Guy says he wants to make a game

>guy says he wants to make a game
>he is an ideas guy

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forgot about him

Fuck this dumb faggot

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Who's the worst member and why is it Julian?

I'm glad they're gone.

Literally the only person worse than those two was Lyle.

I hate those faggots ding dog and julian.
The guy with the nasally voice is funy, though.
I wish Oney made animations again.

le rocko's modern life haha

Zack saved the channel
Lyle was very unfunny, which is odd because I actually liked his solo content
I wish Cory was on more often to spitball bullshit

>we'll never see KH3
Sad emoji

Courage being raped was a good bit tho

How can you dislike DD and JOOOOLIAN more than Niall and Tomar?

to be fair, if that faggot yanderedev was just an "ideas guy", his shitty game would be out by now and maybe the code wouldn't be so fucking abysmal.
some people are good at designing games. systems design is a different skill from coding. being a good coder doesn't make for a good, balanced, fun game.

Yandere Dev should be a fair warning to aspiring devs on what happens when you let feature creep take over your game

Chris and Zach should be the only one talking

It should be Chris, Zach, and me, their favorite online friend :)

the chad Cory
>actually working on a game that will be finished
>has money so he doesn't relay on ripping people off on patron
>has the body of an ogre and played football in high school
>proved that he isn't gay by shoving the rod of a disk roller up his ass and didn't like it

the Virgin DD
>game will never come out
>ripped people off because he left Oney plays which was his only source of income
>so ugly that he never showed his face on camera
>is gay

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And realize that hugbox forums don't do shit to getting a game done.

nightmare cops is going to be so much better than anything wan wan could ever dream of making

ding dong deserves death

Cory is based as fuck but he's bisexual im pretty sure

what is there to dislike about Tomar and Niall, they're the straight men who aren't trying hard to be funny

Zach > Dingdong > Julian > Tomar > Matt > Mick > Arin > Ryan >>>>>>> Lyle

Niall tries to be funny and fails horrendously

Jules is above dingdong in comradery but bellow chris on jokes.

>Tomar what would you do if a little dancing creature brutally raped you beautiful fat wife Jaxi?

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He’ll probably do anything if it feels good.

>Corey fucks not one, but two transgender people

>actually working on a game that will be finished
Development started 5 years ago, the trailer came out almost a year ago, and Jeff says on stream all the time that it’s not even close to being finished. I love the sleepycabin guys but they’re in the exact same situation as Ding Dong

We can all agree that zach and cory are top tier.

Tomar and Niall are good straight men in that they'll be the passive one of the trio and just react to the crazy stuff the others say. As long as there's a zach or a cory to provide said crazy stuff, they do fine.
Lyle is terrible because he doesn't realize he's the straight man, so he tries to take over the conversation with his own 'humour'.
DD and Julian are generally fine unless they actually share a serious opinion on anything. Idk how two people can be so wrong about everything they comment on.

Zach=Cory>DD=Tomar>Julian>bad except Jeff and Waffle who's aren't really regulars ever but total fine when they are on as they barely speak haha. J and DD have had some of the best series hands down, but they can be annoying, perhaps just because we've seen so much of them and anyone can be annoying when you hear them talk that much.

>*heavy breathing* ... mama...

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and those disgusting faggot freaks don't even have to try to fail.

Isn't that literally what Amin was

They are pretty correct when it comes to the Speed racer movie.

I genuinely think Niall is a sociopath who doesn’t understand right from wrong and would brutally murder his tinder dates if he could get away with it

The warning being that you'll never need to work again because paypigs?

Crash 2 playthrough will remain the magnum opus of the channel.

Corey will stick his dick in anything. He's like an African Bullfrog.

I don't really understand the hatred for DingDong and Julian as of now.
I'll defend him and say that he's really mellowed out since he's left shithole California. Also their games look fine from what we've seen. It's very little, but I think it looks promising. It might take a while but I really like what has been shown with Trigger Treat especially. My kind of artstyle. I think Julian is a really good artist.
I was really bitter how both of them acted near the end of their departure on OneyPlays, but I'm glad how they've seem to improved their attitudes since then.
At least we have a gameplay trailer. If it has a good bit of content I may end up really loving that game.

in before chris releases his game before either Nightmare Cops or TB

I hear him talk about his game all the time but I still have no idea what his plans are for it.

I mean if I had the choice, I'd rather be an idea guy like Kojima/Todd, but you have to work your way up there.

