FF1: A group of adventurers restore the power of four elemental orbs and close an infinite time loop

FF1: A group of adventurers restore the power of four elemental orbs and close an infinite time loop.

FF2: A group of survivors of an Imperial attack join a resistance movement and kill the Emperor, only to face him once more as the King of Hell

FF3: A group of youths chosen by crystals set out to restore balance to a world on the brink of destruction

FF4: A conflicted knight and his entourage uncover a conspiracy to steal the world's crystals and discover an ancient civilization on the moon.

FF5: A world is temporally split to seal an ancient evil who begins their plan to reduce everything to non-existence when a group of adventurers restore the state of the planet.

FF6: A meglomaniacal psychopath throws the balance of magic out of place, scars the planet, and forces a resistance group to destroy the source of all magic.

FF7: An eco-terrorist group tracks the spectre of a former elite soldier under the influence of an ancient space alien who intends to absorb the 'blood' of the planet by summoning a giant meteor.

FF8: A powerful sorceress attempts to cheat fate by compressing time into one moment using the unique abilities of a girl who can project people into the past when she is killed by a group of child soldiers who only became soldiers because of her actions.

FF9: Two Angels of Death are sent to a world to harvest souls to revitalize their dying world. One of the Angels gets amnesia, and saves the world because he wants to bone a 16-year-old princess. Everyone has an existential crisis.

FF10: A dream manifests itself as a blonde fuccboi and encourages a spiritual mortician to end a cycle of violence on the world.

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Other urls found in this thread:


FFVI has the worst story

FFII legit has a cool plot but the gameplay was garbage.

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damn, haven't seen this thread in a while

>FF8: A powerful sorceress attempts to cheat fate by compressing time into one moment using the unique abilities of a girl who can project people into the past when she is killed by a group of child soldiers who only became soldiers because of her actions.
That makes perfect sense.

>Two Angels of Death
I think the symbolism on that is a bit much. I mean if anything they were arms dealers.

FF9 really dropped the ball in the final act.
I reappy thought Zidane was just going to be the sort of guy who just happened to be in the right place at the wrong time, but instead we got the chosen one superior brother angel of death, typical nip horseshit

Kefka is indeed the simplest villain, but he's got nice fashion, music, and his own cult of worshipers

but we agree that the Emperor is the strongest and most badass antagonist

Out of the one's I've played

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you're opinion is wrong and ur a faget

>chosen one, typical nip horseshit
accurate and scathing

>I reappy thought Zidane was just going to be the sort of guy who just happened to be in the right place at the wrong time
You mean a nobody without interesting backstory who saved the world like Rey in Star Wars? Nobody likes that shit even in the West.

X is when FF started to succ.

I would have liked it. The protagonist doesn't always need to be a special snowflake, and his origin or circumstance didn't matter because his personality made up for it.
Then they just made him Goku.


>FF10: thousands of dead summoners "dream" Zandarkand and all its people in to existence for thousand years it shits out Not Meg Ryan to stop the cycle they are trapped in from on rat named Micah.

NEVER trust a Micah.

those dreams aren't real Zanarkand.
Tidus was just a jumbled projection of Shuyin.

i've played 4, 6, 7 8 and 10

never completed 8. think I stopped around the "flashback" of the soldiers on the train.. but after reading OP, I kind of want to go back and play it again.

is it worth it?

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The correct opinion

user you forgot the best one XII m8

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Story shits itself after disc 1.

8? no
if you must play more FF, play the ones you missed, 9 and 5
3 and 5 have the similarity of not having real individual characters that develop a lot, but the ability to change your class

This is actually correct.

7 has the best story

It's great
It's shit
>implying your time is worth anything
>worth it

>Best music
>Best characters
>Best overall story
>Best combat
>funniest ff
Literally a full proof list. Inb4 faggots cry that FF6 isn't on best music list and FF9 isn't best everything because durr muh vivi is the only memorable thing

>tfw 2 stoopid to completely grasp FFVIII's and FFX's story.

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If you can get the junction system down to a non issue one way or another for you sure.

playing it normal? no.
if you got over it before you will again. try 9.

not really.
IMO X and 5 do.

I'd say they dropped the ball halfway into the 2nd disc. The outer continent really sucked.

They're angels of desth because their main goal was to get as many people killed as soon as possible. Kuja was an arms dealer but only because the fastest way to get people killed is by war or their equivalent of nuclear bombs, summons.
And their angels because a "higher power" made them for this purpose.

Viii is actually retarded so that's not a big deal. X is so easy to get if you ever played it when you weren't 12. What don't you get

>saves the world because he wants to bone a 16-year-old princess
Best reason there is.

I have a soft spot for 8, but if you stopped where you did, then the rest of the game will probably not be interesting to you. The plot shits itself throughout disc three, and it only manages to recover a bit beyond that.

If you play 8, play it for the junctioning system and the things you can do with that. Also for Triple Triad.

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yeah I almost dropped the game at Oeilvert.

Rest are garbage plots and don't even bother trying to praise 6

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7s music was about as good as 5, which is to say completely adequate, but only a few standout tunes
its obviously of high quality, but you can't really compare it to 4 or 6 (or CT), that have a dozen or more truly great tracks

>no FF5 on best music

9 is dogshit

that's the point
you see all these magical creatures and just assume, as zidane does, that it's just normal to have a tail and stuff
but it's not
for typical nip bullshit it seemed to trick you pretty well

Battle on the Bridge is so, soooo overrated.

>6 having better music than 7
>when it only has one memorable track that is embarrassingly plagerized
>having the Gaul to include FF5 as well

7 is overrated as fuck.
5 is best FF.

say that to my face not online nerd

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yeah I get that, just seems too symbolic for alien invaders.

Play IX and make a new list

>Black Mage village
>Eiko and moogles
I'd say disc 4 was when it started to feel rushed. Maybe when Amarant randomly decides to join your party

And it's only 1 of 3 memorable songs.

you should try playing FF4 and FF5.

Also FF7=FF9>FF10

Maybe but its still really good.
7 is pretty shit for music.
It basically has One Winged Angel and that's it.

There are other songs in 5 that are so much better than the bridge battle, I don't understand why that's the track that gets all the love.

Why are you out ting yourself as a retard

he's wrong, by nobuo's standards, 5 was phoned in
i only liked
dawn warriors
deep blue sea
lennas theme
and all the ending stuff

I've never played a Final Fantasy game but when I do I'm gonna play them all in order to completion. It's not gonna happen anytime soon but give me some information that should be known before I undergo on this quest.

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>out ting

isnt that disc 2? pretty sure it was. None the less i think you felt rushed because Kuja was the prime focus, like the war with alexandria fissles out

you're gonna get burnt out hard before you get anywhere close to playing them all

And Jenova, oppressed people, battle theme, boss theme, cloud theme, aeris theme, bombing mission, gold saucer, rufus welcome ceremony, cosmo canyon Just to name the first that come to my fucking head

Skip 1-3

You're probably right but fuck off and dish you catty bitch

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Literally none of those are outstanding or noteworthy.
They are forgettable as hell.

Make an all thief party for 1 they're really OP.

