>modders make a better character creator than what's in 99% of AAA games
How is this allowed?
>modders make a better character creator than what's in 99% of AAA games
How is this allowed?
modelling is a thing of the past.
They facescan models now.
Because 99% of people don't want to sit around editing their fucking mesh.
In the vast majority of games, the most customisation I do is changing the hairstyle on a preset face.
God I fucking hate modelling like this I don't have the autism required, just give me a hundred presets within every category please
That doesnt even look good
Post the your waifus
>everything looks uncanny valley
>can't edit it for shit
>use low-res textures because of muh consoles, so it looks shit anyway
Wow, what a worthwhile technology.
You don't have to use the face sculpt. Racemenu has a shitload of added sliders. Pic related.
Because most people don't want to spend six hours making the exact same airbrushed as fuck waifu anyway, not to mention how out of place it looks next to anybody else in the game.
Honestly I think what always weirds me out is the face textures. They're creepily, unnaturally uniform. Like a selfie with the enhancement filters turned up too high.
*crushes you*
You and everyone will just create the same exact bone structure.
To be fair they've had more time to work on Honeyselect than most AAA games get.
just use a 3d program at that point lol
Is this back on the Special Edition?
Modders have the luxury of being on their own time and the satisfaction of doing something they want for fun
because he was able to take programs from those AAA and see where they fail at and improve on them. Its like someone doing something for the first time and some one improving it because the first one gave a standard to work with.
>most people
If only it were possible to make a seperate menu for people aren't default cucks...
>airbrushed as fuck waifu
Nice projecting.
>out of place it looks next to anybody else in the game
If only Skyrim had mod support that allowed them to be changed too... oh wait.
>...the face textures. They're creepily, unnaturally uniform.
Get better textures then, pleb.
Fully functional. Might take a while to load females if you have too many hairs installed though.
Doesn't this not affect the other NPCs in the game?
It's only your PC that'll look like this which would certainly look odd when playing the game.
You can either export an appearance and put it on any NPC, or download one of the bajillion NPC mods that already exist.
I don't understand the point of this.
>Spend hours importing Sims hair, modding the shit out of all the NPCs so they look better, then similar amounts of time tweaking the exact face mesh of your waifu
>Still playing Skyrim
It's a shit game, no matter what you do to make the girls hotter to your tastes.
You're assuming people don't spend as much time (if not more) modding the gameplay as they do their waifus.
you will see your character's face only 3% to 10% of the time you're playing. there is no real reason to invest too much time in character creation
You're assuming that the assumption is false.
You can't make Skyrim not shit no matter how much you mod it.
no amount of gameplay mods will actually make Skyrim good though
The idea is the game has sex mods, what's sad is that they're all so shit.
You know what the last good bethesda sex mod was? It was Sexlivion, released over a fucking decade ago by a Jap. He took the dull animation loops everyone else was using, and made sex into a fun minigame where you level up over time and chug stamina potions to get through sex battles.
Everything since has been a garbage animation viewer.
I'll just stick to vastly superior ECE thank you very much.
You clearly don't know good SLAL packs. Some are even better than modern Illusion game animations.
That's what gets me, as someone that's actually dabbled with this stuff in the past. The sex mods are shit, the naked models are shit, the game itself is pretty poor as anything other than an idle timewaster. But I guess some people are into everybody looking like they bathe in foundation and having really, really oddly proportioned naked bodies that aren't rigged right and look awkward in motion.
I just don't get why you'd put the effort into modding Skyrim into a shit porn game when you could be spending that time modding an actual porn game or playing DoAX3 where the women actually look good or something. It's just confusing to me.
it still looks better than hand modelled garbage.
>armored circlets
>mods that auto-equip/unequip helmets in and out of combat
>perk overhauls with an optional perk to not require helmets for full set benefits
You're assuming that my assumption of his assumption is false.
You must be those people who fuck up installing a mod and give up on the game. You should give up on life too.
If I wanted everyone to look asian I'd just go play BDO.
You can though.
because they made a character creator and not the actual game
Are we in a dark age of interactive real time 3D applications?
Since Crysis 1 there is no visible progress...
Hand modeled westacuck garbage is shit, yeah. But so is everything from the west. Especially facescan and facemocap.
>shilling Muslim Kombat 11
>You don't have to use the face sculpt. Racemenu has a shitload of added sliders. Pic related.
Pre.sets. I say pre.sets.
The only reason I could see someone doing it is for VR, because VR has no fucking games so even Skyrim might be worth playing.
The animations aren't the fucking issue, dude. Sims 3 has animations that are 100 times better than anything you'll see in Skyrim, it doesn't stop the game from being absolute garbage. Being "better than Illusion" is not an achievement. A fucking blind beggar doing mocap work would put out better animations than Illusion, given they're still using 20 year old loops from the AG2 days. All that's changed is the mesh work.
