is only being propped up by competitive tournament money.
Talents were the best addition to dota try them if you dont believe me. +2 stats were boring as fuck
I honestly love this new mordekaiser rework.
Looks sick and has fun abilities.
Makes it easier for the rest of us to stand out.
t. developer of 3 successful indie games on steam
7.00 was an amazing patch and i play since allstars days.
As if Mars was the pinnacle of complexity
>all the Chinese be like "yeaahhhh best gamu desu"
>7.00 was an amazing patch
MK was stupidly broken
>ex dota pro
He played Dota competitively almost 10 years ago and has been turbo depressed ever since.
>Time Bomb no longer detonates itself, but always stuns at the end of its duration. Is now a targeted ability.
>Rewind works on his ultimate but costs significantly more mana. Can also rewind ally abilities.
>Time Warp is now a purely passive ability that causes all allies on the map to gain xp per second.
It's alright. I like how I can queue for a game and everyone actually speaks English, but I agree that the damage has gotten a little out of hand with everyone just one-shotting each other at this point.
He just couldn't keep up with the times
Im talking about shrines map changes and talents. Mk was OP but was quickly nerfed and is one of my favourites. MK for me is the perfect dota hero, he can go any role. Has hundreds of viable builds and has unique map-utlizing mechanic while still being straight forward and simple
Yea im a dota tryhard fan but he's right about league champions, they are more complex and shit but the game in itself is much more noob-friendly. The champion complexity is all it has as far as depth goes
I never played any ASSFAGGOTS and never understood them or how they got so popular in the first place.
They are team based competitive game that emerged when all the competitive games were fighting fps and RTS. They have much more depth than FPS even at first glance, are action based and skill dependant like fighting games while having no need to be a pianist like an RTS but keeping the strategic elements of it
Then go play some and form your own opinions
They're basically no mechanical skill games
MOBA is a genre of rule memorisation, and that's about it. It's like remembering lines of boring irrelevant information at high school. The game is completely and utterly sterile, repeatable, and slow at all times, with few moments of unpredictable luck that seem far more exciting than they are to just sometimes make the game seem much less stale/more skill based than it is
Therefore it does reward players who slog through thousands of hours, even if they are shitty at playing games
Shooters, RTS, and Fighting games have such fine cut mechanical skill that simply isn't learnable for some
Turn rates are an ok but extremely frustrating idea
Dota also doesnt release heroes at a proper pace
They seriously need to change stuff
If this were true why wouldnt starcraft pros pick up dota and make 2 million USD in a single tournament?
Fuck off with your ADHD 2 heroes a year in a 110+ roster is fine, even too much
>They make an assassin and call it a support
Yes her name is Annie
>hurr you have adhd if you want new content
Fuck off retard, having 2 heroes a year at max is shit
6 a year wouldnt be overkill
>Then go play some and form your own opinions
Already did long ago when they were starting to get popular, also watched my brother play for hours several times across the years, it's just that I guess in my head ASSFAGGOTS are still on the level of those custom games you play for a few minutes during your off-time from other meatier games, and will never graduate from that despite their insane popularity.
You're retarded. 6 heroes a year is a sure way to have too many useless heroes. Even valve who are the best in the field when balancing couldnt keep up with it.
6 heroes a year. How many unique? How many that dont take the spotlight away from existing ones? Thank god valve doesnt listen to social media
You're retarded.110+ heroes in a game is a sure way to have too many useless heroes. Even valve who are the best in the field when balancing couldnt keep up with it.
110+ heroes. How many unique? How many that dont take the spotlight away from existing ones? Thank god valve doesnt listen to social media
>no argument
Its easier to balance 110+ heroes when you have 6 months to balance each of the newer ones. Why dont you try to use your brain?
This is the same dumb argument where every fighting game should have like 2 characters at most and remove most of the mechanics as well
You are a dumbass and you should not play games if you have trouble understanding what a game is in general and what the game you are playing is about
>Even valve who are the best in the field when balancing
Look at the heroes not picked at TI now look at champions not picked IN ALL of last pro season worldwide
Soraka is for fun and carpal tunnel. The fun comes from denying kills across the map and silencing braindead yasuo, zed, leblanc, katarina and fizz players when they jump in thinking they can faceroll and freely kill my entire team. The carpal tunnel comes from the rest of the time where you're slinging spells and moving constantly.
Tell me you are pretending what the fuck is wrong with you. All im saying is more content means lower quality of content. What the fuck are you even projecting i dont even know
Ezreal is the most fun to play character in lol rn, especially his ult can be super fun if u hit an enemy from really far and kill him
look at tf2 and cs:go
>the only content in the game is somehow heroes themselves
>I'll also compare it to a game regarded as a game with shit balance in the first place
>MY taste is superior!
