Nic Refn is going to be a video game character

>Nic Refn is going to be a video game character
what a weird timeline

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Other urls found in this thread:

Is he the ultimate chad autist?

Is his character going to get butthurt when someone says his films are nothing but a pimple on the asshole of humanity again?

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how do you know you're not a video game character

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ha fuckin based

boy lookin like he's boutta grab some tit

>No Stephanie


Say what you want about his ego. But he knows how to make kino.
>Only God Forgives
>Neon Demon
He got an ego about him, but when you make top notch kino. Who wouldn't?

>posters says HIDEO KOJIMA 4 times
dude really needs to get a grip

Can you fucking imagine if David Hayter is revealed to be in this game as the big bad? I would literally scream.

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None of those are kino though except maybe Drive if you're an incel

Why are they so pink? Have they been boozing?

1. He didn't get butt hurt, he seemed much calmer than the other dude who is a salty old curmudgeon.
2. He said the span of 4 years wasn't even a pimple of the ass hole of humanity, as in 4 years is nothing, it's not long enough to see if Drive will hold up as a classic.
3. Leave Wingdings alone. Drive is patrician tier.

Because no one would make a game this shit. Not even EA.

Refn deserves to be eternally mocked for having the balls to claim Drive and OGF are on par with Citizen Kane and 2001. Fuck off lmao

>that old fart thinks 2001 Space Odyssey is anything special
And somehow it’s not surprising


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>that actress next to El immediately going on her phone due to awkwardness

He said "master piece". Not all masterpieces are equal and, also, why do subjective opinions and self confidence trigger you?


It is special though. It’s the most boring and pointless movie ever made.

>Asking if Sutherland has been boozing

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Apparently if that's the most forward thing a Frenchman does to you in front of a roomful of witnesses, he just thinks you're a 6/10.

Refn blew Friedkin out of the water there.
Is there any director more based?

Drive 2: it's gonna driiive you into de' future!


How the fuck do you fags even know who these people are

Exactly. Thanks to Yea Forums I thought Wingdings was a hopeless autist but there he looks to be the one in control, subtly and playfully winding the old codger up while deep down not giving a fuck what he thinks.

>Blowing Friedkin out of the water
lmao, Refn hasn't directed anything even 1% as good as something like The French Connection or Exorcist. Exorcist is still the only horror movie to ever win an Oscar. While Refn has to grovel at low tier film awards. You can only pull off being a massive egotist if you're someone who is either insanely successful in one field or successful in a bunch of fields. That's why Vincent Gallo pulls it off and Refn doesn't.

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Neither of those are even remotely as good as Only God Forgives

Refn is exactly the kind of low tier pleb bait that Kojima would love. Kojima is so entry level.


The same way you know who Hideo Kojima is
I just have hobbies outside of videogames

Blade Runner exists.
Tarkovsky's Solaris exists.

Only God Forgives is the most pretentious bullshit I've seen. We get it refn, you want to fuck your mom and shove religious symbolism into everything.

there's more to life than just video games and masturbating, you fucking dumbass loser lmao

>there's more to life than just video games and masturbating
Prove it

How the fuck do you not know Refn? He's the current shit tier garbage indie it boy in films. His movies are average trash but they get high praise from tasteless plebs. Anyone who follows films knows the latest wannabe in Hollywood. Refn is how you spot losers in film school who don't know real film. Anyone who likes him has no taste. He's the Cliffy B of movies.

This'll clear things up for you.

Solaris isn't even the most boring Tarvokvsky film. Stalker still exists.


Of course it was. Like Transformers.

I don't watch tv and I rarely watch any movies. I did see Drive though, but why the fuck would I know a single thing about the director? Didn't even know his name until now.

How is it pretentious?
I don't think you get any less pretentious than "God runs around punishing sinners in thailand". Sure, the film is very sparse in dialogue and it is very stylized and there are things wrong with it. Such as the karaoke, which doesn't make sense unless you understand the cultural implications thereof.