FF10 turned the series to shit. Prove my opinion wrong. You can't.

there is no rational reason to go in order, since they have nothing to do with each other
and 6 is the starting place if you have no concept about the series, because it has the strongest intro overall, and has no real weakness

>FF9: Two Angels of Death are sent to a world to harvest souls to revitalize their dying world. One of the Angels gets amnesia, and saves the world because he wants to bone a 16-year-old princess. Everyone has an existential crisis.
You forgot:
>And suddenly the Grim Reaper

You can easily cheese 2 by using only a single party member while leaving the rest dead due to the way skills are improved

FF was trash way before 10. 7 is the first bad game in the series.

>gold saucer
Just end yourself you actual pile of shit.

contrarian faggot

rail road plot and maps.
over designed everything
style over substance
it is stilla fun game but it did herald everything that ruined FF.

all i can say is 9 and 10 were my favorite. never played 1, 2, 4,5, or 6.

7 is just a rehash of 6

Celes = Cloud
Empire = Shinra
Espers = Mako/Materia
Kefka = Sephiroth

I agree no ff since has managed to be better than it so technically everything since has been shit

How very contrarian hipster of you. Can I interest you in some vaping or eating menstruation blood?

It's really not that big of a deal. I beat every main Final Fantasy and have even gone back and beat them again. You're not really missing out on anything if you don't do it either. I'd definitely lower expectations after 9 though.

Like Naruto, who started as a nobody with big dreams. Oops, just kidding, you have to be somebody's son to be anyone. Great message for the kids.

worst nipshit

Work on your english skills pablo.

Nigger please. The only people that slobber over 7s cock are people that played it as their first FF.

Every single fucking game follows the same format you fucking mong.
Materia = magic crystals
Empire = big bad empire like always
Main character = main character
Final boss = final boss

>And suddenly the Grim Reaper
I still have no idea what the fuck his problem was

Si senor I will but you still haven't proven me wrong

>you have to be somebody's son to be anyone. Great message for the kids
Black person detected.

is Shadow = Yuffie?

>Nigger please. The only people that slobber over 7s cock are people that played it as their first FF.

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that..isn't even close to true
if anything terra is closest to cloud
there is no shinra equivalent; the empire isn't doing anything bad to humans they just want to use the espers to make their world better and the people don't really mind, it is only when kefka usurps that power that things get whacky

kefka and sephiroth are again not even close, maybe hojo and kefka but I'd say there really isn't a kefka kind of guy in FF7

espers and materia is the dumbest one and i wont even tell you why cause it's clear you've never played either game

hades or necron?

it's true
Even as a kid I thought ff7 was fucking ugly as shit and uninteresting to boot.
6, 9, and 10 are fantastic.

>the empire isn't doing anything bad to humans they just want to use the espers to make their world better and the people don't really mind
Did you actually play the fucking game?

Seriously, the whole emperor becoming both god and satan deal was very interesting but I have to read about it from a wiki page because god knows I don't want to deal with the shitty leveling.

>it's true
>Even as a kid I thought ff7 was fucking ugly as shit and uninteresting to boot.
>6, 9, and 10 are fantastic.

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>no argument
Not surprised.

How can one person be so retarded

yes. Also, hipsters, dude?
2012 called, it wants their zeitgeist back.

FF1 is a take on Dungeons and Dragons.Play the GBA version to save yourself grief

FF2 is ambitious with it's leveling system, but is broken to the point of you hitting your own characters to gain HP. I recommend playing this only if you've played the others, and if you do, playing any other version than the NES

FF3 is where they finally come into their own. If you value gameplay over story, play the NES version, or if you value story, play the DS version.

FF4 has dozens of versions and is considered an entry point for the old-school FF's. It is the first in the series to have the framework which would define the series to this day, and is beloved by many. As a result, one would argue that you do not know the series unless you play it through.

FF5 dials back on the story in favor of giving the player all of the tools they need to customize their party. This focus on gameplay makes it beloved here on Yea Forums, and from an article I read once, this is apparently a favorite among the developers of the series, both new and old.

FF6 is the beginning of the modern take on Final Fantasy, in that story and style take precedence over gameplay. Nevertheless, it is an entertaining package, and you're not likely to stop playing once you start.

FF7 is too big and popular for it's own good, but there is a reason for the love. It is an extremely entertaining game with tons to do.

FF8 is divisive as fuck. It represents what happened to squaresoft once they had tons of capital to operate with. People were expecting more of 7, and square chose to do something completely different. As a result, it is one of the more unique titles, but it is also hated for not being more of the same.

FF9 is a return to form, and perhaps a response to the reaction to FF8. The development sessions for this game could have gone like this: "Let's take the trappings of FF1 through 5 and make a love letter using the modern tech."
FF Tactics is the best one. Play that one.

I shuddered at the thought of wasting several hours playing an unfun ancient dinosaur game

Just give me the plot synopsis

What's the preferred method for playing 4? I hear the DS remake was pretty bad, and I've heard mixed things about the GBA port.

I started at 4. I didnt beat it its just where I started. Then I went to 9 and that was my first beaten final fantasy. And then I proceed to beat 4 5 6 7 8 10. So find a final fantasy that you feel will work as a test run then find one that you seem to like the most at face value.

>Like Naruto, who started as a nobody with big dreams.
Did... did you not know Hokage 4 was his dad from chapter/episode 1? He started out as a dimwit but he didn't start out as a nobody. Luffy on the other started out as a nobody with big dreams.

by not having babby'a first jarpg as my top pick

3 is one of the best.

ff9 was originally going to be a Gaiden series, but the producers liked it so much they made it a numbered series.

Why would I be concerned about Hades? He's an optional boss who isn't majorly plot relevant

shut the fuck up nigger
it's called war
doma, figaro and the returners didn't have to fight back at all and kefka probably would have never gained power
go fucking die you retard

>hipsters dude?
>that's like sooo 2012
>why aren't you posting my favorite meme wojack

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All of those fucking blow you tasteless faggot, FF7 has shit for music.

The problem isn't the age. You can pick up any copy of ff1 and have fun, because even if it gets grindy you don't have to attack your own characters to raise their stats like a retard.

>ancient dinosaur game
You need to be 18 to post on this website.


FF9 was them capping off "classic" Final Fantasy.
if you notice from 10 on wards the game changes a shit ton.

So you don't remember the flashback where slavecrown Terra vaporizes an EMPIRE TOWN with her mech.

>cycle of violence on the world

No there's a lot more parallels between 6 and 7 than any other two games in the series. Like how the Empire and Shinra are borth initial antagonists that build their power off of abusing natural resources and have created super soldiers with their technology who turn on them and become the primary antagonists. Cloud is sort of a Terra/Celes hybrid with aspects of both characters.

Nah he's probably closest to Vincent in terms of being a dourpuss and having a mysterious past with connections to other characters in the plot.

>I reappy thought Zidane was just going to be the sort of guy who just happened to be in the right place at the wrong time, but instead we got the chosen one superior brother angel of death, typical nip horseshit

Play XBC1 and 2.

The MC is literally just some dude. Shulk is kind'a special, but there's nothing unique/special about Rex at all, it could have been any Leftherian salvager, it just happened to be him. He only stays relevant to the plot because of his own determination to do so.

