Div Orgy Sin 2

In celebration? Of Larian's new sequel to Baldur's Gate, I'm going to fucking reinstall this and actually beat it.

Any must-have mods?

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Such a phenomenal game.

It is, but I've never gotten past act 2. I'd like to think I have it in me to actually beat it.

I don't play around with mods much but I'd assume that you're probably gonna look at mostly QoL stuff like sharing civil skills and free pet pal. The balance in the game isn't that off that you'd need mods to fix it imo.

Pretty much. I have heard about some scaling mods but I doubt they're really necessary.

Party comp is gonna be a bitch though, always have a tough time deciding on who to take and how to build em'.
Love that theres so much freedom to it though.

finish it vanilla first
once you do that you can start modding

I'm scared of missing quests. I'm only in the first area and some are kinda hard to find

For who to take just decide based on who you like best personality wise from your first impressions. As for how to build everyone start by conceptualizing what kind of team you want to make. Lone wolf or not Lone Wolf? Mostly Physical/Magical damage dealers?A balanced party with maybe one or two members that can flex between the damage types? After that it's worrying about synergies between party members like having a hydro and pyro mage on the same team.

I wouldn't worry about it too much, you don't need to do every sidequest to get the gear/levels to progress and especially not on a first run. This goes doubly so for the giant ass map of Act 2

>didn't play act4
Boy are you in for a have a nice time

Not that guy but at first I got memed into a building an all physical or all magical build on tactician but I found it much comfortable having some of my characters being able to deal alternative damage as well or say characters having alternative skills and not just focusing on one 100% since in many fights you have both enemies with magic armor as well as physical. Found it hard to brute force in those scenarios.

What was your first run like? I'm only on act 4 still but so far I have prince as a sword and board physical fighter, Fane as a summoner with some water magic, Ifan as a ranger and a custom character that's using a wand and shield with mostly pyromancy and aero but a lot of other spells mixed in. I like the summons but I feel like some of them could use more skills

I just had one of my guys throw oil everywhere, then another guy set everything on fire. It usually does the trick.

I haven't even touched the first one past the first hour or so.

I saw it has multiplayer, so it feels like something I should play with a friend, but all my friends are either ubisoft collectathon console people, or "fighting games are the only real games, gotta assert muh dominance" types.

It's cringe because you ask for mods instead of playing yourself and figuring out what mods you need.

How much did the definitive edition actually add to the game? I finished the game back when it was launched and played the fuck out of it. I heard that the Definitive add quite a bunch of new shits,

Oh yeah no all phys/magic tends to not be a great idea. Heavily favoring one or another in 3/1 split and one of the 3 being a flex damage dealer like a ranger or summoner is what I usually roll with.

Elves are OP.

The first area, you mean the prison island?
It's quite small; I found all the quests myself eventually, except for one particular quest, where you can find different bits of an armor set (which I had to google a bit). Problem being, you can only use that armor if you have all the pieces.

The incarnate is so useful and versatile, especially after they buffed it in terms of being able to raise summoning skill above 10. Pretty much did that and had a physical focused team with Red Prince also having some geo skills and one summoner/pyro who could contribute dealing physical and magical damage with incarnate.

Mind control maggot jars and the like imo make pure magic builds pretty OP.

All you have to do is take off the armor and you can mind control everyone long enough to wipe them out.

This fucking
This fucking game
I enjoyed it but I was filtered hard during this fight when some slimy shit appears and whole fucking area is on the wildfire
Literally couldnt beat it with my party

Yep; summon a fire slug and have him blast a laser, setting 5 enemies on fire and dealing massive damage.

>I enjoyed it but I was filtered hard during this fight when some slimy shit appears and whole fucking area is on the wildfire
>Literally couldnt beat it with my party

The one where you stand on some wooden structure? This was tough as shit and it took me countless tries, and you need to prepare well before, with the right build.

I think I managed to beat it by fighting normally until almost everyone was killed, then one guy was left could run away (I don't know if it's a bug/exploit, but there is a well entrance to the north, when you arrive in a house and can recover before attacking again). So in the end, I was attacking from the wooden gate at the north of that area.

Yeah and don’t forget to buff him with 100% damage since you will have to switch him out with incarnate next turn either way because of the laser’s cooldown.
The build was quite brutal.

Yes, that one
Maybe I will replay it with the Definitive Edition in the future

You can't get all quests in a single playtrough. It is impossible since a lot are linked to your companions or where you chose a blank slate character or one of the companions as your main.