>shove religious symbolism
It's not symbolism, the film presumes you know that he's God. It's why when Goose challenges God to a fight, one of the policemen says "Do you know who he is?", just to remind you that he really is what you think he is. It's not mere symbolism.

Name a good director then.
But be careful not to make your choice too obvious, so you don't look like you are merely pretending to know what you are talking about

Kojima is in Refn's new show for Amazon prime video

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Anyone who makes a movie about how god acts is being pretentious. You don't know shit about how god acts and are just assuming shit.

Well any mid tier film follower would know him. It's like knowing who Cronenberg, David Lynch, or Wes Anderson is. They're not super obscure but they're not super mainstream either. They're sort of in between. Except Refn isn't as good as any of those other directors. Refn is about on par with Spike Jonze except he's less likable as a person.

Refn is leagues above all of those hacks.

>film followers
>in a kojima thread

>Above Lynch, Cronenberg, or Anderson
Shouldn't you be off sucking Kojimas cock or having an autistic fit at your mom Nicolas?

I bet he's a really good actor. He'll be really natural and just blend right into the scene.

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You wouldn't even know any good directors. Like Larry Cohen, Stuart Gordon, Tobe Hooper, Cronenberg, Dario Argento, Joe Dante, Roger Corman, Mario Bava. You've never heard of any of them.
Refn is extreme low tier. Below Michael Bay.

Cronenberg is alright but you basically just outed yourself as knowing just enough to try and bang art hoes.

lmao merely pretending

How did Kojima become friend with him?

Cronenberg is mid tier. Like I said. As are the others. They're all entry level film directors. It's where serious film people start their journey into real film.

I ship it

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They're like Kim Jong Un and Dennis Rodman

please do not try to impress people with being able to namedrop semi-obscure directors of shitty old horror flicks. Do you know of any people that don't make genre film?

Micheal Bay made better films than any of your "good directors", because at least Micheal Bay understands how to direct an interesting film.

is there such a thing as a mainstream director?
in my experience, nobody knows or cares who directed the film they just watched.
I guarantee you the average person doesn't even know that Spielberg directed Schindler's List, or that he didn't direct Star Wars.
Evidently it's easier to be considered a cinephile now, more than ever, if for no other reason than the sheer ignorance of the average moviegoer, and by average I mean average among people who don't exclusively go to theaters to watch the latest cape film, but who might watch an actual movie here and there.

My nigger. Gallo is basically the actually likeable Refn
>Worked with actually talented vidya developers like the guy behind Panzer Dragoon
>Talented musician who has worked with PJ Harvey, John Frusciante, and L'arc En Ciel
>Directed kino like Buffalo '66
>Gave Roger Ebert cancer
>Roger Ebert fucking thanks him for cancer
>Got multiple actual BJs from Chloe Sevigny on film
>Aesthetic face
>Succesful racer and fashion model
Meanwhile Refn hasn't made shit outside of garbage worshipped on Yea Forums as memes and is a total chinlet

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But he didn't even manage to make a film as good as Valhalla Rising

Refn's movies are good, but to pretend they're anything but cool cinematography, music, and stylized action and violence strung together by a loose story is silly.

His movies are good really not for what they are, but what they're paying homage to. In that sort of way he's basically George Lucas-tier which isn't a BAD thing, because George Lucas created some of the best movies of all time. Not THE best like fucking Kubrick if you want to think that, just movies that are just plain fun.

Sounds like someone's in love.

Genre film is the only real film. I name those to mock the idiot who doesn't know who they are. And it's hilarious that you think those are obscure directors. Roger Corman for example is a famous industrial director famous for churning out low budget movies like clockwork. He still knows 10x more about directing that Refn ever will. Roger Corman could deliver a standard film on budget, on time, using whatever resources were available like a machine. Refn could never do what he did. Corman mastered the art of low budget schlock industrial film making. He made more films than almost anyone because he knew how to run a set like a machine. Refn just makes surface level shallow pretentious core garbage.

