FF1: A group of adventurers restore the power of four elemental orbs and close an infinite time loop.
FF2: A group of survivors of an Imperial attack join a resistance movement and kill the Emperor, only to face him once more as the King of Hell
FF3: A group of youths chosen by crystals set out to restore balance to a world on the brink of destruction
FF4: A conflicted knight and his entourage uncover a conspiracy to steal the world's crystals and discover an ancient civilization on the moon.
FF5: A world is temporally split to seal an ancient evil who begins their plan to reduce everything to non-existence when a group of adventurers restore the state of the planet.
FF6: A meglomaniacal psychopath throws the balance of magic out of place, scars the planet, and forces a resistance group to destroy the source of all magic.
FF7: An eco-terrorist group tracks the spectre of a former elite soldier under the influence of an ancient space alien who intends to absorb the 'blood' of the planet by summoning a giant meteor.
FF8: A powerful sorceress attempts to cheat fate by compressing time into one moment using the unique abilities of a girl who can project people into the past when she is killed by a group of child soldiers who only became soldiers because of her actions.
FF9: Two Angels of Death are sent to a world to harvest souls to revitalize their dying world. One of the Angels gets amnesia, and saves the world because he wants to bone a 16-year-old princess. Everyone has an existential crisis.
FF10: A dream manifests itself as a blonde fuccboi and encourages a spiritual mortician to end a cycle of violence on the world.