LeaderLib which is a library mod used to provide common functionality to other mods.

Personally. Bartering Tweaks.

It gives you the ability to buy Pet Pal books at the LeaderLib Trader which essentially can be used to give all your guys Pet Pal. However, it is abuseable since you can respec and will have that one extra trait. (Not sure if exploitable for infinite points. Believe it's a one time use.) I like it a lot personally given the hidden gems of animal voice acting and not sacrificing traits to do so. Spend it on one character or all.

The main/better function of Bartering Tweaks is that it SHARES your barter and persuasion bonuses so that every character is as good as one another when it comes to bartering so you're not forced to swap to any specific character (IE: Barterbitch) aside from whoever you stack your barter gear on.

The phoenix jump or whatever its called gives you fire immunity and if you have even one caster it should be ez

Summoners in general are pretty useful and can be built as anything once summoning hits the all valuable 10. I tend to build mine more support focused since in the coop games I usually play in I tend to play the high wits take the first overall turn type characters. Still Incarnate and dominate person aside, Apotheosis/Totems of the Necromancer/Skin Graft/Door to Eternity is a hell of a hilarious combo to pull off. It's resource intensive but in bigger fights it's a tide turner due to each totem having the int scaling buff in DE and hitting at the very least for as strong as a basic attack from an equivalent level party member. Still wish Ethereal Storm or Dimensional Bolt were actually useful though.

Honestly it's a long fight where your main focus is keeping your platform clean of enemies and surfaces(Using Bless and Rain as needed to remove cursed fire) and making sure the NPC doesn't die. Aside from Rain, teleport is almost mandatory in the fight for tossing enemies off the platform to hopefully attack other enemies or I remember some people saying that you can just move the NPC into a more favorable position that way. Ranged attacks are also heavily favored in the fight

Genuinely one of the worst RPGs ever made that only gets praised for pandering to reddit furfags and discord trannies.

Despite being turn-based (probably the only good decision Larian ever made) the gameplay itself is absolutely tedious and unintuitive on virtually every level.
The unintelligent Larianigger fanbase will insist that filling the entire screen with terrain effects and destructibles somehow elevates the whole above and beyond that of 'isometric Skyrim', but that is exactly what you're playing; right down to filling up your inventory with pointless shitclutter to vendor (craft? throw around?), ineffectual skill progression with stat bloat, and fucking stealth archery.
This isn't even the worst of it as far as comparisons go, because once you look at the window dressing around the horrible gameplay you realize that D:OS2's puddle-shallow story, incomprehensible worldbuilding and embarrassing characterization make Skyrim look like a positively hypercompetent Tolkienesque fantasy epic.

I'd tell you to blow your brains out if you actually enjoyed a single second of this turgid pile of shit, but evidence suggests you don't have any to begin with.

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>free Pet Pall
I had Pet Pall as my first perk, lost it during an ingame quest that lets you do something horrible, and then picked it up again. So basically I was 2 perks in the red combat wise, but fuck is it not fun to talk to mice for their useless quips.

Also, I only played the game once, and I'd want to revisit it. In my only playthrough I controlled a summoner/healer mage, and a tanky mobile warrior. We didn't have a stealthy backstabber in the party, is that viable in combat, and are there puzzles/quests that reward it?

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We get it, you cant come up for actual reasons to dislike the game

>mfw not only did i beat that, but i also saved the civilian NPC and completed the quest

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Rogues? Yeah they're very viable, a bit harder to work with due to having to work with the backstab mechanics(partially mitigated by focusing on the general damage increase of warfare over scoundrel's crit only damage increase) and needing ways to deflect aggression due to their armor not really covering either damage type all that well but still very viable. Aside from maybe being able to position better Sneaking isn't the most useful civil skill but Thievery is very good. Robing everyone blind for dosh, there is a few examples of thievery nicking you a good item. As an example, theres a unique bow that sets evasion in Act 2 that you can only STEAL from a certain enemy since they disappear when they die.

>Thievery is very good. Robing everyone blind for dosh, there is a few examples of thievery nicking you a good item. As an example, theres a unique bow that sets evasion in Act 2 that you can only STEAL from a certain enemy since they disappear when they die.
Never had money problems, so never considered Thievery as a useful skill, I'll try it out.