How the fuck do these niggers even communicate? is it telepathy? body language?
are they on such a similar artistic wavelength that they can just feel the convoluted symbolic faggotry flowing through them and produce from that feeling alone?

>Dude lets watch Madds Cantactlssen walk around for 60 minutes

>making lots of films means you are good
Suzuki Seijun also made a handful of good films and a ton of bad ones. It means that you are good at making film, not good at making good films.

Friedkin's in the wrong here. Clueless boomer.

Buffalo '66 is 10x better than anything Refn has made if not only for Christina Riccis titties constantly jiggling.

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You really can't argue with those tits

>Thinks a movie that came out 4 years ago is going to be a masterpiece
Yeah man, hey you remember The Hurt Locker? Neither do I.

>Refn's movies are good, but to pretend they're anything but cool cinematography, music, and stylized action and violence strung together by a loose story is silly.
What the fuck? Do you think Drive and Only God Forgives are his only movies?

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Refn isn't good at either. That's the point. Even an industrial director like Corman or a low budget guy like Cohen is better than Refn. They put more thought into a 4 week budget shoot than Refn does into a one year long project. Refn will never make a film as classic or influential as Tobe Hooper or Dario Argento. He'll never be as respected and discussed as Lynch or Cronenberg. Refn will be forgotten.

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I met Refn at the El Dorado casino in Reno, NV awhile back.
He seemed like a nice enough guy, but he was definitely a turbo autist.

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>They put more thought into a 4 week budget shoot than Refn does into a one year long project
The point is that they put a different sort of thought into the project. It's a more economic style of filmmaking "how do I do this thing with this much money in this time", it's not "how do I make a film that appeals to my sensibilities".

I just realized I've been confusing Buffalo 66 with Where the Buffalo Roam for years. The Hunter S. Thompson movie from the 80s with Bill Murray. I thought it was the same movie.

Refn has no sensibility except empty shallow visuals and music. There is no deeper meaning or substance. The other non-industrial directors I mentioned put way more thought into their projects.

>tfw no Ricci gf

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It feels like you just see Refn as a popular, slightly less mainstream director and you are looking for ways to shit on him. Why is that? Go watch Drive again and this time actually open your eyes and pay attention to his technique.

OGF is fucking awful. What are youvsmoking?

wanna fight?

..............................................................................................................................................................................................................I drive

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It's because I come from Yea Forums where Refn posters are lowest of the low shit posters and autistic weirdos. His fans are annoying as fuck and he's insufferably pretentious. His name gets tossed in with much better directors for no reason. He has an aesthetic sense but nothing deeper than that.

I can't fucking believe Kojima threw Hayter to the curb. Sure I can expect him to do that to cumsocks like Joosten, but our fucking guy Hayter? What the fuck bros?

why does she still look the same from my late 90's childhood movies?

Why was this picture taken?

Kojima never cared about English VAs until he could get Hollywood actors to do the voices

at least he's not writing the game.

His eyes are very good.
He knows how to frame shots, he knows how to convey violence and he tends to make films that are interesting.

Do you need any more in a director?

Like I said, go watch Drive again. And really see what he's doing.

I mean which is worse
>"It's all because of the death stranding"
>"Death Stranding?"
Or Refn
>.........................................................................................................................I..................................................Death Strand

>He knows how to frame shots
I don't think you know what a director does considering you are crediting him for what the DOP does.

Seen Drive several times. It's doesn't take great intelligence to see what he's doing. It's very standard. He does have an eye for aesthetics. But some of us want more than that from a director. Kubrick for example had an impeccable eye for aesthetics but also knew how to tie the aesthetics into visual metaphor to advance the story and deepen character development. Refn just doesn't have that kind of depth or skill. He makes pretty shallow pictures.