More content doesnt equate to lower quality.The games didnt start with this much in the first place.
Get the stick out of your ass.New content doesnt equal doom.
You are also missing like 3 more points in the other posts, learn how to read.
>want more unique heroes
>>you want only 2 characters and most mechanics stripped away
jakiro ported to lol:
>passive: jakiro's abilities can deal damage to structures
>q no longer deals damage over time, applying all damage instantly
>w range, duration reduced
>e costs mana, has its cd flattened and is a targeted ability
>r is old q without slow but with r damage
no, it's fucking boring and a complete waste of time
You know that the people that balance dota probably doesnt even know how to play tf2 and cs:go?
This. I used to like it but people act like they're playing for money before even reaching lvl30. I drop in to suck at ARAM, laugh and drop it for another year. LoL is cancer and is not okay.
Read the post chain first user
He even calls 2 heroes a year too much
There are no other games of its genre. What should i compare it with
Needs more fox and dragon girls
Yea i read it. You're dumb and have no idea what you are saying. More content does mean lower quality, when you have less time for each one and have to meet more deadlines. Play fortnite, they update every week with a lot of content
>better balancing
>the teams meme picked a hero and lost once in over 300 matches that means it's viable!
>never mind that in 90% of the matches the very same 20 heroes were picked and banned all the time.
HoN, HotS, Smite, paragons, etc
>if you want more than a single hero per 365+ days you should play this one game I despise instead
You know that 6 heroes a year is still a low amount by every other competing game's metrics, right?It's not like they release game changing masterpieces with these deadlines in the first place, or are you saying oc donutsteel monkey king no161673 really deserved a year's worth of time?
There were no meme picks at TI. When you compete for 25 million you dont act like a retard.
And yes its better to have many heroes picked once than having them never picked. Not every one has to be viable at all times.
I dont despise fortnite. They have the rate of content you wish for. All the games you cited are dead or dying. Why should someone take advice from them?
yeah that's why OG picked very unpopular heroes in the fucking GRAND FINALS, must have been for the memes
user 6 is a low metric because in other mobas you pay for your heroes and its a way to get money. Not something to take advice from
Why should a game need complex mechanics to be interesting?
The listed games died for other reasons and I listed them for a different reason, not hero release amounts.
And by your post it makes sense for dota to follow fortnite's rate of content, considering it earns more than dota now.Good argument.
Did you also know there could be a middle point as well?
lol they just reworked mordekaiser
and fiddlesticks and volibear and pantheon are next
nope they fucked his lore completely
no more immortal bastion, no more skeletal remains and cult shit, no more dying on a pile of his enemies
You can argue with me all you want. Valve clearly thinks this is enough for them and im happy about it.
>They're basically no mechanical skill games
This is correct. Mechanics in these games are very basic and not complicated.
>MOBA is a genre of rule memorisation, and that's about it.
Except there are so complex and varied game states, that at a high level making decisions is difficult.
There's an exponential skill gap between people at average mmr (i.e. 4.5k) and divine players. Just watch the pro players smurf, it's not their mechanics that set them apart.
>lowest common denominator
Good argument, but then again the main money makers are not heroes themselves but content related to them, ie skins in the said game and dota also has that so they have the same reason to make more heroes.
>do you play bot?
bitch sometimes
Don't have time for it.
I "mastered" above average skill at Dota 2 and HotS already, grinding a third MOBA has no appeal to me. Like every MOBA the players are toxic and everyone's in it for themselves, no matter what.
I played with a friend sometimes trying to learn and they flamed me for playing poorly and eventually stopped inviting me at all. They're also stuck in silver due to being shit themselves and literally cry IRL over losses. The MOBA genre isn't healthy.
Gee user why do you act like it's weird to argue about games on a dwarven gold mining forum's vidya board or act like they can't do no wrong?Valve also thought Artifact was a good idea.
galeo and yorick was mad garbage doe.
RIP WW, ryze, nunu aatrox, and other unneccesary reworks.
Who is that truly outrageous guy?
nope. got some challenger/master friends and they tell me the game isn't worth the time so i don't bother. any game that gets worse as you get better is guaranteed to make your life worse
I'm not a fucking faggot so no
The game that rewards retards and punishes people who get mad at them is no game to be supported. You get banned for yelling at people inting the game and they don't because those retards spent more than you.
wish they would just make it a permanent playlist. replace aram with urf and I'll reinstall the game
Well no, they could just release immortals or make an arcana if they wanted more money, heroes is the lowest money-maker in dota, so it's all related to gameplay and balance when and if to release one.
back in the good old days of HoN people played so fast and so aggressively that the opposing team surrendered 15 minutes into the game. Most of HoN was centered around the surrender option.