>No destiny
>No legendary powers
>No special training
>No backstory with the villain
>Just a dude, out to save/protect/help his girl(s).

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I realize that someone in this thread is triggered, but 7 was amazing and also disappointing, it did a lot of things really well and was also a downgrade in some areas
the entire city section is either repulsive or great depending on what you felt about the series
people also hated the fact that FF7 took place in a more realistic world, with modern technology and aesthetics
I think 7 has great battle music, and I liked materia, but for me personally it was when FF stopped being what it had always been

I've read that too. I like to imagine that it was intended as a Seiken Densetsu game, because of the character designs, and the iifa tree.

PSP or the original Japanese SNES version with a translation patch.

get a life, loser.

ATB was a mistake
>the empire isn't doing anything bad to humans
and they're training living magitek weapons for a laugh?
>it's called war
which is still a bad thing to wage retard
>kefka would have never gained power
>implying he wouldn't have found another way to weasel his way into power if the returners hadn't *checks notes* avenged the empire's conquered foes, including a country he committed genocide against

that's a cool pic dude

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Crystal Chronicles: An asteroid crash lands on earth and DUDE WEED LMAOs the planet into despair. Kids set out on a journey to gather water which keeps the village from getting high as fuck.

i really like 7's cornball atmosphere. it's like they made another SNES final fantasy with all the goofiness and weirdness intact

From the ones I've played,

7 > 6 > 9 > 5 > X > 8 > XII

I mostly play these games for the story, XII's story didn't grab me (despite being great at parts) and 8's story made absolutely no sense. People try rationalise it to this day, but it's completely nonsense, full of plot-holes that require the most imaginative justifications. It's got some cool things, like the ancient God(?) that's constantly screaming in the void, but as a whole it just doesn't come together.

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It makes more sense in Japanese: he's some sort of divinity summoned indirectly by pretty much the whole story of the game, mainly Kuja's actions.
He takes what happened to the logical extreme and concludes it would be better to end it all, because Kuja's feelings represent everyone else anyways.
Zidane and his group proves this wrong by defeating him, proving that the will to live was stronger than wanting to end it all.

Literally Rex in XBC2 and it works perfectly fine. Rey would have been perfectly fine, if they'd just bothered to actually give her some flaws, some character and some need to improve herself.

The worst part about final fantasy II is that there's a point in the game where all the low level enemies are replaced with high level ones making it incredibly difficult to actually level your HP from that point onwards.

The monster balance is also terrible as fuck.

8 really isn't very good. It's not worth the time it takes to play through.

I don't think there's a need to do this, but I disagree with the people saying there's nothing to gain from doing so. You'll see the gameplay systems and stories evolve as it goes, and if you can appreciate the era they're from, you'll understand why many of them were such landmark titles. You'll see the early games often focussed around Crystals and then them slowly start moving away from that and dropping that plot point entirely.

I've actually been somewhat thinking of doing exactly that with DQ games, but hey.

what about XII, XIII trilogy and XV?

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>final fantasy stories that start good but completely fall to shit by the ending
5, 8, 9,
>final fantasy stories that are solid throughout but never particularly shine
4, 3, 1, 7
>final fantasy stories that actually stay pretty fresh and interesting
2, 6, 10, 12
>shitshows start to finish
13 and its spawn, 15
I've never played the MMOs

I agree. This is precisely what will be missing from the remake, and it will be lesser for it.

The final act is great, I just wish they had the time and resources to give it the justice it deserves. I love the idea of Terra being this Elizibeth Batroy planet that was trying to live forever by draining all the juice out of Gaia.

>still no word on the remaster

it hurts

>Played 5 and 6 before 7
>7 is still my favourite

Get fucked.

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>8's plot
You're right. If there's any FF that could benefit from a remake, it's this one. Give them a chance to tighten up the story. And, perhaps more importantly, give the junction system another try. FF8 is an aggregate of great ideas executed adequately at best.

zoomer here. I had no trouble hopping in and enjoying the hell out of 1-6 (even 2, despite everything), but I hit a wall, hard, with 7 and 8. Nine I was able to force my way through till I started enjoying it but nothing about the ugly ps1 polygons of those two inspire any desire to play in me

yes sadly the PS1 era graphics are shit no matter how you look at it.
if you have the PC version get mods. if not well tough shit.

Play them with retroarch (beetle psx) using a crt shader, i like crt.geom.
You will see how good they were actually supposed to look.
If i played those on a stretched out ugly resolution, that blurs and distorts the prerendered backgrounds and at the same time renders characters at higher resolution making them extra crisp which makes them look like they don't belong in their world, i'd hate to play them too.

FF11: What if we made a game that can't be played solo

FF12: Two countries fight over some magic rocks. A pair of kids get dragged into political intrigue that has nothing to do with them.

FF13: Literally impossible to explain because it has sequels that invoke time travel bullshit and multiple universe theory. FF13 basically takes place in a doomed timeline where capricious gods manipulate the fates of mortals in increasingly stupid ways.

FF14: A MMORPG that actively tries to discourage you from playing it. I guess there's a plot in the background about how anyone with strong enough emotions can potentially summon world-ending monsters from thin air -- and this has already caused an apocalypse several times

FF15: FF12 without the kids, and it's a road trip

I remember as a kid, I absolutely loved 7 and adored it from the moment I started playing it. Simply because it was set in a cyberpunk world, it wasn't the green fields and airship FF games I'd played so much of already.

I absolutely devoured it when I first began playing... right until I left Midgar... And then it dropped off a cliff for me.

There's still a good amount of future-tech and civilisation and such, but outside Midgar, it's all mostly standard FF trappings. You've got your Chocobo, your Boat(kind'a), your Airship, and it's all grasses, fields and everything I'd played before.

From the ones I've played:

FFXI best girl.

Yeah, Junon and Gold Saucer are practically in all JRPG ever. You're retarded.

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FFXV is the worst piece of fucking dogshit ever

It's not that bad if you play one of the newer versions and invest in magic early. They make it so you gain hp just by being in battle, you don't have to get hit. I played the PSP version, grinded for 1 hour at the beginning to get ahead of the curve and then steamrolled the entire game.

amen brother

Like I said, some exceptions. There's a few things that stood out, but nothing on the scope of Midgar, nothing that captured the imagination at least.

I just really wanted a whole game that took place in a sprawling, sleazy, cyberpunk city like that. It would have been amazing.

I actually don't think there really is a game that actually captures that feeling, the Persona/DS games are the only urban fantasy JRPGs I can even think of.

And yet somehow 8 was the worst.

Is 7 supposed to sound bad here? Because that summary sounds awesome.

My party was Cloud, Yuffie, Cid

I fantasized that I'm Yuffie and I get double penetrated and sandwiched regularly by my two hot, blond, blue-eyed daddies. In our tent, you know what I mean? Every. Night.