>If I wanted everyone to look asian
But user you're already making a waifu. Why wouldn't you want her to be the cutest which is a synonym for Asian?
Do most of these even play nice with VR? Plus I recall there being a VR mode for one of the Illusion games I dabbled with a little when my Vive arrived way back in 2016. Wasn't translated at the time though. I'm pretty sure there's much better options for VR 3DCG today if you really look.
There are general presets like head shape, mouth type, eye type, etc. The other sliders exist to expand on those.
>The animations aren't the fucking issue, dude.
Yeah I misread your post, you wanted a minigame. My bad.
>Sims 3 has animations that are 100 times better than anything you'll see in Skyrim
And we're going back to "You haven't seen good SLAL packs" reply.
>I'm pretty sure there's much better options for VR 3DCG today
Haha, I fucking wish, dude. Both in terms of porn and in terms of just general games, it's absolutely fucking barren. The shit that came out early as prototype stuff is unironically still the best stuff out, because that was the only time people invested actual money into VR, before they realised it was a flop.
Maybe you just haven't seen any good Sims animations, though. Skyrim stuff is just filled with clipping, because everyone uses different body meshes. If you do anything crazy like randomise heights for a more realistic world, nothing will work.
Making sex into a minigame made perfect sense, it's sad that the best we get now is some autist calculating fertility cycles for every female in the game.
not really though, maybe in that single comparrison but deliberate artistic design > lazy realism
Animations always was a problem in Gamebryo games.
Pure laziness nobody gives a fuck about video games anymore.
>face scanning is goo...
i hope you realize that looking at your character's face means you're looking backwards, instead of at what's in front of your character
>Modern Bioware
Even if the technology was top of the line they would find a way to fuck it up. I mean, it fucking looks worse than LA.Noire which came out on the fucking 360.
>Maybe you just haven't seen any good Sims animations, though
I have, I mod Sims 4. They're pretty good. But Skyrim has animations that are not only more elaborate but also better animated in some cases.
>Skyrim stuff is just filled with clipping
Well sure it depends on a bodyslide preset but that's on you. More freedom means more complications. This isn't really a counterpoint. Again having (relatively) normal proportioned character that aren't HYPER fetish will yield good results with a good SLAL pack. If you're a degenerate and want to fuck lolis/shotas then you have specific packs made just for tall x short characters.
>Making sex into a minigame made perfect sense
Ehh, I'm not so sure. I hate minigames and mashing buttons in Sexlivion got tedious pretty quickly. Sometimes you just want to see your custom waifus fucking after a dungeon session.
You don't know exactly how they were a problem my dude. Animation switching and hitbox tied/speed of animations are an issue because of the engine. This makes it hard to replace animations of mid attacks.
But stand-alone animations such as idles, movement (for the most part) and sex animations which don't require anything but the animations to play out are perfectly fine and easy to mod. This is why you have guys ripping out animations made with SFM/Blender and importing them into Skyrim. This is how you have guys ripping out Tera idle and running animations and importing them into Skyrim with 0 issues. Same with MMD animations being imported which was a thing even in Oblivion. And all of these animations retain the quality that you would expect from these programs, naturally making them look great in Skyrim too.
Lazy gaijin
i fucked your mom.
>I mod Sims 4
I said 3, though. 4 is hot garbage, both in terms of animation and in terms of content.
>This isn't really a counterpoint
I mean, Illusion can manage to get this shit to line up. I get it, these animations are made by retards, and the framework system is an embarassment, but it should not be this hard to line up ponos and vagoo.
>Sometimes you just want to see your custom waifus fucking after a dungeon session.
And it was always easy to just use one of the other 20 mods available for that. It's just sad that there's no gameplay version for Skyrim, for people who want sex to be more than just stock animations.
>mass effect done by a feminist B-Team
>shitty star wars dance game or whatever
really proved a point there, bud, hence why every dev worth a damn scans their shit
Most of the problems here is the bad animation engine and terrible texture rendering.
Also the character is designed to look ugly as shit in the first place
Legit autism
Not really, did you mean in bethesda games?
>these animations are made by retards
Not all. Again why are you bundling the entire modding community for one category of mods with one label? You have good animations and you have bad animations. It depends on a modder, like always.
>it should not be this hard to line up ponos and vagoo.
For the third time we're getting back to "You haven't seen good SLAL packs". There are packs where the dick is not only perfectly aligned to fuck the vagina it's literally stretching it open with the collision physics if you have a HDT vagina mod. It's really obvious that you haven't modded Skyrim in recent years.
Non-animator here.
Obviously the animation in Andromeda (Specifically that one model) is terrible, that much is obvious, but how do you improve it? Like, I know it's off but I can't articulate how it is off.