>threw a table at a wall in film school and got expelled, then re-did the scene in Bronson
>directed Drive even though he failed his driver's license exam like 7 times
>directed OGF only so he could visit toy shops in Thailand then got upset because his wife put his toys in the attic
>can't shoot his movies in non-chronological order
>color blind
>lost virginity at 24
>proposed to his first girlfriend (now wife), she initially said no but kept the ring
>daughter doesn't call him Dad or Papa, calls him "Jang" the same nickname used by his adult friends and family
>believes in Thai ghosts because his daughter sees them and Jodo told him some spooky shit reading tarot cards
>tried to kill his stepmom but the gun didn't go off
>literally wears a towel when he's shooting a movie to keep his energy inside him or something
>can't pick his own clothes, wife does it for him
>Mads says he can't talk to him outside of movie sets because he can literally only talk about cinema
>keeps writing scenes about his characters going to hookers then getting limp, obvious self-insert
>cried during his first meeting with the Goose
>cried on live Danish TV
>said he now only watches movies on an iPhone
>has deluded himself into thinking he's close friend with David Lynch, randomly brings up "David" in conversations, while other people have no idea who he's talking about
>despite his wife trying her best to dress him correctly, he still attends event dressed like a teenager while everyone else is dressed properly
>almost got to his now wife to run away on their second date because he told her he was going to show her a beautiful, emotional film and then forced her to watch The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
>has no neck

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Directors don't do cinematography retard. What's next you're going to say a film has the "Wes Anderson look"

...And I don't like it.

>"mate go shoot this thing"
>yea ok boss

>he thinks Refn is kino
For true kino watch Melancholia or Antichrist. Refn's movies are pretentious shit.

Is anyone else sad for Kojima? He's obviously putting these filmmakers in his games so they'll like him and hang out with him. He's like a /r9k/ poster. Is he delusional enough that he thinks they actually respect him? Refn is a pretentious asshole who's made 2 good movies in his life, but still, he's an artist with a vision. Kojima just mashes a few basic concepts together and pretends his high-school tier metaphors are mana from the gods. It's enough for the average 15-yo gaymer who wouldn't know art if it hit him on the head, and thinks anything "epic" is art, but everyone else is cringing.

Id like to see Wiseau as the chief of the homo demens

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>Refn just doesn't have that kind of depth or skill
watch Drive again and open your eyes while you are watching.

You have no idea what a DOP does either apparently.

Wiseau would at least make Kojimas boring shit tolerable.

Not him but you're both wrong. Directors and DoPs discuss every shot. A good director plans his shots in storyboard before filming begins and knows what he wants from each shot. To say that a director doesn't compose shots or have anything to do with the shot choices is just wrong. Like Tarantino for example is extremely involved in the photography of his films. He even goes so far as to purchase old unused 70mm film stock from decades ago to use to get the right look. It's crazy to suggest a director isn't responsible for the look of a film.
Do you honestly think Drive is deep? Please explain why you think so.

>t. only watched Drive and Only God Forgives

>Using Tarantino as an example
I mean it's not exactly surprising seeing as you never went to film school.

Refn is a Dane not French.

>Do you honestly think Drive is deep?
No, it a very simple and straightforward film.

It is about this point:
>how to tie the aesthetics into visual metaphor to advance the story and deepen character development
Drive does do this. It's why I keep telling to watch the film with open eyes.

Just your daily reminder that Mads is just kroger brand Viggo and Refn is Best Value Gaspar Noé

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>Name a good director then.
John Carpenter
Also a good composer and musician.

>Larry Cohen
The Cohen brothers are obscure? I thought they were big mainstream guys.

>It's crazy to suggest a director isn't responsible for the look of a film
>thats not what I posted
The DOP LITERALLY FRAMES THE SHOTS. Storyboards are rarely 100% accurate to what the end product is. They are rough drafts.

>Larry Cohen is one of the Cohen brothers

Gasper Noe is Best Value Gasper Noe.

And what does a cinematographer do? What the director tells him to. You don't know fucking shit about filmmaking so stop pretending you do.

