Is this game this generation's Final Fantasy VII?
Is this game this generation's Final Fantasy VII?
I sighed as I posted a reply, typing with dialog.
Didn't this rip off loads of shit line for line from a book?
Did FF7 do that?
I chuckled, exhaling air as I chortled with subdued mirth.
Not for nothing, but wasn't it one scene, with one character blatantly quoting lines from a book?
>dev said he want to do the game equivalent of a Haruki Murakami novel
>entire passage of dialogue lifted straight from a Haruki Murakami novel
I'm one hour in and I unironically like it. Does the Panda character stay in?
Also I remember seeing a thing where characters in game would explain a concept, and it was literally a word-for-word copy of the top google search result of that concept.
I know hardly anything about this game but those two things already make me sort of not like it.
>dev tried to deflect all criticism of the game saying gamers just don't understand genius and creative storylines
>couldn't even write original text
it happened a few times apparently, more articles come out every time someone finds a new scene where he copi- oh i'm sorry, did a "homage" to a murakami novel.
>is this game like a cinematic abomination that ruined the industry by making games all about the story while completely neglecting the gameplay
Actually, it's pretty damn similar.
Only character that matters.
FF7 has the best combat and customization in FF you secondary
>mash X to win
>best combat
For anyone who played this mess, is Panda Barrier as overpowered as it looks?
Pretty much every time i watch a gameplay video of someone mocking this game, they just have Hipster Man spam Panda and completely trivialize every single fight because the enemies can't do anything about it. Is it just an early game clutch, or does it consistently trivialize random encounters until the end? I'm assuming it doesn't work on bosses.
I read it in the alpaca's voice user.
The alpaca's voice.
There are people who pretend this isn't an attractive character and artstyle.
Right? I wish we got a Scott Pilgrim RPG in this style.
Yeah, if you play turn-based like an infant.
Is this character supposed to look like an obnoxious unlikable hipster?
The artsyle isn't half bad, it's quite unique.
I want to cream pie her now
boutta make her into an oreo
Why are numales such unbearable people?
>Earthbound had occasionally quirky dialogue
>YIIK shits all over itself trying to force quirkiness as much as it can
>the Mario Paper RPGs have short button input segments attacks that don't drag the pace to a halt
>YIIK throws in overly long minigames, killing whatever pace the combat has
I saw one user say it was because of how the panda is a crutch for Alex, being his imaginary friend and all. I see it as an oversight.
It's this generation's Undertale
It's literally game of the year
Wait what? Undertale is already this generation's Mother and only came out like 3 years ago. How can Yiik be this gen's Undertale wtf? What are you trying to say? That doesn't even make any sense.
He's a self insert and the point of the game is he's an obnoxious faggot
Why does that slob get 2 bananas?
It's hard to say or judge because I haven't played it on account that it's dripping red flags.
>post-modern in the title
>ugly graphics
>irritating hipster aesthetic
>dev is a fag
>gameplay looks meh
>inspired by earthbound
It's "yikes hard pass" the game.
dude looks like it was molded by a redditor-starter-clone-machine
>typing with dialog
As opposed to typing with wingdings, I imagine.
Any good rule 34 of the girls yet?
I mean he literally admitted it in game
as a controversial opinion:
i actually like parts of this game. the soundtrack is fun; and it has many psychedelic visuals I find enjoyable. The game itself is very janky and lacks polish. The story has potential. The antagonist is interesting. And so is the essentia. But the game just didnt give at the fuck in the ending and falls apart without explaining anything.
This Generation's FFVII is Xenoblade 2, as much as i'd rather it be the first one, but then again, that makes it this generation's FFVI.
I'm actually going to agree with you, it's got something, but the mechanics and the general writing falling apart, especially near the end just kills anything decent. It also doesn't help that Alex is just insufferable, without at least having charisma to back it up. Having a dickbag MC wouldn't even be that bad, so long as they've got the charisma to back it up.
The creator also really doesn't help with all of this.
It doesnt even fit the late 90s aesthetic. These guys are looking like 2010 hipsters
I replayed, while giving a (you)
Hello you were talking about me? Yes shes ugly as fuck
The game could be interesting because of the weird/retarded dialogue, but the combat system is dogshit and makes the game not worth buying
YIIK? More like YUCK!