>I mean, Illusion can manage to get this shit to line up.
This is just not true. Illusion games have tons of clipping and the reason you can never change the MC height is because it breaks animations.
>shitty star wars dance game
>Battlefront II (2017) produced by a multi-million dollar developer
Why are their face textures so lacking in detail? The diffuse textures are practically a solid fucking color with the specular map running wild.
That's a problem with a lot of modern games where they rely on the lighting engine rather than textures to make models.
it's almost entirely automatically generated in that game, it lacks detail and fluidity because of it.
It's not a proper example of a facial capture whatsoever.
If you look at the rigs in other modern games that actually use it you'll find significantly more detail in the animations themselves and other functions such as correct wrinkling and stretching of skin features.
Simply code it better, you animate the face morphs with code, taking polygons and giving them X Y and Z values and shift those values, if you look at how face scanning works they paint dots on people's faces as points of references so that the computer can mimic the adjustments of the polygons in game.
But who ever coded their animation engine was just bad at it, bad animation code can do some crazy shit, like when you wield a weapon but the animations are off so now your arm is shooting through your body sideways.
That's probably it, there is no actual face deformations when they make any expression so it looks like a plastic doll.
Disgusting furrfag degenerate trash for fat faggots.
Make way for the actually best character creator:
looks fucking awful, like photoshop morphs of people into anime characters or something.
Just terrible.
This is actually a lot more limited than it looks.
Cassie was so hot before...
>99% of AAA games
only chink grindans have char creators worth a shit
Johnny and Lui Kang were direct upgrades for sure.
Why the fuck did they turn Liu Kang into some chink bugman
But they have shitty plastic meshes
I don't get it, why would you want good character creation for a game with bad art direction
>here's your gorilla faced western female protagonist, senpai
Face scans look better than modelled faces 90% of the time
Code Vein and God Eater 3 is for anime characters. BDO's style focused on Korean ideal, like pic related.
Stay mad furry barafag.
The developers expected you to make idealized cuties. Because they were generous enough to assume that you have good taste.
>Korean ideal
Why are Koreans attracted to freaks?
But girls from Overwatch look better than 100% of face scanned abominations in the western games.
Is muh realism ever not the worst fucking shit compared to designing something a little stylized?
because he is one
They literally only do it because it saves dev time and a monkey can operate the scanner.
god awful, you can keep that robot looking shit.
>better character creator
modders don't take account for system performance
That may just be the most attractive human being I have ever seen in my life. Thank you.
You are attracted to fat, hairy humanoid monsters. How fucking dare you act like this?
If you can't figure out why a big fat dad is the ideal partner by now then you've got no hope.
>bad art direction
compared to what? fucking wow or bethesda abominations?
can Yea Forums give perfect examples of uncanny valley
>it can't be bad because other things are worse
nice bait
so you just hate everything and cant name a single game with char creation and better art dir
>plastic meshes
Did you mean to say "textures"? You retard.
I've no opinion on the art direction (because I don't care)
user's reasoning against the other user's claim is just terrible
Exanima lets you do this and it's a tech demo for a low budget Kickstarter game.
god she looks dead inside
dumb jelly roastie
No. She looks fine.
imagine the smell
Is this a game?
If so, which one is it?
Black Desert Online
>dude let's just bloat the engine with super high poly objects and 4k textures because we're just amateurs who know jack shit about game optimization lol
Every fucking modder.
Nah, she's another dumb whore who pretend to like videogames to pander to betas.
Women are incapable of having hobbies.
I wish games like Monster Hunter could get character creators like this.
Steamy roastie
Fat chance as long as they try to appeal to the west.
Now if they took the high-spec graphics from world and made the game less about realism at any cost we could have something truely great.
Capcom's Dragon's Dogma has a pretty good character creator so maybe the inevitable sequel improves on it? The textures/speculars and hair styles aren't as clean and cute as in BDO but the sliders offer a lot of freedom.
Damn, numales get really defensive over their hoes.
Don't worry, i'm sure she'll send you some private snapchats if you go for the higher tier patreon level.
The trade off for such in depth character creators is generally the game itself being absolute dogshit.
See: every Korean game ever made.
MK11 looks 100x better.
From those, the only one from MK10 that looks better is the first one.
Cage looks pretty cute.
>people with high-end PCs don't exist
Every fucking AAA developer and overbearing publisher the past 10 years.
Oh, and your retarded ass.
But most if not all Korean games are MMOs so you can't really expect the gameplay to be all that deep anyway.
With that said however Korean MMOs suffer from grind and pay2win tendencies but their actual gameplay mechanics are the best in the genre, especially combat. Games like Vindictus, Blade & Soul, Black Desert Online, Tera, Bless, Project BBQ, Lost Ark etc. stand head and shoulders above the westacuck competition while ALSO providing beautiful character creators.