I loved the world in FF7.
it is like WAY after shit hit the fan and the world all but healed. ruins of the old world and tech are gone and cannibalized to build rusted out towns. what little pure tech that was saved was used by shinra to control the world.
MIdgar had that feel because it was the only Mega city that came out of the ashes....well that and golden saucer.

sure smells like INCEL in here

Just finished 6.
My main complaint is that its too easy, don't think I game over'd at any point. FF's are easy in general (other than maybe 4) but 6 plays itself.
Micro managing esper stat boosts is also dumb. I like the multi party dungeons, but min/maxing more than 4 characters would be a pain in the ass.

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That's kinda gay user. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Is that legit? I don't remember the details of 7 anymore. It's set after a calamity or something, where the world is healed and Shinra is hoarding tech? I thought it was just that Shinra had built up all this tech.

I still don't understand the problem with the gameplay. I played the PS1 and PSP versions, didn't see anything weird.

6 for whatever reason attracts a ton of people weird about stats. I posted a glitch that let you reset levels but not stats I found on a forum and within a few months someone had used it to max out everyone.

No idea what is about, there is no such cataclysm. It is kinda set after a mako boom, but nothing beyond a couple of failed/abandoned reactors.

>You mean a nobody without interesting backstory who saved the world like Rey in Star Wars?

It is possible to not be a chosen superhero and still have an interesting backstory. Rather, just being the chosen one isn't even remotely interesting.

Bull fucking Shit. Nothing of the scope of Midgar? Nothing that captured the imagination?
Gold Saucer was a gigantic tree made out of fucking metal, with a gigantic roller coaster surrounding it, futurama tubes for travel and other bullshit. The only way you can get to it is by a fucking tram that has to travel like at least 100km from corel.
Junon has a canon that is bigger than the city, with an underground harbor for submarines and other bullshit.
Your retarded ass thought that the entire world would be covered in metal and steam?

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I think the explanation for why the world is like that in 7 is that 7's world basically was a generic JRPG fantasy setting until Mako power was discovered relatively recently and then technology shot through the roof in Midgar but it hasn't really become ubiquitous yet.

JRPGs are always too shy about leaving the generic fantasy kiddie pool behind and always leave at least one toe still dipped in. Like how Star Ocean games are about space people being stranded on generic fantasy planet and Chrono trigger spends most of its time in Generic Fantasy periods 1 and 2 instead of the cool post-apocalyptic Mad Max time period or the cavemen and dinosaurs one. Don't even get me fucking started on how wasted DQ VII's premise is


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I was conscious about levelling effectively, but didn't really need to. The difficulty drops off a cliff around World of Ruin.

>I think the explanation for why the world is like that in 7 is that 7's world basically was a generic JRPG fantasy setting until Mako power was discovered relatively recently and then technology shot through the roof in Midgar but it hasn't really become ubiquitous yet.
Close but not really. Corel was a coal mining town, and they used the coal for electricity until Shinra murdered them because they can't have competition against Mako.

whats the best version of FFV?



Sounds like your typical Asian fantasy.

Most of the meat of the story in Chrono trigger takes place in either the pre-historic society with floating continents of super advanced magic societies or the post-history dystopia, and even in the the "modern" era the 3 main humans are from there are already robots and other technology of a similar level (such as luca's dad's leg crushing machine).

The GBA version. Inferior music aside, it has the most content and doesn't have a fucktarded translation or long loading times.

part of what makes ff series the way it is, is the customizing your character, pretty much like any RPG.

Seconding GBA, you can patch the ROM to use the original sound as well.

Both of those are tiny zones you spend a small amount of time in. And Junon is basically nothing, it just feels like a mechanised port city. You could find that in 6.

I heard the patch doesn't really improve the music much. Is that true or just a lie?

It doesn't restore it to snes quality, it's true. just play that version. the extra dungeon sucks and the jobs added onto it aren't that impressive

And Midgar consists of 5 screens of slums, 3 screens of a garbage dump, a church (wow so cyberpunk), aeris house and shinra HQ, the only thing that's actually vaguele scifi.
Even doing 100% in Midgar, you will be out after 6 to 7 hours tops. People have some serious nostalgia glasses memory issues when it comes to the scope and time you spend in Midgar.
Oh I forgot, a single screen of sewers.

But I like Enuo.

FF13: Godlike beings build the perfect society in order to sacrifice all the people in it to call back the boss god and regain purpose in existence, but random misfits somehow stop their plot.

FF13-2: Divine intervention saves the cast of the previous game, but it fucks up the flow of time on the planet, and the protagonist's sister has to travel time to set things right again, though she fails in the end because a time-traveling indian fucks them up.

FF13-3: The boss god comes back when the world is on the brink of destruction and revives the protagonist of the first part, to have her gather everybody's souls to a new world, but not everyone would be saved so the protagonist beats up the god instead.

FFXV: A prince is trying to get married but destiny forces him to save the world instead and he doesn't get laid even once.

There's not much to customising them with espers though, main choices are STR or MAG. Even then it's just min/maxing, which isn't even needed in hindsight. It can feel a bit like you lose out if you don't have the right espers equipped just as you level up, which either means you're constantly eying EXP, or just running with espers you don't wanna use
The customization through equipment and relics is good though. Back row and osmose are just op as shit, as usual.

nothing 100% confirmed but playing though it a year ago. i noticed things kid user did not see.
it is outright stated that there was a civilization before the current one that was wiped out.

Shin Ra won the war with WuTai with their overwhealming tech and materia.

All of their tech and city looks like it is built with scraps and ruins of a much larger and technologically advanced city. everything looks cobbled together to work but not as intended. the smaller towns and outposts all have this same built out of ruins/scraps feel to them. the father away from Shin Ra control(Midgar) the more the towns look like they are built from scratch with little to no tech.
they had access to Jenova and knew how to drain the life stream for energy and materia. no one else has access to that tech outside of the people in charge of the ruins of a mega city.

nothing confirmed like i said just things you notice more as an adult playing it.

No idea about the original FF12 but I'd like to say that the zodiac age version that came out recently is a great game and I don't think it should be hated so much.
I'm glad I ignored so many idiots telling me to not play it.

Cetra/Ancients remnants are in literally 2 locations, and both untouched.

FFXV: Some jpop faggot and his gay friends doing jackshit while taking themselves VERY seriously

The original FFI is fundamentally broken, play one of the dozen remakes, most of them are good.
XI and XIV are ongoing MMOs and the latter isn't nearly done with its story yet, but it is quite good.
Several games have one or more sequels or spinoffs, usually worse than the original but not always. Off the top of my head
>IV has The After Years
>VII has Crisis Core (prequel), Advent Children (sequel movie), and Dirge of Cerberus (sequel spinoff about Vincent)
>X has X-2
>XII has Revenant Wings
>XIII has XIII-2 and Lightning Returns
There are also several other games that aren't mainline worth playing. Theatrhythm, Tactics, Dissidia, Chocobo's Dungeon, etc.

FF11: different races and nations unite to face a large beast man who is actually a marionette of an ancient boy's power? or some such
also there are pirates to the east

1 is fantastic, just play the gba or psp version. Nes is riddled with glitches, half the shit in that game doesn't work. I recommend one knight, one monk, white mage and black mage.
Skip 2, the leveling mechanics are absolutely retarded.
For 3 I recommend the translated NES version. The DS version is actually slower, more grindey and has a worse look. Acquaint yourself well with the magic and job system.
4 is easy, no tips.
5 is fun. I recommend you look into the rapid fire and multicast abilities, the final boss is a real pain.
6 is #1. A warning: there's sections of the game where you'll need to split characters into two or three groups, keep them all leveled. Look into gau's mechanic. You can save shadow if you wait until the last moment. There's overpowered item combos, but you don't really need them if you teach everyone ultima.