>defense force, right on schedule

Me as a paladin skeleton OC, purely physical fighter
Prince as the group's tank with buffs, crowd control and a few magic attacks (help that he bonded with the cat that lets him teleport to where he's needed)
Ifan as the ranger with elemental arrows for every situation
Lohse as the mage, mostly tasked with healing everyone and teleporting people around. Overall a pretty satisfying party.

>Really want to play Divinity 2
>Get to the character creation screen
>Female dorfs
>Start furiously masturbating
>Eventually break penis
>Do this every day for weeks
>Eventually have to uninstall to heal penis

>Really want to play Pathfinder Kingmaker
>Get through introduction
>Get Linzi
>Start furiously masturbating
>Remember you can't romance her
>Eventually have to uninstall to heal heart

>actually using more than 2 party members

>paladin... purely physical fighter

>actually being an elitist fag while playing easy mode

>game punishes physical/magical balanced parties due to separate armor bars for each type
It could've been perfect, but the armor system was horse shit.

I call it a paladin because I clad him in heavy golden armor with angel wings. Also had a couple of fire attacks.

On my second playthrough I did Lone Wolf with Red Prince and a Summoner OC and it was too easy.

>playing easy mode when the game is easy enough on tactical
It doesn't tho, retard? Most enemy groups have enemies with either low physical or low magic armor.

>game punishes physical/magical balanced parties due to separate armor bars for each type
No, it doesn't. Most enemies have significantly higher armor of one type than the other.
So if your all physical damage party meets some enemy with high physical armor, you will be in trouble. But that same enemy has low magic armor, so if you had mages, you could've handled it easier.
Also, there exist grenades, scrolls, summons, wands, etc with different damage types, and there is no class system, you can mix and match as you like.

It has been what? 2 years or so since release and this literal fake news still presists

Did you use Lone Wolf perk? If yes, and don't lie about that you sissy faggot, then you are playing on the easiest of easy mods to ever easy mode easy easy EASY.

>That quest on Bloodmoon Island where the demon hops from body to body and just won't fucking come out to take damages
>Ended up triggering the fight with Ifan's summoned Wolf and let the demon and the NPC dwarf duke it out in the pit.

4 of the same damage type hitting an enemy with high armor of that type is still superior to 2 of the same type hitting an enemy with low armor of that type. This is especially true for magic because of cooldowns forcing you to spend your damage-dealing spells but not benefit from the status ailments, like burn/shock etc. Not to mention it is basically an extra hp bar for your other damage types to go through before they can actually kill the enemy. I'd rather have 4 physical guys spend 2 actions to remove an enemy's 1000 armor then the other 2 actions dealing hp damage/disables, than 2 physical attacks to remove armor then 2 magic attacks to be spent on removing 500 magic armor then finally dealing hp damage/disables. It's 1000 armor vs 1500 armor, simple maths.

>First Completed Run
Honor Mode because Buddy A has a hard on for raising the stakes
Myself as Ifan the summoning ranger, though mostly acted as the team's support for buffs and positioning
Buddy A as Red Prince the fucking pyromaniac who actually did hit 100% fire immunity and loved the stupidity of deflecting shield + Mass deploy traps
Buddy B as Fane the Blood Mage, back when blood storm/grasp was the answer to 90% of your problems
Buddy C as Lohse the warrior, didn't really find his footing but that was fine

>First complete solo run
Elf OC the Tanky Support Summoner doing the path of blood the honest man's way AND talking down the entire final boss fight
Sebille the Two-handed Warrior and Waifu
Lohse the Aero/Hydro focused Mage/CC bot
Ifan the Ranger

Looking back on all the runs I've played I realize that I really really love playing the summoner in this game

Currently playing the DE, after dropping the game when it came out at nameless island cause i was kinda burned out at that point. For mods, i'm using some QoL fixes like
>free pet pal
>out of combat sprint
>civil stats shared between party
>black cat and squirrel dude immune to damage
>infinite spirit vision
Then some mods that probably make the game easier but whatever like
>party expanded so i can have all 6 characters (this makes combat a joke even on tactician, will probably bench two guys when i get the boat and bring them along only for their specific quests
>bedrolls revive and restore source
>vendor who can level up uniques
I'd recommend using some QoL mods only if you want some challenge.

Brace yourself for full Larianigger damage control.
They refuse to accept that the combat (like the rest of the game) is fundamentally shit.