Yeah, I'm thinking he BASED


>And what does a cinematographer do? What the director tells him to.

No. The DP usually tells the director what he wants to do and the director just says either "Yes." or "No." Almost always "Yes."

Yes and it usually goes like this:
>hey DOP, I want this thing in my movie
>yea ok, how is this
>no, do it a bit more like that
>sure boss

He isn't? Although come to think of it I always see them as a pair and never see their first names and don't know what they are.

So basically what you are saying is that it heavily depends on the director and the DOP in question how the film is made, yes?
So sometimes the DOP is more involved and sometimes less. It all depends on the people.

>>literally wears a towel when he's shooting a movie to keep his energy inside him or something
this is the funniest one

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Drive is normie tier trash.
Valhalla, Bronson and pusher movies are all fucking ace, also OGF and neon demon

This Larry Cohen is a very different person. He directed It's Alive, Q the Winged Serpent, Phone Booth, The Stuff and wrote a bunch of other things. Joel and Ethan Cohen are the Cohen brothers.

His only movies worth watching ;)

Michael bay is pretty fucking good.
Just unwatchable, but his movies have worth.

Nick "mega autist" Refn doesn't strike me as the "yea just do whatever you want" type of director.

This. English VAs only became relevant to him when it became an excuse to pal around with A and B-list actors he probably fangasms over.

>>said he now only watches movies on an iPhone
>>has deluded himself into thinking he's close friend with David Lynch
Isn't David Lynch the director who did a rant about how much he hates people who watch movies on their iPhones?

It's his blankey.
Suuure. It wasn't "normie trash" in 2010(early copies floating around) or even 11. "normies" didn't give a fuck and were busy watching Thor, Fast Five, and taking Justin Timberlake seriously as an actor. It wasn't until later Drive caught fire.

Honestly I really dislike these likeness-characters.
It takes me out of the game and I just know I'm going to be bombarded by 30+ hours of cutscenes of these soulless 3d models trying to "act".

Yes, that sounds like my good friend David

Its his most accessible movie and it was made to a good action movie/easily digestible with attractive heroic characters.
Story doesn’t fucking go anywhere.
I like OGF more because the characters are less fuckable and more fucked in the head. Barely scratches his top 5 tho

I agree. Michael Bay gets unwarranted shit. He knows exactly what he's doing and what type of film he's making. But he's not on the same level as the true artist directors who could make a popular film that was also deep art. That's a very rare talent. I would even say that Michael Bay is above Refn because his films are not only aesthetic but they have more layers of action and crafted story elements going on that Refn's films don't.

There isn't a single A-lister in Death Stranding or MGS.

The prostitute is plenty fuckable.

Refn and Bay are hard to compare, because their styles are so different.
Refn does a lot with very little, while Bay does a lot with a lot.
This goea for characterization as well as action.

I have a thing for carey mulligan
Would chop off a finger to get her lad

byebye frenshep with Yoosten

Now Margie is my new fap-fu

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She wasn't in OGF?


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Wax people.

Drive was nice, but I thought Neon Demon was bland. Why is it so praised?

The same reason people praise garbage after MGS3, cult of personality retards.

Kojima is a fanboy exploiting his game producer status


It'a not bland at all, it's just a very different type of film about a very different thing.
It's good for what it is, it just isn't what you've come to expect from Refn.

>Doesn't appreciate the sheer KINO of seeing Jena Malone fuck a corpse
leave this place

>But he didn't even manage to make a film as good as Valhalla Rising
this is excellent bait

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Good thing that's not what I said, retard. Even if Death Stranding is full of B list actors, he's still using it as an excuse to go to hollywood events and rub elbows with famous people. It's plastered all over his twitter feed half the time.

It isn't? I love it but I get why most people wouldn't.

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hey look it's my oc

He isn't even palling around with A-listers retard. Nobody that the average joe would recognize on the street has met with Kojimbo.

You're a faggot, and a probably a zoomer.

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Garbage were always good

Maybe 30 years back retard.