>it is outright stated that there was a civilization before the current one that was wiped out.
You really should pay more attention.

Isn't this the plot of Persona 3?

This 2bh, 6 is probably my favorite

>I've never played the MMOs
I've never played XI but XIV is fantastically written. I'm not sure how to tl;dr the plot because not only is it not complete it's also fairly lengthy and convoluted and even the standard evil empire has like three or four different factions with varying goals and all the antagonists have some sort of valid point.

>inferior music aside
The patch still has worse music than the original.
The music is very important for this series and any version that has worse music is inferior.

>I've never played XI but XIV is fantastically written

Not really. It has some good parts, but most of the time it's a generic mess that they're obviously making up as they go.

Persona and SMT kinda follow the same principles yes.
FFIX tried to do this but it got lost in translation.

Serious question, aside from the game's quality. Was FF13 really enough of a success to justify two sequels, or can I believe the memes about the developers making Lightning their waifu?

>Cetra colonize a planet
>implant the life force
>build up their civilization while their form new life.
>humans become a thing
>Jenova aka Not Lavos smashes to earth
>Cetra lose thier shit and wreak their civilization due to her powers
>what is left get togeather and seal Jenova away
>they join the human in the ruins of their world. fading in to legend.
2000 years later FF7 happens from what my understanding is.

Muh grind

>Vivi is the only memorable thing

Fucking this boomers who were very late to the FF party that didnt play FF7 and 8!

The current plot arc with the Flood of Light and aether thinning has been foreshadowed in various ways since 2.0. Everything about Ala Mhigo and Doma was foreshadowed by the 2.x patches, and the Eyes of Nidhogg were part of the Dragoon questline back in ARR. The only recent thing that's entirely out of left field is Solus but even that isn't that farfetched when you look at the Hypertuned and Aulus mal Asina's experiments on moving souls between bodies.

If they're making it up as they go they're doing one hell of a job, because it's pretty fucking internally consistent.

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FF13 was fairly successful, yeah. And making two more games with the same engine and assets probably wasn't too costly. LR especially was really low-effort, technically.

Those are not memes. Toriyama straight up obsessed with Lightning, just watch the Lightning Return announcement presentation.

FF13 sold pretty well, as far as I remember.
FF13-2 and LR are great games.

XIII is better than XIII-2.

they sold well. not as well as they wanted. they did make gang busters with all the shit they did with that era though. the modeling and clothing shit really did pay off.

Not really, no.

>Nobody likes that shit even in the West.
People liked Luke because he was just a farmboy who rose to the challenge and went on the hero's journey. Yes Darth Vader was his father, but that didn't make him the chosen one even with the bullshit the prequels retconned in. He never mastered the force, he didn't even finish his training, and he lost most of his battles. But he persevered. That's a story people love to hear. People don't like Rey because she never struggled, and there's no reason given for it. The reason people actually hoped she'd be some kind of chosen one is because then at least it would explain some things. But all in all, the rags to riches story is typically more interesting than the riches to rags to riches story. It takes a sense of relatability and agency out of the protagonist when it feels like their story was preordained from the start.

Yes and no, since it's a single saga rather than "a game and two sequels". This is especially relevant with XIII and XIII-2 since they share so many assets. Like half the OST.

Man, establishing a bunch of ideas and concepts ahead of time isn't a sign of some great creative intellect, but like the very basics of storytelling.

Just pretend I quoted your post.

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actual autism

I only played and completed 7, 8, 10 and 13 which were the most popular ones I got recommended, don't really have interest in the others since they arent my thing. Only truly disliked 13 and didn't bother with the other two games

5 > 3 >>> 6 > 4 = 1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2

as someone who recently started playing through DQ chronologically,.
Do it.
These games kick ass if you put yourself into the right mindset. Seeing the gameplay evolve across multiple games is neat.

Sure and we could argue about the execution all day but the fact remains that to claim they're making it up as they go is provably false and that's what I'm saying here. There are a lot of things you can argue about regarding XIV but it straight up does not do asspulls.


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Final Fantasy music is good, but the main draw has been the story. In the case of job based FFs, it's gameplay. Gameplay is superior on the GBA, as it has extra jobs and dungeons. Not to mention the translation makes it easier to play through. No more retarded "X-fight" or other nonsense to confuse anyone.

I think i did hear that FF7 and X are connected in some way.

run along back to your mmo general. we'd like to talk about the actual games.

Fanfiction bullshit

>to claim they're making it up as they go is provably false and that's what I'm saying here

>1% of content was mentioned in the previous patch

look, whatever dude.

VIII was my first. But IX is my favorite. Something about the more classical world for fantasy and the story being so great (except for that one part).

So, this is the fabled "first post worst post"...

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Excuse me, just passing through

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What is the right mindset?

i hope so.
last thing SE needs to do is go down the timeline worm hole.
look at what it did to zelda.

"Im better than the normies that play FF!"

Not them, but consider that it's an software entertainment company. It stands to reason that each decision has a reason behind it, even if the general consensus is that it's a bad reason.

never, at any point, you "have" to hit yourself to level, that's a purely game breaking tactic

So, any JRPG aside from FF?

using your imagination/immersing yourself
this is necessary for the first 3 games especially
if you can get into it these games really make you feel like a hero in a fairytale

The basic gist of the connection is that there's a character named Shinra in X-2 who wants to use the planets energy as a power source, but he ultimately fails. Then there's some bullshit about their ancestors going to another planet (VII planet).
It comes from the scenario writers themselves but makes little to no sense.

yes and no.
it is that but also the fact it is the only JRPG that has been around for as long but never as popular in the west.

Some games need the player's imagination to make it any good...like Skyrim.

Thanks, user. I'll see about grabbing some DQ roms.

is 10 2 worth the cringy j pop shit?

I haven't played it, but I hear that the gameplay is unique among FF's. Also seems like the kind of game for the type that collects pvc anime figures, but hey, it takes all kinds.

Sure but I reserve the right to sperg first.

Absolutely everything has precedent and the lore is entirely internally consistent. There is not a single thing in the entire story where you can look at it and say "Wow there is absolutely nothing that supports this happening". Even the seemingly out of left field shit like Ame-no-Murakumo coming to life and spawning Susano is just Primal summoning concentrated into aetherically conductive artifacts for the same result and that's likewise how the Four Lords became sentient, the Resonant is just an incomplete Echo formed from Zodiark mixed with magitek like how the normal one is formed from Hydaelyn, Lalafell were accidentally created by the fucking Allagans, Papalymo's sealing spell was the same one used by Louisoix in 1.23b, and so on forever because you can't find a hole.

The whole world is rock solid, nigger. There are two bigass lorebooks that give trivia on every last retarded little detail and there has yet to be a contradiction over six years running.