You are theory crafting, and every single person who has actually played the game knows otherwise.
>fights aren't against 1 big enemy, often enemies are numerous and of various strength and priority
>often the low armor of one type allows you to control more than 1 enemy in round 1 by breaking it
>often enemies have weakness against certain damage type inherent in them, and you can further cause weakness
>it just plays better and is more fun to have variety

its simple maffs in a made up scenario against a single enemy. 90% of the game is fighting group of enemies that always have a mix of armor.
Some groups can be entirely disabled by stripping them of their low magick armor and then using polymorph. Others can be disabled by stripping them of physical armor and knocking them over.
Then there is also the fact that each and everyone of your primarily physical or magical dps can pick up spells from the other one to help out. Every mage can pick up shield bounce for example.

If we want to min/max this game there is no reason not to run 4 rangers. Can do everything, deal insane damage etc, but I highly doubt anyone actually does that

Wrong and gay

Did DE changes fix the physical rape train? I remember running 2 warriors with two handers, ranger and necromancer and halfway through reaper's coast i was destroying everything.
>mfw ranger with high ground, bloody arrows, adrenaline, enrage, executioner
I could kill like two enemies per turn.

If you stack only either magical or physical, you rape train everything

>i did a ton of researching and testing, to finally optimize the perfect way to not have fun in this game!

>Any must-have mods?
Game is so shit that mods don't even work.

Not that much, the gap was closed a little but for pure damage type teams I think physical is still usually better. IIRC they nerfed overpower with a higher source cost alongside a global nerf to all 3 source points damage skills and grasp of the starved, and a change that starting on tactician they changed the formula so that enemy knight's physical armor will always be higher than the equivalent magic armor of an enemy mage. but this also came at the benefit of an assassinate buff, necro skill gaining a lower cooldown and Challenge getting reduced to 0 AP. That said magic did get buffed too. Summoning was a big winner in DE due to getting better scaling with its last two general infusions now also giving a damage boost as well as totems getting scaling intelligence, alongside planar gateway getting reduced to 0 AP. Pyro and Geo also got a buff due to torturer now applying poison and Burning through armor and general number tweaks. Also throw dust is still the greatest skill since they kept its ability to destroy deathfog, source pools, and lava

This is such a meme. My rogue Sebille could go after archers and low armor types and solo them by herself 1 at time in a turn meanwhile my mage types would lock down the low magic armor warrior types. This was much more efficient rather than ganging up on 1 guy giving others a time to react.
This isn't viable if you're not fighting a boss where you actually have to choose which armor to burn down with all your characters.

I think Dragon Commander might be the only game I've played that's portrayed gay shit as a social issue without being a ridiculous left wing strawman, an after school special, or a right wing hate spiel.

Is the mod that adds more hybrid spells good? It looks interesting but I'm worried it'll be too unbalanced.

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But it portrayed it as cartoon silly, and if you identified with that, you are a caricature.

Larvian will shit up BG legacy even more than Beamdog.
Le ebin funneh writing incoming.

>Play Fane once
>get spoiled so hard I can't not play him.


I like Larian, but I don't trust them with making BG3. They'll just make it turn based shit with Larian humor.

>Playing the Oil Field quest for the first time

My poor Laptop at the time. I was not prepapred.

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Whats so special about him?

t. played on easy

Focusing 1 enemy at a time is an infinitely better strategy to slowly chipping away at everyone's armor for multiple rounds until you can finally disable them.

t. definitely played on easy

Let me guess, Lone Wolf calling others as easy modders.

but I played on Tactician

Thinking about BG3. You remember how III symbol had tentacles on it? In BG2, IIRC there is a section in the sewers under the Athkatla, you kill some illithids there and at the end find a note that says something like they were planning to come there in force or something but you stopped them for now
Maybe BG3 will be related to that?

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Not that user but I'm hedging my bet on either
>Deep ties to the overall plot including a spoiler to an endgame twist in ACT 1
>Time Warp his unique source skill gives an ally an extra turn when they finish their turn. Not sure on this but If he casts it on himself or if he casts it on an ally who delayed their turn theres a chance the game will bug(?) and give them an extra turn in the next round as well.

Probably the time warp thing IMO, it's probably the best unique source skill, only really being challenged by dome of protection and break the shackles

I played a balanced 2 physical/magic party on tactician, and the armor system pissed me off.

If you really did then you'd know that there is no way to mass disable enemies until end game besides those shitty void worms with no magic armor. Combined with the fact that tactician inflates armor values among other things, you'd also know that you can't disable enemies quickly without focusing them 1 at a time, and if you don't then they'd easily push your shit in with their inflated damage.