I'd kill for a single player Korean game with the character creator like in BDO or Lost Ark with the gameplay of Vindictus or Project BBQ/DFO.
Project EVE is being developed and I really hope it ends up being successful even if it's subpar because it would motivate them to branch out into more single player genres.
No need to get so personally offended and defensive like an autist.
With that brow, I think of the Ferengi species from Star Trek.
If modders are so great, why don't they make their own games? Oh wait, they can't. The best they can do is change/steal existing content.
because whole games take hundreds of people and tens of millions of dollars, retard.
Counter Strike is a half life mod and Team Fortress was a Quake mod
Only a tiny handful of those people exist.
The vast majority are toaster plebs that will bitch about not running at 60fps at 480p low.
But Forgotten City, a once mod for Skyrim, is being developed into a full fledged game?
Labors of love vs beasts of burden
you mean like that 6/10 you posted?
This is the most console niggered post ever.
Can't we get Itsuno to hire some veteran gooks to make the chargen for DD2?
Post your 10/10 loser. I need a good laugh. You won't. You know why? Because you're a bitch.
>Post your 10/10 loser
you first
There is literally no harm in releasing the higher detail, uncompressed source textures and source models. Shaving that shit down to run on consoles and toaster PCs when the optimization crunch hits is what takes time and effort.
It can even be a seperate, optional download like with old Skyrim's high-res texture pack.
I wish they would. I mean Japs aren't above hiring cheap gooks seeing all those walls of Korean names in anime credits these days.
Imagine wasting your life and talent on modding gamebryo games.
If you're going to mod it might as well be on the biggest modding platfo... er... most moddable game there is.
You have no idea how high poly the models used for normal map baking are. Textures can be done, but not the original high poly models. Please don't try to talk like you know what you're talking about.
I posted multiple girls I consider cute ITT already. Come on stop being a bitch user.
If you don't reply to me with a picture of a girl that you consider to be cute you're a certified bitch.
The engine is fine, it's Bethesda that's retarded.
Also people mod Bethesda's games because Bethesda, shitty as they may be, at least provide modding tools for it.
>being this insecure
its one thing to have shit taste lol
Certified bitch. Won't even get a (You).
separating all political bullshit or whatever you retards like to cry over the right looks so much better than the left
I'm talking about models from before the shape-defining vertices start getting culled for optimization, not pre-bumpmapping.
its entirely in the eyes. how does someone get like that?
>pink hair
Hair dyes are disgusting.
>models from before the shape-defining vertices start getting culled for optimization
modders can take risks while studios have to meet quotas without going outside the box.
AAA games are business projects, they make products made to be consumed, while modders make passion projects made to be admired.
that aside, bethesda arent exactly known for their risk-free products.
Do I really have to explain 'shape-defining' to you as a design concept? Or did you think model optimization stopped at trading surface vertices for mapping?
It doesn't matter that much because when you play Skyrim in 1st person or when your character wears a helmet and you play in 3rd person the performance isn't actually impacted by your character's hi-poly face because it's not being rendered. And Skyrim has no cutscenes so the only way to view your character's face is to stop, remove helmet/switch to 3rd person and turn camera around (or use TFC). Only then would the face be rendered and by then you're probably just looking for a screenshot so the frame rate dip doesn't matter anyway.
Enlighten me.
>modders aren't targeting the same casual audience that the developers were
why is this news?
>casuals demand shit character creators
Bump mapping is (best) performed on surfaces of an object where for you to see that detail you would have to looking at it from an angle where that section doesn't define the shape as it appears on your screen. This is a reasonable optimization that doesn't cost much visually.
The vertices that do define shape, the ones on the 'edge' of an object from a typical perspective, can be culled afterwards for additional performance - either because of how the model is interacting with lighting or other effects, or because you've literally hit some wall in the engine that requires just removing more polygons.
I usually just spam the random button until I get something close enough to be modified to look decent.
Character creators without a randomizer are pretty garbage though.
mortal combat just looks bad in general
disgusting girl fetishist
White Aryan straight male nationalist.
Transpoc lefty subhuman.
what's with that arm?
isn't racemenu the one that hasn't been updated in 8 years?
Modders tend to release better products because they don't have time constraints. They can take as long as they want perfecting the product because their paycheck doesn't depend on it.
Bare arms just have a habit of doing that in power attack animations. You're not really expected to be swinging a weapon without armor, or freezing mid-swing and taking a screenshot.
It doesn't really need to be updated either. It has a shitload of features and its only competitor only gets downloads because it comes with a higher-poly face model... that makes everyone look asian.
Four years or so, I doesn't really need it though
how hard is it to translate this shit into 3D models
The SSE edition is getting updates
To get it up to par with LE ver. It's not getting anything new.
bad skeleton rigging and animations