Gaius did nothing wrong.

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It's fucking awful. I'm trying to play it right now. People say the battle system is good but it's just ffx with atb, and 99% of the time you're just basic attacking in combat, or wasting 20 minutes on useless actions to farm ap.

They are at their peak now, what the fuck are you talking about? More of these shits then ever.

thats my view of it. it just screams JPop icon/Otaku pandering.. maybe ill give it a shot the jobs system seems interesting and maybe not all the outfits will be fan service bait.

>new party member


i dont know how you go about playing your games but id recommend the mobile remakes for 1, 2 and 4. The objective best version of 3 is on GBC, but if you want the cool SNES art go for the mobile remake. 5 has an english translation for the PS2 version and should be emulated (or purchased if you know Japanese, I guess). If you want it mobile go with the DS version of 5.
Depends, I fucking hated it, but some lads including some of my friends like it. ATB sucks dick.

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The development probably goes more or less like this
>lead writer: here's my rough outline for the scenario of the next expansion, building upon the elements established here and there
>producer: did you know, according to american study, the average player will lose interest unless they see flashing lights every 30 seconds?
>lead writer: yes?
>producer: to create more variety, we will include X, Y, and Z in this expansion, please revise the outline accordingly
>lead writer: b-but that will break up the pacing and ruin characterization! it's not what we agreed before!
>producer: I have changed my mind, pray I do no change it again

>dies and takes over Hell
>is so evil even his "light" half is evil, and when he died that half also takes over Heaven

Pretty good.

>I think the explanation for why the world is like that in 7 is that 7's world basically was a generic JRPG fantasy setting until Mako power was discovered relatively recently and then technology shot through the roof in Midgar but it hasn't really become ubiquitous yet.

Makes sense in universe, but was still a shame


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8 is much better than this board gives it credit for but Spoony made fun of it 40 years ago and so now you all hate


Don't give that youtube celeb that kind of power. Truth is that people hated 8 when it came out for not being more of 7. I liked it though, probably because I was 14 at the time

7=8=9>1=2=3=4=5=6>Dog shit on a hot day>Really smelly dog shit behind the fridge so you can't reach it>11=14>Cat shit>10

All of them actually sound good to me OP. FF has always been about far out fantasy

V is the best
VI is normie tier
VII is casual normie tier
VIII is for hipsters that didn't want to sound too normie for liking VII
IX is a return to form and is easily the best "newer" FF
XI is kino
XII a shit
XIII is repetive shit (much like this list)
XIV is shit
XV was never finished

play 9 and have sex

The scope and scale of Midgar leaves a huge amount to the imagination. Especially as a kid.

I will never be able to fathom how people that hate 10 have enough brain cells to actually breath. Like, what is wrong with their heads?

Well, we can spell "breathe" for starters.

What makes 1 so broken?


10 is pleb filter

the ps1 and psp versions fix 99% of the major issues with the game and refine it significantly, to be much more playable. It's the NES version that's garbage, take all the little quirks and bugs that FF1 has and then amplify it to 50 for ff2. Shit like MP raising at a rate of like 1/1000 HP, some skills only raising with specific spells as opposed to any in it's class.

Basically the NES version was legitimately terrible, and the reputation stuck of it being a bad game. The remade versions on origin/psp/mobile/gba/every other device are just SaGa lite and anyone saying they're bad is a retard who doesn't understand the gameplay. Period.

OP here, I liked 10, actually. But the post is funnier if I make a joke out of the last one

More like 10 is pleb essentials.


Its not the combat so much as the "dress" system. Job systems make people wet. The entire game is basically one long series of ridiculous side quests and really unbalanced combat.

Some stats just don't work, certain spells do the opposite of what they say or are misnamed. There's also a cripplingly small text field limit so half the items have shortened or deformed names. It's playable, but insanely buggy.

But it's not 7

I unironically loved blitzball. I loved building a team, I loved winning championships. It was top 3 best minigame of all time.

Yes, because it's 10. Hallway simulator 1.0, the prequel to XIII

I honestly liked more ff13-3 than the others, at least has an original gameplay (you play solo, you have timegated objectives, maybe more quest than the original). The ff13-1 was boring as hell the two characters sections were excruciating i wanted to cut my balls on the nigger-retarded pink girl hair section (i dont even remember the names) and ff13-2 got a good pokemon system, lightning sister who litterally NOBODY wanted to have around since is a pain in the balls but an overall good bad guy.

I think 9 is overrated. The battles are comically slow, several characters are pointless, and the actual gameplay is pretty mediocre. I also always hated how "empty" the world felt.

But tells it the best.

Spoken like someone who has played neither

When Rune Factory finally makes me buy a switch, I will.

Literally the only redeeming part of FF8 was the card game being somewhat enjoyable. That is literally it.

I'm still mad they intentionally didn't show Tifa in any of that promotional material. I fucking NEED to see Remake Tifa and Yuffie.

But who is the best protagonist and why is it Tidus

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>FF9: Two Angels of Death are sent to a world to harvest souls to revitalize their dying world. One of the Angels gets amnesia, and saves the world because he wants to bone a 16-year-old princess. Everyone has an existential crisis.

I think you mean two Saiyans are sent to a planet called Gaia to kill everyone but Goku pulls a Goku and forgets and becomes a good boy as a result.

XII is my favourite FF

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My knowledge of final fantasy is surface level at best. Based solely on these explanations 2, 7, 8, and 9 sound the most radical.

Feel the same way about it, it was even received as a lackluster entry in comparison to the other games

I started from 1 and like almost every game. But now I'm struggling to play 8.

The art IS SHIT. And I said this as a man who endured all 7 games with bad to mediocre art. I mean what the actual fuck were those faces? The guy are weid twinks the girls are abomination.

So I skipped 8 and finished tactics, then struggling again with tactics advance shit art, finished tactics a2 and 4 heroes of light. Now I just need some extra motivation to play that god damn uggo VIII.

A2 was so much better than A and I refuse to accept anyone that says different.

What’s with all the gay boys showing their chests on the lower row?

these are pretty good descriptions

The way is was meant to be played and the definitive NES FF experience, can't be considered a fan of the series if you haven't played it.

VI is honestly the only one I ever found the patience to complete.
Which to me makes it the best paced game and best told story in the series.

I'm not against the simplicity of the story or the ridiculous bits either.

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>top row: fey anime characters
>bottom row: boy band members
Why must Japan be like this?

Did we play the same 8?
Quistis, Selphie and Rinoa are hot as fuck dude.

>actually being this much of a brainlet when it comes to music
both 5 and 7 were better than all other ffs up until that point by miles soundtrack wise. fuck outta here

Soken > Uematsu

XI came right after and had everything you could ever want from Final Fantasy.

So are all versions of 2 complete ass?

I like naming the characters after the DS remake characters, it helps give them a little bit of originality in a game that otherwise leaves them blank slates, also I make Ingus the main character of Luneth since it fits better

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Nobody with a brain wants a mmo

t. socially retarded mental midget

>we fashun icon nao

You're playing fucking mmo and you talk about other people being socially retarded?