Everything about HoN was aggressive and fast, I miss it.
>cutesy anime\furfaggotry = better characters design
Holy shit, Yea Forums
To be honest that was mostly because how heroes were designed
I also miss HoN a lot, wish there was a way to revive it
Who was your favourite, anons?
I didn't play for like 6 or 7 years
What happened to my girl Kayle?
>Friends have been playing since 2010
>Stopped playing myself in 2014
>They're still playing to this day
>Try to pitch different games to them to try
>Play them for a month a most, then inevitably drop them to go back to League
And they wonder why I'm never in the Discord anymore.
yiff in hell furfag
i only watch wood league videos
I haven't played in 4 years but I still watch pro LoL. Current meta is great to watch.
Reworked into gacha character
What is the easiest way to smurf as hard as
possible? I want to shitfuck noobs.
-t. Played league for like 4 hours back in 2011.
>Reworked into gacha character
What does it mean?
Does she have big boobs now?
get good at the game
Yes I play league a lot I just can't find another game that does it for me like this one does.
a retarded mechanic that can stay the fuck in league
This, the game had a steady flow with some few op champs that just needed dmg nerfs/slight rework.
Now its a literal aidfest of overloaded champion kits just so the champ designer can jerk off to how many people play their champ because its imbalanced as fuck and has so many abilities thats braindead and layered upon each other that the character will always be broken no matter how hard they nerf the dmg numbers.
I cant fathom how any new players would feel playing this game. I always tell my friends to dont bother learning league just because of how ridiculous the champion designs has been lately. Champs like rengar was already annoying to play against then zoe,akali and irelia came in and the game just turned from bad to worse.
Imagine being a 3,5k hp bruiser that does a job better than a assassin. Imagine being irelia with 1 inbuilt stun that when it lands gives you a free dash, imagine having a ult that puts up a wall that resets your dash and slows enemies, imagine having 40% dmg reduction on all melee abilities as a normal ability, imagine getting dmg buffed for the longer you fight someone, imagine building 3,5k hp and getting to dive enemy backline and solo carry.
Meanwhile shit like zed is crying in a corner because someone that builds more tanky still does more dmg to you and even does a better job than you at instantly deleting champions.
Lets not even forget fucking karthus getting nerfed because a rune makes him op if played in the jungle. They're essnetially saying oh we dont want karthus mid anymore so lets just nerf his base stats instead of fixing how to rune works on karthus.
>champion is strong because its meta
>gets nerfed
>meta changes
>champion never gets buffed and falls into obscurity
>akali and irelia
Those were old champions though and they've always been pug destroyers
And here we have a riot drone.
>unironic leagueniggers on Yea Forumseddit
Shouldn't you post in a classic wow or smash thread?
Peaked at master/D1 as a toplaner,didn't play a single ranked game this season.
I am pretty sure I will drop LoL now,Riot just doesn't balance around high elos.It is either pro play(where they fuck champions up) or for the dumb basedims that get milked with weeb skins.
They legit want to maximize profit only,same as blizzard,so you always have the popular cancer champions in the meta.
If you play non meta champions in the top 0.00% range where people are actually good it is just annoying to face meta cancer.
They are legit 10 Champions that are extremly toxic and Riot is just to dumb to balance them,or is not willingly.
1.Riven=Started the trend of CDR abuse and spammy characters.She is legit one of the most cancer champions if you are at the top 3000-1000 range.The champion completly dictates the lane,even if you have lane priority,their mains just play defensive to outscale nearly any meele.
2.Gnar=needs to be turbo gutted or he destroy pro play and SoloQ.He legit deleted 98% of the meele roster,when he was even remotely meta and mallet was still unnerfed.
3.Vlad=nothing to say even riot admitted he was a mistake
4.GP=Spam Q and win,despite everyone claiming he is "mechanically" intense.He is an absolute joke of a character,that always comes back as top pick when he abuses Runes or new items.
5.Sejuani=pro play and soloQ god since s5
6.Kennen=auto dodge in high elo,literally perma banned him.He is just gnar+jayce in good.
7.Cho'gath=The OG cancer Champion that has everything in his kit,super easy to play,very hard to beat.He should never be meta
8.Janna=I bet on my life 20% of D5 were Janna mains in the ardent meta.Should be perma gutted,the champion is literally free elo and requires 0 brain activity.
9.Azir/Ryze=Dominates pro play/high elo but is to hard for shitters.So they just destroy these champions or rework them a million times
I legit won't play ranked anymore,I am tired of range cancer or fotm.
>kat will never be viable, ult gets dissed to easily
>akali, another ninja with blades. gets their kit upgraded, now is showing up in tourneys
>10 years later
>still mad @ Vlad
i miss having 40% CDR at the start of the match