Do I need to play through the first one before playing the second, or would a story recap video suffice? Or are they unrelated at all?

The only hard part about tactitian is the beginning. At the very least once you start act 2 you have so many options and spells you can do literally anything you want

References to the first here and there but completely unrelated otherwise. That said some might recommend playing 1 first due to the QoL changes in 2 making 1 show its age but thats fine too. I'd also say that due to some streamlining 2 is far easier to get into if you don't play a lot of CRPG type games

Just turn on a stream on your second monitor or blast some music while playing it, the story is trash anyway.

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What does that have to do with anything?

Can you suggest a better game then, or are you just trolling?

Tactician is easy with a 2/2 split party

How does that mean it still wasn't badly designed?

Good to know, thanks. I've been itching for a solid crpg to sink in some serious time, and people say this one's real good.

Quick question, how open ended in terms of character freedom is it? For instance, is there any sort of alignment system, or is it like Mass Effect, where you're either a good cop or bad cop, but still a cop.

>ungabunga armor bad, oneshot good

How is it badly designed when it clearly works

So I guess literally no games ever have any bad design whatsoever because they're all winnable in the end.

No, but the game is clearly designed with a split party in mind because the vast majority of stacks have high magick/high physical armor mix enemies.
You can play around it and use cc or you can just ungabunga normal attack your way through the game with 4 rangers

tl;dr lol. kill yourself, contrarian faggot bitch.

No Alignment System, Classes basically don't exist you get points every level to invest into abilities and attributes with skills being locked to investing points in the relevant ability. THERE IS A RESPEC MIRROR YOU CAN INFINITY USE PAST THE FIRST ACT OF THE GAME. So you know no need to keep restarting. On the roleplaying side you have background tags which add dialogue options, you can customize this if you choose a fully custom character or they are set if you choose an origin character. The tradeoff being one unique skill(All origin's have their own, All CCs share the same one) and the origin characters have extra quests/dialogue pertaining to their more fleshed out backstory. I would not advise playing as Fane or Lohse for your first run. They're fine as companions but both offer a slightly different take on the plot compared to everyone else if chosen as the main character, with Fane's variation spoiling a major plot point in the first act. Oh and you can never forgot the most important choice: what instrument plays when you character kills someone in combat

>In BG2, IIRC there is a section in the sewers under the Athkatla, you kill some illithids there and at the end find a note that says something like they were planning to come there in force or something but you stopped them for now
>Maybe BG3 will be related to that?

well i know one thing i'm hoping it'll be about.

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teleport the npc guy out and flee. The quest will be completed and you can come back and kill all the guy later(oil blobs will not show up).

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Interesting thing nobody mentions is that there is a certain talent that lets some CC skills bypass M-armor which makes a certain wide range Geo skill I forgot the name of lock down multiple targets in a large radius. Incredibly overpowered shit.
Imo you really can break the game in many ways and have fun combinations so I think the praise Larian gets for the combat system itself is justified. And precisely due to being that much of a success an Xcom type game is being made with OS system and characters.

no mods are needed, but the ones for extra character creation options and being able to change armor models on the fly are cool

I checked what I was talking about, it's this
They weren't talking about coming in force but rather infiltrating

I think thats in the game since the definite edition and the new torturer perk.
Was much needed and makes all kinds of magic better, especially Pyro and Geo.

You don't fit in sadly

Didn't Beamdog plan on including a illithid paladin companion or something in their version of BG3? Maybe Larian nicked the idea?
I still would like BG3 to have some connection to Bhaal rather than it being completely seperate entry altogether.

Also tangently related that said geo skill, worm tremor, also lost its ability to affect undead regardless of armor so it now has to take torturer to achieve that effect on undead again. Still a pretty good buff to pyro/geo but hilarious that they chose to change that interaction specifically

>illithid paladin
Do these really exist? Idk much about DnD but it looks like it changed a lot from BG's version where only humans could be paladins

that's what your fat bitch mom said last night when i tried to shove my huge dick up her shit hole, but i made it work anyway lmfao fuck off retard

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I suppose if a being can be a devout follower of their god while also doing things that would be considered "good", why not?

They're lawful evil by default, so no.