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>top row: actual fantasy designs made by Amano
>bottom row: manga based designs made by Nomura with 3 being inspired by Gackt fashion

I also think Ignus fits the image of the Onion Knight in Dissidia more than Luneth does, it makes the game more fun to pretend its him

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Here's a better pic for you

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Not that guy but dude, fuck you.


No with that manface they're not.

Thank you.
One can never have too many renditions.

Based eslposter

"One-Winged Angel" is the "Don't Stop Believing" of Final Fantasy music.

It's a good track but GOD is it overrated, especially when the the game and the series as a whole have much better tracks.

I think 3d FF has always looked shit until 13, 9 is probably the worse cause it looks like some low budget early 2000 straight to DVD pixar movie ripoff

VI drags around the dinosaur area, playing as the kid who can't speak was a pain and I dropped it there

Yes.It is a good excuse to play disc 1 again.

I replayed 8 once. And that was only because I made the critical error of saving the game past the point of no return, so I couldn't go back for the optional bosses, e.t.c.

7 = 6 > 4 > 10 > 9 > 5 > 12 > 8 > 15 > 1 > 2 > 3 > 13

Vaan is cool in A2, like leagues cooler than he was in XII, talked about a wasted oppurtunity

in that order, let her know you played it so you can really get her off

I've been meaning the PS1 version for some time, but have been putting it off because I got the impression I needed to review a guide first to not fuck myself over in the long run. Are you saying I won't have to worry about that with the version I'm going to play? Should I be OK going in blind?

He was decent in Revenant wings too, as mediocre as that game was. Its good he eventually became a suave sky pirate on his own.

FF8 looks really good if you use a high resolution mod, add the pre-rendered background HD algorithm that exists now and you can make FF8 look really good

Absolutely based.

Magic had a serious problem. Only cure is useful, the damage spells are garbage compared to normal attacks.

Rex is based, I really enjoyed XB2, it felt like a classic FF game with a bit more weabshit.

All I need in my god damn JRPGs is a likeable cast of characters, interesting plot and a fucking good villain, most of which seem to lack at least 2 of these days.

That looks really fucking ugly and way worse than the original.

I don't like Gold Saucer, forgetting that the stuff you do inside is pretty limited and playing with GP isn't that fun, it's organized in a really weird way jumping through tubes, like it's not a real building, and it's location is really weird, why is it in the middle of the desert? With a giant prison at the bottom of it? It's like this high class Casino but the only way to get to it is taking a shoddy sky car located right outside one of the worst slums on the planet? I don't buy it, maybe if it was like some floating casino in the sky, but as is it's ridiculous and I hate it.

I can somewhat understand a zoomer's inability to enjoy PS1 graphics, for most of us we grew up with them so even though we know they're ugly as fuck, the nostalgia of it lets us play through shit like FF7 without flinching.

Imagine being this pleb.

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at least you have options, still FF8 looks leagues better than FF7 and I'd argue better than FF9, which over uses it's chibi look to a worse effect than FF8, although the game is broken combat wise so it's not as fun to play.

meme opinion

The first game had the same problem. If you play the Origins version a dedicated mage can still do damage.

None of it is wrong though, it doesn't make any sense, it doesn't inspire the imagination is just kills suspension of disbelief, it's like an overblown McDonalds playground for random adventurers to run through

Cecil is an absolute chad, even before 4 starts he was already banging his perfect waifu.

Zidane is also a proto-Chad.

Almost every big casino city in our world is also in deserts and slums are surrounding them, if they're not right in the core of the city itself.


>ff7? heh. truly an overrated experience. i much prefer the likes of ff6 and ff9 thank you very much.

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>that fucking font

>LR are great games.

LR was trash. the time limit is just there to railroad the player and mask the lack of content. battle system is retarded too

they should've made an action-rpg with Lightning using her gravity-warping powers instead of a stupid fucking dress-up game

I'm more into Cloud and Squall

FF7 is weird because you have to pretend the game isn't just about the ugliest 3D game ever made outside of FMVs because it's old as shit if you're going to praise it, it's like it exists in two seperate forms, the pure FF7 where you look past that and see the game for what it truly is, or that + bad graphics which will give you mixed results on what people think about it

Only people that rates that song are the one that never played VII.

It's not even sephiroth's main theme. Just a song that played once at the end of the game.

Personally I like 4 over 5, but 5 plays a lot better then 4. Also I'm a huge sucker for FF1.

Ugly chibi character is way better that mediocre full scale character (8)

Squall > Tidus > Cloud > Cecil > Lightning > Terra > Butz > Zidane

>turned from the Chad Dark Knight into the Virgin Paladin

If they make Cloud act more like Zack until he has his famous full retard "who the fuck am I" wheelchair moment, I think I'll be more lenient on the remake.

this level of denial is astounding

>it's true
>even as a kid I had shit taste

Elaborate. There's a grand total of 3 short scenes in the game where you actually see Zack do anything. What exactly are you looking for? Cloud doing squats?

>when your battle theme is 17 minutes long

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Cloud acting more like Zack? More happy go lucky with a slight tinge of cocky?

Thats not entirely true. While rex is just some random fuck whos only "im special" trait is being a decendant of adam which allows him to open a door theres an entire island of adams decendants that could have opened that door. Shulk is a bit more special. He was zanzas avatar which why he could wield the monado. But thats not a good thing and it has nothing to do with all the crazy shit he does later on

My Opinion from the ones I've played:

FFIV (DS)> FFIII (DS) >FFV > FFVI > Dissidia

What about type 0?

Ignore the buttblasted ones, this is true. None of the kids at my school liked it. Christ, even Crash Bandicoot looked far better and more competently made than 7. Stuff like Metal Gear Solid, Vagrant story or even that fucking Disney Tarzan tie-in game looked infinitely better than 7 just 1 or 2 years after. And of course the next FFs improved the graphics immensely, let alone the story. No one gave a shit to play 7 with so much good stuff around. Everyone simply bought it because of the ridiculous amount of marketing and the deceptive ads only showing the FMVs.

That's not even in the original game. Cloud acts like he perceived Zack. He doesn't literally 1:1 copy him.

They're already changing shit even though the original is perfectly fine, why not try and change some shit for the better?

WoFF is good

literally me

This list is surprisingly correct.

How would that make it better? You're huffing paint. If Cloud acts like a 1:1 copy, then his revival will make zero sense because he stills acts like the Cloud you've played previously making that entire plot pointless. You're retarded.

Too bad the artstyle is Funko pop shit

12 must be the most divisive of all FFs

it has the best localization and voice talent. plot is too understated for some tastes. people rag on vaan & penelo but they are non-offensive characters who act as the 'everyman', giving us the viewpoint of an outsider embroiled in something bigger

still sad there was no blue magicks :( plenty of enemy techniques that could've been implemented into the job system

I knew you'd react this way, it's honestly fucking hilarious how predictable some of you people are. Point is, the remake is not necessary. Why not do some shit different if you're going to bother with making it?

>lets change the story so it wouldn't make sense anymore
>nah, that doesn't make sense
That's some of the dumbest shit I've ever read on this site.