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Hayter has bad opinions on gun control

she was jealous

Mads Mikkelsen is A-list. Not american, but he's a top-tier actor in Denmark and is far better than most "A-list" american actors.

Deniro is a name everyone knows
some people drop from A-List if they stop being popular, Deniro never will

A Bronx Tale is kind of based on him.

>implying /pol/crap will make DeNiro a nobody

>In denmark
Yeah, and Park Chan Wook is A-list in korea, whoopty fucking doo

Go get shot somewhere else, subhuman burgertard.

>H-he's not an a-lister ANYMORE
You need a hand moving those goal posts? Also, De Niro still ranks among the top 10 living actors.
But, I bet you're the kind of mouthbreathing burger that goes and sees modern garbage with The Rock in it and thinks it's a cinema masterpiece.

No, him not being in a worthwhile movie for over 3 decades makes him a nobody. What's next, you going to post Al Pacino?

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Nobody said anything about America you obsessed retard. It would be more impressive if Mads was well known in all of Europe but he's not, he continues to be kroger brand Viggo Mortensen.

user, Mads is A-list in the whole of Europe and almost the whole world
but Dwayne is fun to watch wtf
hell no

Deniro's recent films over the last 30 years made him a nobody. He hasn't done anything in ages.

>hating on dunkakino
typical retard, kys

Has anyone here even watched the Pusher films?

He's a decent guy but he's definitely the Fortnite of modern cinema. All you need to do is look at how many Teens/Kids Choice awards the man has gone up for in the past decade and that really tells you something.

Yea Forums(nel) is full of normalfags who have only seen Drive, OGF and maybe TND. most don't even know his other films exist

The better question is how the hell do you not know who the mind behind Drive is?

you have to specify it was lesbian fucking

based Refn, Drive is a masterpiece

But AVGN was already in a game before?

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are you a TVlet? Mads is top-tier worldwide, not just in Denmark. Norman Reedus is also an A-lister. The fact a fucking BIDEO GAYME is pulling these big faces and icing them with middle-upper tier actresses like Lea Seydoux, who is popular in France, and a former A-lister (Lindsay Wagner) is fucking brutal. 90% of Hollywood can't afford this heavy load and usually can only bring in one big face, not fucking two.

>anyone who makes a movie about how [literally any character] acts is being pretentious. You don't know shit about how [literally any character] acts.

>Norman Reedus
AHAHAHAHAHA Don't tell me you actually like The Walking Pleb? His last decent movie was over two decades ago.

There's no objective documentation of god retard. There's objective documentation about Chernobyl, you can write your own characters, you can't write a non-pretentious version of God. Might as well right a book from the perspective of God.

I don't you retarded TVlet but normies do, and normies are what decides who's an A-lister or not, not your seething tranny nincel ass.

Normies don't even watch TWD anymore you retard.

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Well, if you base your characterization of God on the texts that feature Him, then surely you have some ground to stand on. God acting as the angel of vengeance is something we see in the Bible as well. The tenth plague features God himself armed with a sword murdering the firstborn children of Egypt. This sounds remarkably in line with what God does in OGF.

And if you watch the film, you clearly see that God is not much of a character at all in it. He just forgives people for their crimes by allowing them to do penance. Refn avoids the issue of not knowing how God would act by making his God as enigmatic as the character he is based on.

So basically you're saying that anything that features characters is pretentious?
uh okay koyaanisqatsi was pretty good I guess

Kek holy fuck

No you retard. Writing about fictional characters is fine. Writing about god as if you know what god would do, as if you are god is pretentious bullshit you faggot.

God is fictional

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I hope Kojima has a cameo in his upcoming TV show Too Old To Die Young.

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see 1:54 on that trailer

he does and it's not a cameo but an actual role

that actually make me do a double take
pretty interesting lineup for DS, accept the lack of asian representation - I know Kojima is a Westeboo but god damn

Watching movies and tv is not a hobby.