Technically in 5e - and to lesser extent in previous editions paladins don't have to be "good". They just need to possess a superhuman zeal in following a given oath. 5e gives you "oaths" now - Vengeance, Devotion, Conquest, shit like that. So, you can play a half-orc lawful evil paladin of conquest that channels Darth Vader and nobody would bat an eyelash. The problem with illithids though, is that they usually operate on a hivemind - there is no individual there. So an individual that develops conviction strong enough to become a paladin would be a stretch.

Only thing I'd recommend for sure is the free pet pal mod. It's not a mandatory trait in any way, but it prevents you from getting locked out of certain options if a beast engages in dialogue with a character that doesn't have the trait unlocked
You might want the mod that speeds up walking speed just to reduce the time it takes to travel between destinations
Do NOT install the permanent ghost vision mod for your first playthrough as it can ruin the sense of discovery and, unless the mod has been patched, breaks a specifi side quest

Pet Pal should have just been a early quest reward to your main character. It just feels like such a waste to use one of your actual rare points on it.
In the end it doesnt matter but my semi minmaxing faggot brain wont let me, so that mod is fantastic

Odinblade's Class Overhaul is so good that I think it should be a must have.
For example: steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=1499467307

Other than that: the Crafting overhaul, Elf Armor (if you don't want your tall and majestic elves to look like christmas trees) and any other aesthetic-focused mod.
And if you're feeling a bit "cheaty", there is a mod that lets you recover Source Points whenever you click on resting. But that might be too much for you.

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which act is the worst?

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is there a tldr for odinblades mods?

I'm very content with them. They add a lot to the vanilla classes, adding new skills and slightly modifying some of the old ones.

Maybe I should replay it, I guess I'll make a Lone Wolf Lohse x Sebille girlfirends adventure

I played only up to act 2 of def edition but didn't notice any real improvement.

Age of Decadence or Pathfinder: Kingmaker are better.

I played this game back at release up to like 70% ish and ended up dropping. Now even if I have the urge, I can't really get back into it because I'll be fucking lost after such a long time. At the same time, starting from 0 is a big turn off.

So basically I'm in limbo.

>Of Larian's new sequel to Baldur's Gate

wait what? we cant be that lucky.

Original Sin 2 was amazing IMO, but their narrative has always been rather cheesy, do you guys think their writers can handle to write something serious like Baldur's Gate?

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>Baldur's Gate

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Dungeons and Dragons is shit. So disappointed with Larian.

Yeah, because BG was such a serious game. To be fair, I don't see much difference in tone between BG 1 with its wacky companions and fourth wall breaks and DO:S2. I would say that DO:S 2 is actually more serious. Granted, BG2 was darker still, but even ToB had shit like Cespenar. Or the friendly beholder guarding a chest.

And if anything, Larian knows how to write a good waifu. Pic related.
In b4, fuck you, compared to the rest of the drivel we've gotten in other games like Deadfire or Andromeda, Sebille is heads and shoulders the best love interest in recent memory.

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>Went to other lands on a mission to prove himself
>Got ganked and separated from his witch, took way too many blows on his head and now mentally retarded
>While following you, on a mission that was not his own, he got captured again and watched as Dynaheir got killed
>Can't even return to his homeland because of this
His story is pretty serious desu

Forgot I even had this, I pretty much just quit when I saw there was so many options and things to miss, I kept remaking my character and starting again and then just stopped. Am I SUPPOSE to play as one of the stock characters, it feels like Im missing alot without them in my party.

And so are nearly every other story, both the main story and character substories, in other cRPGs but that sure as shit doesn't stop people from only remembering random insignificant details and labelling entire games as wacky or unserious

If there's a mod that makes it so that enemies don't magically know if you/your party members are undead even though they're clothed enough to do social interactions in towns then get that one. Always hated this shit.

>Pic related.
Does she actually get better after Fort Joy? The way she's written on the ship and in the fort reads like something someone stole directly off of some teen girls livejournal self-insert story. But I've also heard that if you get past that she basically does a big turn and becomes something other than an intolerably edgy cunt.

>I still would like BG3 to have some connection to Bhaal
Since Bhaalspawn's saga is complete, it would only make sense if 3 started with a new MC, around Baldur's Gate city, hence the title. Maybe a sequel would take the player someplace further, just like 2 did.

I love the idea of skellies being ultra conservative religious nuts.

I've tried playing through this game like 4 times but always get stuck in the 2nd act. Is it just me being retarded or are the encounters just really poorly dispersed throughout the map? I always end up running into something that ends up pushing my shit. I rage quit last time when I ran into the skelly bitch in the black pits caves.