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Nice thread about videogame fellas, real quality stuff here, its like I'm really on reddit

what ever happend to trigger treat? i remember they were aiming for a 2017 Halloween release date

It's almost like nightmare cops is a way bigger game with hand drawn animation and Chris's isn't. Don't get me wrong I'm excited for chris's game too but I'm pretty sure he said himself he wanted it to be a game that would be fun for speedrun replays that people could get creative with how they approach the levels and shit like that.

yeah I agree, just talking shit haha. From even what we've seen just from Jeff posting on twitter and the like, NmC is gonna have a fuck ton of animation attention to detail, etc.

They decided to focus on Bippy instead which I'm fine with. I think Trigger Treat has more potentional being a game that I really enjoy (in the same vein as Nuclear Throne) but I like what they're doing with Bippy as well. I think they also said that they didn't like the progress being made on the game so they either decided to scrap things or just straight up move on til a later date. I know they've said that it was tough developing while living in Cali.
I've caught a few DingDong streams recently and he stated that he and Julian are basically good to go in terms financially and productivity. I guess we'll see how they stick to their word, but I'll give them another chance.

Cory's "girl"friend is a tranny in case you didn't know. Still based af tho.

People don't make fun of ideaguys because they don't do any work, they make fun of them because their ideas are retarded and unfeasible almost every time because they have no idea what its like actually making a game.

There is nothing wrong with just having good ideas and getting other people to do the grunt work, the problem is when the idea is retarded and couldn't possibly work because the ideasguy has no idea how to design an actual game.

>Lyle was very unfunny, which is odd because I actually liked his solo content
I've heard it described as Lyle being better at scripted humor rather than improv and spontaneous humor

reminder that its not gay unless you take it up the ass

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>paul from continue
okay what the frick

why doesn't jon hang out with people who bring out the best in him anymore? He's always at his funniest with others like the sleepcabin mob/old grumps before it was obvious that arin is bitch made

All gone. He still loves in New York, doesn't he?

E-celebs are not video games.

they're game devs user

Bippy, Nighmare Cops, and Bowlbo are tho :)

Everyone moved to california. Jon has said before that he'd rather die than have to live in LA, so if anyone wants to hang out with him, he'd have to be visiting.

>I want to make a game
>I am a programmer and spend my time making retarded things that are not games

zach makes me cackle with laughter like no other

>Tomar what would you do if your wife of 12 years was shot dead by an army of skeleton archers and died in your arms?

Is that the adult chocolate milk? FRom the Jontron episode of 'continue?' that is.

fuckin Zach over there will his cemented nose and beautifully gaping holes. i have heard tales of his dark doings and let me tell you...
better watch out, sweety.

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>"That looks like my fucking ass! But for real, this game is a classic!"
Zach is the type of guy who is aways giving 100% to make people around him laugh. Reminder that he refused to operate his nose because he loves his stupid voice just the way it is

Johnnyutah basically said in recent stream that Jon is a fucking weirdo and has issues but wouldn’t elaborate, even though he’s never afraid to talk shit on people

he's barely a programmer at that, should have let the guys who knew how to program work on the game instead of firing them

lmao did Jeff ever actually like Jon though? But fair enough, I respect not wanting to get involved in any unnecessarily drama and just not elaborating on shit.

There are rumors that Jon's family is absurdly rich and he grew up sheltered from the real world. Which would explaim a lot

somebody post the jontron onion pic

>Reminder that he refused to operate his nose because he loves his stupid voice just the way it is
that voice is a gift to humanity and if you're honestly telling me you would get an operation if you had it then quite frankly i feel sad for you. not able to appreciate the downsides life can give you and work it to your advantage. you are actually the shittiest type of person. weak, and petty, and unable to cope with the slightest little bit of negativity coming along to add a bit of spice to your nothing life. oh boo hoo things aren't perfect, let me take some pain killers, or pay the problem to go away, or huddle in my cuddle corner for a few hours and reassure myself that everything's gonna be okay and that i'm a good person. well you're not a good person. none of us are, and the sooner we all come to terms with that the better off we'll all be

god it really would hey. I could easily believe that

I think so, but in context it seemed like he thought Jon was a white supremacist because of that Destiny debate. He didn’t say that though.

you mean this one?

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>Tomar what would you do if the skeleton of your beautiful wife Jaxi became animated, clawed it's way out of her body, eviscerating her and killing her in the process, shrieked loudly, and then ran at you to try and tear out your skeleton as well to do the same?


>unironically watching Let's Players in 2019
Kill yourselves you underage mongoloids