"Oh Nicolas, you're so DEEP!"
*smirks* "Just wait until we REALLY start to ANALize my work"
*Refn jams the cross even deeper into his mothers gaping crevice

I don't think I could agree more with you on that statement, but am going to try.
I really, really, REALLY dislike it as well.

But at the same time he isn't white, so criticising him about it would be racist. It's a no-lose scenario for him.

Absolutely tedious. I'm a fan of LvT but not even he can save a plot that is 50% wedding 50% "lol 2 depressed 4 u". And no, 2 minutes of good shots can't carry the entire fucking film. Should have said THtJB tbqh
Good, but I'm not sure what the connection is to any of Refn's stuff. Seems like you just wanted to name-drop an elite director
It's painfully obvious that you and are just tryhards trying to put others down for having a positive experience with art. Neon Demon, OGF and Drive are incredible movies but you're too much of a pretentious gluesniffer to accept that.
To any other anons in this thread, pay no heed to these charlatans. Come to your own conclusions without becoming an obnoxious glob of fat like them.

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The late game sequence on the moon when they reveal The Goose

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Death Stranding is going to be pure autism kino.

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where are these cute autists when I need them
I'm a mix race autist and considered good looking but I just find over-confident one night stands

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moonman? firstman?

Try hard faggots revel in having their pictures taken and there are 3 of them in it so there was never even a possibility of this picture not happening

Ya they’re both alchies

his new tv series coming in june looks so based

i mean look at this

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>where are these cute autists when I need them
Where autistic people are.
In their homes.

Except this one, that is.

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holy crap is that actually him

kojimbo is in refn's new TV show too

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>didn't want to watch another TV show after GoT ended
>refn's show actually looks worth watching
fucking hell


I want behind-the-scenes footage of Kojima trying to direct Refn. I bet it was an autismfest.

Every time I see Kojima nowadays I feel like Mike Stoklasa does about Star Wars. I can’t believe I used to think Kojima was cool lol what a fucking faggot. Shat on MGS just to social climb his way to an autists Amazon prime show (which are direct to vhs tier)

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>In their homes


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lel, kojima is the most based chingchong alive

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Damn, look at these hip and happenin' 20-somethings

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wow I've never seen the guy before, Troy Baker is a handsome pretty boy motherfucker.

he's mocapped in death stranding

They’re so fucking lame lol

>Press Start to open the Survival Viewer


>me trying to watch this having lost a nail before

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LOOKS gorgeous

How did that happen

>people dissing on Friedkin


fuckin brainlets aye

I've had a crush on her ever since The Leftovers. She's so cute ;_;

Was moving some new furniture around and dropped a chest of drawers on my toes

Ah fuck. Was it removed completely? Do toenails grow back after that?

not him but yes they grow back

yeah it's sore as fuck but it was back within the year

yet it did

Yes, but if the nail ended up too fucked up, they can burn the nail matrix so that it doesn't grow ever again.
My nail got fucked up due to fungus and ended up hypertrophied, so they had to remove it and burn the matrix since it was never going to grow properly ever again.

That's just like the fucking picture of him with the katana. Same place and same lighting.
Holy shit.

you just know

Excorcist is schlock, winning a marketing award doesn't change that. It belongs in the bargain bin with all those shit blumhouse films that get churned out every october

You're absolutely fucking retarded if you think Kojima isn't pro gun control, or at the VERY least, heavily against weapons manufacturers. The reason real guns are in every metal gear except 5 is that previously you could depict any gun without a licence, but Kojima would literally never give a cent to gun manufacturers even if it meant filling the game with gibberish franken-guns

Are his movies actually kino or are they overrated?

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holy shit you jealous fucker

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Neither, either or both depending on the movie.

Pusher trilogy if very overrated.

>Kojima managed to create fully legal /tvv/ threads
he's a dangerous man, that one. rec me recent kino plz

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House That Jack Built
Bad Times at the El Royale

i wish i was that much of a chad