>Is it just me being retarded or are the encounters just really poorly dispersed throughout the map?
It's the latter. Even though you're free to go more or less wherever you want you'll get your shit kicked in if you don't take the 'main' route
It's a bit of a shame t b h

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Once out of the Fort Joy, she drops the bitchy cunt attitude and actually mellows out pretty quickly. And her romance is actually quite sweet. She still has this edge to her, but it's more tongue in cheek. It's almost as if her Fort Joy persona was a some kind of first draft and she got rewritten later on, but they forgot to replace the Fort Joy portion.
Her dialogue on the ship after Fort Joy when she crowns herself the queen and makes you her knight is actually quite cute, especially if you indulge her. She actually thanks you for playing along with her.

I can’t fucking progress in this game all the fights are too bullshit

>It's almost as if her Fort Joy persona was a some kind of first draft and she got rewritten later on, but they forgot to replace the Fort Joy portion.
I wouldn't rule that possibility out, I remember Ifan being a drug addict in the beta version of the game but his character was rewritten in the final version

Don't play tactician then if you're that much of a brainlet.

It kinda sucks that pics like this need to exist. People should just explore and figure out stuff instead of following this.

Game is shit, combat is fine.
Fane is best boy.

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Use those brain cells harder user I believe in you.
The only thing that I thought was actually bullshit is enemies having innate knowledge of undead characters being undead, despite there being a mechanic to hide yourself.

That's my suspicion - because even when you first meet her on the ship during the tutorial, she behaves rather differently then during Fort Joy. She's actually polite and playful towards you. Then at Fort Joy she becomes this murderous cunt that wants to stab you for no reason and after Fort Joy she's back to polite and playful again. It's weird.

>I remember Ifan being a drug addict in the beta version of the game but his character was rewritten in the final version
There are still elements of that persona. In the final game he tells you he got arrested and sent to Fort Joy because he summoned his wolf in the Drudane den when he was high as fuck and hallucinated being attacked.

I dunno about Baldur's Gate III and Larian right now.
Fallen Heroes looks very bad from the screenshots, especially that ugly ass UI.
Anyone else worried those games are going to turn really bad?

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If you are having that much trouble you probably have shit builds. There isn't much choice of what to do once you are in combat with how few skills you have for most of the game and how long CDs are so you your skill selection before a fight is kind of what's most important.

Fallen Heroes is being developed by Logic Artists (Expeditions series), Larian is just supervising the process or some shit

man, I am in the same boat as you. I never was able to finish Div2 act 2 because of the piss poor item randomization and the horrible armor system. This game has so many great aspects, but the actual gameplay is heavily lacking on a lot of fronts.

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>It is, but I've never gotten past act 2. I'd like to think I have it in me to actually beat it.
>man, I am in the same boat as you. I never was able to finish Div2 act 2 because of the piss poor item randomization and the horrible armor system.

I am that way with Darkest Dungeon. Great game, 100 hours played, never beat it. I was halfway there, done two successful runs of the last dungeon, then I started a new run to experience the armor gathering with the DLC, and never made it to the Darkest Dungeon again.

I managed to beat it with my friend. We used that source shield regen orb a lot lol. Also we teleported the Bishop or whatever near the gate, so then 3 guards were drawn into the fight as well, so they had a lot to do with occupying the blobs.

Who do i choose for my main character? There is any difference in the story? I bought the game 2 days ago and still i don't know who i choose.

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I cant believe there are still gronards on Yea Forums

The ranger, forget his name, is a pretty safe choice has a good set of starting skills and a comparitively easy personality compared to say, the Red Prince. He meshes well with the assassin elf too during character interactions.

>In celebration? Of Larian's new sequel to Baldur's Gate
Please tell me you're joking.

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Just pick anyone, retard
why do you zoomer fucks always need advice on everything

The possessed slut

There is a difference in the story. A pretty big one.
Red Prince, Lohse and Ifan are fun as protagonists.
Sebille and Fane are IMO better as companions.
My first playthough I did was with Ifan - his story is a bit generic, but he is important in the story all the way through. He hooked up with Sebille in the end. If you don't know who to go with - go with Ifan. He's a safe choice.

Or make your own OC - but their story relevance will be much lower to be honest.

>Sebille and Fane are IMO better as companions.
Fane is better as a protag

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