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That's of course disregarding the fact that you're wrong, how would Cloud acting more like Zack fuck up the plot? Did you play the game? Cloud acts largely the same across the entire plot, and he's supposed to be brainwashed to believe he's essentially been a 1st class SOLDIER all along, visited Nibelheim as a 1st class, etc. Barely anything changes in his behavior after he leaves the wheelchair, and that could be changed.

I think you might be retarded. It is heavily implied that Rex is from Adam's bloodline.

>Cloud acts largely the same across the entire plot
That is my point. You're seriously braindead.

You've been brainwashed by this place.

Maybe it's time for you to go back to faggotera then.

Case in point, I hate Neofag and whatever the fuck that spawned. And yet you prove me right so fucking hard right off the bat.

99.9% of remakes are lazy nostalgia cash-ins. look at all the hollyweird remakes in the last ten years that have been completely forgotten.

FF7 wasn't perfect but it was a fun, charming game that people loved despite its rough edges. Giving it a semi-realistic, edgy aesthetic with none of its original goofiness defeats what people fell in love with it in the first place.

ofc the franchise got hijacked by weebs long ago, who think Cloud was always a broody emo because of Advent Children, even tho in FF7 Cloud was actually a normal, dorky guy once he got his persona back.

I like 12 but
I dont even think most people played 12 with how little its talked about, it's not really divisive like 8 and 10 which are fairly popular but are very black and white like you either like it or hate it
And it's not constantly shat on like 13 or 15

Attached: Le mad clown man .jpg (1280x720, 77K)

FF7 is still really good, I never got people who are calling it overrated. Yes, it steals large amounts of shit from VI but it does enough unique stuff to stand on its own and it was practically mind-blowing back in the day.

My problem with remaking it is just that it's a scummy fucking move. Square Enix, for all of its retarded shit like FFTA, FFX-2, other catastrophically moronic decisions, at least had the consciousness to recognize that they were a shadow of SquareSoft and should NOT touch FF7 because it's simply a game that they can no longer make. Now it's all about cash and the fucking mouth-breathing casuals are clamoring for it like it's going to be the next coming of Christ in gaming form. This is still modern Square Enix we're talking about, and yet other people choose to cover their eyes and ears and just not use their brains at all.

It's going to be shit, all signs point towards that. At best it will be a serviceable retelling without any of the charm or gameplay complexity of the original.

People hate XII because it doesn't try to hide the fact that jrpgs are enhanced visual novels.
Also the protagonist not being the most important character in the story (he's still far from useless contrary to memes, without him the ashe would never have gone beyond her initial thoughts and this role could not be transfered to balthier or basch) confuses brainlets.

Of course Crash looked better, it was specifically a cartoon platformer and was a total masterwork of graphics when it came out. See, this makes me think you don't really appreciate the graphics of the era

We must be one of the rare FF7 fans who's never wanted a remake. If I want the nostalgia of the original, I'll play the original.

What is a remake going to bring to the table other than better visuals? The gameplay will be more ff15/kh3 button mash wank. And lol @ anyone thinking squenix's current crop will clean up the story. It will probably make less whilst shitting on the original in the process

>People hate XII because it doesn't try to hide the fact that jrpgs are enhanced visual novels.
What the fuck am I reading?

Explain how you think the battle system will work

Just more of the same flashy button-mash we've seen in FF15, Dissidia & KH

You can call me a jaded incel but that's exactly what I think will happen. Until they make a good mainline FF again of their own volition, I won't believe in them being able to design great games again.

That's not to say that XV wasn't a step in the right direction, but well, you know.

Hard to say so far, from what they've shown it seems like the typical action RPG setup. You run around mashing attack to kill goons, have some evasive action measures and have the option to switch and use magic at the cost of MP/limit break once the time is right. I'd compare it to Crisis Core but it's probably more apt to say it will be like XV or KH.

People who hate Necron and Yevon as final bosses are aggresively simple-minded amd probably autistic. Necron follows completely logically from Kuja's attempt at destroying the crystal, and is much like any final cosmic horror such as NEO Exdeath or Zeromus. Yevon is much the same way, but is a thematic mercy kill, and a high-concept sendoff for the character we all know will die because of the battle. People who get spastic about the last fight needing to be the hardest, are pointless. These bosses were creative and totally appropriate. People who hate on Yevon especially are low-iq bandwagon memers

Attached: Necron.png (837x576, 776K)

>implying I played FFX
I legitimately think that if you bothered with the game you're retarded and waste time on sub-par experiences. IX is the last FF worth exploring.

4 was the first final fantasy I played, and it is therefore the best.

FF overrated

Manliest man in the series next to Gilgamesh

Attached: FFV-amano_galuf.jpg (360x450, 25K)

FF8 is actually

>A bunch of kids decide to cheat in a popular trading card game by manufacturing overpowered cards with their own faces on them

>you're now hearing the Triple Triad theme with muffled sounds like "yo what the fuck is this card nigga" and "did you just print out cards with your own fucking face on them?" in the background

That’s not Sabin.

I think it's much more strange that the cards depict monsters and even military equipment like that spider tank.
Presumably the monsters killed hundreds of civilians and the military equipment is classified.

FF15: It's not Nomura's game

Pretty sure there's a higher res version of that user's pic if you reverse image it.
Have another.

Attached: 00a[1].jpg (566x836, 161K)

Go flip trains somewhere else Sabin

FF15: The worlds longest bachelor party with a boyband that has to break up at the end due to the leader dying

>Best characters

Attached: 1505470684826.png (760x805, 114K)

FF15 looks so fucking lame. How’s the gameplay though? Is it still turn based?

>FF15 looks so fucking lame. How’s the gameplay though? Is it still turn based?

some of the most watered down casual "action" bullshit out there because the director wanted the combat to pander to casuals

It is literally Hold O to win.
If you get to 0 HP, you have a 10 second timer to use potions on yourself before you die. There is no cooldown OR limit on how many times you can use an item in this game

Attached: Hold O to Win.webm (640x360, 2.66M)

I can't get over XV's combat looks like a bunch of fags LARPing. Mocap for combat animations was a mistake.

All of the Final Fantasy games before X were about the masculine ideal of heroes raising to the challenge. X is about feminine self-sacrifice. It's a game for women and fags and the last fight being weak conveys its unpleasant message fully. No red-blooded male values self-sacrifice and mercy over heroism and power. FFX is a decadent game.

also this

How’s FF3 and 4 for the DS?

Can only speak for 4, it was ok

3 is pretty good.
4 DS adds some strange things and also made it really fucking hard. Like bosses can 2 shot you if you don't get your buffs up ASAP levels of hard.

Of the ones I've played:

for me it's:
11 > 9 > 8 > 2 > 1 > 4 > 3 > 6 > 5 > 12 > 10 > 13

why does the ff7 logo looks like a hand holding a black ball?

So have have they extended the reactor escape scene, or made the time more forgiving? I hope not the latter.

Sephiroth holding the Black Materia to summon Meteor.

I stopped around the last battle with Rajin and Fujin. How close was I to the end?

for me it's:



Attached: blackmateria.webm (1280x896, 2.93M)

Thats true

If I have to listen to this lispy queer say final fantasy 7 remake one of time I'm going to have to final fantasy 7 remake his ass in the shape of my dick.